Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14490 Replies


by Luciom k

I suppose because the military can intervene and oppose a coup in general (not constitutionally but pragmatically)

In theory, yes, but there is no real history of the U.S. military functioning as an independent actor in domestic politics in the way that, say, Turkey's military has.

by Luciom k

I think the claim is non controversial.

We never had a country with a military which was an order of magnitude more powerful than the second in the world, before the USA.

I guess the Roman Empire was fake news.

by pocket_zeros k

I guess the Roman Empire was fake news.

The Roman empire was the USA but only locally. It wasn't 10x as powerful than anyone else on the planet. It was just far enough from them to disregard them in a world that was compartmentalized by transport

by pocket_zeros k

I guess the Roman Empire was fake news.

How is that Roman Empire doing in 2024

by Luciom k

The Roman empire was the USA but only locally. It wasn't 10x as powerful than anyone else on the planet. It was just far enough from them to disregard them in a world that was compartmentalized by transport

You really should read some history. The Roman Empire was one of the largest in area in the history of mankind.

by lozen k

How is that Roman Empire doing in 2024

It lasted 1,000 years. I would be surprised if America lasts half that long.

by pocket_zeros k

You really should read some history. The Roman Empire was one of the largest in area in the history of mankind.

the Roman empire couldn't project power in south America

by Luciom k

the Roman empire couldn't project power in south America

What does that have to do with your claim "We never had a country with a military which was an order of magnitude more powerful than the second in the world, before the USA."

by pocket_zeros k

It lasted 1,000 years. I would be surprised if America lasts half that long.

id be surprised if it lasts another 50 years

by pocket_zeros k

What does that have to do with your claim "We never had a country with a military which was an order of magnitude more powerful than the second in the world, before the USA."

because power exists only if it can be used. the Roman empire was a local powerhouse, not a global one.

and it wasn't even bigger than what a smart kid from Macedonia managed a couple of centuries before.

the British empire was a global power but not as powerful as the USA.

the USA is the most powerful country in the history of the world by a large margin.

nothing in human history compares to it.

by jjjou812 k

Nah, you are always attempting to minimize the seriousness of their conduct by claiming they had a very limited chance of success.

I don’t think I said I want to minimize the seriousness of what the 1/6ers did. In fact, I said quite the opposite when I said people who promote or do political violence or political intimidation should be in jail. However, we can’t have just one party punished for political violence/intimidation - either you jail the 1/6ers, trump, BLM rioters, the people who protested out of the SC justices houses and all the dems and repubs who encouraged any of this or you jail none of them.

by King Spew k

Seems pretty close minded.

You have to be off your rocker if you think 1k people can overthrow the most powerful country the world has ever seen. If 1k people can overthrow the US do you think me and my dog can overthrow a small Caribbean island since they have 1/1000th of the military power, economic power, etc?

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yeah it’s pretty crazy to think it was 0%. It’s uncharted territory to have a major party losing candidate in a presidential election not only refuse to concede but actively declare victory. Add in the fact that this was a sitting POTUS, at least 30% of the country agree with him, crackpot legal theories fake electors etc; it becomes pretty clear that it would only take Pence and a handful of others to go along with this to create a pretty serious situation. Given he’s the candidate again, a hu

0%. It’s just not going to happen. I think you all are grossly underestimating the will of the American people.

by ganstaman k

When you say most powerful in the world, can you explain what you mean? That is, in what way do you mean powerful? (I'm not asking to doubt you, it's that I don't want to assume your intentions in my response.)

For all of the reasons the rest of the world calls us Daddy. We are the world police, the USD is the world’ currency, if a natural disaster occurs we are the first call, very few significant world agreements are discussed without us at the head of the table, etc.

by bahbahmickey k

I don’t think I said I want to minimize the seriousness of what the 1/6ers did. In fact, I said quite the opposite when I said people who promote or do political violence or political intimidation should be in jail. However, we can’t have just one party punished for political violence/intimidation - either you jail the 1/6ers, trump, BLM rioters, the people who protested out of the SC justices houses and all the dems and repubs who encouraged any of this or you jail none of them.

You have to be

You're acting like they were trying to install some random as president. They were trying to keep the current president, who had been voted out. Do you see the difference?

by d2_e4 k

You're acting like they were trying to install some random as president. They were trying to keep the current president, who had been voted out. Do you see the difference?

Overthrowing the US with 1k people and making the current or a former president the new president has the same odds of overthrowing the US and making some random crackhead the new president.

I understand that in the plan that someone laid out a few posts ago ITT there are some steps that can only occur if the overthrow is using the current president, but that doesn’t change the fact that the overthrow itself is still 0%.

by bahbahmickey k

You have to be off your rocker if you think 1k people can overthrow the most powerful country the world has ever seen. If 1k people can overthrow the US do you think me and my dog can overthrow a small Caribbean island since they have 1/1000th of the military power, economic power, etc?.

