Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14491 Replies


by Santzes k

Apparently Trump has been pondering about battery shark problem for almost a year. Such a bigly thinker. Wouldn't believe it without the close MIT connections.

It's entirely possible that he has spent more time pondering this issue than anyone in human history.

by Luciom k

yes if the vast majority of the population wants something and you are a democracy you get that.

So if you dislike something you need to keep convincing people that something is bad. And you can criminalize being in favor of something that is too much against the social order you consider viable.

So for ex you could criminalize being pro slavery

You got love the irony from a guy calling himself pro life ….
And you are pro democracy ?
Killing the opposition is what fascist and totalitarian state do !
Let me help you … China and Russia aren’t consider democracy …..

by chillrob k

Hell, I think it would be moral to execute murderous gang members even without the laws allowing it.

But I don't think it is moral to murder someone just because you disagree with them about the best economic / political system, and I would have thought you considered Marxists as your enemies more than criminals. I certainly don't think it is moral, healthy, or natural to want to murder people who disagree with you on policy issues, and I even think it's natural to want to murder someone for fai

Obviously +1
The concept of killing people to win election isn’t what we call a democracy …
Actually I think the word « compromise » is what make a real democracy.

by Montrealcorp k

You got love the irony from a guy calling himself pro life ….
And you are pro democracy ?
Killing the opposition is what fascist and totalitarian state do !
Let me help you … China and Russia aren’t consider democracy …..

I am not sure why you think I am pro life given I wrote at least 10 times in this forum I am ok with first trimester abortion no question asked.

I also wrote we should use the death penalty a lot more, for all violent crimes for example and in general for all sentences over a couple of years. As jail never improves the person and costs more than a bullet.

It's not about killing "the opposition" rather about killing whomever criminally tries to undermine the state

by Luciom k

I am not sure why you think I am pro life given I wrote at least 10 times in this forum I am ok with first trimester abortion no question asked.

I also wrote we should use the death penalty a lot more, for all violent crimes for example and in general for all sentences over a couple of years. As jail never improves the person and costs more than a bullet.

It's not about killing "the opposition" rather about killing whomever criminally tries to undermine the state

So all those January 6 convicted should be put to death ?
Great …

And btw no you didn’t just speak about the state …
Let me remind u again what you said

So for ex you could criminalize being pro slavery and execute pro slavery people so they never reach the majority. And it would be fully democratic to do that, if you change the constitution to allow for that.

Pro slavery isn’t endangering the state !
Nothing more dangerous then a fascist not knowing is fascist for a democracy .
Cause they will accept as normal crazy anti moral policy to be acceptable….

by Montrealcorp k

So all those January 6 convicted should be put to death ?
Great …

And btw no you didn’t just speak about the state …
Let me remind u again what you said

Pro slavery isn’t endangering the state !
Nothing more dangerous then a fascist not knowing is fascist for a democracy .
Cause they will accept as normal crazy anti moral policy to be acceptable….

Yes I am on record saying that every one who rioted on Jan 6 should get the death penalty OBVIOUSLY, you attack the government building you die.

Pro slavery is endangering the state. The state isn't a fictional entity, the state is ONLY THE PEOPLE. Endangering the people is endangering the state. Pro slavery or pro abolition of private property rights or any other negative right is endangering the population.

If you want to abolish habeas corpus you should be treated as a terrorist as well.

by Luciom k

Yes I am on record saying that every one who rioted on Jan 6 should get the death penalty OBVIOUSLY, you attack the government building you die.

Pro slavery is endangering the state. The state isn't a fictional entity, the state is ONLY THE PEOPLE. Endangering the people is endangering the state. Pro slavery or pro abolition of private property rights or any other negative right is endangering the population.

If you want to abolish habeas corpus you should be treated as a terrorist as well.


by wreckem713 k


What's unclear , what's your question

by Luciom k

What's unclear , what's your question

my question was "huh?"

by wreckem713 k


isnt your crowd great.
yup even tho luciom is on your side he would gladly have u killed if u were there .

by Montrealcorp k

isnt your crowd great.
yup even tho luciom is on your side he would gladly have u killed if u were there .

jan 6 is overblown. looked like the burning man festival spilled into DC. anyone who thinks these were serious people and they were an actual threat to anything but themselves, is lying to themselves or bonkers

luciom is a globalist...not on my side in the slightest

Why did the policemen commit suicide?

by wreckem713 k

anyone who thinks these were serious people and they were an actual threat to anything but themselves, is lying to themselves or bonkers

It's hilarious watching you people tell yourselves this with your attempt at a straight face.

by Gorgonian k

It's hilarious watching you people tell yourselves this with your attempt at a straight face.

I put you in the bonkers category

by Montrealcorp k

isnt your crowd great.
yup even tho luciom is on your side he would gladly have u killed if u were there .

