Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Wow, a rational democrat. Wonders will never cease.
Sounds like scumbag behavior? They're voting Trump out of greed or a need to keep women from getting abortions.
Do you believe rich people wanting to pay less in taxes are greedy scum bags, but poor people who want the rich to pay more so they can have more of what the rich people earn are not greedy? If so, doesn’t that seem a bit off since both groups vote in favor of who they believe will write policies that will allow them to keep more of what they earn/take more of what someone else earned?
It has always seemed really odd to me that people can think trump is trying to end democracy or wants to consolidate power so he can have more power. The policy he’s most known for is probably his tax cut which reduces the power of the government. Cutting taxes is the worst possible way to increase power and influence for the government.
I think a lot of dem/repub nominees develop a small cult like following. For example, the Bernie bros & Biden has a group that are so devoted to him that they truly believe he doesn’t have dementia. I agree these groups of people are weird.
I think what is new with trump is that there is a cult like group that exudes hatred for trump, anyone who votes for trump and anyone that says anything nice about trump. I don’t recall ever seeing this level of hatred towards a politicians followers ever.
Blue MAGA is a thing. There are pretty popular claims on Twitter that CNN altered the debates to make biden look bad.
Obviously people were devoted to the Bernie campaign as it was the only time... maybe since Perot, when someone who sided with the public on many issues could win. Not that surprising that young people who will never be able to own a home grabbed onto some hope. Of course, some were nutty.
There aren't a jillion people who do things like change the American flag to a Biden flag, or drive around with giant Bernie flags for years after he lost. Nobody thinks Biden is literally sent by God to save humanity. There aren't popular paintings of a shirtless, musclebound Bernie getting a back rub from Jesus.
Conspiracy theories exist in all camps, but Qanon level stuff is only common in Trump world. Most Trumpers at least believe the election was stolen. They think foreign leaders are cowed by Trumps firm handshake.
Nobody has ever paid thousands of dollars for $20 Biden sneakers or a digital Bernie card.
I think a lot of dem/repub nominees develop a small cult like following. For example, the Bernie bros & Biden has a group that are so devoted to him that they truly believe he doesn’t have dementia. I agree these groups of people are weird.
I think what is new with trump is that there is a cult like group that exudes hatred for trump, anyone who votes for trump and anyone that says anything nice about trump. I don’t recall ever seeing this level of hatred towards a politicians follow
That has very little to do with Trump becoming a politician. There were many people who exuded hate for Trump long before he started running for president. Mostly people who lived in NY and knew what scams he ran his businesses with - not paying people he owed money to over and over, and bankrupting his businesses over and over.
I used to play poker in a casino with his name on it, and he was the laughing stock of the casino. Then he started being on TV, playing the ******* boss who is hated by everyone who works for him. Anyone who watched that show and had a shred of humanity would have come out hating Trump. The only people who could have watched it and liked him more are those who enjoy seeing other people's pain, and likely causing the pain as well. The kind of people who any "normal" person would obviously consider to be deplorable. Why shouldn't those people be hated, along with Trump?
Do you believe rich people wanting to pay less in taxes are greedy scum bags, but poor people who want the rich to pay more so they can have more of what the rich people earn are not greedy? If so, doesn’t that seem a bit off since both groups vote in favor of who they believe will write policies that will allow them to keep more of what they earn/take more of what someone else earned?
No, most of the poor people don't care about who pays the taxes because they are distracted by the Trump circus and being told that their real enemy is poor people who come from another country or look different than them. Those who want the rich to pay more (to help the poor) are generally the middle class who are smart enough to see that the poverty of the misled voters is causing societal problems which leak upwards into the lives of the middle class.
It has always seemed really odd to me that people can think trump is trying to end democracy or wants to consolidate power so he can have more power. The policy he’s most known for is probably his tax cut which reduces the power of the government. Cutting taxes is the worst possible way to increase power and influence for the government.
