Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
The situation is the same in most european countries. The left describes it's opponents as basically illegitimate thugs.
That happens to Meloni, Le Pen, Wilders, Boris Johnson, to AfD, to Vox and so on.
Elsewhere it happens to Bolsonaro and Milei.
The left has become deeply undemocratic, it considers political platforms based on values different than the left ones as illegal and representatives of those values, and voters voting those values, as inherently unworthy of participating in the political
Your problem is to think the right of today is the same right of 10 years ago .
And when u call left hating right because of trump I think u underestimate lot of centerish people just hating fascism while u just identified them as leftish which they aren’t .
The left don’t republicans they just hate trump .
But the only republicans left are those that think hating on trump is hating in them personally which is a tribe sentiments …
Republicans are blind by their emotions , they just can’t think straight .
Trump insulted his opponents
Hillary insulted the voters
The fact that you don't get the difference isn't surprising
When Ben Carson pulled ahead of Trump and other GOP candidates in an early poll for the Iowa caucus, Trump lashed out at voters. "How stupid are the people of Iowa?" he exclaimed.
Trump literally just said a couple days ago anyone who voted for or donated to Haley (I think he called her birdbrain?) is scum and they don’t want their vote or money
Yes, extreme, as compared to historical average.
The right isn't more extreme than it was on most issues, the left almost invariably is.
Most of the left wasn't pro gay marriage, pro unlimited immigration, pro ever-increasing social spending, pro ever-increasing regulations in all aspects of life.
I know you guys call all moves toward the left extreme progress, the fact that some things might have been progress doesn't change the fact that on actual policies, the median democrat voter in 1986 would
Do u really consider biden as leftish in a general international sense ?
I would understand someone like sanders but he isn’t at the helm.
Trump insulted his opponents
Hillary insulted the voters
The fact that you don't get the difference isn't surprising
Trump literally just said a couple days ago anyone who voted for or donated to Haley (I think he called her birdbrain?) is scum and they don’t want their vote or money
Are you going to vote for Trump if we point out how you contradicted yourself here? Trump obviously insults voters all the time.
Libs really must not know how to read or just pretend they can't read who i said I'm voting for
Have a blessed day
You quote me saying it's one of the reasons I'm not voting for him and then ask me why I'm a hypocrite and if I'll still vote for him
Seriously am i being punked?
You are not responsible for who you vote for, liberals are. I wanted to make sure I could point out how idiotic your posting is without you running into daddy Trump's arms. Obviously if enough people call you names you have no choice but to vote Trump!!!
'liberals' is an insult hurled at democrats for 40 years. never seemed to bother the republitards.
Do u really consider biden as leftish in a general international sense ?
I would understand someone like sanders but he isn’t at the helm.
I consider Biden a normal, moderate leftist *for American standards*.
For some things America is to the right of most of the world, for others to the left, America is weird.
For ex not even Marxists in Europe necessarily agree with no question asked third trimester abortion. Or with giving money to rich transgender people (IE paying public money for their transition) because they are "oppressed".
Many normal materialistic leftists consider class the ONLY variable, a rich black person is the enemy same as the rich white one. There are fewer of them sure, still a ****ing enemy deserving expropriation, no excuse or advantage for being black. That's normal radical material leftism.
Biden saying he was ok with the state paying healthcare for illegals, again something radical leftists in say Denmark (people who want something like a 6% wealth tax rate for millionaires) oppose.
The world is complicated.
Otoh Biden on stuff like Ukraine and Israel, and the role of american militaries in general, is straight center right for European standards. Like Meloni levels of center right (on that topic).
On "the proper fiscal appropriation level in society" Biden can be considered an European technocratic centrist (a Blair, say)
I wonder what u consider leftish in the US ….
Warren on fiscal takes (wealth tax), Cortez on immigration, anyone claiming that's it's moral and proper to forfeit student debt, anyone claiming it's good to allow women to change their mind when 31 weeks pregnant and assassinate what it's almost a full grown child in their wombs, people claiming blacks have bad economic outcomes because of racism in 2024, all people claiming you are a man or woman just because you claim to be one, people claiming there are no genetic differences among ethnic groups, people claiming sanctuary cities are a good thing, people who want the abolition of ICE, defund the police crowds and so on.
