Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


by rickroll k

i know a lot of highly intelligent, high net worth people who are voting for him purely because they'll get some version of GOP taxes

i know other deeply religious people who are voting for him because they'll get some version of GOP supreme court appointment

they don't really care about anything else

Sounds like scumbag behavior? They're voting Trump out of greed or a need to keep women from getting abortions.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Sounds like scumbag behavior? They're voting Trump out of greed or a need to keep women from getting abortions.

Murdering babies isn't cool.

Could have just posted “I know a bunch of sociopaths “

Oh good, you’re back

by BGnight k

Murdering babies isn't cool.

Pay attention you lot - this is exactly the sort of insightful analysis we've been missing round here.

by BGnight k

Murdering babies isn't cool.

Abortion has nothing to do with murdering babies.

Attacking Trump voters this way is dumb

Lots of people think abortion is murder. No reason to just be like no it isn’t lol

by Gorgonian k

Abortion has nothing to do with murdering babies.

by PointlessWords k

Attacking Trump voters this way is dumb

Lots of people think abortion is murder. No reason to just be like no it isn’t lol

Lots of people think the earth is flat. But the main distinction is abortion doesn't affect babies. It affects fetuses and embryos.

by rickroll k

It’s funny how we make such a distinction between a 4 years old killing someone’s with a gun and an adult doing the same thing and yet we don’t treat them equally in front of the law .

But hey, a cell or foetus without a functioning brain
and a living baby ,
there is no distinction at all .

by PointlessWords k

Attacking Trump voters this way is dumb

Lots of people think abortion is murder. No reason to just be like no it isn’t lol

Lot of trump voters believe in god as well .
Doesn’t make it more true like abortion killing babies .
They are free to believe so , they aren’t free to impose their beliefs on others .
And yet imposing their beliefs is what they call freedom .
Go figure …

by natediggity k

Le sigh.

I know reality sucks .

While abortions surely are a net positive, there's still a chance that some form of consciousness exists while still in the womb.

The religious stuff is obviously immaterial.

by Tuma k

While abortions surely are a net positive, there's still a chance that some form of consciousness exists while still in the womb.

The religious stuff is obviously immaterial.

To expound on this, it was Socrates who said "The unexamined life is not worth living". If one has consciousness then that entity is examining its own life, and ergo its life is worth living.

Food for thought.

And yes abortions are a net positive, zero question about that.

women that have had abortions often feel as if it was the wrong thing to do.

by chillrob k

I don't get the impression he was meaning a particular article, but that this was a thing generally believed to be true (that Democrats who supported these more progressive policies would lose). The problem is that I have never heard anyone claiming the part in parentheses, so I don't know where he's getting the idea that it is the conventional wisdom.

I'm kinda lost now. I don't know about you Rob, but I thought Rocco was himself arguing that "progressive" candidates are less likely to win nationally.

I stipulated that progressive means, better health care, scaling back the drug war etc. Not crazy campus ideology or culture war stuff. Nobody objected to this so I guess we agree to this stipulation.

So my first citation would Rococo's posts. If you really want me to google MSM stuff supporting people like Biden and Hillary and running stories about howBernie wrote a story with a rape in it in 1970, I will.

Also, I wonder, what is your own account of why Dems virtually never implement these enormously popular, often common sense policies?

As to Obama, he was not actually that progressive. But by American standards he was., particularly in his campaign as opposed to his presidency. His first stepping stone to success was oposing Iraq while other Dems supported it. He promised better hc and delivered improvements, though disappointing ones. He ran on hope and change. As I said that is basically what progressive means. The belief that we can make laege changes for the better.

He was certainly the most progressive nom since I was in diapers.

by rickroll k

i know a lot of highly intelligent, high net worth people who are voting for him purely because they'll get some version of GOP taxes

i know other deeply religious people who are voting for him because they'll get some version of GOP supreme court appointment

they don't really care about anything else

Most people are like this.

Pence seems like a principled guy. If he's not, pretend he is.

If he ran against Bill, whose sex crimes allegations are worse than anyone's (full on rape), who made $2 million off a scam university, well linked to Epstein... in many ways is Trump's double... dems would vote for Bill cuz supreme court.

by PointlessWords k

women that have had abortions often feel as if it was the wrong thing to do.

They couldn't feel that way without the right to an abortion in the first place.

by PointlessWords k

women that have had abortions often feel as if it was the wrong thing to do.


And what percentage is often? I just did some quick research and it sounds like your 'often' figure is something lower than 5%

Banning abortion makes as much sense to me as banning masturbation.

We kill billions of live animals every year to eat meat, but a human sperm fertilizes an egg and creates some primitive cluster of cells and people get all worked up about how special it is. How big can the human ego be?

A lot of women’s bank accounts thank them for choosing abortion.

Kids cost a LOT.

by BGnight k

You can rig elections "legally". Explain how Bernie Sanders out of nowhere lost to Biden who was polling near the bottom of all Dem candidates.

Bernie isn't even a member of the Democratic party - of course they didn't want him to be the nominee. I don't know how he was even allowed to be on the ballot.

by rickroll k

i know a lot of highly intelligent, high net worth people who are voting for him purely because they'll get some version of GOP taxes

i know other deeply religious people who are voting for him because they'll get some version of GOP supreme court appointment

they don't really care about anything else

So, the greedy and the hypocritical.

by ES2 k

I'm kinda lost now. I don't know about you Rob, but I thought Rocco was himself arguing that "progressive" candidates are less likely to win nationally.

I stipulated that progressive means, better health care, scaling back the drug war etc. Not crazy campus ideology or culture war stuff. Nobody objected to this so I guess we agree to this stipulation.

So my first citation would Rococo's posts. If you really want me to google MSM stuff supporting people like Biden and Hillary and running stories

I have just never heard anyone say something like "if Democrats passed laws requiring paid vacations, they would be voted out of office". Honestly I have never even heard anyone suggest that was something that could be done. I didn't think even the European countries where people generally get lots of vacation time actually require it by law.

I would guess that the kinds of policies you mention don't get passed because big money donors don't want them to be passed, and people in both parties are beholden to the money machine.

Why do GOP and MAGA folks consider themselves "Christian"? Their actions and values are generally the opposite of Christian philosophy. I tried to read and understand about evangelicals and prosperity gospel, but I can't in any way resolve it with Christianity. It all seems to conflict.

With regard to OK and LA: how is imposing Christianity on everyone loving your neighbor as yourself? Blending religion and government are opposed by the US constitution and the Bible. What's going on with them?
