Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
That's one of the bizarre things about modern day conservatism, its views on morality is now for everyone else. Trump as a character is immoral, dishonorable, has no integrity and a criminal, but it seems for a sizeable portion of the US conservative establishment and voters it has become the ultimate litmus test to support him without question.
If an opposing candidate ran a candidate with a percentage of Trump's baggage, you'd have conservative pundits in veritable screaming fits all across th
They are just jealous that Democrat can have free blow job under the table while the other had to pay pornstar or rape them to get some .
One almost lost his job to got it free while the other is praise to become president for far worst actuons.
Talk about morality alright.
But yes , again , when it’s about them it’s always different .
They shouldn’t be judge (morally or judicially!) the same as all Americans .
They are special .
It’s god will and be chosen by him shrug
That's one of the bizarre things about modern day conservatism, its views on morality is now for everyone else. Trump as a character is immoral, dishonorable, has no integrity and a criminal, but it seems for a sizeable portion of the US conservative establishment and voters it has become the ultimate litmus test to support him without question.
If an opposing candidate ran a candidate with a percentage of Trump's baggage, you'd have conservative pundits in veritable screaming fits all across the US and preachers would deliver sulfuric sermons like never before. And perhaps this time around deservedly so.
To make matters worse, conservatism as a platform is often about making moral laws, so the hypocrisy isn't just political or ideological, it will likely also be judicial.
edit: Wanted to add... maybe you want to have America of the 1950's? Dad earned enough to maintain mid-class, mom barefoot in the kitchen. That the USA u want, mong? No internet, cell phones, airline safety was not great, anybody not WASP was dumped on BIG! Time. (Of course the Trumpers would love that last "feature".... but really most Republicans would not, imo)
I don't remember, what was the individual and corporate tax rates back then? I bet super low. We probably ran up some huge budget deficits too!
That's one of the bizarre things about modern day conservatism, its views on morality is now for everyone else. Trump as a character is immoral, dishonorable, has no integrity and a criminal, but it seems for a sizeable portion of the US conservative establishment and voters it has become the ultimate litmus test to support him without question.
If an opposing candidate ran a candidate with a percentage of Trump's baggage, you'd have conservative pundits in veritable screaming fits all across th
The reason Republican politicians are supporting Trump is because they are being bullied into it. If they don't they will likely lose their next primary. Of the 10 Republican congressman who voted to impeach Trump, 9 are no longer in congress. That Senator from Arizona who criticized Trump (Jeff Flake) ended up retiring fairly young after his first term because he was at about 25% popularity after he criticized Trump and had no chance of winning his primary.
Once Republican politicians retire that is when they come out against Trump. You can look at the exceptions who hammered him during the 2016 primaries (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, even JD Vance, etc.) They all came around to support him once they lost because the choice was that or retire after their term was up.
There are several exceptions. Lisa Murkowski who somehow got reelected after constantly hammering Trump. And John McCain who also skewered Trump in public and was the final deciding vote in saving Obamacare with that famous thumb down.
The reason that Biden got elected in 2020 was most likely because about 10% to 20% of Republicans left the party during Trump's first term.
The most incredible stat is that 40 out of 44 of the cabinet members in Trump's first term do not support him for President. I am guessing they are all retired from politics.
I don't remember, what was the individual and corporate tax rates back then? I bet super low. We probably ran up some huge budget deficits too!
Huh ?
The 1950s were in the highest ever , especially for the top earners .
Rachel Scott calls him on his BS and don't feed him softball questions, gets death threats
What are the magaturds going to run with?
a) False flag
b) Fake news
c) Donnie addresses the threats from his qult in a sensible and mature manner
Huh ?
The 1950s were in the highest ever , especially for the top earners .
Oh, then when they want America to be great again they should want to raise taxes and wages for low to middle income earners so families can go back to a single income and the wives can be barefoot and pregnant again.
Oh wait, they want the racism from the 50's, not the actual policies that made America great.
Sorry, my previous post was sarcasm.
