Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Fair point. Dont forget getting out of nato.
All of that gets lost because he spent most of his time engaging in non policy nonsense.
Trump has also been very clear about some geopolitical positions of his:
1) he wants to give up on Ukraine and make a deal favourable to Russia to end the war quickly
2) he wants Israel to win in the area and develop a strategic alliance with sunni states against Iran
3) he wants to strongarm western countries to increase their military spending
And also about regulations in general, and for fossil fuel extraction specifically: he wants to reduce/remove them as much as possible and increase American oil and gas production as much as possible.
Again for the n-th time, why do people deny these are very well known, and credible (as he acted upon them for 4 years, repeated them countless times, and never flop flopped on them) political positions?
Trump has also been very clear about some geopolitical positions of his:
1) he wants to give up on Ukraine and make a deal favourable to Russia to end the war quickly
2) he wants Israel to win in the area and develop a strategic alliance with sunni states against Iran
3) he wants to strongarm western countries to increase their military spending
And also about regulations in general, and for fossil fuel extraction specifically: he wants to reduce/remove them as much as possible and increase America
He's said a million things countless times, about 999,999 of which were lies. Why are we supposed to keep track of what he didn't flip flop on, didn't turn out to be a lie, and how many times he repeated it to know what he really meant in his secret heart?
He's said a million things countless times, about 999,999 of which were lies. Why are we supposed to keep track of what he didn't flip flop on, didn't turn out to be a lie, and how many times he repeated it to know what he really meant in his secret heart?
I listed those he acted upon extensively when he was president, and about which he never flop flopped, and which he constantly repeated recently, I literally pre-answered your obvious and wrong objection.
I listed those he acted upon extensively when he was president, and about which he never flop flopped, and which he constantly repeated recently, I literally pre-answered your obvious and wrong objection.
Not really. My objection is that when someone is a pathological liar, it's not my job to keep track of what he acts on, what he flip-flops on, and what he repeats to try and figure out when he is and isn't lying. You seem to think that if you want to make this effort then I should too. This is not so.
He's said a million things countless times, about 999,999 of which were lies. Why are we supposed to keep track of what he didn't flip flop on, didn't turn out to be a lie, and how many times he repeated it to know what he really meant in his secret heart?
the general take seems to be: if he says something positive, it's a lie, whereas if he misspeaks or says something dumb, it's the truth.
AP News is one of the only unbiased news sources that doesn't do entertainment nonsense. They offer a quick summary of what former president Trump has to say:
TLDR: Trump spoke for an hour yesterday and hit on the same old grievances while proposing zero policy.
He lied about:
- 1. January 6 crowd size
- 2. Number of people who died from January 6 (FIVE)
- 3. Democratic nomination process
- 4. The economy
- 5. Immigration
- 6. New York trials
incredibly disappointing that AP would state that 6 people died from 1/6
ashli babbit was killed, that was it
brian sidnick died the next day due to suffering a stroke - the linkage is "he was stressed out so much the day prior he had a stroke" - yes that's probably a factor but it's just speculation
then they lumped in 4 other cops who committed suicide in the following months - again, speculation
if we took a list of all the overweight middle aged people who attended the olympics opening ceremny and checked in on them a few months later you can be assured that at least a couple died of stroke and suicide - yet it'd be bananas to just chalk it up to the fact that they went to the olympics
yes, and all of you know that, but for some reasons you keep playing as if that wasn't the case, unclear why.
He wants to deport as many illegal immigrants as he can, potentially every single one of them.
He wants to make it harder to become a citizen, for legal immigrants.
He wants very low amount of refugees, in general 0 with exceptional cases for countries he likes.
He wants very high tariffs on imports in general, in some sectors sky high tarifss.
He wants even lower corporate taxation.
He wants
Kamala is against deportations. I am against deportations. Immigration is the only driver of GDP growth we have until enough old people die that we can drive birthed population growth again. If the economy doesn't straighten out we may NEVER hit that point.
Not sure Kamalas stance on citizenship, probably wants to maintain status quo. I actually want ti to be EASIER to get citizenship. Especially for highly educated immigrants which actually can take up to 3x as long to process through appropriate channels as uneducated.
Pretty sure Biden signed an executive order denying asylum seekers this year
Tariffs are good
Lower corporate tax is awful. Predatory. Proven trash. Bad. No.
Low interest rates in the current climate is awful. Detrimental to the dollar. Trump wants this so he can temporarily juice the economy (and enrich himself), get praise, and bounce before the repercussions. Its literally how it played out from 2016 until now.
Most of his platform is actively detrimental and just awful and we have plenty of data to back that up.
In what way are tariffs good?
