Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
It took about 2 seconds to find a video and related article:
One recent injury was caught on camera during a girls’ basketball game in Massachusetts between Lowell Collegiate Charter School and KIPP Academy of Lynn. The video shows a bearded 6-foot-tall male KIPP Academy player, who reportedly identifies as female, ragdolling a female LCCS player as both competed for a rebound.
That was only one of three girls the player managed to injure before LCCS forfeited the game.
The reason we don't see more of this is specifically because it's not widely accepted. Thank God.
You can call that girl a wuss for being taken out by something that seemingly mild, but it's because you're not used to seeing girls and boys against each other. There's no footage of the other two injuries from that game.
Yeah, people are actually getting seriously injured by this nonsense.
Still haven't seen that movie, not really into musicals personally.
Let me clear a few things up for you, because you seem pretty confused (and that isn't a hint, honestly).
The trans issue as a whole, is a workshopped, think-tank designed, political wedge issue by the right. You can google what I'm about to say. When think tanks realized that gay rights issues weren't polarizing enough anymore, they switched to trans rights issues. Except, those didn't initially poll well either. It wasn't until
Absolute horseshit projection. Trans movement was inserted into culture by NGO's. Normal people simply reacted to it. 15 years ago absolutely no one talked about cross dressers/trans people until they just started showing up in every other TV show and movie.
You didn't offer up one documented shred of evidence. You just claimed "think tanks". I could easily offer up pages of evidence to the contrary and the link between Carl Jung/Luciferianism and why they are trying to degrade our culture sexually but I'm not going to waste my time. Just search Jay Dyer on youtube. Dude is smarter than anyone on this forum and has researched these subjects extensively.
nice straw manning. There isn't one person in this thread suggesting that the topic of trans participation in sports warrants nuanced regulation. But I guess that is case closed, time to jump on the fascist cult train with the big orange con man.
Well ****, I didn't realize genetic freaks were transitioning solely to beat up little girls on the soccer field.
Hard to argue when you frame your argument as a fantasy
You gave me a strike for being "transphobic" because I simply stated that people cut genitals off and then you make a hateful post like this. You're such a ****ing fascist coward.
Yes Trumpers complained that they didn’t have a safe space. Didn’t happen in 8 years of Obama because he wasn’t a cult leader and there were reasonably intelligent people that could defend his policies without getting emotional or feel like criticism of a US president was somehow a mental disorder.
Yeah, **** that nonsense. If the crybabies want to they can always PM each other.
lol googled this because i was curious
Absolute horseshit projection. Trans movement was inserted into culture by NGO's. Normal people simply reacted to it. 15 years ago absolutely no one talked about cross dressers/trans people until they just started showing up in every other TV show and movie.
You didn't offer up one documented shred of evidence. You just claimed "think tanks". I could easily offer up pages of evidence to the contrary and the link between Carl Jung/Luciferianism and why they are trying to degrade our culture sexua
could offer up lots of evidence but doesn't. Suggests a multigenerational globalist conspiracy that is trying to pussify us. Directs us towards some cultist youtuber who is full of hilarious absurd conspiracy nonsense. Got it.
It took about 2 seconds to find a video and related article:
The reason we don't see more of this is specifically because it's not widely accepted. Thank God.
You can call that girl a wuss for being taken out by something that seemingly mild, but it's because you're not used to seeing girls and boys against each other. There's no footage of the other two injuries from that game.
Yall are not serious people
Luciferianism? These are the people running the USA.
Yes Trumpers complained that they didn’t have a safe space. Didn’t happen in 8 years of Obama because he wasn’t a cult leader and there were reasonably intelligent people that could defend his policies without getting emotional or feel like criticism of a US president was somehow a mental disorder.
This is false. The Trumpers didn't ask for or want separate Trump threads.
I personally argued against it.
These are the same people that belittle women's sports regularly. But they will definitely use women's sports to support scoring a point against trans people.
hard lol at this, you want to destroy women's sports so need to use this disgusting strawman to allow biological men to box against women as being one of the good guys
Just search Jay Dyer on youtube. Dude is smarter than anyone on this forum and has researched these subjects extensively.
I just went to this guy's website and it's the griftiest bunch of horseshit I've ever seen. I probably have malware on my computer now. It's truly amazing how much of a gullible gobbler of misinformation you are.
Absolute horseshit projection. Trans movement was inserted into culture by NGO's. Normal people simply reacted to it. 15 years ago absolutely no one talked about cross dressers/trans people until they just started showing up in every other TV show and movie.
You didn't offer up one documented shred of evidence. You just claimed "think tanks". I could easily offer up pages of evidence to the contrary and the link between Carl Jung/Luciferianism and why they are trying to degrade our culture sexua
"Normal people"?
Ok... here we go again. The fascist speak shows it's head again. When you start "othering" people, you begin goose stepping down the same tortued paths of the past.
I said you could google what I wrote about. I don't just pull things out of my butt. I'd rather discuss issues honestly, and try and reach the best possible conclusion as fairly as possible.
American Principles Project (APP):
In 2019, APP conducted research to identify messaging that would resonate with voters. They discovered that emphasizing the participation of transgender children in sports competitions was more effective in mobilizing conservative support than previous approaches, such as bathroom bills. This led to targeted campaigns highlighting perceived unfairness in youth sports.
But since you brought up psychology, most psychologist agree that when you spend excess time hating on something or someone, it's generally because you're suppressing your own inner urge to want it or be like it. It's called psychological splitting. I'm sure you've heard of it.
I just went to this guy's website and it's the griftiest bunch of horseshit I've ever seen. I probably have malware on my computer now. It's truly amazing how much of a gullible gobbler of misinformation you are.
you see there are these people the "Elders of Zion" who are hundreds of years old and created globalism so that the boys can be turned into girls. Read a book man!
72 million people might not get their social security checks because a bunch of *******s thought "I will follow the law" sounded too much like "boys should get their penises chopped off and beat up girls" and not enough like "we have to stop these transgendered mice".