That's not at all what he's most known for. He's not bragging about that at rallies, as far as I can tell. He's known for restricting immigration, or at least trying to do so, and he's known for having put extremely biased conservative judges into the federal system overall, but especially in the Supreme Court. Despite the Dobbs decision not being very popular with the nation's overall population, he brags about being the one who overturned Roe v Wade, because he can win the votes of some one-issue voters with that. There are more people unhappy about that ruling, but very few one-issue voters whose one issue is abortion rights.
It has always seemed really odd to me that people can think trump is trying to end democracy or wants to consolidate power so he can have more power. The policy he’s most known for is probably his tax cut which reduces the power of the government. Cutting taxes is the worst possible way to increase power and influence for the government.
What makes you think he wants democracy to continue? Part of his brand is always winning ,and whether he believes it or not, he takes it to the extreme. So much so, that he never admitted defeat from 2020 which caused his supporters to literally attack the US capitol building injuring many and killing a few.
I don't think the "winning" brand is what he's most known for, but it's outstanding because it's so absurd. What he's most known for to me is being an opportunistic businessman willing to scam anyone and everyone to make a buck. This includes lying about basically everything, stealing whatever possible, and using those around you for personal gain. He's now found the ultimate marks in right wingers and can amass massive personal wealth by riling them up.
Policy wise, cutting corporate taxes again was pretty big as it wasn't budgeted for so debt sky rocketed under his watch. His policies that stand out to me are the ones that caused needless suffering to millions just to be mean. Separating asylum seeking families was hard core. The Muslim ban was batshit insane. The excessive military and federal forces used to squash and kidnap BLMers. Women are all now ****ed and in many cases have to travel hundreds of miles for health care. How many people did he kill indirectly with his Covid ****? I don't even want to try to recall more. That man is evil.
When I refer to MAGA trying to end democracy, I'm not being hyperbolic. They literally attacked the capitol with a plan to hang the VP and keep power. Initially, most republicans rejected this attack and Trump. They all backed down and decided it was fine. Since then, many states have tried to change laws to stack the deck in GOP favor. During this time MAGA people commit countless crimes in an effort to subvert democracy and those criminal trials are being framed as political prosecution.
There's also Project 2025 which is a sweeping overhaul of the entire federal government written by teams of Christian nationalists who believe our laws should reflect their "Christian" values. This Project aims to makes the president extremely powerful, replace as many federal workers as fast as possible with "Christian" nationalists, eliminate federal agencies, the list is really too long. They made a book and crazy website. If y...
In refusing one plea from Trump, Roberts instead granted
him an even more powerful shield from accountability.
It’s horrifying to realize that there’s no crime that two-thirds of
the Senate would convict Trump of committing in a second term,
and no way to do so in criminal court should he ever leave office again.
It has always seemed really odd to me that people can think trump is trying to end democracy or wants to consolidate power so he can have more power. The policy he’s most known for is probably his tax cut which reduces the power of the government. Cutting taxes is the worst possible way to increase power and influence for the government.
Nobody earning under 700k a year even remembers the tax cut, which was the least popular tax cut of all time. He is most known for appointing judges (I will agree with you, he was very incompetent at shepherding legislation through congress) with an extremely strong view on governmental power in privacy and medical decisions.
There's plenty of hatred towards other politicians' followers. The only difference is that those politicians are dead.
What dead politician still has followers that also has a group that hates them?
Blue MAGA is a thing. There are pretty popular claims on Twitter that CNN altered the debates to make biden look bad.
Obviously people were devoted to the Bernie campaign as it was the only time... maybe since Perot, when someone who sided with the public on many issues could win. Not that surprising that young people who will never be able to own a home grabbed onto some hope. Of course, some were nutty.
There aren't a jillion people who do things like change the American flag to a Biden flag,
Maybe its because I live in a fairly left leaning city, but it seems like the ratio of left leaning bumper stickers to trump/right leaning one is something like 10 to 1. I will grant you there is a difference between someone putting a poitical bumper sticker on the car vs. someone flying a political flag in their yard.
When you talk about a group of people who think trump was sent by God to save humanity you are talking about such a small group of people that it isn't really worth discussing. We live in a country of 330M people - I am sure there is a small group of people who think all kinds of crazy things about all kinds of people - politicians included.
