Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Ah, the good old "Trump lies, so what, they all do" defense, completely ignoring the fact that Trump is a compulsive liar who lies about literally everything. But, but, this other guy lied once, so they're basically the same, right?
No I would agree Trump lies more than any other politician . Remember I live in Canada were our leader lies on a continuous basis. Its not a defense I would love to see the presidential debate with both candidates hooked up to lie detectors . Than we allow Fox to ask Biden Questions and CNN ask Trump questions .
Also the statement Trump lies about everything is not accurate as well
It's generally just a mistake to think truth or falsity has much to do with politcians say.
With the worst like trump (or boris) they say what suits them. Truth/falsity is largely incidental so assuming truth or falsity is usually a silly mistake. The truthfulness of their statements is mostly related to how much they perceve they will be punished if what they say isn't true.
no, but might equate "significantly better than the average 77y old man who plays golf at least once per year".
I already accepted the explanation about why his bragging about being a champion is almost certainly a lie.
He is among the best golfers at 77.
You're right. He is also the best presidential golfer ever imo. At least recent presidents and that worldwide.
No, but I can tell you that I saw him on TV saying things should shut down. Do you think that had no influence on anything?
Aha, that's awesome. Chillrob representing the ignorance of at least half the thread, or people, dems in general.
No trump admin didn't get the ball rolling. They were just the admin in charge at the time of the start.
And the they got replaced by the covid admin/ rescue Biden and covid czar fauci.
What followed was reign of TYRANNY and ****ups. Where the dems played crooked bc they were in bed with the pharmas and the repubs trying to stay rational.
And from there it went all downhill, fast.
Actually trump can break 80 according to mcllroy who played with him.
Most pros put him the 80-90 range. That was 7 years ago.
Actually trump can break 80 according to mcllroy who played with him.
Most pros put him the 80-90 range. That was 7 years ago.
LOL no. Just no. Trump hasn't shot a legit 79 or less on a legit course in decades. And I'd say the same thing about any other fat, out of shape, slob of a 77 year old man regardless of his politics. Breaking 80 is really freaking hard.
All you have to do is see him swing one time.
LOL no. Just no. Trump hasn't shot a legit 79 or less on a legit course in decades. And I'd say the same thing about any other fat, out of shape, slob of a 77 year old man regardless of his politics. Breaking 80 is really freaking hard.
I just told you he can. ask Mcllroy, or anyone who played with him.
you guys are toally lol. like always... lmao
you dont know jackshit do you? did you know mara lago is actually a golf resort? did you know trump owns 17 golf courses? did you know he can break 80? did you know he is a total golf nut? no you did not. lmao
My father-in-law routinely shoots below 80 and he's 81. I can attest to it because I've played with him.
Of course, this includes at least one subtle ball kick per hole, a couple of hand placements of the ball on a high spot of grass, at least 2 mulligans, forgetting that he lost one in the woods, and a pickup any time he's less than 5' from the hole. Oh, yeah, and all that from the yellow tees.
So, yeah. Trump probably does shoot low 80s.
Just like everything else with Trump, all he would have to do is play in public with the cameras on to settle this.
Because Rory wouldn't just say that to be polite to POTUS, right? Do you think he'd really go out of his way to tell the world just how bad of a golfer Trump is and how much he cheats? Come on man. We've seen him golf. He may be a "fine" golfer for a 77 year old dude. Or even slightly above average. But in no world other than his own and the MAGAtsphere is he a good golfer capable of winning a single club championship, much less several.
but, but, but RORY SAID IT!!!!
if you expect an over 70 year old to play completely by the rules you are out of touch imo. they cant take the shots from the bunkers, waters, etc. its too steep of whatever for them. theyd break a leg trying to do so.
Because Rory wouldn't just say that to be polite to POTUS, right? Do you think he'd really go out of his way to tell the world just how bad of a golfer Trump is and how much he cheats? Come on man. We've seen him golf. He may be a "fine" golfer for a 77 year old dude. Or even slightly above average. But in no world other than his own and the MAGAtsphere is he a good golfer capable of winning a single club championship, much less several.
you took the one thing trump is actually good at, objectively, and tried to spin it to your narrative. you are trying to smear the man, with lies, again. carry on...
if you expect an over 70 year old to play completely by the rules you are out of touch imo. they cant take the shots from the bunkers, waters, etc. its too steep of whatever for them. theyd break a leg trying to do so.
So now we've settled on "he can score well as long as he cheats"? Ok, I'll agree with you on that one. Let's also add "he can break 80...on the front", or "he can break 80...on a par 3 course".
Because Rory wouldn't just say that to be polite to POTUS, right? Do you think he'd really go out of his way to tell the world just how bad of a golfer Trump is and how much he cheats? Come on man. We've seen him golf. He may be a "fine" golfer for a 77 year old dude. Or even slightly above average. But in no world other than his own and the MAGAtsphere is he a good golfer capable of winning a single club championship, much less several.
yeah yeah that argument again. lol
come on man!
So now we've settled on "he can score well as long as he cheats"? Ok, I'll agree with you on that one. Let's also add "he can break 80...on the front", or "he can break 80...on a par 3 course".
no, but dont expect he plays every ball from the bunker etc. if he doesnt land in an obstacle hes fine. and will most likely beat you, at 77. lmao
Because Rory wouldn't just say that to be polite to POTUS, right? Do you think he'd really go out of his way to tell the world just how bad of a golfer Trump is and how much he cheats? Come on man. We've seen him golf. He may be a "fine" golfer for a 77 year old dude. Or even slightly above average. But in no world other than his own and the MAGAtsphere is he a good golfer capable of winning a single club championship, much less several.
you took the one thing trump is actually good at, objectively, and tried to spin it to your narrative. you are trying to smear the man, with lies, again. carry on...
You missed the bolded. I gave him his flowers.
yeah ok, but not good enough.
hes the best golfer who has ever set foot on a golf course at age 78.
nobody can drive the ball longer than him at age 78.