Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Trump has no idea how tariffs work or what function they perform and doesn’t understand how his
proposed policies would pile higher costs on American consumers already frustrated with rising inflation.
That’s why it’s confounding that voters somehow trust Trump to bring down prices.
You mean maybe more than 10% on all imports?
Trump: More than 10%, yeah.
I don’t believe it will have much of an effect because they’re making so
much money off of us. I also don’t believe that the costs will go up that much.
a lot of people say, “Oh, that’s gonna be a tax on us.”
I don’t believe that. I think it’s a tax on the country that’s doing it. And I know.
once Trump has dug in his heels, he remains committed to even the worst ideas,
no matter how much evidence there is to show he’s nowhere close to being right
Blanketing all imported goods with tariffs would be bad for a huge majority of Americans for the same reason stock buy back taxes, increase in corporate taxes, increases in minimum wage, increases in business regulations and a large part of the inflation reduction act were bad. They are increasing the cost of doing business - which gets passed down to some combination of the consumers, employees and owners of the those companies.
once Trump has dug in his heels, he remains committed to even the worst ideas,
no matter how much evidence there is to show he’s nowhere close to being right
I agree that this is a real problem for Trump. Decisiveness is fine, but you have to pair it with some capacity for reflection. Trump has zero capacity for reflection.
Trump has no idea how tariffs work or what function they perform and doesn’t understand how his
proposed policies would pile higher costs on American consumers already frustrated with rising inflation.
That’s why it’s confounding that voters somehow trust Trump to bring down prices.
You mean maybe more than 10% on all imports?
Trump: More than 10%, yeah.
once Trump has dug in his heels, he remains committed to even the worst ideas,
no matter how much evidence there is to show he’s nowhere close to
Here is the reality yes folks may not understand all the fine details of economic policies like tariffs but what they do understand
Under Donald Trump prices were lower under Joe Biden Prices are higher
Does MSNBC inform us that Biden kept Trump's tariffs in place?
Blanketing all imported goods with tariffs would be bad for a huge majority of Americans for the same reason stock buy back taxes, increase in corporate taxes, increases in minimum wage, increases in business regulations and a large part of the inflation reduction act were bad. They are increasing the cost of doing business - which gets passed down to some combination of the consumers, employees and owners of the those companies.
Trump has no idea how tariffs work or what function they perform and doesn’t understand how his
proposed policies would
if you read fire and fury and fear this is abundantly apparent that he's just thinking out loud stream of consciousness in policy making
but honestly i think our government is stagnated into the status quo, we do things out of irrational and unfounded fears that x,y,z may happen
we thought we need to placate Iran or wwiii will start - he showed that Iran will do the rational thing for self preservation and back down when push came to shove
we thought nuclear armageddon would start if you weren't deferential to north Korea - he showed that north Korea will do the rational thing for self perservation and back down when push came to shove
we thought engaging in tariffs towards a nation that has unilaterally been imposing their own tariffs on us without any retaliation from day 1 would destroy the economy and create another great depression - they were so effective that the succeeding administration decided to not only keep them but escalate as well
we thought building a wall was an idiotic and quixotic waste of money that wasn't practical but then the succeeding administration decided it was effective enough to not only continue building the wall but escalate the program as well
we thought that not subsidizing korea and other allies by billions of dollars each ear would create wwiii overnight - they ultimately talked him out of that one, perhaps the odds of wwiii increase from one in 100 million million to one in 90 million if we pull out, but that's why we do it because there are people who genuinely believe that we've been doing it for 7 decades straight for good reason, that reason couldn't possibly have changed over time and that if we change anything the world will collapse
we are stuck in a rut, just repeating the same mistakes, not recognizing that the innovative policies we brought forth in the post WWII environment perhaps require adjustments
he's an absolute idiot, a buffoon, a poltroon, but that's how exactly how incompetent our government is, that you take someone like that and let then influence national policy a little bit and we end up learning just how deeply wrong we were that we ended up continuing all of his most controversial policies - even despite the political cost it gives the biden administration to continue wall building and maintaining the trade war with china
we suck, we need to burn it all down, i'd prefer it not be through trump, but i don't see any other way
Here is the reality yes folks may not understand all the fine details of economic policies like tariffs but what they do understand
Under Donald Trump prices were lower under Joe Biden Prices are higher
Does MSNBC inform us that Biden kept Trump's tariffs in place?
Inflation started increasing under Trump's free money giveaways.
You posted a link and quoted me but made no mention of what You are saying. I read the article and it is unclear exactly why you quoted me or why you posted that article.
You are correct that trump caved to Dem demands to start throwing cash around when covid started. I would argue it was way too much right when the pandemic stated, but I would also argue the throwing around money years after covid started, which is still going on today because the size of government never went back down to pre-covid levels, is completely unacceptable.
You posted a link and quoted me but made no mention of what You are saying. I read the article and it is unclear exactly why you quoted me or why you posted that article.
Corporations are sitting on 6.9 TRILLION dollars in cash. Your trickle down theories are bullshit. It's been trickle up for decades now.
Corporations are sitting on 6.9 TRILLION dollars in cash. Your trickle down theories are bullshit. It's been trickle up for decades now.
Which is why so much stock buybacks happens .
But baham think stocks going up = gdp goes up lol…..
