Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14482 Replies


by lozen k

I have stated this week Trump rambles on like an idiot and lies but sorry Trump isnt in the cognitive decline Biden is

by d2_e4 k

Well, to be fair, hard to decline much when your starting point is so near the bottom.

trump told people to drink bleach and that they could run UV lights to kill covid, the UV lights inside your body of course

I mean this guy is really special. Biden isnt all there, clearly, but he isnt an idiot like trump, who is also not all there.

again, one sold out our spies to russia/china, one did not. I dont know what else there is to say

Trump was interviewed by Logan Paul?
I mean this thing is over. Are the Dems really going to be shocked as Trump backstrokes across the finish line? They're putting their money on a literal corpse and Kamala Harris. You can't look back and be like yeah, that was a bad idea like with Hilary. This is glaringly bad. It's practically July so I guess they're already too balls deep to pull out now but they could have announced Biden as a lame duck, told Bibi to hurry up and wrap your **** up and their replacement candidate could take any position they want on the issue. Could even call him genocide Joe if that's the direction they wanted. The deep state is really embarrassing themselves with this performance.

by PointlessWords k

trump told people to drink bleach and that they could run UV lights to kill covid, the UV lights inside your body of course

I mean this guy is really special. Biden isnt all there, clearly, but he isnt an idiot like trump, who is also not all there.

again, one sold out our spies to russia/china, one did not. I dont know what else there is to say

He never said drink bleach and UV lights are used to kill germs. Yeah he rambles like an idiot

Sold out spies to Russia keep spouting Maddow's lies

by 5 south k

Trump was interviewed by Logan Paul?
I mean this thing is over. Are the Dems really going to be shocked as Trump backstrokes across the finish line? They're putting their money on a literal corpse and Kamala Harris. You can't look back and be like yeah, that was a bad idea like with Hilary. This is glaringly bad. It's practically July so I guess they're already too balls deep to pull out now but they could have announced Biden as a lame duck, told Bibi to hurry up and wrap your **** up and their

Hilary had an easy election to win she blew it
Trump in 2020 had an easy election to win he blew it
The Dems had an easy election to win in 2024 and they decided to go with the worst presidential and VP candidates will see if they blow it
The GOP had the easiest election to win in 2024 but they chose Trump

by lozen k

Yeah he rambles like an idiot

Something something if it quacks like a duck....

by lozen k

Hilary had an easy election to win she blew it
Trump in 2020 had an easy election to win he blew it
The Dems had an easy election to win in 2024 and they decided to go with the worst presidential and VP candidates will see if they blow it
The GOP had the easiest election to win in 2024 but they chose Trump

Pretty much every sentence of this is wrong. Almost impressive in a way.


Broken YouTube Link

by ecriture d'adulte k

Pretty much every sentence of this is wrong. Almost impressive in a way.

No facts just wrong

Hilary choose to not visit many states that she thought he locked up, as well turned down all help from Facebook She lost those states she snubbed and facebook had a huge influence

Trump had a great economy , a vaccine and just needed to show sympathy and embrace mail in voting but je just couldn't

If Biden had lived up to what he said that he would only be a one term president than the Dems had lots of time to come up with someone that could string two sentences together and isnt 80 something going on dead

If the GOP had a list of other candidates other than Trump against Biden I think they are a lock

But thanks for the compliment I always try and impress

I’m not going through every error, pointing out yours would be a full time job by itself but:

1. 2016 was pure fundamentals wise an even to maybe slightly republican year. Economy was fine but not booming and we were coming off 8 years of democratic rule. Obama’s ratings were fine but lower than someone like Clinton in 2000 and republicans were able to win that one as well. Trump himself led primary wire to wire and did well in particular with non college educated voters which helped in specific swing states. It was not shaping up to be an 08 style win unless polls were significantly off. The states thing is dumb. Hilary visited PA more than any other state and lost it. She was probably correct in not visiting MI ie if MI is in doubt she already lost. This is maybe too advanced for you but it’s obvious to normal people.
There’s also not much reason to think visiting a state actually helps you in that state but that’s going to be 2 levels too advanced to get into.

