Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14489 Replies


by Luciom k

The VP candidate at the time (Harris) raised money for bail for the rioters.

Do you really think that implies that she was coordinating the riots?

by bahbahmickey k

I think having a group stand outside of a judges house to pressure him to change law is worse than what some of the 1/6ers did and less bad that what some of the other 1/6ers did.

What city won a championship that resulted in fans trying to burn down government and police buildings, people getting severely hurt, people dying, businesses going under because the owner couldn't sell anything because his store was surrounded by violence for a year and the business and personal property damaged and d

Again, it's not important which caused more damage. The important thing is what were the goals of each group.
One goal was treasonous, the other was not.

Also, your last statement is completely untrue. There was not widespread support for the rioters by any major party.

the peoples right to protest is more important than the store owners ability to sell his goods. the store owner rents his land from the people, the people owe the store owner nothing

unless you believe in socialism for businesses

i love when the party doesn't get the talking points distributed quickly enough.

trump allegedly talked some **** on Milwaukee calling it a horrible city. (which our resident Milwaukee republican probably even agrees with?) it clearly didn't poll well though, so it looks like 5 republicans were called on to run cover for him.

1 said he didnt hear anything.
2 said trump definitely didnt say anything like that.
1 said trump DID say it but he was referring to the "crime rate" in Milwaukee
1 said trump DID say it but he was referring to "election integrity" in Milwaukee

It's the GOP's way of incorporating diversity...

by bahbahmickey k

I think having a group stand outside of a judges house to pressure him to change law is worse than what some of the 1/6ers did and less bad that what some of the other 1/6ers did.

Remind us again how many died at people standing outside judges houses ?

And yes I guess just trying to changed some laws is worst than actually losing democracy and it’s country ….

by Slighted k

i love when the party doesn't get the talking points distributed quickly enough.

trump allegedly talked some **** on Milwaukee calling it a horrible city. (which our resident Milwaukee republican probably even agrees with?) it clearly didn't poll well though, so it looks like 5 republicans were called on to run cover for him.

1 said he didnt hear anything.
2 said trump definitely didnt say anything like that.
1 said trump DID say it but he was referring to the "crime rate" in Milwaukee
1 said trump

Odd that the Republicans are holding their convention there then. I hope some people protest about what he said.

by Slighted k

i love when the party doesn't get the talking points distributed quickly enough.

“I don’t care about you! I just want your vote! I don’t care.” - Donald Trump
speaking to his audience at his campaign rally in Las Vegas, June 9th, 2024.

by steamraise k

“I don’t care about you! I just want your vote! I don’t care.” - Donald Trump
speaking to his audience at his campaign rally in Las Vegas, June 9th, 2024.

he is speaking the truth about both parties sadly

Ah, the good old lozen posting formula: any criticism of Trump is either invalid or, only in cases where it's absolutely incontrovertibly true, it applies to both sidesssss. There is no third option.

by d2_e4 k

Ah, the good old lozen posting formula: any criticism of Trump is either invalid or (only in cases where it's absolutely incontrovertibly true), it applies to both sidesssss. There is no third option.

You disagree with his point here?

by wreckem713 k

You disagree with his point here?

Not necessarily, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I'm pointing out that this is all he ever does, while claiming not to be a Trumper.

by d2_e4 k

Ah, the good old lozen posting formula: any criticism of Trump is either invalid or, only in cases where it's absolutely incontrovertibly true, it applies to both sidesssss. There is no third option.

Oh I have criticized Trump often I just find it funny you hold one party to one standard and yours to no standards . I have been honest I do not like either candidate but prefer Trump over Biden .

by lozen k

Oh I have criticized Trump often I just find it funny you hold one party to one standard and yours to no standards . I have been honest I do not like either candidate but prefer Trump over Biden .

Funny, we hear from you all the time regarding Biden's apparent senility/dementia, yet not a peep regarding Trump's recent incoherent ramblings that were quoted in this thread earlier this week.

by d2_e4 k

Funny, we hear from you all the time regarding Biden's apparent senility/dementia, yet not a peep regarding Trump's recent incoherent ramblings that were quoted in this thread earlier this week.

it's not incoherent ramblings because of old age, it's his style since at least 2015. He makes up colorful semi-incoherent narratives about stuff all the times to ironize against individuals or groups he dislikes or viceversa to reward individuals or groups he likes.

The electrical boat shark thing was about having fun talking about environmentalists

by Luciom k

it's not incoherent ramblings because of old age, it's his style since at least 2015. He makes up colorful semi-incoherent narratives about stuff all the times to ironize against individuals or groups he dislikes or viceversa to reward individuals or groups he likes.

The electrical boat shark thing was about having fun talking about environmentalists

Ah, so he is not incoherent because he's senile, he's just always incoherent. Well, that's much better, then. In any case, glad someone understands what that bloated orange moron is blabbering about - you can be the designated forum Trump whisperer and continue enlightening the rest of us.

by d2_e4 k

Ah, so he is not incoherent because he's senile, he's just always incoherent. Well, that's much better, then. In any case, glad someone understands what that bloated orange moron is blabbering about - you can be the designated forum Trump whisperer and continue enlightening the rest of us.

maybe you can be the translator for this one

by Luciom k

it's not incoherent ramblings because of old age, it's his style since at least 2015. He makes up colorful semi-incoherent narratives about stuff all the times to ironize against individuals or groups he dislikes or viceversa to reward individuals or groups he likes.

The electrical boat shark thing was about having fun talking about environmentalists

Trump's well-known finely tuned sense of humor is so subtle that only certain individuals have the ability to decode and reinterpret it.

by wreckem713 k

maybe you can be the translator for this one

You know you could make 100 compilations longer than this of Trump doing the same or worse, right?

by lozen k

Oh I have criticized Trump often I just find it funny you hold one party to one standard and yours to no standards . I have been honest I do not like either candidate but prefer Trump over Biden .

trump gave up our spy assets in china. he is not the same as biden and shouldnt be voted for

by d2_e4 k

You know you could make 100 compilations longer than this of Trump doing the same or worse, right?

I couldn't do that, no

by wreckem713 k

I couldn't do that, no

I doubt you could do much, what with only a Trump U degree to boast as your credentials.

by d2_e4 k

I doubt you could do much, what with only a Trump U degree to boast as your credentials.

I did meet with the dean (Eric Trump) upon graduation and recommended a video editing class

by d2_e4 k

Funny, we hear from you all the time regarding Biden's apparent senility/dementia, yet not a peep regarding Trump's recent incoherent ramblings that were quoted in this thread earlier this week.

I have stated this week Trump rambles on like an idiot and lies but sorry Trump isnt in the cognitive decline Biden is

by lozen k

I have stated this week Trump rambles on like an idiot and lies but sorry Trump isnt in the cognitive decline Biden is

Well, to be fair, hard to decline much when your starting point is so near the bottom.