Instead of using that money and actually providing goods and services that will actually make gdp go up…
Corporations are sitting on 6.9 TRILLION dollars in cash. Your trickle down theories are bullshit. It's been trickle up for decades now.
that "cash" is short term loans to the government, other companies, or banks.
which means it's already deployed cash, actively doing it's thing in the economy.
or do you think they have 6.9 trillions in actual paper cash?
inflation started with the second huge giveaway in 2021 which republicans opposed as the economy as reopening.
but democrat states weren't reopening well enough so the Dems, without republican support, passed an outrageous amount of deficit when the reasons to do so didn't exist (unlike 2020 where it was fully bipartisan).
the American rescue plan act of 2021 passed with 0 republicans voting for in the house , and 0 in the Senate, and inflation came after that.
2 trillions to let democrats stay at home double masked playing Farmville while pretending to work remotely a couple more months, even with a good vaccine available and with life fully resuming in all states governed by normal people
Inflation always has a lag from new money being put into the economy. Trump's unnecessary injection would have led to some inflation even by itself, and it set the precedent for the later payouts.
guys! guys! corporations do not actually have the physical dollar bills so them having 6.9 trillion in "cash" IS JUST LIKE YOU HAVING IT!! it all trickled down!! don't you understand?!?!?!?!! just say you have it!!
Inflation always has a lag from new money being put into the economy. Trump's unnecessary injection would have led to some inflation even by itself, and it set the precedent for the later payouts.
Inflation takes around 18-24 months to impact the real economy for obvious reasons .
Luciom like baham , blaming Biden for 2021 -2022 inflation doesn’t add up .
But that is irrelevant for a certain part of the crowd .
guys! guys! corporations do not actually have the physical dollar bills so them having 6.9 trillion in "cash" IS JUST LIKE YOU HAVING IT!! it all trickled down!! don't you understand?!?!?!?!! just say you have it!!
It's already invested yes. Not idle. Already generating effects in the economy. Already trickling down.
Inflation always has a lag from new money being put into the economy. Trump's unnecessary injection would have led to some inflation even by itself, and it set the precedent for the later payouts.
Which one? The one voted by every single democrat in the Senate?
Which precedent? That when the economy collapses you do deficit, and when it stops collapsing you stop doing deficit? You mean the precedent of 95% of macroeconomics since Keynes ?
The 2020 deficit as per any macro book, was necessary to avoid economic collapse becoming persistent.
From 2021 on it was excessive and caused inflation, because the economy didn't need massive help anymore
Inflation takes around 18-24 months to impact the real economy for obvious reasons .
Luciom like baham , blaming Biden for 2021 -2022 inflation doesn’t add up .
But that is irrelevant for a certain part of the crowd .
I blame the democrats not "Biden", as we tried to explain you many times, it's not potus that votes expenses, it's congress.
And the atrocious, completely indefensible act of splurging money over an economy that was already easily recovering by itself just through reopening, and needed no fiscal help anymore, was in March 2021, inflation came later.
I blame the democrats not "Biden", as we tried to explain you many times, it's not potus that votes expenses, it's congress.
And the atrocious, completely indefensible act of splurging money over an economy that was already easily recovering by itself just through reopening, and needed no fiscal help anymore, was in March 2021, inflation came later.
Yes so if u start spending the money not needed in 2021 u should feel that inflation around 2023 ….
U speak about inflation in 2021-22 .
The only inflation that can be immediately transfer upon are assets prices and asset prices has nothing to do with gdp .
Which one? The one voted by every single democrat in the Senate?
Which precedent? That when the economy collapses you do deficit, and when it stops collapsing you stop doing deficit? You mean the precedent of 95% of macroeconomics since Keynes ?
The 2020 deficit as per any macro book, was necessary to avoid economic collapse becoming persistent.
From 2021 on it was excessive and caused inflation, because the economy didn't need massive help anymore
Without those deficit the American economy would of been in a recession a long time ago .
Now was is worthwhile to prevent a recession ?
I got no particular opinion about it but to say the economy didn’t need it is not true.
It's already invested yes. Not idle. Already generating effects in the economy. Already trickling down.
Berkshire (Warren buffet company) have around 100 billions dollars invest in t-bills, apple has over 160 billions in cash probably invest in t-bills , treasuries receiving 4-5% interest just sitting there ?
How is that in anyway trickle down to the poor and in the economy I wonder ….
Yes so if u start spending the money not needed in 2021 u should feel that inflation around 2023 ….
U speak about inflation in 2021-22 .
The only inflation that can be immediately transfer upon are assets prices and asset prices has nothing to do with gdp .
No it can be just a couple of months when given as cash to consumers with high propensity to consume and otherwise low on cash.
Unclear why you think it would lag that much , if you give money to people who already spend their whole income (like most middle-low americans do), they spend it immediatly and price pressure comes in 3-6 months max, where supply is tight. See housing, restaurants and so on.
There is immediatly extra money chasing the same goods and services available before. That's inflationary immediatly.
It's things like tax breaks to the wealthy that aren't necessarily inflationary, because those increase savings of people who already don't spend all their income.
Without those deficit the American economy would of been in a recession a long time ago .
Now was is worthwhile to prevent a recession ?
I got no particular opinion about it but to say the economy didn’t need it is not true.
proof? american gdp grew 5.9 in 2021, 1.9 in 2022, 3.4 in 2023.
There is a lot of room from that to 0 that isn't a recession, but which is less inflationary.
And btw if a recession is necessary to keep inflation at target (which imho it wasn't before), you get the recession not the inflation if leaders aren't populists.
Now the recession will be more necessary and nastier because of the accumulated inflation that has to go away is a lot higher. Unless of course leaders just give up on all monetary stabilization promises and then the USA become a banana republic.