Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
U know libs and the left isn’t the same thing ?
It’s probably too much for you to distinguish the two tho ….
Sorry for believing what Tiger said. Tiger covered a bunch of Presidents and had no issue saying Clinton was creative with his score.
I did see Trump drive his cart over a green which I thought was bad
Amazing you know how good he is . Have you played a round with him ? Tiger has
meh with the right tires golf maintenance drives on the greens when top dressing. Bad look but isn't a big deal when 1 cart with the right tires does it.
The course I work at also have handicap solo rider carts that can go on the green if it is dry.
No. President Trump was the one fighting to re-open the country against all the liberal governors who wanted to keep it closed.
Trump wanted a 10 day pause to stop the spread of a disease. The democratic governors are the ones who fought him to keep it for closed much longer.
You can try to spin it however you like, but the fact remains that the Trump administration got the ball rolling. If he hadn't called for things to shut down to begin with, things likely would have turned out very differently.
He started the expectation that people could sit home and expect free money to be sent to them. It's tough to stop that from continuing after people got used to it.
I agree with you that A isn't really influencing an election since there was exactly 0% to change the outcome of an election, but many dems think there was a "serious risk" of a few 100 people going inside a building will end the country as we know it.
The people that believe this nonsense aren't just the people walking around with tin foil hats - there are some people who you would believe are totally normal until you bring up trump and then all of a sudden it takes a few hundred unarmed people
I'm not sure it would have "ended the country as we know it", but I think things would have gone much worse if Mike Pence had done what Trump wanted him to do, and rioters entering the Capitol would have given him a good excuse for not certifying things.
All these people in the intelligence community were serving in the Trump administration, so it always seems very silly to say they were scheming to prevent his reelection.
If it is true, that only shows his incompetence in taking down the 'deep state' that he had promised to do.
Coupled with his version that the Democrats masterminded the BLM riots where millions of people were killed, there is no point of trying to have any rational conversation with him about the "Jan 6th patriot tour of the capital building."
When did I say dems masterminded the blm riots? I just said many dems supported them and not many repubs did.
Where did I say millions of people were killed during the blm riots?
When did I say 1/6 was a tour of the capital?
Hint: I didn’t say any of these things.
The best one is Clinton being responsible 8 years later he left office of the gfc in 2008 .
I never said Clinton is 100% to blame for 2008, but I have said (and still support the idea) that Clinton is more to blame for 2008 than any other president. He approved a law requiring banks to lower standards for giving mortgages to people and the main reason 2008 happened is because too many people owned homes that didn’t have the income to support the size of their mortgage.
When you create a law such as this you have to realize the chance of a 2008 type of event happening within 6 months to a year of it passing is near 0%. It takes years for a bubble to burst in many cases.
Literally all Mickey cares about is that some people who, if they ever met him, would consider him a pissant not worthy of shining their boots get a tax cut.
I don’t care what someone I don’t know thinks about me.
I want tax cuts because I think they are good for the economy, the poor, the middle class and the rich long-term.
You can try to spin it however you like, but the fact remains that the Trump administration got the ball rolling. If he hadn't called for things to shut down to begin with, things likely would have turned out very differently.
He started the expectation that people could sit home and expect free money to be sent to them. It's tough to stop that from continuing after people got used to it.
This has been repeated over and over again ITT and I don’t think you are going to get any takers anymore on this. Nobody believes you are stupid enough to believe it was trump leading the way on trying to shut the economy down for as long as it was. Find something else to troll about that is a bit more believable.
With Easter coming up, Donnie's obviously not going to pass up on the chance to make a shameless quick buck!
Amusing article from The Independent: Trump takes on unlikely new role for Eas...
This has been repeated over and over again ITT and I don’t think you are going to get any takers anymore on this. Nobody believes you are stupid enough to believe it was trump leading the way on trying to shut the economy down for as long as it was. Find something else to troll about that is a bit more believable.
No, I did not say he was leading the way on shutting the economy down as long as it was. Obviously after he was out of office he was no longer leading the way.
Funny how you just went out of your way to say people accused you of saying things you did not, then in the very next post you deliberately misstate my position.
No, I did not say he was leading the way on shutting the economy down as long as it was. Obviously after he was out of office he was no longer leading the way.
