Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Also, subversion of democracy isn't usually a singular event like flipping a light switch.
Subversion can be (and often is) a gradual process that occurs through the erosion of norms on which a functional democracy relies.
Yeah. And we still don’t know what would have happened if Pence just said “hey look a lot of questions have been raised about the results from GA, AZ, WI and MI. I would like to take time for these ststes to confirm their results before we certify”. Then just cue up Trump talking about fraud the fake electors, right wing media saying trump really won and honest media covering both sides and you have a pretty combustible mix.
Also, subversion of democracy isn't usually a singular event like flipping a light switch.
Subversion can be (and often is) a gradual process that occurs through the erosion of norms on which a functional democracy relies.
Yes it starts with the little things like ignoring Supreme Court rulings , denying or fighting against third party candidates , having intelligence officers labelling things as Russian Disinformation, telling social media what they can and cannot post
Yes it starts with the little things like ignoring Supreme Court rulings , denying or fighting against third party candidates , having intelligence officers labelling things as Russian Disinformation, telling social media what they can and cannot post
speaking of which we should have an answer on that within this week
The reason people quote a post when writing their own post is so others can follow along with what is being said. In this case one poster said anyone who thinks the 1/6th people were a serious threat is delusional then my post was in response to someone responding to that post disagreeing with the first post - suggesting the 1/6ers had any shot of overthrowing the most powerful country in the world.
It is so absurd how this has been whitewashed as not at all a big deal
Did everyone who entered the Capitol do so with the expressed intention of stopping or overturning the certification of Biden? Yes, this isn’t really disputable and even if there was little to no chance of success they still breached the captiol and caused the evacuation of every single member of the house and senate and the sitting Vice President and this was done with at best the encouragement and at worst at the explicit in
I am, in no way trying to downplay the seriousness of what the 1/6ers did. I think some of them deserve jail time in the same way a lot of BLM rioters and the Supreme Court justices protestors deserve jail time for political violence or the threat of political violence. I think we should also include people who are violent or threaten violence to judges or politicians for political reasons or those who encourage that violence - I know that would include quite a few current and former dem politicians but we can’t downplay political violence - it is very serious.
lol at saying 100% of people who entered the capital did so to overthrow the country. Nobody knows what that % is but we all know it isn’t 0% or 100%.
You must hate Trump. He has been very open about the fact that he believes that there should be change in libel laws to make it easier for wealthy people to throttle the media.
He also has a long (and unsuccessful) history of seeking prior restraint orders.
This is disingenuous. No one thinks that the protesters themselves had any chance of overthrowing the U.S. government by force. The hope on the Trump side was that the spectacle would put pressure on Pence to do the wrong thing, which in turn would precipitate a constitutional crisis, which in turn would precipitate a decision from the SCOTUS in which the court said that the question of electors, etc. was beyond the purview of the court, which in turn would lead to the military and FBI saying
If you honestly believe that the odds of the protestors/rioters eventually succeeding in overthrowing the most powerful country in the history of the world either through your steps or any other sequence of events you need to stop drinking the kool-aid. The chance of this working was exactly 0% and anyone who says otherwise is in a fantasyland or was talked into believing it by someone who did so for political reasons.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
If you honestly believe that the odds of the protestors/rioters eventually succeeding in overthrowing the most powerful country in the history of the world either through your steps or any other sequence of events you need to stop drinking the kool-aid. The chance of this working was exactly 0% and anyone who says otherwise is in a fantasyland or was talked into believing it by someone who did so for political reasons.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
You can't even be bothered to read what you are quoting.
I specifically said that no one thought the protesters themselves were a threat to overthrow the government. I am simply explaining the plan that John Eastman proposed.
It's just crazy for Republicans to pretend they're the real patriots when they excuse breaking into the capitol to interrupt official congressional proceedings because it was unlikely to actually subvert democracy.
I’m not excusing what they did. They deserve jail time. Follow the post I was responding to understand why I said what I said.
I look at the Jan 6 mob having the same brain power as the world’s dumbest criminals - like the guys that use Ubers as getaway cars from bank robberies. Stupid as **** but still criminals deserving punishment. Your staning for them says a lot.
Completely agree that they are incredible stupid and deserve jail time. I’m not sure how that jives with your idea with me standing for them, but it feels like I’m doing the opposite of that.
If you honestly believe that the odds of the protestors/rioters eventually succeeding in overthrowing the most powerful country in the history of the world either through your steps or any other sequence of events you need to stop drinking the kool-aid. The chance of this working was exactly 0% and anyone who says otherwise is in a fantasyland or was talked into believing it by someone who did so for political reasons.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
so you think trump, pence, and pences SS detail are delusional
and youre sane
got it
You can't even be bothered to read what you are quoting.
I specifically said that no one thought the protesters themselves were a threat to overthrow the government. I am simply explaining the plan that John Eastman proposed.
