Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14790 Replies


by Brian James k


You wouldn't know fascism if you fell over it. Throwing meaningless slogans around like that is more descriptive of your own ignorance than anything else.

It's hard waking up to the idea that you are in a fascist movement while fancying yourself a great American patriot. That's gotta be a nightmare. When the wool is pulled over the eyes then even admitted it was all just a con job by the perpetrators, the impulse to deny is strong. About 90% stay the course and just deny, deny, deny in favor of their current worldview. I did know a few who abandoned their dear leader when it became blatantly apparent what was up, much to their credit ... but not many.

by Luciom k

What about SCOTUS rulings that legally forced you to educate their kids for example? Or to take them all into the ER if needed at taxpayers expense?

You can't talk as if that wasn't the rule of the land, because it is.

Then there is the detail of their children being American citizens if they are born there which makes them relatives of a citizen so you have to give them stuff once they become legal residents and so on.

At absolute 0 welfare an with no path to citizenship for them or their offsprin

I have no issue with birthright citizenship, fast tracks to citizenship for working people, and the human right to a free education through the 12th grade and maybe even beyond. I'm talking about housing and employment. Take away the shelters and stipends, allow employers to hire them for lawful wages, landlords to use their own discretion in renting to tenants, and you have productive members of society. I don't care what dirt they were born on.

by FellaGaga-52 k

It's hard waking up to the idea that you are in a fascist movement while fancying yourself a great American patriot. That's gotta be a nightmare. When the wool is pulled over the eyes then even admitted it was all just a con job by the perpetrators, the impulse to deny is strong. About 90% stay the course and just deny, deny, deny in favor of their current worldview. I did know a few who abandoned their dear leader when it became blatantly apparent what was up, much to their credit ... but not m

Many of them never will. It will just never happen.

by FellaGaga-52 k

It's hard waking up to the idea that you are in a fascist movement while fancying yourself a great American patriot. That's gotta be a nightmare. When the wool is pulled over the eyes then even admitted it was all just a con job by the perpetrators, the impulse to deny is strong. About 90% stay the course and just deny, deny, deny in favor of their current worldview. I did know a few who abandoned their dear leader when it became blatantly apparent what was up, much to their credit ... but not m

Dude, you support the fascist genocide enabling Biden regime. Maybe it's time for you to wake up.

by Brian James k

Dude, you support the fascist genocide enabling Biden regime. Maybe it's time for you to wake up.

U believe Biden is a right wing politician to be a fascist ?

by Montrealcorp k

U believe Biden is a right wing politician to be a fascist ?

You don't have to be right wing to be a fascist. In actual fact the American left of today has a far closer affinity to fascism than the right.

This article might help to explain it for you.

by Luciom k

Deporting every single illegal immigrant should be a legal mandate for anyone governing, it's incredible that telling people "I will apply the law than congress wrote as it's my moral and legal obligation to do" can be considered authoritarian.

Absurd how some people complete rape the basic idea of the rule of law

I think we should take thiks view very seriously so it's vital that we legalise them asap.

by Luciom k

If you don't fully accept that any single outcome which is constitutional is perfectly allowed and compatible with democracy no matter how much you dislike it, you hate democracy and you are inimical to the core values of the west and incompatible with civil society

I think it is very possible to not hate democracy but realize that those who have decided which outcomes are constitutional are not actually deciding based on that fact, but on whatever silly reasoning will allow laws which benefit themselves and others who share their opinions.

by chillrob k

I think it is very possible to not hate democracy but realize that those who have decided which outcomes are constitutional are not actually deciding based on that fact, but on whatever silly reasoning will allow laws which benefit themselves and others who share their opinions.

Immigration isn't a complex gray area of the law with different interpretations leading to very different constitutional views.

Every country in the world decides which foreigners can enter and stay and for how long, how they can become citizens, etc.

And every democracy allows for the deportation of illegals.

The idea that a very basic claim such as "if I told you not to enter and I find you in against my consent I will kick you out" can be considered outrageous, authoritarian, and basically described as not acceptable is substantially the reason why at this point in time a part of the left isn't compatible with the democratic process anymore.

For immigration and deportation in particular it gets silly when you think about the fact that Clinton (one of the most popular democrat presidents) bragged about reducing illegal crossings and deporting illegals, Obama deported record number (at the time) of illegals, and that Biden is deporting a lot of people (albeit not all those he catches).

So today we have a portion of the political spectrum which decries as unconstitutional fascism something they own people always thought was proper and did, even in the present.

