Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14138 Replies


by jalfrezi k

Smaller class sizes and upper middle class white parents not wanting their kids to mix with black kids.

The ol' "I disagree with it so there is racism somewhere close by".

What percent of parents that send their kids to private schools do so because they are racist? And what % of them do so because they want their kids to have a better education?

by bahbahmickey k

Just to be clear, your argument is that dems were (as in previously) obsessed with trans to the point that they passed laws regarding them and repubs are (as in currently) obsessed with trans because they want to undo those laws?

Because you want to undo transgenic mice? yeah.

by bahbahmickey k

Just to be clear, your argument is that dems were (as in previously) obsessed with trans to the point that they passed laws regarding them and repubs are (as in currently) obsessed with trans because they want to undo those laws?

My argument is that Republicans have always been obsessed with oppressing trans people and Dems reacted with class protections.

Like, Republicans EO'd trans people out of existence and my stance is "Trans people should be allowed to exist" and to Republicans that makes me the wokest most pro trans mind virus infected individual imaginable.

Want to know a secret? I'm generally offput by trans people, but I realize thats a me thing and it doesn't stand in the way of my knowing that they should be able to exist.

Thats the level of dissonance we are dealing with here. Its legitimately insane

Is this the biggest moron in history?

by bahbahmickey k

The ol' "I disagree with it so there is racism somewhere close by".

What percent of parents that send their kids to private schools do so because they are racist? And what % of them do so because they want their kids to have a better education?

They all want their kids to have a "better education" (we can argue separately about what really makes one education better than another).

Some significant % have a mental image of the kind of classes they want their kids in and for them that is predominantly white and middle class. Racism exists subliminally as well as overtly.

by coordi k

THE PARTY THAT WE VOTE FOR actually snubbed campaigning on the trans issue

THE PARTY THAT YOU VOTE FOR took out anti-trans campaign adds during football games

My assumption is that if you look at this forum ever since the trans thread was closed Republicans are bringing up trans out of nowhere something to the tune of 10/1

Yall bring it up daily unprovoked and when something like that goes on for 4 months its definitely an obsession

Lol your tribe pushed that topic as violently as possible into the mainstream for more than a decade, when the only rational way to deal with it would have been to completely disregard it as totally irrelevant for all purposes and never legislate a single line of anything about trans people at all.

It is not an obsession to ask and obtain to go back to when we didn't give a **** at all regulation wise and legislation wise to the issue.

But as long as a single 16y with a dick is playing in any girl division anywhere in the west, or any minor has access to puberty blockers hormones and so on for "trans care", or any person with a dick is put into women prison, it's absolutely rational to insist to remove all of that in every civilized country and not an obsession .

And you guys still deny it's horrific, monstrous, completly absurd, totally unacceptable , to put people with dicks in the same cell as people with vagina.

It's not an obsession to push the topic until you admit you always knew it was a complete indefensible moral failure to do that and you admit you were ****ing wrong completely and unforgivably on the issue.

by microbet k

Is this the biggest moron in history?

Watching this clip really highlights the stupidity. How would you know if you had "made" a mouse transgender? As far as I know, we are still unable to talk to mice about gender identity.

by jalfrezi k

They all want their kids to have a "better education" (we can argue separately about what really makes one education better than another).

Some significant % have a mental image of the kind of classes they want their kids in and for them that is predominantly white and middle class. Racism exists subliminally as well as overtly.

Or they just use objective measurements of performance which aren't racism, just reality.

And if it was about racism those schools wouldn't be full of Asians (which, you know, aren't white or white passing at all).

by coordi k

Want to know a secret? I'm generally offput by trans people, but I realize thats a me thing and it doesn't stand in the way of my knowing that they should be able to exist.

Thats the level of dissonance we are dealing with here. Its legitimately insane

i don't think people are arguing against their existence. sure, a small subset is, but that's not the issue most people have.

it's as simple as don't let men compete in women's sports and don't cut off penises of minors.

and if you want to let men compete in women's sports, why do we even have men's and women's sports? why not just combine them into 1 discipline.

by Luciom k

Or they just use objective measurements of performance which aren't racism, just reality.

Yea Luciom, or they don't only use that.

by BGnight k

"Emilia Pérez"...I'll leave it at that.

Still haven't seen that movie, not really into musicals personally.

Let me clear a few things up for you, because you seem pretty confused (and that isn't a hint, honestly).