Funny how you just went out of your way to say people accused you of saying things you did not, then in the very next post you deliberately misstate my position.
chill Rob can you list the actual EO , or actions by federal agencies, that closed significant portions of the economy under the Trump admin in 2020? thx
Does Trump really appear to be an outlier for athleticism, physical fitness or health to you?
even if severely overweight, he does appear to be far more energetic than most people his age at least when talking yes, like that's not even close? I think that might be easily linked with him having being a non smoking tee to taler all his life afaik (which is one of the most disturbing aspects regarding him paradoxically at least for me, but i am Italian so I don't trust men who never drink, what are they hiding?) , which i think is extremely rare for a 77y old man (might become more common in the future).
You can try to spin it however you like, but the fact remains that the Trump administration got the ball rolling. If he hadn't called for things to shut down to begin with, things likely would have turned out very differently.
He started the expectation that people could sit home and expect free money to be sent to them. It's tough to stop that from continuing after people got used to it.
Chilrob the free money to stay at home was decided by Congress almost unanimously.
POTUS never locked down anything domestically because that's not a power POTUS had.
every lockdown, every stay at home, every business closure in the USA was a local decision.
maybe you are confusing with other governments of other countries
even if severely overweight, he does appear to be far more energetic than most people his age at least when talking yes, like that's not even close? I think that might be easily linked with him having being a non smoking tee to taler all his life afaik (which is one of the most disturbing aspects regarding him paradoxically at least for me, but i am Italian so I don't trust men who never drink, what are they hiding?) , which i think is extremely rare for a 77y old man (might become more common i
This is for sure.
At my dads 60th i remember so many of his old friends looked AWFUL in comparison to him and some of my friends dad's.
Lives of binge drinking, or manual labour, or excessive stress were all blamed.
And that was at 60.
Trumps clearly incredibly old n at risk of illness more than Barack was and his mental capacities are undeniably in decline. But hes in great shape for his age
No, but I can tell you that I saw him on TV saying things should shut down. Do you think that had no influence on anything?
We can provenly say it didn't.
If Trump had any influence on shutting down, being extremely divisive and deeply hated by democrats, who 24/7 criticized him about everything for his whole presidency, that would have led to republican controlled states shutting down more and for longer than democrat controlled states obviously.
Given it was the literal opposite, we can claim with absolute certainty that Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the *LOCAL* decisions (it was, i repeat, all local) to shut down the economy and life in general, their width, their length.
Trump was responsible for the extreme reduction of crossborder travel because of covid and that's about it.
Yep, after he called for it. He even made sure his name was on the checks, because he wanted credit for it. But now you don't think I should give him credit for it?
Not "now", you shouldn't credit a part of government for what other parts of government do, both for what you consider good decisions, and bad decisions. At most you can credit Trump for not having vetoed that money (which wouldn't have mattered as the act had veto proof majorities behind it).
I understand americans of both parties have this extreme bias according to which potus (which is fairly powerful) is considered omnipotent and responsible for most political events in the nation, but he isn't.
Potus doesn't have the power to spend taxpayers money according to his will, potus doesn't have the power to lockdown domestically.
And your (american) bias is so extreme, you even think the same applies to other countries, like when american media claimed "Bolsonaro didn't lockdown brasil", and in brasil , like in the USA, bolsonaro had no power to lockdown almost anything, and most brazilian states did lockdown.
This has been repeated over and over again ITT and I don’t think you are going to get any takers anymore on this. Nobody believes you are stupid enough to believe [insert Trump issue here].
Find something else to troll about that is a bit more believable.
If only you would practice what you preach. You are just like joe6pack.
even if severely overweight, he does appear to be far more energetic than most people his age at least when talking yes, like that's not even close? I think that might be easily linked with him having being a non smoking tee to taler all his life afaik (which is one of the most disturbing aspects regarding him paradoxically at least for me, but i am Italian so I don't trust men who never drink, what are they hiding?) , which i think is extremely rare for a 77y old man (might become more common i
So "more energetic than most people his age when talking" equals athletic outlier that plays golf at top level?
So "more energetic than most people his age when talking" equals athletic outlier that plays golf at top level?
no, but might equate "significantly better than the average 77y old man who plays golf at least once per year".
I already accepted the explanation about why his bragging about being a champion is almost certainly a lie.
It would probably save a lot of time to operate on the principle that everything Trump says is a lie until proven true rather than vice versa.
Ah, the good old "Trump lies, so what, they all do" defense, completely ignoring the fact that Trump is a compulsive liar who lies about literally everything. But, but, this other guy lied once, so they're basically the same, right?