This is "Oceania is at war with Eastasia" kind of stuff.

When your political position is that the absolutely constitutional policy proposals of your adversaries are fascism while you run on a platform including very blatant constitutional violations (like a federal wealth tax or massive student loan relief by executive power) that is banana republic level of discourse

[URL=""]Right-wing Celebrities Play Fast and Loose With History
Forget Trump---Goldberg, Prager, and D’Souza muddle facts to sell books all the time.[/URL]

Here's someone with an actual brain - not a conspiracy-toting, convicted felon, Trump shill, like D’Souza.

A growing number of republicans is trying to convince trump to pick his VP with the (very common usually) pragmatic approach of simply trying to gain some votes at the margin, in areas where trump lacks strength

Trump VP choice theater will be interesting to follow, I have a feeling he wants a 100% loyalist lap dog because he hated Pence being independent in his decision making, but we'll see

by Brian James k

You don't have to be right wing to be a fascist. In actual fact the American left of today has a far closer affinity to fascism than the right.

This article might help to explain it for you.

No wonder u all mess up , using them as a main source ….

Dinesh D'Souza

​(m. 1992; div. 2012)​
Deborah Fancher ​(m. 2016)​
Children Danielle D'Souza Gill (daughter)
Website Edit this at Wikidata
Dinesh Joseph D'Souza (/dɪˈnɛʃ dəˈsuːzə/; born April 25, 1961) is an Indian-American right-wing[1][2][3] political commentator, author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist

Here in a more mainstream consensus of what fascism is …

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]
Fascism rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4][5] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before spreading to other European countries, most notably Germany.[4] Fascism also had adherents outside of Europe.[6] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism,[7][8] fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][8][9]

Sources are dictionaries , encyclopedia’s , etc in wiki link that I post .

But hey u got massive recognition with a theocratic far right political commentator as a source with your link my friend …..
As good as fox news , congrats .

FWIW bj , how can democrats be communist and fascist at the same time when they hate each other ?

LOL Wikipedia.

If you want to be taken seriously at least come up with a more credible source than left wing biased wikipedia.

Man, Souza is a charlatan who sells lies

I mean if you are going to try to discredit someone's source at least use a credible source of your own.

By the way I tend to judge people by their actions. I find that more reliable. Biden, or the people directing him are textbook fascists. Dumb fascists mind you but still fascists. Have you ever seen anything more fascist than that weasel Garland using the DOJ like his own personal secret police to persecute any dissent or opposition to the Fuhrer. It really is sickening.

The American people are finally waking up to who the real fascists are though. Not even cheating will win the election for them this time.

by Brian James k

I mean if you are going to try to discredit someone's source at least use a credible source of your own.

By the way I tend to judge people by their actions. I find that more reliable. Biden, or the people directing him are textbook fascists. Dumb fascists mind you but still fascists. Have you ever seen anything more fascist than that weasel Garland using the DOJ like his own personal secret police to persecute any dissent or opposition to the Fuhrer. It really is sickening.

The American people ar

The the the user provided you a rightwing source criticizing charlatan Souza.

Some Biden admin actions were violently authoritarian and he attempted quite a bit of unconstitutional shenanigans but I wouldn't use that to claim he is a textbook fascist

Well, I don't know. Call him a trainee fascist then.

Re the "enabling and funding of genocide" I suppose you mean giving money and weapons to Israel? You realize the majority of the house republicans voted in favor as well right? And that trump as in favour as well?

Trump isn't the president. So your question is hypothetical.

by Brian James k

Trump isn't the president. So your question is hypothetical.

Trump is the leader of the republican party and he talks a lot to try to influence republican congressmen (sometimes succesfully, sometimes not) and he was ok with the aid to Israel bill

by Brian James k

Trump isn't the president. So your question is hypothetical.

What Trump has said about his support of Israel is hypothetical?

Blowie at a Trump rally.

by jjjou812 k

Blowie at a Trump rally.

He thought they said LIBRARIANS....

booed at Libertarian convention

Nothing like telling the audience that they're losers unless they nominate you. Wins 'em over every time.

Trump PRETENDS Stadium Cheers Him

Draft dodgers should be banned from saluting.

"This is weird. I didn’t think it could get worse, but this is sad and pathetic."

That is what he has been doing lately.
Showing up at football games, county fairs, public events, car races etc

He will only do events that already have an audience for something else in attendance.

This thread has been cracking me up lately. Let's ask D'Souza what the definition of fascism is.