The trans issue as a whole, is a workshopped, think-tank designed, political wedge issue by the right. You can google what I'm about to say. When think tanks realized that gay rights issues weren't polarizing enough anymore, they switched to trans rights issues. Except, those didn't initially poll well either. It wasn't until they hit on the idea of trans women, competing in women's sports that this issue took off w/ right-wing voters, because there was a perceived injustice that could be justified.

The right knew they could exploit this issue because the left in America is accepting and protecting of marginalized groups. People on the left, at least this is what I was taught at an early age, but apparently many in here weren't, is that you don't need to agree with how someone lives their lives, you just have to not punch down on them.

It's pretty easy to do if you give it a little thought.

To wrap this up though, the left generally is about acceptance first, and can often overlook other more nuanced issues, like trans women in women's sports. The polling is coming around on this though. No group is going to get everything right the first time.

But the obsession you feel about this issue is because you've been manipulated into this position. Unless you just had some previous obsession with trans people, then, whatever... to each his own.

by housenuts k

i don't think people are arguing against their existence.

You are incorrect.

by housenuts k

sure, a small subset is, but that's not the issue most people have.

Far more than "a small subset."

by housenuts k

it's as simple as don't let men compete in women's sports and don't cut off penises of minors.

The former is an extremely minor problem that most people agree needs to be addressed, but the latter is laughable. Do you think that is happening? Cisgender minors and adults have substantially higher utilization of analogous gender-affirming surgeries than their transgender counterparts. So why focus on the transgender side of that? In the rare cases it does happen, it's been repeatedly demonstrated to be life-saving in mitigating negative mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety, suicide). How about we let doctors doctor and families to decide?

Feel free to cite an example of a "minor having their penis cut off" though.

I really never thought much about transgender until it became the hot topic. I worked with a trans way back in the early 80s. Literally nobody gave a **** one way or the other.

I will say I oppose male-to-female competing in women's sports. Doesn't seem at all fair to me.

I have no clue how many minor's penises get cut off. My suspicion is it's extremely rare and not worth putting a lying sack of **** in the white house.

And still crickets from lozen babah bg and the crew about what that mice has to do with this at all (which is how this whole discussion appeared)

by weeeez k

And still crickets from lozen babah bg and the crew about what that mice has to do with this at all (which is how this whole discussion appeared)

They are busy tracking down all those immigrants eating cats.

by housenuts k

it's as simple as don't let men compete in women's sports

Once you reach a certain level of competition, I'm sympathetic to the idea that a transgender athlete could have an unfair advantage in women's sports. If we want to have rules at the higher levels of sports to address that issue, that's seems reasonable to me.

But the idea that women's sports are being flooded with trangender athletes is a right-wing fever dream. I have a daughter who has played on a travel team at a relatively intense level for close to a decade. In that time, I probably have seen her play against more than a thousand different players. But I've never seen her play against a single player who I remotely suspected was transgender. I have zero concern that any opportunities she might have to play in college will be usurped by a transgender athlete. I have zero concern that she will have a higher risk of injury as a result of playing against transgender athletes.

by housenuts k

i don't think people are arguing against their existence. sure, a small subset is, but that's not the issue most people have.

it's as simple as don't let men compete in women's sports and don't cut off penises of minors.

and if you want to let men compete in women's sports, why do we even have men's and women's sports? why not just combine them into 1 discipline.

Of the 500,000 NCAA athletes, there were less than 10 known transgender athletes as of February 2025

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals under the age of 12 is 0

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 13-15 is about 20

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 16-17 is about 70

The mass majority of those surgeries don't involve chopping off a penis or turning a vagina inside out.

You have literally zero insight into what went into leading those individuals to surgery and to claim that zero of them have merrit is kind of insane.

Should millions upon millions of people be this concerned about .000001% of the population getting edge case medical care?

by coordi k

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 13-15 is about 20

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 16-17 is about 70

Almost all of those are on cisgendered people. A lot of them are males getting breast reductions, for instance.

by coordi k

Of the 500,000 NCAA athletes, there were less than 10 known transgender athletes as of February 2025

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals under the age of 12 is 0

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 13-15 is about 20

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 16-17 is about 70

The mass majority of those surgeries don't involve chopping off a penis or turning a

Maaaaaybe, just maybe they are being played.

The obvious question then should be.... why? If said group has a brilliant set of political plans that will help the planet, business and the working class... why work this hard to manipulate your voting base on really what is a non-issue and doesn't really affect anyone's life in a meaningful way?

