Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14490 Replies


Lol at people arguing with someone who posts about baby assassination and the “blacks” too

Hillary didn't lose

by Luciom k

Can you please describe the kind of individual you think can't afford coverage in those states?

Age/family status (dependants if any)/income?

I did already but basically people or families with income just above the poverty line and <133% above the poverty line Not people over 65.

Florida, Texas and Georgia (and another like 12 states) will not allow Medicaid applicants with income above the poverty line. In the case of Florida I think it is closer to like 75% below the poverty line or more but I can be wrong about the exact number.

These are people whose jobs do not provide health insurance.

So they can't afford health insurance and the government (in their states) is not helping though they could.

There are many people who aren't insured because they don't realize they can be (Medicaid). There are many people who aren't insured because they don't want to pay (or cannot afford to pay). I was one of those people like 30 years ago. Then I joined an actors union even though I wasn't an actor so I could get health insurance...

by Rococo k

LOL at people arguing that Hillary lost because of this or that one thing. Everything that has been mentioned contributed to her loss. Complicated results often have more than one "but for" cause.

Sure. Also Hilary realised her mistake immediately.

However it's particualrly egregious because it betrays a real attitude of too many that the likes of trump feed of so powerfully. Whether saying it out loud for a moment moved the needle much is hard to say because so much damage has already been done.

There are many causes but at least some from the democrats have some merit. The 'deplorable' thing is plain stupid.

what people aren't considering about the deplorable comment is that most people don't vote - even if they support or prefer a candidate, they are still not going to go make the effort to register to vote and go vote

that's why most political strategy is not to persuade independents (most are not true independents, they just prefer to call themselves independent because they don't want to sound like "a sheep" - i know several people who insist they are independents but have only voted for one party their entire life

so strategy after the primaries is not at all about persuading people you're the better candidate but instead to motivate your supporters to get up and go vote on election day

a lot of people who liked trump but weren't going to vote registered to vote based on comments like that

by Mr Rick k

I did already but basically people or families with income just above the poverty line and <133% above the poverty line Not people over 65.

Florida, Texas and Georgia (and another like 12 states) will not allow Medicaid applicants with income above the poverty line. In the case of Florida I think it is closer to like 75% below the poverty line or more but I can be wrong about the exact number.

These are people whose jobs do not provide health insurance.

So they can't afford health insurance and t

And of course you can just look at the uninsured rate in states like FL and TX compared to even red states with high rural populations, high poverty and generally right wing poor performing culture that have expanded like KS and WV.

by King_of_NYC k

Hillary didn't lose

Only Republicans are allowed to be election deniers

by Mr Rick k

I did already but basically people or families with income just above the poverty line and <133% above the poverty line Not people over 65.

Florida, Texas and Georgia (and another like 12 states) will not allow Medicaid applicants with income above the poverty line. In the case of Florida I think it is closer to like 75% below the poverty line or more but I can be wrong about the exact number.

These are people whose jobs do not provide health insurance.

So they can't afford health insurance and t

Aren't people from 100 to 133% of poverty line allowed to buy private insurance on Obamacare markets at heavily subsidized rates? And still having more money left for everything else than the median Italian or Greek or Portuguese person who has "the blessing" of socialized healthcare with 6 months waiting lines unless it's a life or death situation?

So who, exactly, is physically incapable of accessing insurance? Or is it about "they have to renounce some significant consumption in order to access it" , like everyone in high tax countries with socialized healthcare is to begin with, because of insanely higher taxation even on low incomes?

by metsandfinsfan k

Only Republicans are allowed to be election deniers

by Luciom k

Let’s not forget Hakeem Jeffries as well said Trump wasn’t the legitimate president .

