Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
So, I'm not following, are the very fine people on that poster, or are they other fine people who just saw that poster and decided to show up? Can you clarify once and for all for us who the very fine people on the right are?
I'm as confused as this guy:

So, I'm not following, are the very fine people on that poster, or are they other fine people who just saw that poster and decided to show up? Can you clarify once and for all for us who the very fine people on the right are?
The people who protested against the removal of the statue peacefully and didn't explicitly endorse any violence are the fine people, is that hard?
same as you can claim the people protesting peacefully for BLM are fine, while the violent rioters among them are criminals , that's not complicated.
But yeah, I agree in general that taking what Trump says at face value is a pointless endeavour, as even when he is not lying or trying to lie, he is too ****ing re/tarded to string together a coherent sentence.
The people who protested against the removal of the statue peacefully and didn't explicitly endorse any violence are the fine people, is that hard?
same as you can claim the people protesting peacefully for BLM are fine, while the violent rioters among them are criminals , that's not complicated.
I see. Can we see the poster that invited them to the event? I've seen only the one for the other fine people.
There was the attempt to murder kavanaugh, which failed as well because of law enforcement.
Failed because of law enforcement? Lol, you are such a bootlicker. He called 911 on himself.
Ah, good point. Let's see if we can have Luciom dig up that time Trump clarified that there were fine people on both sides of these incidents.
A little help, Luciom? I'm sure it was important to Trump to clarify this right?

Including them would be rather prejudicial to this particular defendant.
Although I don't think that "this juror is either familiar with the defendant or has a shred of morality" is grounds to strike for cause (as conservatives would like it to be), but I am sure Rococo can confirm. Maybe if his lawyers want a jury pool with no prior knowledge of what an all round **** he is, they could move to change the venue to Mars or something.
I assume that you don't think any of these incidents are examples of right-wing political violence.
It's pretty pointless trying to present any data or evidence to these guys. We have hard data that 90% of domestic terrorism in the U.S. is right-wing extremism. And it doesn't matter... they will convince themselves those people are really left wing. Our own government, and tons of independent research has been done on this, but they will believe whatever they want.
From the ADL:
All the extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, who typically commit most such killings each year but only occasionally are responsible for all (the last time this occurred was 2012). Left-wing extremists engage in violence ranging from assaults to fire-bombings and arsons, but since the late 1980s have not often targeted people with deadly violence. The same cannot be said for domestic Islamist extremists, but deadly incidents linked to Islamist extremism have decreased significantly in the U.S. over the past five years.
White supremacists commit the greatest number of domestic extremist-related murders in most years, but in 2022 the percentage was unusually high: 21 of the 25 murders were linked to white supremacists. Again, this is primarily due to mass shootings. Only one of the murders was committed by a right-wing anti-government extremist—the lowest number since 2017.

Sometimes when someone tells you something you just gotta believe them
It's pretty pointless trying to present any data or evidence to these guys. We have hard data that 90% of domestic terrorism in the U.S. is right-wing extremism. And it doesn't matter... they will convince themselves those people are really left wing. Our own government, and tons of independent research has been done on this, but they will believe whatever they want.
From the ADL:
All the extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, who typically comm
We don't need your fancy "facts" and "logic" round here, sonny.
please,not the numbers!!!!!!!!!!
You guys must be BLM people.
Only leftists commit political violence, therefore if political violence is being committed, the people committing it are leftists. Alternatively, if rightists are committing something, it is not political violence. This is how you logic, kids. Flawless victory.
What’s absurd (but completely believable) is how lazy the MAGA whataboutism has become. If you think, for example, 1/6 was justified and/or overblown I’d be incredibly curious what your basis is. Unless that basis is ‘well the left did a BLM and this is the same thing’ in which case save your breath cuz you’re just a mouthbreathing ****ing idiot
The bizarre thing is it doesn't even matter. Even if that's true, WE WANT THE PEOPLE BREAKING THE LAW TO BE PUNISHED APPROPRIATELY IN THAT CASE, TOO. There isn't a single person among us that would say don't prosecute people that literally burned a building down because J6th happened or some dunce cap crap like that.
I mean, it's not like right wing nut jobs are known for their love of stockpiling guns or shooting **** up or anything. That's just an unfair stereotype. Let's talk about what matters here, BLM smashing some windows. The key distinction here, at least per our resident RWNJ, is clearly not the level of violence, but the size of the group.
It’s because what the Maga crowd don’t tell you is those blm smashing windows were actually FBI undercover agent , working for trump, trying to discredit the left and its “righteous” right to manifest :p
Did i get this about right ?
Why don’t we use some of their talking points and show them how dumb they sound ?
Maybe they will get it that way …
Laptop laptop laptop .