Trans people should be a none issue. They exist and their healthcare decisions should be made between them and the best available medical professionals using whatever the consensus standard of care is among those professionals.

Trans people should be allowed to play sports. How is a nuanced question because obviously we have seen some examples of unfair competition (a ****ing handful, you single issue voting losers). Sports organizations should tackle these on a case-by-case basis. Yes some "left" people will be upset by some of those decisions but competition organizers and participants have the right to determine boundaries that make sense for them.

The right absolutely creates the constant trans trumpeting. It is literally one of their leading issues. Trump was even parading on it in front of congress last night while the world burns around him. Migrants and trans are literally the rights 2 constant talking points. The left's narrative is stop dunking on these vulnerable people who deserve the right to exist and nuanced policy making that figures out how to accommodate them.

Trans people participating in sports is what...the 237th most important policy question facing America right now and yet it is the constant talking point of the right because "culture war".

by coordi k

Of the 500,000 NCAA athletes, there were less than 10 known transgender athletes as of February 2025

and have you seen the devastated faces of the hundreds of girls that have to compete against them and get demolished, and share changerooms with them?

if it's only 10, maybe chalk it up as a nothingburger and don't fight so hard and take ridiculous positions to 'protect' 10 people. maybe protect the hundreds of people?

by biggerboat k

I have no clue how many minor's penises get cut off. My suspicion is it's extremely rare and not worth putting a lying sack of **** in the white house.

Nobody knows, but one side decided to draw a line at saying it's probably a bad idea to allow it.

Prominent dems could've just come right out and made it abundantly clear that they're not going to support mutilating minors who cannot consent, and men beating up women in sports. Instead, the most visible one of them all tried to straddle the fence going into the election.

"Do you think we should be paying for sex changes for illegal immigrants currently in federal custody using taxpayer dollars?"

"I'm going to follow the law."

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"I'm going to follow the law."

Nailed it! Well done, champ.

Lefties are out there with the, "This is a complete non-issue. It affects maybe four athletes across the entire planet" take like that's somehow better than, "Why would you pick this hill to die on? It affects maybe four athletes across the entire planet, but makes you look like a moron for endorsing it."

Just two sides, talking past each other. Unfortunately for the democrats, this time common sense was very, very clearly on the side of the people who aren't cool with men beating up women, so they suffered political consequences perhaps larger than were justified.

It seems many rank and file have got the hint, but we won't know for sure if the leadership has learned their lesson until midterms.

Stop pandering to what you guys claim is an extremely tiny minority of the country. What is the alphabet mafia going to do if you don't kiss their collective asses at every opportunity, vote red?

by housenuts k

and have you seen the devastated faces of the hundreds of girls that have to compete against them and get demolished, and share changerooms with them?

if it's only 10, maybe chalk it up as a nothingburger and don't fight so hard and take ridiculous positions to 'protect' 10 people. maybe protect the hundreds of people?

Can you name the people in this thread that are "fighting so hard and taking this ridiculous position?" We are literally making the point that this is a nothingburger. Conservatives are making it their entire platform. I'm glad you now agree that that's ridiculous.

by housenuts k

and have you seen the devastated faces of the hundreds of girls that have to compete against them and get demolished, and share changerooms with them?

if it's only 10, maybe chalk it up as a nothingburger and don't fight so hard and take ridiculous positions to 'protect' 10 people. maybe protect the hundreds of people?

and the policy response is to legislate against access to healthcare for trans people and denying the existence of trans people (see congressional speech, there are only 2 sexes laws, people are born beautiful they way they are as god intended spouted by a bunch of fake tans with plastic surgery)

But way to infantalize women and virtue signal white knight.

by weeeez k

And still crickets from lozen babah bg and the crew about what that mice has to do with this at all (which is how this whole discussion appeared)

It'd be one thing for one of them to admit that they made a mistake and got carried away. They probably wouldn't do it, but still, wouldn't be that big a deal. But their moron cult leader and all the morons around him who were involved in preparing that speech coming up with that, not catching it, and delivering it in the SofU address? That's got to be hard to face.

by coordi k

Of the 500,000 NCAA athletes, there were less than 10 known transgender athletes as of February 2025

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals under the age of 12 is 0

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 13-15 is about 20

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 16-17 is about 70

The mass majority of those surgeries don't involve chopping off a penis or turning a

These cult members are such pawns that it almost makes you feel sorry for them.