I said the rioters had 0% to succeed which of course means that there is no sequence of events where their main goal of overthrowing the most powerful country in the history of the world would succeed.
You proceeded to post some crazy sequence of events that could take place that included far more than just the 1/6ers.
I am now reaffirming that there is no possible sequence of events where the US gets overthrown that starts with a bunch of crazies walking into a building yelling and screaming that they disagree with the election and start breaking stuff.
0%. I don’t care who planned it or what the plan was. 0%.
Yes it starts with the little things like ignoring Supreme Court rulings , denying or fighting against third party candidates , having intelligence officers labelling things as Russian Disinformation, telling social media what they can and cannot post
Do you realize the bolded never happened?
You proceeded to post some crazy sequence of events that could take place that included far more than just the 1/6ers.
As I said, I didn't think that sequence of events was at all likely. But surely you agree that the sequence of events I described was what Trump was hoping would happen. If you want to argue that Trump was trying to execute on a crazy plan rather than a plan that was very unlikely to succeed, I guess that's fine.
I’m not excusing what they did. They deserve jail time. Follow the post I was responding to understand why I said what I said.
Completely agree that they are incredible stupid and deserve jail time. I’m not sure how that jives with your idea with me standing for them, but it feels like I’m doing the opposite of that.
Nah, you are always attempting to minimize the seriousness of their conduct by claiming they had a very limited chance of success.
If you honestly believe that the odds of the protestors/rioters eventually succeeding in overthrowing the most powerful country in the history of the world either through your steps or any other sequence of events you need to stop drinking the kool-aid. The chance of this working was exactly 0% and anyone who says otherwise is in a fantasyland or was talked into believing it by someone who did so for political reasons.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Seem u didn’t understand what rococo wrote.
So yes it’s normal u don’t understand how a quiet coup works .
Fwiw pence was one of the key ingredient that saved that country .
Why you think they wanted to hang him ?
Seem u didn’t understand what rococo wrote.
So yes it’s normal u don’t understand how a quiet coup works .
Fwiw pence was one of the key ingredient that saved that country .
Why you think they wanted to hang him ?
Yeah it’s pretty crazy to think it was 0%. It’s uncharted territory to have a major party losing candidate in a presidential election not only refuse to concede but actively declare victory. Add in the fact that this was a sitting POTUS, at least 30% of the country agree with him, crackpot legal theories fake electors etc; it becomes pretty clear that it would only take Pence and a handful of others to go along with this to create a pretty serious situation. Given he’s the candidate again, a huge portion of the country doesn’t seem to think any of this is that wrong and it’s basically ok for the right wing to “win” or try to win elections in this manner.
Yeah it’s pretty crazy to think it was 0%. It’s uncharted territory to have a major losing candidate in a presidential election not only refuse to concede but actively declare victory. Add in the fact that this was a sitting POTUS, at least 30% of the country agree with him, crackpot legal theories fake electors etc; it becomes pretty clear that it would only take Pence and a handful of others to go along with this to create a pretty serious situation.
Also, as I said before, there is real harm that comes from a sitting president attempting to resist the results of a fair election, regardless of whether those efforts have a significant chance of success.
If you honestly believe that the odds of the protestors/rioters eventually succeeding in overthrowing the most powerful country in the history of the world either through your steps or any other sequence of events you need to stop drinking the kool-aid.
When you say most powerful in the world, can you explain what you mean? That is, in what way do you mean powerful? (I'm not asking to doubt you, it's that I don't want to assume your intentions in my response.)
When you say most powerful in the world, can you explain what you mean? That is, in what way do you mean powerful? (I'm not asking to doubt you, it's that I don't want to assume your intentions in my response.)
I think the claim is non controversial.
We never had a country with a military which was an order of magnitude more powerful than the second in the world, before the USA.
We never had a country with a military which was an order of magnitude more powerful than the second in the world, before the USA.
This is what I expected, that he was referencing the US military being powerful. Since those on January 6th were not attempting to overthrow the government through the use of force, what does the strength of the military have to do with it? He might as well point out that the US has a high GDP or lots of land or tons of corn. These are all irrelevant facts to what was being attempted. Why include irrelevant facts unless you're trying to mislead?
This is what I expected, that he was referencing the US military being powerful. Since those on January 6th were not attempting to overthrow the government through the use of force, what does the strength of the military have to do with it? He might as well point out that the US has a high GDP or lots of land or tons of corn. These are all irrelevant facts to what was being attempted. Why include irrelevant facts unless you're trying to mislead?
I suppose because the military can intervene and oppose a coup in general (not constitutionally but pragmatically)
This is what I expected, that he was referencing the US military being powerful. Since those on January 6th were not attempting to overthrow the government through the use of force, what does the strength of the military have to do with it? He might as well point out that the US has a high GDP or lots of land or tons of corn. These are all irrelevant facts to what was being attempted. Why include irrelevant facts unless you're trying to mislead?
considering Biden likes to allude to using f-15s on citizens, I'll allow it