Lucicam is basically a leftist

by Gorgonian k

It's hilarious watching you people tell yourselves this with your attempt at a straight face.

Who do YOU think had a greater chance to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world without one shot fired?

A. the 1k or so people who invaded the capital on jan 6th
B. an institutionalized person who thinks the keys to the country are locked inside a safe in the backroom of the Wal-greens in small town Ohio and is willing and capable to walk into that Wal-greens unarmed and break into the backroom to get the keys
C. both A & B have the same odds

How is their chance of success even relevant?

by chillrob k

How is their chance of success even relevant?

It is so absurd how this has been whitewashed as not at all a big deal

Did everyone who entered the Capitol do so with the expressed intention of stopping or overturning the certification of Biden? Yes, this isn’t really disputable and even if there was little to no chance of success they still breached the captiol and caused the evacuation of every single member of the house and senate and the sitting Vice President and this was done with at best the encouragement and at worst at the explicit instruction of Trump

Did everyone who entered intend on overthrowing the government and killing members of Congress deemed the enemy? No. But assuming that nobody entered with that intention is just lying to yourself and everyone you express that to. People showed up armed, people showed up masked in body armor with zip tie handcuffs. There was a ****ing gallows. But ya I’m sure that was just making a point by doing BLM cosplay

by bahbahmickey k

Who do YOU think had a greater chance to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world without one shot fired?

A. the 1k or so people who invaded the capital on jan 6th
B. an institutionalized person who thinks the keys to the country are locked inside a safe in the backroom of the Wal-greens in small town Ohio and is willing and capable to walk into that Wal-greens unarmed and break into the backroom to get the keys
C. both A & B have the same odds

This is disingenuous. No one thinks that the protesters themselves had any chance of overthrowing the U.S. government by force. The hope on the Trump side was that the spectacle would put pressure on Pence to do the wrong thing, which in turn would precipitate a constitutional crisis, which in turn would precipitate a decision from the SCOTUS in which the court said that the question of electors, etc. was beyond the purview of the court, which in turn would lead to the military and FBI saying that it was not their place to get involved in purely political matters, which in turn would lead to Trump staying in office and successfully resisting the results of a non-rigged election.

There are a lot of steps in that process. I never thought the plan had more than a puncher's chance of succeeding. But the chances definitely were non-zero, and even a failed effort was guaranteed to normalize political behavior that we most certainly do not want to normalize.

It's just crazy for Republicans to pretend they're the real patriots when they excuse breaking into the capitol to interrupt official congressional proceedings because it was unlikely to actually subvert democracy.

by bahbahmickey k

Who do YOU think had a greater chance to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world without one shot fired?

A. the 1k or so people who invaded the capital on jan 6th
B. an institutionalized person who thinks the keys to the country are locked inside a safe in the backroom of the Wal-greens in small town Ohio and is willing and capable to walk into that Wal-greens unarmed and break into the backroom to get the keys
C. both A & B have the same odds

I look at the Jan 6 mob having the same brain power as the world’s dumbest criminals - like the guys that use Ubers as getaway cars from bank robberies. Stupid as **** but still criminals deserving punishment. Your staning for them says a lot.

The U.S. Attorneys' office is quietly proceeding with January 6 prosecutions and those involved are facing real consequences commensurate to the seriousness of their offenses. See You can peruse over 100 pages of January 6 defendants and their sentences, to date.

Say what you will about the "seriousness" of January 6, but it's impossible to deny that the right wing media ecosystem is directly responsible for these hundreds of people (with more prosecutions ongoing), most of whom likely never would have ever been touched by the criminal justice system, becoming felons. And yes, people make their own choices, but these people would not have been there but for the misinformation being spread about the election.

The right has to play down and try to move past January 6 not so much because it was a legitimate threat to our democracy, but because it reveals the fundamental betrayal of the right's own constituency.

by ganstaman k

It's just crazy for Republicans to pretend they're the real patriots when they excuse breaking into the capitol to interrupt official congressional proceedings because it was unlikely to actually subvert democracy.

Also, subversion of democracy isn't usually a singular event like flipping a light switch.

Subversion can be (and often is) a gradual process that occurs through the erosion of norms on which a functional democracy relies.

by chillrob k

How is their chance of success even relevant?

it isn't, or it shouldn't be.

Ofc the vegan shaman and his crowd weren't a serious threat (ie they had no chance of actual success). Doesn't matter, they should have been executed anyway. You don't wait for the threat to grow to put things straight.

by Luciom k

it isn't, or it shouldn't be.

Ofc the vegan shaman and his crowd weren't a serious threat (ie they had no chance of actual success). Doesn't matter, they should have been executed anyway. You don't wait for the threat to grow to put things straight.

the vice president, a conservative republican, said thought and acted otherwise.

the secret service team, filled with conservative republicans, said thought and acted otherwise.

why do you think you know better than republicans who were there?
