Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14430 Replies


by bahbahmickey k

He doubled the standard deduction. I'm not sure if your angle is that poor people are too stupid to realize how big of a deal the standard deduction is or what, but that alone was huge for poor people.

You know it also eliminated the personal exemption right? So the total you could deduct before paying federal tax actually changed by less than 15%, not 100% ($10,650 -> $12000 for a single filer). The projected (I can't find any useful numbers on the realised impact and Covid would probably screw with any analysis done after the fact) net change in after tax income for the bottom quartile was an increase of less than 0.5% - it was higher for every other quartile, with the top quartile getting the biggest benefit by a distance.

Ultimately the tax cuts had very little impact on individuals and was largely forgettable - it ended up being not much more than a footnote of what his term is remembered for and claiming it is "the policy he’s most known" is absurd.

It’s because every cent gain by poor people hurts baham as much as giving 1 million to billionaires .

He drastically lowered the mortgage interest deductions

Maybe its because I live in a fairly left leaning city, but it seems like the ratio of left leaning bumper stickers to trump/right leaning one is something like 10 to 1. I will grant you there is a difference between someone putting a poitical bumper sticker on the car vs. someone flying a political flag in their yard.

When you talk about a group of people who think trump was sent by God to save humanity you are talking about such a small group of people that it isn't really worth discussing. We live in a country of 330M people - I am sure there is a small group of people who think all kinds of crazy things about all kinds of people.

You are obviously smart enough to know there is a difference between failing to remove a bumper sticker and buying a massive flag, fixing it to your giant truck and driving around like that all the time.

Changing your nations flag to a flag for 1 man is even more extreme.

Basically all candidates have residual bumper stickers.

Sounds like you might live in an area with few evangelicals. Trump as God's representative in earth is an extremely common view among tens of millions.

I have personally known people independently who were in q. So these pew findings ring true.

roughly half (47%) of Americans who are familiar with QAnon. That figure has roughly doubled since early March, when 23% had heard at least a little about it.

Among those who are aware of QAnon, 57% say it is a “very bad” thing for the country. Another 17% say it is “somewhat bad,” for a total of 74% who see it as bad for the country. That compares with 20% who say it is somewhat or very good thing (6% did not answer).

Obviously at least 1 person from this realm is a member of congress.

And again, every crappy scam he runs on his followers is met with a stampede of eager marks. Where are the Obama digital trading cards? When did Bush steer his voters to precious metals scams?

I understand that there are also people who do not worship him but just want tax breaks or abortion bans, but no other politicians have spawned something like this, except some historical examples.

by ES2 k

You are obviously smart enough to know there is a difference between failing to remove a bumper sticker and buying a massive flag, fixing it to your giant truck and driving around like that all the time.

it is amazing that you quoted his post and then posted this vomit

by bahbahmickey k

What dead politician still has followers that also has a group that hates them?

Maybe its because I live in a fairly left leaning city, but it seems like the ratio of left leaning bumper stickers to trump/right leaning one is something like 10 to 1. I will grant you there is a difference between someone putting a poitical bumper sticker on the car vs. someone flying a political flag in their yard.

When you talk about a group of people who think trump was sent by God to save humanity you are talkin

Yes, of course a lot of people don't like their boss. Especially if that boss always complains about things and loves firing people. Real or not that is the boss that Trump was on that TV show, which is part of what made people hate him.

by bahbahmickey k

Instead of taking a deep dive into one detail of my post why don't you actually address the point I was making instead of arguing what trump is known for?

My point, as you know, was to point out how silly it is that some people think trump wants to become more powerful than previous presidents while also knowing that trump fought hard and successfully made the federal government that he was in charge of less powerful by lowering taxes and reducing regulation.

Reducing taxes doesn't make the government less powerful. What he has done is made the federal court system more powerful - the one part of government that the people can't vote out of office.

by Gorgonian k

It doesn't get much better. You might want to read this before you go too far out of line on this train of thought.

That page is heavily sourced. If you want to poison that well, you would need to do just more than handwave it away. It requires a substantive rebuttal as to its reliability. Good luck with that.

How Worldometer became the Premier Source of COVID-19 Statistics by providing the Most Accurate and Timely Global Data "by................Worldometer"

Overcoming the challenges stemming from imperfect government reporting
The rigor of Worldometer’s methodology, in-depth research and analysis to properly interpret incomplete, conflicting, or ambiguous official information, as well as its continuous cross-checking of data and reconciliation of discrepancies helped ensure highly accurate statistics. Government reporting errors, inconstancies, and changes in definition occurred regularly during the pandemic's evolution, presenting an ongoing challenge.

Example 1: Italy
One such instance was when Italy's Protezione Civile made a mistake in their March 26 bulletin, incorrectly entering 449 deaths for the Piedmont region instead of 499. This caused errors in their reported national death and case totals for that day. Worldometer promptly identified the discrepancy, confirmed it by directly contacting Piedmontese officials, and corrected the global data accordingly - ahead of some major media outlets still reporting the erroneous figures on March 27.