2. Precovid Trump had a low growth low job creation economy with both numbers lower than the last 4 years of Obama. He barely won in 2016 and did not break 50% nationally or in any of the states Biden ended up flipping. Only an idiot would think he had an easy path to re election. Obama had a much easier path to re-election and you see a decent tightening from 08 to 12. If Trump experienced the same small loss on margin Obama did he loses.

Other errors as well but I’ll stop here. There isn’t much to gain by showing you are wrong SS it’s dog bites man style news.

2016 election was hacked and stolen from Clinton
2020 election was hacked and stolen from Trump

And you’re a fool if you think it’s just a coincidence that Russia ASKED Trump for classified spy info, and then after Trump gave it ALL of our assets in China were killed.

You knew that right?

That's my boy!! spillin the beanz talking with Rosanne Barr! He's gonna be an important part of President Trump's new admin (he's only been spending every other week almost at mar a lago with some of the greatest football legends of out time and the main legend himself, President Trump (who doesn't like when ppl say happy birthday to him tho I just learned).

So now country singers and actresses are political advisors? Or is that a different Derek Johnson? I had never heard of him.

People perceptions of the economy deteriorated a lot recently

Trump’s campaign has played up his 81-year-old rival’s gaffes,
but recent appearances are raising concerns about his own sharpness.

several CEOs who met with Trump at a business roundtable
on Thursday left the meeting with concerns about his cognitive state

by Luciom k

People perceptions of the economy deteriorated a lot recently

People are stupid.

'the problem with the army tanks like cars and like trucks, the problem is that you would have to bring a battery pack along. youre going to pull it like a little wagon, like a child pulls a wagon. so they want to build army tank. but, you know, the battery is very big."

this one isn't even a new incoherent rant.. he's been ranting about this electric tank idea for a couple years now.

you read where they don't want to have any water in your dishwasher, so your dishwasher won't work, and they think that's good. so what you do is to keep having it go on and on and on. the electric bill is ten times more than the water.

by chillrob k

People are stupid.

is the economy doing well?

by wreckem713 k

is the economy doing well?

It's a very mixed economy with some aggregate stats doing well, others doing worse than people want to admit for specific sub demographics .

If you own you home with a fixed rate mortgage and have a job in a sector which isn't going bad (or are a retiree) things are doing fairly well, or better. Certainly a good time.

Unless you for any reason want to sell your house and buy elsewhere, which you can't without being financially massacred.

If you are renting in a prime locality and you work in a sector which isn't hiring too much (which applies to some white collar segments as well) you are feeling this is a big recession.

Real income is going worse for you.

Above are the 2 extremes then there are many households in the middle

by wreckem713 k

whats it say?

If u need to ask and can’t reach a simple chart you know where you stand .
No need to explain.

by wreckem713 k

whats it say?

What does what say?

by Montrealcorp k

If u need to ask and can’t reach a simple chart you know where you stand .
No need to explain.

I guess I stand in the group that doesn't believe the chart or the people that change the definition of a recession in the middle of a recession...

by wreckem713 k

I guess I stand in the group that doesn't believe the chart or the people that change the definition of a recession in the middle of a recession...

Why do you think the definition of recession was changed?

by Gorgonian k

Why do you think the definition of recession was changed?

some people will look at the stock market going up and assume that everything is okay because their equity is going up. all the while, we print more and more money. It dilutes retirement savings and even worse, completely crushes all hopes for the next generation to do better than the previous one. by the time they realize it, it will be too late to matter. inflation numbers are presented differently every period to make it seem like things havent 2-3x since 2019. companies left and right are writing about "operational efficiency" which is corporate jargon for "layoffs incoming". The new jobs being created are more part time and the jobs being lost are more full time. obviously jobs #s are incomparable to other years because we have never had this type of immigration which pumps up the part-time #s. houses aren't affordable with these interest rates and the mortgage is no longer an asset. j pow is hinting at rate cuts now which will send it even higher because not enough of the speculators have been punished. I could rant on.

the definition changed to keep the coalition in order. who knows how much longer that will last. It could change in November but it probably won't. Trump can smell the bs but many of you are right, he probably can't do anything about it.
