Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Genuinely interested, what policies is he suggesting that benefit the majority of Americans?
All the ones I seem to have seen only really help the very rich, big corporations, and of course himself...
Genuinely interested, what policies is he suggesting that benefit the majority of Americans?
All the ones I seem to have seen only really help the very rich, big corporations, and of course himself...
He is very pro tariffs which he thinks help working people as well as domestic companies (i strongly disagree, but many people on the left actually agree; technocrats liberal tend to disagree though)
He is very pro deregulation in all sectors, especially (but not exclusively) environmental ones, red tape in general, and he thinks removing many of them simply improves the quality of life of everyone, poor and rich (i 100% agree and most people on the right do as well), given the current amount of regulations is absolutely insane and most of them are written for nefarious purposes.
He proved both stances in his first term, both introducing tariffs and deregulating , powers that potus has directly, without congressional checks and balances.
He is less interventionist that most potus candidates have ever been , in the sense of having a lower propensity to use american power outside the border (and this is something that cuts across party lines, with many people both on the right and on the left agreeing with him, and viceversa).
He is very much less keen toward illegal immigration than democrats (and in his first term, also created a lot of problems to legal immigration), again something that depending on your opinion, can be good or bad for americans.
When I consider who to vote for as President the only thing I really care about is who do I think the majority of Americans would do better under. So I guess the opposite of what you claim I do.
So you do or do not believe the majority of Americans would do better because
every world problem would not exist if Trump were President right now?
If I had to pick one I do not think Putin invades Ukraine . If that doesn't happen I do not see gas prices and oil rising as they did
I still think Hamas goes into Israel .
The country would still be as angry as it is now and that isn't going to change with Biden or Trump.
this guy has all the feels
I think it’s impossible to know 100% what Putin would have done if trump won again. I think trump talks a tougher game to foreign leaders and I think foreign leaders knew Biden would be more of a pushover. I would suspect Ukraine was less likely to be invaded if trump was president, but I don’t think it’s worth speculating the odds of Ukraine being invaded in each country.
I think hamas was likely less likely to attack Israel if Ukraine/russia wasn’t going on.
The 2 above are at least debatable. There is no debate that we would have seen less inflation under trump than Biden and it has nothing to do with any of these wars.
Genuinely interested, what policies is he suggesting that benefit the majority of Americans?
All the ones I seem to have seen only really help the very rich, big corporations, and of course himself...
Taxes and the size of the govt are the two largest policies that I believe help/hurt the most Americans and the issues that I think should decide this election.
I think it’s impossible to know 100% what Putin would have done if trump won again. I think trump talks a tougher game to foreign leaders and I think foreign leaders knew Biden would be more of a pushover. I would suspect Ukraine was less likely to be invaded if trump was president, but I don’t think it’s worth speculating the odds of Ukraine being invaded in each country.
I think hamas was likely less likely to attack Israel if Ukraine/russia wasn’t going on.
The 2 above
This is absolutely hilarious. Are you just not aware that trump was the cause of most of the oil and gas industry woes of the last 4 years?
Trump's deregulation policy consisted of him backing out anything Obama did because Obama made fun of him once.
Trump almost destroyed the entire oil and gas industry in America by begging opec to cut production, then brokered a 2 year deal for them cut production, both of which directly led to the huge spike in gas prices.
This is absolutely hilarious. Are you just not aware that trump was the cause of most of the oil and gas industry woes of the last 4 years?
Of course.
Baham believes it takes 10-15 years to create inflation in the housing markets and only 3-6 months in the real economy when in actually it’s the absolute opposite lol….
But to blame the democrats his got no choice to use that dumb narrative shrug .
Worst is again , he disregarded how bad the rising of debts is equally important regardless created by republicans or democrats , so trump gets a pass thinking the population fair better under trump ….
Trump almost destroyed the entire oil and gas industry in America by begging opec to cut production, then brokered a 2 year deal for them cut production, both of which directly led to the huge spike in gas prices.
This is the economic and geopolitical equivalent of "COVID vaccines 5g conspiracy".
Jfc man I thought you were bad, but this is really embarassing
Trump hush money case judge decided that "RT is not an endorsement" isn't a valid legal defense.

not particularly no.
and it's flexible. when price goes up, you hedge and build the well, it only lasts a few years anyway, and you are very dynamic with extraction depending on price.
it acts as a great price stabilizer

in the past the upfront investment was bigger, and you went through over/under investment cycles in capacity
Trump begged OPEC to increase production of oil in 2018 and 2019, which they initially ignored, but finally agreed to do. This, of course, lowered the price of oil. Great. But then covid hit, and demand absolutely crashed while the market was flooded with supply. This destroyed the price of oil, and the oil and gas industry in America was nearly decimated. Several (I think 9? don't remember) refineries completely shut down.
Fast forward to mid-late 2020 and now Trump panics and works a 2 year deal with OPEC to cut production. So now we have demand start to creep up, far out-pacing supply - the bottleneck of which is refinery capacity now, since we have way fewer of them now. Gas prices start to climb immediately after this deal goes into effect and continue to rise for the entire duration of the 2 year deal.
Biden becomes president and goes to OPEC to try to get them to increase production before Trump's stupid 2 year deal expired and they of course tell him to pound sand. Stupid republicans of course think he was wrong for trying to do that (without understanding he was trying to undo Trump's mess). So Biden does the only thing he can and uses the SPR exactly as it was intended to be used, and sold some of it on the global market to ease the prices a little bit.
Finally, in 2022 the 2-year deal expires and prices immediately start dropping. Like literally the day it expired.
All of this is TRIVIAL to verify. None of it is even slightly controversial.
yes it's a logistics issue, you can only process so many shakes at once, we need better technology
the vast majority of oil in the ground can't be profitably extracted at current price points so it's left alone - reason why the middle east dominated oil early on was because they had the cheapest to extract stuff but as prices rose it suddenly made sense to invest in drilling underwater and remote locations in alaska/amazon
Lol even trump jr and bannon conceding Noem probably shoulda shut the **** up there
Man up til her stupid book I really believed she was the obvious running mate
Lol even trump jr and bannon conceding Noem probably shoulda shut the **** up there
Man up til her stupid book I really believed she was the obvious running mate
If PETA or some such group yelps too loudly, it will likely trigger a thoughtless reflexive response from the right. She could still get there if that happens.
this guy with his finger on the pulse of the right and all things dog
Trump begged OPEC to increase production of oil in 2018 and 2019, which they initially ignored, but finally agreed to do. This, of course, lowered the price of oil. Great. But then covid hit, and demand absolutely crashed while the market was flooded with supply. This destroyed the price of oil, and the oil and gas industry in America was nearly decimated. Several (I think 9? don't remember) refineries completely shut down.
Fast forward to mid-late 2020 and now Trump panics and works a 2 year dea
Thank you for this concise explanation.