While the mistake was clearly a typing error by Protezione Civil (not missing deaths from Piedmont as some media initially suggested) outlets like La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, BBC and Bloomberg continued using the incorrect March 26 totals when reporting the March 27 daily changes. However, Worldometer’s timely correction ensured other outlets like The New York Times, Reuters, Financial Times, Sky News, Al Jazeera maintained consistent, accurate death tolls across both days' reports, matching Protezione Civile's own revised March 26 data.

Example 2: France
Worldometer’s commitment to robust data accuracy is further demonstrated by how it handled the French government's new nursing home data reported on April 3, 2020 (17,827 cases and 532 deaths). Worldometer thoroughly analyzed the official reports and correctly deduced that the figures included both confirmed and probable cases, thus requiring additions to cumulative totals (which at the time only represented confirmed cases, apparently only from hospitals), contrary to Johns Hopkins which decided to remove the nursing home cases entirely on April 9 over uncertainty if they all represented already counted confirmed cases [18].

On April 17, the French government clarified that around 67% of the nursing home data represented newly reported probable cases, while only 33% were confirmed positives already included in their national totals. However, Johns Hopkins did not retroactively correct its premature full removal based on this clarification, leaving an inaccurate undercount in the time series, and only started to add new probable nursing home cases from that day onward. Worldometer, whose earlier decision had already ensured a higher level of accuracy, diligently updated its historical data - removing only the double-counted 33% confirmed portion while keeping the properly added 67% probable cases.

Worldometer’s rigorous analysis and verification ensured minimal disruption to data accuracy as new official information emerged over time.

Gee, where's China and India

by natediggity k

How Worldometer became the Premier Source of COVID-19 Statistics by providing the Most Accurate and Timely Global Data "by................Worldometer"

And like I said, they provide SOURCES which are clearly linked. And which you intentionally ignored.

I cannot bo-leave it

by natediggity k

it is amazing that you quoted his post and then posted this vomit

What do you mean?

Do you not see old bumper stickers from old campaigns?

Do you think people often change the US flag to a Biden flag, or drive around with giant Bernie flags or Bush flags?

Edit. I bet you can find many other examples of this.

by natediggity k

Gee, where's China and India

why would it be there?
china lockdown was insanely high and long....

After three years of implementing its “zero-COVID” strategy, China has dropped all COVID restrictions. In the weeks since, COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have skyrocketed in a country with low immunity and limited resources to address the current surge.

by ecriture d'adulte k

i'm saying it polled as the

. i'll defer to your expertise on stupidity in financial matters though. But you claimed he is mostly known for the tax cut, which is just false. It was never popular and largely forgotten by non high income earners. I will say it's fairly popular in my industry and lead to a wave of early retirements, though I don't think that was the plan.

What industry are you saying had a wave of early retirements because of a tax cut?

by chillrob k

Reducing taxes doesn't make the government less powerful. What he has done is made the federal court system more powerful - the one part of government that the people can't vote out of office.

Reducing tax receipts makes the government less powerful. I’m not sure how you could say otherwise. If they have less money they have less control/power over allies, (handouts to green) energy companies, pet projects, the military, education, healthcare, transportation, & housing to name a few.

by bahbahmickey k

What industry are you saying had a wave of early retirements because of a tax cut?

Reducing tax receipts makes the government less powerful. I’m not sure how you could say otherwise. If they have less money they have less control/power over how much to give to allies, handouts to green energy companies, pet projects, the military, education, healthcare, transportation, & housing to name a few.

They have lost no ability to do those things in the future.

And really the things you mention happen with lower spending , not lower taxes. Government spending actually went up every year under Trump. The only thing the tax cut did was make the deficit go up even more - that also increased every year under Trump.

You said “Reducing taxes doesn't make the government less powerful.” which means you weren’t just talking about trumps cut but tax cuts in general, correct? Do you actually believe that no matter how far taxes go down the government will never be less powerful than it is today?

You do realize that just because the government spends more than they take away doesn’t mean they can continue increasing spending as they have been if tax receipts go down long-term, right? You act like spending and tax receipts don’t effect each other… you really are a dem aren’t you.

No, I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. But I know that in under Trump there was no correlation between taxes and government spending.

Of course it's not only him, the deficit has been high and rising for most of my lifetime. The last time the budget was balanced was under Democratic President Bill Clinton though, so it's pretty silly to claim deficits are a Democratic thing. They're a thing under both parties, but Republicans have done more defect spending than have Democrats.

by bahbahmickey k

You said “Reducing taxes doesn't make the government less powerful.” which means you weren’t just talking about trumps cut but tax cuts in general, correct? Do you actually believe that no matter how far taxes go down the government will never be less powerful than it is today?

You do realize that just because the government spends more than they take away doesn’t mean they can continue increasing spending as they have been if tax receipts go down long-term, right? You ac

Again let me understand another thing from you .
U claim lowering taxes make government less powerful right ?
And yet u keep repeating that the US is the most powerful country ever in the history of mankind many times.
Claim no way the January 6th could have overthrow the government , being so powerful right ?

And yet despite the last 50 years of massive tax cuts , u claim the US is the most powerful country but with a very weak government ( due to those tax cuts) but super powerful government unable to be overthrown or becomes a dictatorship correct ?

