Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14159 Replies


by Inso0 k

Ask your wife to arm wrestle.

Give it 100% and see if you can tear a few ligaments, and then accuse her of flopping and being a baby.

There is literally nowhere in the entire country that will let trans athletes compete without being on hormone therapy for at least a year

How about you take estrogen for a year and tell us what happens and then we can circle back on this topic

You guys know what the first Nazi book burning was about right?

by coordi k

Of the 500,000 NCAA athletes, there were less than 10 known transgender athletes as of February 2025

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals under the age of 12 is 0

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 13-15 is about 20

The average number of gender affirming surgeries per year on individuals between the age of 16-17 is about 70

The mass majority of those surgeries don't involve chopping off a penis or turning a

source for the bold? it was more than one order of magnitude more for the USA in the data I saw (admittedly, it was mostly girls having their breasts mutilated).

by coordi k

There is literally nowhere in the entire country that will let trans athletes compete without being on hormone therapy for at least a year

How about you take estrogen for a year and tell us what happens and then we can circle back on this topic

Polling on this issue has been moving quickly. Even Newsom is saying the party went too far left on this issue:

As complex as biology and sex is, it's just odd that everyone in here thinks people on the left should have 100% nailed this issue on the first go-around.

But then again... I guess I'm speaking to people who see things in very black and white terms.

I can tell you first hand, I didn't have any friends or family on the left that agreed trans women in women sports was ok. I still hold this was a covid moment, where people spent too much time virtue signal scrolling, and not fully thinking things through.

by formula72 k

For some reason, you often tell a person to explain to us when you ask them something - and I don't think you have split personalities.

Your opinion is going to be different than another lib's opinion, and anyone else's on this topic and only you asked him to tell you. Yes, the shitlibs love to do that but not everyone thinks the same no matter how hard you try.

I read this three times and have no idea what you are saying.

I'll just restate my post to see if it helps you. If not, could you please reword your post?

He asked why I fight so hard for transgender rights in sports. I have never fought at all for that. I've never even stated my opinion on it here, or to anyone verbally. I was pointing out that there is no way he thinks I fought hard for that when I've never even stated my opinion on it.

I don't know what your post has to do with that. Or even what point it is trying to make. I think maybe you just didn't know the context of my post. Correct me if I'm wrong.

by BGnight k

Absolute horseshit projection. Trans movement was inserted into culture by NGO's. Normal people simply reacted to it. 15 years ago absolutely no one talked about cross dressers/trans people until they just started showing up in every other TV show and movie.
You didn't offer up one documented shred of evidence. You just claimed "think tanks". I could easily offer up pages of evidence to the contrary and the link between Carl Jung/Luciferianism and why they are trying to degrade our culture sexua

trans activism was the necessary consequences of obergefelles.

not in the sense anti-gay-marriage people thought though.

rather in the sense that the many people whose entire livelihood and life identity was based on getting donations to campaign for homosexuals rights were going to be out of a job soon after obergefelles. the totality of what the LGB movement wanted was entirely secured with that. no activism for homosexuals had any meaning or sense anymore inside the USA.

so what do you do if you never knew anything but campaigning for homosexuals to pay bills and live a normal middle class life? you need a new minority to campaign for in the same way.

and that's where the "QT" to add to LGB came out in force. ofc it existed already but almost no one gave any **** at all (including activists). no money to make, no interest.

those activists managed to leverage the unexpected and exceptional win for their side of Obergefelles into a frenzy about trans rights

by rickroll k

hard lol at this


by rickroll k

you want to destroy women's sports

Oof, that didn't take long. I've actually been a proponent of women's sports leagues, and even worked hard in my days as a chess coach to promote women's only tournaments. Not even close, bub, and nothing I've ever posted supports this.

by rickroll k

so need to use this disgusting strawman to allow biological men to box against women as being one of the good guys

I've never stated an opinion on whether biological men should be allowed to compete against biological women in any event. I am going to do so now. I am not in favor of it. I would rather it not happen at all, but might be open to heavily regulated options that might include having undergone feminizing hormone therapy for x amount of time (the current standard if I'm not mistaken) if shown ample evidence that it was sufficient. I don't even like that idea, but I'm not unreasonable if evidence were convincing. I haven't looked into it because this topic almost never occupies any of my brain cycles.