Kamala is against deportations. I am against deportations. Immigration is the only driver of GDP growth we have until enough old people die that we can drive birthed population growth again. If the economy doesn't straighten out we may NEVER hit that point.
Not sure Kamalas stance on citizenship, probably wants to maintain status quo. I actually want ti to be EASIER to get citizenship. Especially for highly educated immigrants which actually can take up to 3x as long to process through appro
Man the claim wasn't that his policy proposals are "must agree", that's the normal political debate.
The absurd, indefensible claim was that Trump had no policy platform. A bad faith claim by bad faith people who want only toxicity in politics.
I personally hate some elements of Trump platforms (primarily tariffs), love others (lower taxes and regulations), and the rest depends on details and execution. But that doesn't matter, point was that in this forum people have been claiming for months that Trump has no platform, while it is objectively true TODAY , at the PRESENT, that Harris policy platform is harder to ascertain than Trump policy platform.
Drive revenue for gov, levels the playing field for local goods. I guess its more dependent on what is tariffed
Man the claim wasn't that his policy proposals are "must agree", that's the normal political debate.
The absurd, indefensible claim was that Trump had no policy platform. A bad faith claim by bad faith people who want only toxicity in politics.
I personally hate some elements of Trump platforms (primarily tariffs), love others (lower taxes and regulations), and the rest depends on details and execution. But that doesn't matter, point was that in this forum people have been claiming for months that
Its more that his platform is "Immigrants bad (they aren't), lower corporate taxes good (they aren't), infinite money is good (it isn't)"
Doesn't feel like a platform more as an enrichment plan
Millions of people watch him be interviewed with the most popular people on the internet. Has Harris done any? She could explain her great policies.
Again , yes trump been running for president for months and we knew he would win even without a debate with other republicans nominees
Harris been officially the nominees like 5 days ago ffs …..
Yes she will obviously.
Ps: btw I watch him too and you think I am voting for him ?
I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one wanting to see the freak show without implying watching him equal I support him …
the general take seems to be: if he says something positive, it's a lie, whereas if he misspeaks or says something dumb, it's the truth.
Like what ?
Can u expand on this ?
All I hear is complain , attacks and lies .
I guess since he speak 95% bs , I miss the 5% he actually do say something positive when i chnage channel because I just can’t stand anymore .
Many news channel act like that now , even fox lol ….
Trump making stuff up again. Helicopter crash landing?
His lying and exaggerations are like nothing we've ever seen before.
WHAT? Why did he bring someone into his lies?
Especially a living man who could and did tell us the truth!
Man the claim wasn't that his policy proposals are "must agree", that's the normal political debate.
The absurd, indefensible claim was that Trump had no policy platform. A bad faith claim by bad faith people who want only toxicity in politics.
I personally hate some elements of Trump platforms (primarily tariffs), love others (lower taxes and regulations), and the rest depends on details and execution. But that doesn't matter, point was that in this forum people have been claiming for months that
I don't know if you remember this but 4 years ago the entire Republican party declined to have a platform at their RNC. It was a direct result of Trump not having a platform.
Now it is different. Trump clearly has a platform on Immigration (building a wall, preventing entry of everyone who isn't white & European, deporting 11 million immigrants in the US without proper paperwork all of which will contribute to inflation), on Federal firing like in the 2025 Project (Trump's words well before 2025 came out), on increasing China tariffs (which will cause massive inflation), on supporting oil and gas (which would slow down job growth in the US as well as increase energy costs), on reducing taxes for the wealthy and businesses (which would either cause a reduction in spending or trillions more in deficit like his tax break did when he was President).
Harris has been running for almost 3 weeks. My guess is that she will work on her platform at the DNC with other Democrat leaders like Biden, Pelosi, Walz, Shapiro, Newsome, Whitmer, etc. and we will know exactly what she is shooting for. You may not like what she will ultimately stand for and it won't be what she ran on in 2020. My guess is it will be moderate in some areas like Immigration (like asking for the bipartisan bill that Trump trashed) and a Peace between Israel and Palestinians, and will be progressive in other areas like Abortion, Clean energy, and LGBTQ issues.
I don't know if you remember this but 4 years ago the entire Republican party declined to have a platform at their RNC. It was a direct result of Trump not having a platform.
Now it is different. Trump clearly has a platform on Immigration (building a wall, preventing entry of everyone who isn't white & European, deporting 11 million immigrants in the US without proper paperwork all of which will contribute to inflation), on Federal firing like in the 2025 Project (Trump's words well before 202
It's hard to discuss things in this forum. The bold is a blatant lie, in 2020 they voted to have the same platform as in 2016.
So if they ran the same Platform in 2020 it means they didn’t do $h!at in the 4 years they were in power ?