That has very little to do with Trump becoming a politician. There were many people who exuded hate for Trump long before he started running for president. Mostly people who lived in NY and knew what scams he ran his businesses with - not paying people he owed money to over and over, and bankrupting his businesses over and over.
I used to play poker in a casino with his name on it, and he was the laughing stock of the casino. Then he started being on TV, playing the ******* boss who is hated
Don't believe everything you see on TV... especially reality TV.
I don't know if you ever talk with other humans, but it is super common for people to not like their boss. While we are at it, you should also know that lawsuits against large corporations are super common and most of the time you don't hear about them.
That's not at all what he's most known for. He's not bragging about that at rallies, as far as I can tell. He's known for restricting immigration, or at least trying to do so, and he's known for having put extremely biased conservative judges into the federal system overall, but especially in the Supreme Court. Despite the Dobbs decision not being very popular with the nation's overall population, he brags about being the one who overturned Roe v Wade, because he can win the votes of some one
Instead of taking a deep dive into one detail of my post why don't you actually address the point I was making instead of arguing what trump is known for?
My point, as you know, was to point out how silly it is that some people think trump wants to become more powerful than previous presidents while also knowing that trump fought hard and successfully made the federal government that he was in charge of less powerful by lowering taxes and reducing regulation.
Is this a serious question? There are loads that could fit into this category but probably the most clear-cut examples that I can't imagine arguing don't fit in the category are Lenin and Stalin. There are millions of followers of Leninism and Stalinism around the world and also huge numbers of people that despise them.
Because I can't think of a reason to believe that he may not want democracy to continue. Also, if one was trying to become a dictator (or whatever you are beating around the bush by trying to insinuate he is trying to do) the absolute last thing you should do is reduce the power of the government; and the best way to reduce the power of the government is to reduce taxes and regulation. I would argue that trump is one of the least power hungry presidents we have had in my life based on his regulation and tax cuts.
Part of his brand is always winning ,and whether he believes it or not, he takes it to the extreme. So much so, that he never admitted defeat from 2020 which caused his supporters to literally attack the US capitol building injuring many and killing a few.
I don't think the "winning" brand is what he's most known for, but it's outstanding because it's so absurd. What he's most known for to me is being an opportunistic businessman willing to scam anyone and everyone to make a buck. This includes
Government debt went up in a large part due to covid. Cutting or raising taxes for individuals or corporations has massive long-term effects on the economy and therefore current and future tax revenues. Measuring the effects of a tax cut or increase is better over a 50 year period than a 5 year period.
I don't recall trump banning muslims in our country.
Trump was way too lenient on the BLM riots - the negative effects of those riots are still felt today. Although dems deserve more blame than repubs as a whole for those riots trump deserves some of the blame for not cracking down harder on the rioters.
Nobody earning under 700k a year even remembers the tax cut, which was the least popular tax cut of all time. He is most known for appointing judges (I will agree with you, he was very incompetent at shepherding legislation through congress) with an extremely strong view on governmental power in privacy and medical decisions.
He doubled the standard deduction. I'm not sure if your angle is that poor people are too stupid to realize how big of a deal the standard deduction is or what, but that alone was huge for poor people.
Cutting corporate taxes also lowered the price of doing business in the US which is also good for the poor and middle class.
Is this a serious question? There are loads that could fit into this category but probably the most clear-cut examples that I can't imagine arguing don't fit in the category are Lenin and Stalin. There are millions of followers of Leninism and Stalinism around the world and also huge numbers of people that despise them.
So we have to leave the country to find a large group of people who hate another group of people because they supported a politician?
He doubled the standard deduction. I'm not sure if your angle is that poor people are too stupid to realize how big of a deal the standard deduction is or what, but that alone was huge for poor people.
