Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
There's a good portion of the country who speaks at the same grade level as him.
They love him because "he says what he means."
Then spent four years telling us when he talks, "that's not what he meant."
pretty bad when an italian right-wing idiot has to correct a local right-wing idiot.
don't you guys have meetings or anything?
LOL Wikipedia.
If you want to be taken seriously at least come up with a more credible source than left wing biased wikipedia.
Wikipedia is obviously not a scholarly source, but when you're at the point that you simply dismiss Wikipedia and instead espouse D'Souza as a source for, well, anything, there's really no point even discussing politics with you.
don't recall naming you. self-conscious much?
it's ok, i said peacefully earlier in my speech. you must have missed it.
Definitely on thinman’s side here. No names were used, no reason to be claim without evidence you’re being attacked
As an example if I identified, silently, as a craven fascist sociopath and thinman made a broad generalization attacking craven fascist sociopaths without naming anyone, it would not be in my best interest to accuse him of attacking me specifically. DUCY?
#Thinman will return to us in 24 hours. Personal attacks are against the rules of the forum.
As an example if I identified, silently, as a craven fascist sociopath and thinman made a broad generalization attacking craven fascist sociopaths without naming anyone, it would not be in my best interest to accuse him of attacking me specifically. DUCY?
I would very strongly advise against this sort of sophistry, lest there be a further need for more timeouts.
LOL Wikipedia.
If you want to be taken seriously at least come up with a more credible source than left wing biased wikipedia.
Read again , all the sources wiki link to , are from encyclopedias, dictionaries ,etc .
So let’s burn all those books in the library because you have a conspiracy source ?
I mean if you are going to try to discredit someone's source at least use a credible source of your own.
By the way I tend to judge people by their actions. I find that more reliable. Biden, or the people directing him are textbook fascists. Dumb fascists mind you but still fascists. Have you ever seen anything more fascist than that weasel Garland using the DOJ like his own personal secret police to persecute any dissent or opposition to the Fuhrer. It really is sickening.
The American people ar
Again what sources d’souza provides beside his own conspiracy opinion ?
But here again the sources wiki based on if u just dare to look into …
Encyclopedia Britannica Fascism: "extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: "people's community"), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation"
"fascism". Merriam-Webster Online. Archived from the original on 22 August 2017. Retrieved 22 August 2017.
Davies & Lynch (2002), pp. 1–5
International Encyclopedia of Political Science, p. 887–888, Fascism.
Encyclopedia Britannica Fascism.
International Encyclopedia of Political Science, p. 889, Fascism.
"Fascism". Holocaust Encyclopedia. Retrieved 7 August 2022.
Griffin (1995), pp. 8, 307; Kallis (2003b), p. 71; Hartley (2004), p. 187; Reich (1970); Hawkesworth & Kogan (1992); Copsey (2008); Goodwin (2011); Woodley (2010); Blamires (2006); Richardson (2017); Eley (2013); Wistrich (1976); Staudenmaier (2004)
But again explain to me how democrats being accused for years being communist can be fascist at the same time ???
Wikipedia is obviously not a scholarly source, but when you're at the point that you simply dismiss Wikipedia and instead espouse D'Souza as a source for, well, anything, there's really no point even discussing politics with you.
Yes I always forget with him …
It’s the same pattern he got in the Covid and climate changes thread .
I book or opinion piece for him is big enough to eradicate the 99% of the evidence on the other side because 1= 99 .
Again what sources d’souza provides beside his own conspiracy opinion ?
But here again the sources wiki based on if u just dare to look into …
But again explain to me how democrats being accused for years being communist can be fascist at the same timeline ???
Souza makes up a lot of "sources" both misinterpreting statements by officials in various cases, and taking up claims by single unvetted individuals who can basically invent whatever (think something like "I was working counting ballots and I saw democrats putting new ballots after the vote closed") .
It's a waste of time to debunk the web of unsubstantiated allegations, misinterpreted claims and so on.
As for the fascist/communist thing, that's actually not as incoherent as you think.
There are circles on the right (the minarchist/libertarian right) who always considered fascism and Nazism just as folkloristic variants of socialism (because they actually are).
It's about what comes first, the individual as the source of dignity, and meaning for human life, or the collective as represented by the state.
For us, anyone putting the state above individuals is a malign force, and no matter how they differentiate what they want to do "for the collective good", even positing a collective good exists AND violating individual unalienable negative rights to try to pursue it, is dictatorship (which inherently requires leftism, IE statism).
As for fascism specifically, Mussolini was actually a socialist for years, the editor of the main Italian socialist newspaper, and for us on the libertarian right, anyone who ever was a socialist is forever tainted by it and cannot escape that.
I mean if you are going to try to discredit someone's source at least use a credible source of your own.
By the way I tend to judge people by their actions. I find that more reliable. Biden, or the people directing him are textbook fascists. Dumb fascists mind you but still fascists. Have you ever seen anything more fascist than that weasel Garland using the DOJ like his own personal secret police to persecute any dissent or opposition to the Fuhrer. It really is sickening.
The American people ar
Wikipedia clearly lists its sources. You should check it out. They are linked at the bottom of each page
Souza makes up a lot of "sources" both misinterpreting statements by officials in various cases, and taking up claims by single unvetted individuals who can basically invent whatever (think something like "I was working counting ballots and I saw democrats putting new ballots after the vote closed") .
It's a waste of time to debunk the web of unsubstantiated allegations, misinterpreted claims and so on.
As for the fascist/communist thing, that's actually not as incoherent as you think.
There are ci
Every extremes uses common « tools » to reach different goals .
It’s end up in a circle on that regard but let’s not confound the 2 togethers…
Both are extremely bad but it doesn’t means they are the same .
One is far right and the other is far left and Russia made a terrible war vs Germany despite being both totalitarian states .
Wikipedia is obviously not a scholarly source, but when you're at the point that you simply dismiss Wikipedia and instead espouse D'Souza as a source for, well, anything, there's really no point even discussing politics with you.
I could say the same about anyone using a left wing hack as a source. Which is often in this forum. And you know what they say. Even a broken clock can be right twice a day. In this case i agreed with his characterisation of the modern left as more fascist than the right. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he says.
But suit yourself. If you don't want to engage then don't.
What do you view as the most neutral source? I always thought aljazeera
Honouring Memorial Day in a respectful, totally not unhinged, normal manner...

That is definitely a man who should be president again