Though in their defense none of them had their supporters storm the capital over it

by rickroll k

what people aren't considering about the deplorable comment is that most people don't vote - even if they support or prefer a candidate, they are still not going to go make the effort to register to vote and go vote

that's why most political strategy is not to persuade independents (most are not true independents, they just prefer to call themselves independent because they don't want to sound like "a sheep" - i know several people who insist they are independents but have only voted for one part

There's also the swing voters who are key in the close votes that matter. If they live in a community, or have friends/family, that they feel is so hated and unrepresented by the 'other side' then they are more likely to not bother voting or vote for their 'own side'.

by rickroll k

what people aren't considering about the deplorable comment is that most people don't vote - even if they support or prefer a candidate, they are still not going to go make the effort to register to vote and go vote

that's why most political strategy is not to persuade independents (most are not true independents, they just prefer to call themselves independent because they don't want to sound like "a sheep" - i know several people who insist they are independents but have only voted for one part

One of the reasons HRC lost in 2016 , was that she was despised by blacks who didn't feel represented by her, maybe perhaps because she called them, as a group, superpredators in the late 90s.

by Luciom k

One of the reasons HRC lost in 2016 , was that she was despised by blacks who didn't feel represented by her, maybe perhaps because she called them, as a group, superpredators in the late 90s.

by lozen k

Let’s not forget Hakeem Jeffries as well said Trump wasn’t the legitimate president .

Though in their defense none of them had their supporters storm the capital over it

It isn't violence when the left protests violently

by chezlaw k

There's also the swing voters who are key in the close votes that matter. If they live in a community, or have friends/family, that they feel is so hated and unrepresented by the 'other side' then they are more likely to not bother voting or vote for their 'own side'.

swing voters are a myth

they are far smaller in number than anyone believes

it's just easier to explain states that could vote either way with "swing voters" rather than the nuance of mentioning the nuance of the fact that most people don't vote some certain states can swing simply by one party doing a better job of motivating them to show up to vote

in 2022 69.1% of the eligible voting population was registered to vote and only 52.2% voted.

This means that for every group of 4 registered voters, one will not vote despite having put in the effort to register.

That's where the swing comes in. The unknown factor is not who the voter is going to vote for but rather which voters will show up to vote.

This is why they do canvassing on election day and volunteers go knock on doors and ask people to vote. They can very accurately predict which neighborhoods are more likely to support their candidate and they just try to motivate a few more to turn off the tv and go to the polling station and it works.

this is a very well studied issue

swing voters are extremely overblown (self reported by liars who think they sound smarter & more independent labeling themselves a swing voter) and are heavily exaggerated, very few genuine swing voters exist - it's just an easy and simple trope for tv election coverage where they have 30 seconds to explain why they don't know who will win pennsylvania

[QUOTE=Mythical Swing Voter]But there is a puzzle: candidates appeal to swing voters in debates,
campaigns target advertising toward swing voters, journalists discuss
swing voters, and the polls do indeed swing — but it is hard to find
voters who have actually switched sides.[/QUOTE]

the swing is in which americans register to vote and then show up to vote

by Luciom k

Warren on fiscal takes (wealth tax), Cortez on immigration, anyone claiming that's it's moral and proper to forfeit student debt, anyone claiming it's good to allow women to change their mind when 31 weeks pregnant and assassinate what it's almost a full grown child in their wombs, people claiming blacks have bad economic outcomes because of racism in 2024, all people claiming you are a man or woman just because you claim to be one, people claiming there are no genetic differences among ethnic g

Since ICE wasn't a thing until 2003, I'm pretty sure people in 1990 would not have found its non-existence horrifying.

by chillrob k

Since ICE wasn't a thing until 2003, I'm pretty sure people in 1990 would not have found its non-existence horrifying.

there were a plethora of federal agencies which had roles about border control pre-ICE, you know that, and telling people "we should abdicate all federal roles in controlling the border (=abolish ICE) would have been horrifying for most voters in 1990 ye

by rickroll k

swing voters are a myth

they are far smaller in number than anyone believes

it's just easier to explain states that could vote either way with "swing voters" rather than the nuance of mentioning the nuance of the fact that most people don't vote some certain states can swing simply by one party doing a better job of motivating them to show up to vote

in 2022 69.1% of the eligible voting population was registered to vote and only 52.2% voted.

