Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I wasn’t around during Reagan, but things were awful then. Why is he held in high regard by modern republicans? Definitely don’t want to go back to 15% interest rates like conservatives seem to.
Probably because people who were around during Reagan know better than those who weren't around.
what kind of couch do you have?
I think baham & mongidig should have a discussion .
I keep hearing baham Saying the US is the greatest , most powerful And freer country in the world as ever seen .
Mong says America isn’t great at all .
2 Maga having a disagreement how great America is .
Interesting .
More like prison yard talk.
Yes it is, but I didn't start anywhere but lower middle-class in Suburbia NJ. But being white, I did have certain inherent advantages in regards to employment opportunities and available money (well maybe not that much of the $$ advantage.) Lastly, I had a work ethic that was a borderline obsession..... thus the ability to work thru some tougher times.
Probably because people who were around during Reagan know better than those who weren't around.
Bought our first house (2B,2B townhouse) just off the Rutgers campus in 1983. Interest (if I recall correctly) was at a staggering 16%.... maybe more. One income as my wife was going to attend med school that fall..... adding to our expenses. My first business was just getting off the ground and I was only keeping our head above water by humping unGodly hours on the shop floor. I don't remember crying myself to sleep at night because we were "poor", mong.
edit: Wanted to add... maybe you want to have America of the 1950's? Dad earned enough to maintain mid-class, mom barefoot in the kitchen. That the USA u want, mong? No internet, cell phones, airline safety was not great, anybody not WASP was dumped on BIG! Time. (Of course the Trumpers would love that last "feature".... but really most Republicans would not, imo)
We're halfway there already but I think it's still possible we see trump labeled a freak and very weird dude 😀
That's one of the bizarre things about modern day conservatism, its views on morality is now for everyone else. Trump as a character is immoral, dishonorable, has no integrity and a criminal, but it seems for a sizeable portion of the US conservative establishment and voters it has become the ultimate litmus test to support him without question.
If an opposing candidate ran a candidate with a percentage of Trump's baggage, you'd have conservative pundits in veritable screaming fits all across the US and preachers would deliver sulfuric sermons like never before. And perhaps this time around deservedly so.
To make matters worse, conservatism as a platform is often about making moral laws, so the hypocrisy isn't just political or ideological, it will likely also be judicial.