The list is basically a list of takes 95% of the population in 1990 would have considered horrifying and not even contemplate them as possible
Warren on fiscal takes (wealth tax), Cortez on immigration, anyone claiming that's it's moral and proper to forfeit student debt, anyone claiming it's good to allow women to change their mind when 31 weeks pregnant and assassinate what it's almost a full grown child in their wombs, people claiming blacks have bad economic outcomes because of racism in 2024, all people claiming you are a man or woman just because you claim to be one, people claiming there are no genetic differences among ethnic g
U enumerated policies that comes from a part of democrats that are left but policies that isn’t in effect .
Ps: even Jamie dimon head of the biggest in the US said yesterday wealth people should pay more tax , u think is a lefty really ?
Biden and Clinton and Obama are not left and I want u to tell me what policies are in effect and u consider left in the US .
The baby garbage viewpoint on 31 weeks letting mother killing their baby .
Do u have an example of such a case ?
Is the police been defund in actuality ?
I think u mix up what some people wants and what actually is in effect .
US in the grand scheme of thing is center , center right with biden and with trump would be far right .
Fwiw universal health care is just basic in almost every country in the world for example and US don’t even have that .
There is not much left in the US beside maybe one or 2 thing u might be lucky to see
U enumerated policies that comes from a part of democrats that are left but policies that isn’t in effect .
Ps: even Jamie dimon head of the biggest in the US said yesterday wealth people should pay more tax , u think is a lefty really ?
Biden and Clinton and Obama are not left and I want u to tell me what policies are in effect and u consider left in the US .
The baby garbage viewpoint on 31 weeks letting mother killing their baby .
Do u have an example of such a case ?
Is the police been de
You asked me what I consider the left, I told you.
Btw no question asked abortion at 30 weeks is policies in a couple of democrat controlled states.
The USA has universal healthcare: if you are poor you have medicaid, if you are old you have medicare , if you aren't employed, poor or old you have subsidized private plans.
100% of people who want coverage can get it. Some people choose to opt out, by not buying insurance even if they can afford it
As for taxation, if you earn 1 million per year in California you pay more taxes than most European countries lol.
How is that not leftism? If the USA was slewed to the right, it would have much lower taxation for income everywhere than normal western countries
You asked me what I consider the left, I told you.
Btw no question asked abortion at 30 weeks is policies in a couple of democrat controlled states.
The USA has universal healthcare: if you are poor you have medicaid, if you are old you have medicare , if you aren't employed, poor or old you have subsidized private plans.
100% of people who want coverage can get it. Some people choose to opt out, by not buying insurance even if they can afford it
As for taxation, if you earn 1 million per year in Ca
It is just blatantly false.
In states like Florida, Texas, Georgia, and about 12 other states where they refused the Obamacare Medicaid extensions there are millions of people who can't afford medical insurance and don't qualify for Medicaid.
The reason some states didn't agree to the federal Government paying 100% of Medicaid Expenses for those at the poverty level to 133% over the poverty level for 3 years and then 90% for subsequent years is that they weren't covering people for Medicaid all the way up to the poverty level in the first place. So those states would have had to cough up substantial money for their poorer citizens to have medical insurance coverage.
Studies that compared Massachusetts (Romneycare in which 97% of the state is covered) with other counties throughout the country with similar demographics, found that for every 800 people insured 1 life would be saved. So basically the pro life states decided not to spend money to save thousands of lives.
Not at all. Comey putting Hillary on blast by saying the FBI is reopening the email probe 11 days before the election is what sunk her. It's not even up for debate.
Not a chance she refused help from Facebook and skipped over many states assuming she had them in the bag . The deplorable comments and ill put all you coal miners out of work
That’s what killed her
It is just blatantly false.
In states like Florida, Texas, Georgia, and about 12 other states where they refused the Obamacare Medicaid extensions there are millions of people who can't afford medical insurance and don't qualify for Medicaid.
The reason some states didn't agree to the federal Government paying 100% of Medicaid Expenses for those at the poverty level to 133% over the poverty level for 3 years and then 90% for subsequent years is that they weren't covering people for Medicaid all th
Can you please describe the kind of individual you think can't afford coverage in those states?
Age/family status (dependants if any)/income?
LOL at people arguing that Hillary lost because of this or that one thing. Everything that has been mentioned contributed to her loss. Complicated results often have more than one "but for" cause.