This means that for every group of 4 registered voters, on

Getting out the vote may be more important but it depends at what stage of the campaign we're talking about. Gettign the vote out is just about everything when the polls are open but teh earlier in the campaign, the more it's about winning support.

It's bad in the usa because it's so polarised ('deplorable' is part of that) but it's ridiculous to say there aren't any swing voters. For example it's estimated 12% of sanders supporters voted for trump. That's just one group of swing voters. Many who voted for trump will vote Biden next time. Include those who swing from voting to not voting because they are shifted (rather than lazyness) and it's a very big factor in the tight races that matter.

Here's a link from 538 with a lot of information on swing voting

by Luciom k

there were a plethora of federal agencies which had roles about border control pre-ICE, you know that, and telling people "we should abdicate all federal roles in controlling the border (=abolish ICE) would have been horrifying for most voters in 1990 ye

yeah society and cultural norms changed based on more information and ideas. this is how things work.

i understand a portion of the country longs to return to the racist bigoted past but those people shouldn't be catered to. they should be ignored.

by Luciom k

One of the reasons HRC lost in 2016 , was that she was despised by blacks who didn't feel represented by her, maybe perhaps because she called them, as a group, superpredators in the late 90s.

I don't know if you care about facts, but if you do, you might want to remember that HRC won 89% of the black vote in 2016, as compared to 8% for Trump.

by chezlaw k

Here's a link from 538 with a lot of information on swing voting

i share academic reports

you share a widely ridiculed predictive site that would have lost you over 40% of all money wagered if you bet on their predictions in both sports and politics trying to explain away why they suck

we're built different

by Rococo k

I don't know if you care about facts, but if you do, you might want to remember that HRC won 89% of the black vote in 2016, as compared to 8% for Trump.

of those who voted.

HRC managed to convince a significant portion of them to stay at home

by Slighted k

yeah society and cultural norms changed based on more information and ideas. this is how things work.

i understand a portion of the country longs to return to the racist bigoted past but those people shouldn't be catered to. they should be ignored.

ok so we are back at "it's good and proper to move the goalpost continuously".

you have a right to believe that's the case, but it's still true that the left is going much more extremist than before while the right isn't and it's actually following the left a bit.

the arc of history isn't a scientifical truth. if we were in an actual democracy, every election would have the same chance of moving against leftist goalposts, or toward them.

instead we constantly move toward your leftist preferences, every single time, yet you still complain that isn't enough lol

by Luciom k

ok so we are back at "it's good and proper to move the goalpost continuously".

you have a right to believe that's the case, but it's still true that the left is going much more extremist than before while the right isn't and it's actually following the left a bit.

the arc of history isn't a scientifical truth. if we were in an actual democracy, every election would have the same chance of moving against leftist goalposts, or toward them.

instead we constantly move toward your leftist preferences, e

You are literally complaining about the definitions of conservatism and progressivism.

"The progressives want to keep moving! Why don't they want to stay the same like the conservatives?"

by Gorgonian k

You are literally complaining about the definitions of conservatism and progressivism.

"The progressives want to keep moving! Why don't they want to stay the same like the conservatives?"

the progressives want to move, but when that happens they still lament things are bad, so why did we move to begin with?

normal people look at a situation, dislike something, ask for changes, and when they accomplish what they want *they are satisfied*.

I am complaining about the idea that a group of people exists, that has unlimited requests for change and cannot ever be satisfied no matter how much society moves toward their requests.

that's psychopathic, medically serious, behavior

for example I am for free drugs (all of them, I think the gvmnt shouldn't be legally allowed to determine which substances are legal to produce, sell and consume without exceptions).

if I get lucky enough that a place achieves that I am done. I am not going to "reinvent" my movement toward other made up goals.

I wanted liberty to consume what the frick you want, I get it, I am done.

progressives don't care about outcomes , their entire political and ideological stance is "things have to change inherently otherwise society is bad".

they are madmen