Cutting corporate taxes also lowered the price of doing business in the US which is also good for the poor and middle class.
i'm saying it polled as the
. i'll defer to your expertise on stupidity in financial matters though. But you claimed he is mostly known for the tax cut, which is just false. It was never popular and largely forgotten by non high income earners. I will say it's fairly popular in my industry and lead to a wave of early retirements, though I don't think that was the plan.Because I can't think of a reason to believe that he may not want democracy to continue. Also, if one was trying to become a dictator (or whatever you are beating around the bush by trying to insinuate he is trying to do) the absolute last thing you should do is reduce the power of the government; and the best way to reduce the power of the government is to reduce taxes and regulation. I would argue that trump is one of the least power hungry presidents we have had in my life based on his regula
This is complete horseshit. He's rejected democracy and the result of it since 2020. There's no beating around the bush. He rejects the result of democracy and attempted to overthrow the democratically elected government during a coup that culminated on January 6, 2021.
Muslim ban:
Executive Order 13769, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, labeled the "Muslim ban" by Donald Trump and his supporters[1][2] and critics alike,[3][4] and commonly known as such,[5] or commonly referred to as the Trump travel ban, or Trump Muslim travel ban, was an executive order by President Trump. Except for the extent to which it was blocked by various courts, it was in effect from January 27, 2017, until March 6, 2017[/URL]
The federal government both DHS and National guard were used to crush Americans practicing free speech. That's violent and authoritarian.There were some riots, but most were just demonstrations. Many non violent protesters and journalists were killed or injured by the same **** they protested against.
So we have to leave the country to find a large group of people who hate another group of people because they supported a politician?
You think there aren't a large number of people who hate Leninists and Stalinists in the USA? I guess many maybe wouldn't know the specific terms but there are large swathes of people in the US who still instinctively hate anything that sounds even vaguely like a type of socialism.
Because I can't think of a reason to believe that he may not want democracy to continue. Also, if one was trying to become a dictator (or whatever you are beating around the bush by trying to insinuate he is trying to do) the absolute last thing you should do is reduce the power of the government; and the best way to reduce the power of the government is to reduce taxes and regulation. I would argue that trump is one of the least power hungry presidents we have had in my life based on his regula
In the last 50 years , taxes has been cut dramatically and the deficit has exploded.
so it totally is the opposite of what you are saying .
Need a graph again ?
Lol trumps want to pardon all January 6th convicted and u say trump wasn’t hard enough on BLM manifestations ?
Well shows how in reality u prioritize democracy ….
Ps: ah yes you are wrong again as usual here claiming it’s because of COVID trump made so much debt …..

Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases, with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other.
The largest bills include $1.9 trillion from the 2020 CARES Act, another $1.9 trillion of ten-year borrowing from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and a further $2.1 trillion of borrowing from the Bipartisan Budget Acts of 2018 and 2019, which mainly increased discretionary spending. The bipartisan Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 enabled an additional $500 billion of borrowing, mainly from the repeal of various Affordable Care Act (ACA) taxes and other bipartisan tax cuts. Other significant legislation added a combined $350 billion to the deficit.
In terms of executive actions, President Trump’s unilateral expansion of various tariffs raised about $445 billion over ten years, largely offsetting the cost of other actions such as the termination of the ACA’s cost-sharing reductions funding and a prescription drug rebate rule (which was ultimately repealed).
Importantly, President Trump also proposed substantial deficit reduction in his various budgets. However, almost none of these savings were enacted into law.
As a result, both Ambassador Haley and Governor DeSantis are correct – President Trump added over $8 trillion to the national debt while the gross national debt rose $7.8 trillion during his term.
The amount of BS and lies u spew baham is just staggering, u should be ashamed .
You think there aren't a large number of people who hate Leninists and Stalinists in the USA? I guess many maybe wouldn't know the specific terms but there are large swathes of people in the US who still instinctively hate anything that sounds even vaguely like a type of socialism.
I guess today is possible seeing how trump and maga love to lick the boots of Putin.
He doubled the standard deduction. I'm not sure if your angle is that poor people are too stupid to realize how big of a deal the standard deduction is or what, but that alone was huge for poor people.
Cutting corporate taxes also lowered the price of doing business in the US which is also good for the poor and middle class.
It’s funny how in one Instance u say the poor people pays like no tax, all the rich and corporations does and then u say those tax cuts were beneficial mostly to the poor ?
No idea how u do the math in your head that someone paying almost 0 taxes is help by a huge tax cut ….
I swear some of you people live on an actual different planet than I do.