It’s one thing to shake one’s head at the stupid things Trump says/does, it’s another entirely to go onto an Internet forum and defend what any reasonable person would find indefensible.
What the **** is wrong with you Trumptards? Is it because you’re brain-washed, or are you really worthless pond scum? Why can’t you just say, “Yeah that was inexcusable and reprehensible and he’s absolutely an awful human, but I can’t stand liberal policies and so have no choice but to hold my nose and vote for him since the idiots in the GOP didn’t nominate someone else.”
Someone with such an attitude toward Trump is redeemable. Someone who defends the indefensible, like yourself, is not.
May AlmightyGod have mercy on your wretched soul.
It’s one thing to shake one’s head at the stupid things Trump says/does, it’s another entirely to go onto an Internet forum and defend what any reasonable person would find indefensible.
What the **** is wrong with you Trumptards? Is it because you’re brain-washed, or are you really worthless pond scum? Why can’t you just say, “Yeah that was inexcusable and reprehensible and he’s absolutely an awful human, but I can’t stand liberal policies and s
Hi friend, so unfortunately you’ve been warned more than once about personal attacks. Your recent temp ban for similar posting was 3 days. Now we will try 5 days.
I hate to do this, guys, but there is a line that we all have to agree to not cross in order for this forum to be functional. Regardless of differences in ideology, we need to speak to one another like we’re all at least people.
Guys shouldn’t talk like that even tho they do. It’s important to discuss it when it’s seen and correct people
Donald Trump continues to ALIENATE his supporters
Springsteen is on point and very articulate
His vindictiveness and narcissism won't allow him to stop insulting people even when it does nothing but hurt his chances of winning. What an abject moron.
Also, lmao @Connor McCgregor sucking Trump off, then Trump says someone else is his favourite fighter and he does a 180. Two narcissists who richly deserve each other.
Trump going for the Russian fighter.
steam raise, why don't you show the actual clips of what you wish to share instead of far lengthier clips of talking heads talking about the clips?
i'd be very interested in viewing a snippet of what your clips claim happened in the thumbnail, i have zero interest in clicking 20 minutes of some doucheholes talking about it
To be fair, that was more of a montage of things Trump had said and done to piss off his supporters recently. There is no one clip.
President Trump is holding a Live News Conference
Broken YouTube LinkI respect you a lot too, Bobo, and it makes me happy to have made you happy.
This is like an intervention of sorts for me, which perhaps I need. Maybe it's a lesson that I shouldn't look up to anyone with more than a small amount of adoration. I dunno though...I tend to admire anyone with a lot of knowledge of the Earth sciences...what Neuralink has done for their first participant made me really happy....keep the Elon criticism coming, I find it as compelling as his praises, and I quite like fig
Thought of this post when I read this today:
[URL=""]X Is Boosting the Far Right’s UK Riots as Telegram Scrambles for Control
For days now, Musk has sought to use his huge influence to suggest that diversity was causing the riots: “If incompatible cultures are brought together without assimilation, conflict is inevitable,” Musk wrote. Responding to a video of riots in Liverpool on Monday, Musk warned: “Civil war is inevitable.”
Does anyone serious call ex-presidents "president"? I mean, I know PlayBig does, so that's one very serious person I guess. Just seems rather odd they are calling him "President Trump".
He is so damn dumb, I can’t get to the funny parts. What exactly is the purpose of this press conference that is being treated like a national address by newsmax?
Did the emperor get new clothes?
Usual nonsense focusing on non issues (comparing how big crowds are, back to wrong numbers on stolen election, all the immigration are made by countries emptying their prisoners in the US etc).
One point he said he don’t understand how Harris been VP base how bad she treated Biden lol….. about JD Vance trumpy huh ?
I think trump practice so much in front of a mirror he forgot what he actually said about himself in front of it he shouldn’t say it to the opposition .
Obviously now he accept doing debates since he feels at best it’s a tie now …
His such a big fat joke .
Btw he messed up dates and channel for debates at one point but for him it’s no senile signs u know , just applies to Biden …