Yup like previously said .
Baham only know one way how a government can be overthrow and it’s with violence and some sort of military force shrug.

He doesn’t see how those 1k rioters were more of a diversion to prevent the changes of power and from there , make a « soft coup » with political means instead of military actions ..

Ps: the greatest danger is exactly when u think there is 0% of that danger happening….

by bahbahmickey k

Overthrowing the US with 1k people and making the current or a former president the new president has the same odds of overthrowing the US and making some random crackhead the new president.

I understand that in the plan that someone laid out a few posts ago ITT there are some steps that can only occur if the overthrow is using the current president, but that doesn’t change the fact that the overthrow itself is still 0%.

The answer to my question is clearly no, you do not see the difference.

by PointlessWords k

the vice president, a conservative republican, said thought and acted otherwise.

the secret service team, filled with conservative republicans, said thought and acted otherwise.

why do you think you know better than republicans who were there?

Know what better? And why does it matter in particular what republicans think?

Those people had the intention of preventing the peaceful transfer of power as specified by the constitution. That certainly sounds like treason to me, which is often punished with the death penalty.

If someone doesn't think they should be executed, they have a different opinion, but not different knowledge. The facts of what happened are not in question.

Your MSN link specifies 'former' intelligence officers, AKA private citizens who had no affiliation with the government.

I used to work for the federal government myself. If I call a newspaper and tell them what I think about something, is democracy being subverted?

Thanks, this is the first time I have even seen a list of who these people were. I think most of the people who think this was some kind of scandal don't even know who they are, since they were so often referred to as members of the FBI or other intelligence agencies.

by lozen k

id be surprised if it lasts another 50 years

If it does go down within that time period, it will be because of Donald Trump and those who support him.

by bahbahmickey k

I don’t think I said I want to minimize the seriousness of what the 1/6ers did. In fact, I said quite the opposite when I said people who promote or do political violence or political intimidation should be in jail. However, we can’t have just one party punished for political violence/intimidation - either you jail the 1/6ers, trump, BLM rioters, the people who protested out of the SC justices houses and all the dems and repubs who encouraged any of this or you jail none of them.

You have to be

How do you think that rioters in Portland or people holding signs and yelling outside the house of a SC justice, with the intention of just grabbing attention, are in any way comparable with people who broke into the seat of the federal government with the intention of preventing the transfer of the presidency?

by chillrob k

How do you think that rioters in Portland or people holding signs and yelling outside the house of a SC justice, with the intention of just grabbing attention, are in any way comparable with people who broke into the seat of the federal government with the intention of preventing the transfer of the presidency?

I think that people setting cars and buildings, including federal buildings, on fire and rioting for days in 50+ cities is A LOT worse than the jan 6 vegan shaman crowd (which as i said should all have been executed anyway).

I think no one should even think it is possible to riot and live to tell it.

by Luciom k

I think that people setting cars and buildings, including federal buildings, on fire and rioting for days in 50+ cities is A LOT worse than the jan 6 vegan shaman crowd (which as i said should all have been executed anyway).

I think no one should even think it is possible to riot and live to tell it.

I think riots should be handled with more force than they generally are in the US, but those rioters had no intention to prevent constitutional processes or do anything else that I would consider treasonous. People do the same thing in big cities when their team wins a sports championship.

If you want to say they were worse because there were more people involved or more destruction occurred then that's fine, but they were completely different kinds of actions.

by chillrob k

I think riots should be handled with more force than they generally are in the US, but those rioters had no intention to prevent constitutional processes or do anything else that I would consider treasonous. People do the same thing in big cities when their team wins a sports championship.

If you want to say they were worse because there were more people involved or more destruction occurred then that's fine, but they were cool completely different kinds of actions.

I think pragmatical and so an attack like that on the capitol is far less dangerous for many reasons, starting with the fact that it's trivially easy to secure that location and others of similar importance in the future making a repeat of jan 6 impossible.

While allowing rioters to destroy cities with impunity simply incentivizes bad actors to do that again in the future. It's worse to know that tens of thousands of americans spread among many cities are ready to use political violence everytime they dislike policies. And it's even worse to know one of the two main parties agrees with them to the point they help funding their legal defenses and bails when they are arrested for eversive political violence.

I wouldn't consider the riots we're speaking of to have happened because of policy disagreements, and I don't know how it would be considered "political violence".

I also can't imagine that many happening in a short period of time again.

There likely would have been only a few isolated incidences as in past years were it not for the Covid related lockdowns. It had been several months of large groups of young people with no school to attend, no jobs to work, no sports to let off steam, no social life, and almost no recreational activities allowed. The lockdowns created a powder keg of bored and frustrated people on the edge of losing it. It was not surprising to me in the least that things blew up like they did.