So, yeah. Again, you are way out of bounds.

by BGnight k

They're too stupid to see how anti women they are.

This is INCREDIBLY rich. Coming from one of the stupidest people on the forum. I didn't say stupidest because BJ and PB are still 2+2 members.

by microbet k

You guys know what the first Nazi book burning was about right?

You're better than this one, microbet.

Unless you're just a victim of the propaganda behind this, in which case we'll let it slide.

The liberals answer to this sports question seems to have been the small government answer. Let the NCAA decide who goes into men's and who goes into women's sports. Let a school district decide for themselves. etc. The conservatives are all big government here.

Is that right? Is there any direction from the federal government saying trans women go into women's sports?

by jchristo k

scanning desperately for someone advocating for men to box against women. Still scanning.

and yet you say strawman. LOL.

Get used to the straw men. I think they never get called out for them anywhere else, because at least some of them appeared to not know what it meant and thought it must mean we were making it up or just learned it or something.

Straw men are their absolute favorite.

by Inso0 k

You're better than this one, microbet.

Unless you're just a victim of the propaganda behind this, in which case we'll let it slide.

It's a question. Do you know what the first Nazi book burning was about? Do you?

And no, I'm not better than that. The hysteria over what people consider perversions and sexual deviancy is incredibly fascist.

by microbet k

The liberals answer to this sports question seems to have been the small government answer. Let the NCAA decide who goes into men's and who goes into women's sports. Let a school district decide for themselves. etc. The conservatives are all big government here.

Is that right? Is there any direction from the federal government saying trans women go into women's sports?

what do you do when the USA has to express an explicit state preference on that topic for, say, the Olympics?

by housenuts k

women's sports is great. caitlin clark is a beast, nice to see ncaawb growing. pwhl is cool.
men in women's sports is not great.

once again house states it better than i could

by Gorgonian k

This is INCREDIBLY rich. Coming from one of the stupidest people on the forum. I didn't say stupidest because BJ and PB are still 2+2 members.

He did post about Luciferianism. It might be that, for one reason or another, one should not attempt to seriously debate him.

by jchristo k

why do they keep making me watch this stuff!!!!

this needs more love

by Luciom k

what do you do when the USA has to express an explicit state preference on that topic for, say, the Olympics?

Cancel the ****ing Olympics. What a waste.

by microbet k

He did post about Luciferianism. It might be that, for one reason or another, one should not attempt to seriously debate him.

the satanic panic is back baby!

by microbet k

Cancel the ****ing Olympics. What a waste.

you want the USA to be banned from all international sport competitions, or just to renounce any right to discuss international sport regulations even if USA teams can participate?

by coordi k

There is literally nowhere in the entire country that will let trans athletes compete without being on hormone therapy for at least a year

How about you take estrogen for a year and tell us what happens and then we can circle back on this topic

Tell that to the two girls in the videos posted ITT. If I thought it would make a lick of difference, I'd go find more for you.

You can't unring the male puberty bell, no matter how much estrogen you pump into a man many years later.

by Luciom k

you want the USA to be banned from all international sport competitions, or just to renounce any right to discuss international sport regulations even if USA teams can participate?

USA banned? I don't want the Olympics at all. If I got a vote on whether USA should attend (or host ffs), I'd vote no.

by jchristo k

scanning desperately for someone advocating for men to box against women. Still scanning.

and yet you say strawman. LOL.

two biological men recently won olympic gold in women's boxing, try to keep up

by Rococo k

I just went to this guy's website and it's the griftiest bunch of horseshit I've ever seen. I probably have malware on my computer now. It's truly amazing how much of a gullible gobbler of misinformation you are.

tbf his entrance into politics posting here was sharing news articles from a cult believing the brother of jesus is a korean guy born in 1920 so i'm guessing this is probably a step in the right direction

by rickroll k

two biological men recently won olympic gold in women's boxing, try to keep up

according to one russian tester that won't publish their results and directly resulted in a russian athlete winning? You mean the discredited horse **** you are spewing? Keep up rick, and check your news sources.