Like your arguments that the poor benefits a lot from tax cut despite the fact they pay no tax to begin with. , I don’t get your arguments and your logic that lowering tax weaken governments and yet is the most powerful country in history …..

U hold 2 contradict arguments at the same time .
(Which obviously is a common them in your camp.)

Time to resume nuclear testing?

Allies and former advisers to former President Donald Trump are arguing
that the U.S., for the first time in decades, should resume nuclear testing.

Resuming explosive testing would dangerously encourage a new arms race.

by chillrob k

No, I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. But I know that in under Trump there was no correlation between taxes and government spending.

Of course it's not only him, the deficit has been high and rising for most of my lifetime. The last time the budget was balanced was under Democratic President Bill Clinton though, so it's pretty silly to claim deficits are a Democratic thing. They're a thing under both parties, but Republicans have done more defect spending than have Democrats.

You didn't respond to my point which was to point out that long-term the govt can keep increase spending too much above tax receipts. Some years they can spend more than they bring in but at some point they have to equal each other - with some borrowing in between.

Besides fooling around with a young lady in the Oval Office, Clinton is pretty known for cutting taxes. That is the reason I’ve said on 2+2 that Clinton was the best dem president we’ve had in my lifetime.

by bahbahmickey k

What industry are you saying had a wave of early retirements because of a tax cut?

Hedge fund. I’m going to retire and 2 guys younger than me. or at least 2 guys less senior than me already retired.

by bahbahmickey k

You didn't respond to my point which was to point out that long-term the govt can keep increase spending too much above tax receipts. Some years they can spend more than they bring in but at some point they have to equal each other - with some borrowing in between.

Besides fooling around with a young lady in the Oval Office, Clinton is pretty known for cutting taxes. That is the reason I’ve said on 2+2 that Clinton was the best dem president we’ve had in my lifetime.

My entire post was responding to that.

There is nothing stopping the government from continuous borrowing. I disagree with your point.

by Gorgonian k

And like I said, they provide SOURCES which are clearly linked. And which you intentionally ignored.

I cannot bo-leave it

lol, sources.

29,000 article citations for "" Google Scholar. ^
President Trump Meets with the Governor of Florida [video] - The White House, Apr 28, 2020. ^
Dr. Deborah Birx at the White House on National Nurses Day [video] - The White House. May 6, 2020. ^
White House Briefing, May 22, 2020 [video] - C-SPAN ^
"Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It's Too Late." - Deborah Birx. HarperCollins, 2022. p. 164 ^
"A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America." Scott W. Atlas. Simon and Schuster, 2021. pp. 69, 134 ^
UK Coronavirus press conference slides, April 5, 2020 [PDF] The Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms (COBR), Government of the United Kingdom. Multiple Coronavirus press conferences in 2020: March 30 [video] - April 4 [video], April 5 [video], etc. 10 Downing Street. UK Prime Minister's office. ^
COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) - Johns Hopkins University. ^
International Case Details Dashboard. Government of Pakistan. Archived copy as of Nov. 18, 2020. ^
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Reports and COVID-19 (EOC-DDC Thailand), example archived July, 24, 2020. Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Government of Thailand. ^
Updates for the COVID-19 epidemic situation. The Ministry of Health, Government of Vietnam. September 17, 2020 example ^
"Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It's Too Late." - Deborah Birx. HarperCollins, 2022. p. 75 (“Data is everything in a pandemic”) and pp. 108 ("the data is incomplete. It is collected and analyzed too slowly") and 109 ("Simply put, I, along with many others, saw that CDC's numbers were incomplete" [...] "real-time data allows you to understand the present and predict the future with a fair amount of accuracy" [...] "Incomplete data opens us up to inaccurate interpretations, mischaracterizations, and politicization" ) ^
Dr. Deborah Birx in the White House as President Trump Meets with the Governor of Iowa [video] - The White House. May 6, 2020. ^
White House reporter apologizes to Trump for question - Associated Press, Apr 28, 2020. ^
Transcript: Deborah Birx, MD, Former White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator The Washington Post, April 28, 2022 ^
"Statistics website Worldometer sees unprecedented online traffic."". Axios, May 12, 2020. ^
"A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America." Scott W. Atlas. Simon and Schuster, 2021. p. 135 (“Most data on those websites did not accurately reflect peaks and trends due to misregistration of episode dates because of later batch recording") ^
Update About confirmed cases in France. CSSE at Johns Hopkins University. GitHub, April 16, 2020. ^

sources: White House reporter apologizes to Trump for question - Associated Press, Apr 28, 2020. ^

Is there any sources you would agree with on that subject ?

by bahbahmickey k

Reducing tax receipts makes the government less powerful. I’m not sure how you could say otherwise. If they have less money they have less control/power over allies, (handouts to green) energy companies, pet projects, the military, education, healthcare, transportation, & housing to name a few.

But conservatives always claim that reducing tax cuts will not reduce tax receipts.

by ecriture d'adulte k

But conservatives always claim that reducing tax cuts will not reduce tax receipts.

