Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
You said he used a script, which usually means he's reading something word for word. Talking points and notes isn't a script.
Kamala would never be able to handle this type of an interview.
Sometimes people should choose the best person qualified for the job, even if they don't like them.
you think Harris couldn't handle a conversation with one of her own donors where she gets all the questions before hand and can use notes and talking points sitting in order in front of her like this? seems highly unlikely. lol.
That's funny because so many corporate sites, linkedin, etc. people have Joe Smith he/him, Karen Jones she/her, Davie Moore she/they.
It's everywhere. It's ******ed.
If people didn't care, they wouldn't put it
I work at company with 160,000 employees and they do the he/him stuff. Can you guess how many times I've had to use they/them?
I'll give you a hint, its the same number of times this issue has personally affected you
If Trump becomes president again it is likely that he will alter how elections are managed and whether or not there would even be another election. And if so, that he would somehow be allowed to be the candidate again.
Trump was already president for 4 years and didn't do any of the stuff you said he's going to do. Do you think he just forgot to do them during his first 4 years or something?
Your choice for who to vote for may come down to the policies that are most important to you. Like Abortion. Or Immigration. Or the economy (Trump's goal is to decrease taxes for the wealthy and businesses which would again increase the deficit by trillions of $ as he did in his first term).
You will find differing views of the long-term effects on the deficit (and total gov't debt) of reducing taxes on the wealthy and businesses.
By the way, during his first term there was a pandemic and during that time dems pressured him to shut down parts of the economy (and schools) for far too long and to hand out money. Blaming him for a deficit is beyond silly. Plus cutting taxes has major long-term effects on an economy so measuring the effects of any tax cut (or raise) over less than a 20 year period is a bit silly in itself.
I think we learned enough during this pandemic that the dem promoted economic shutdown and printing of and dolling out of money was a mistake - at least at the level that they were done. I don't see any repub or dem making this mistake again in our lifetimes.
But if you care about the future: the Republican party currently isn't for dealing with Global Warming, deaths from guns (especially at schools), inflation (shutting down immigration would increase inflation which was likely part of why inflation skyrocketed during Covid and also increasing China Tariffs would cause inflation to go up as well), LGBT+ rights (especially Trans rights), and likely a lot more I am forgetting.
LOL at saying dems are doing more to reduce the number of deaths from guns. Dems are the party of "let them riot", no cash bail, defund the police and reduce sentences while repubs are the opposite.
You can't seriously be saying dems are better for inflation in 2024. Dems fought their asses off to create inflation by printing 3x the normal rate for 2 years post covid, handing out way too much money during (and after) covid, keeping the elevated size of the federal gov't post covid and shutting down the economy. Give them the credit they deserve for the inflation they created.
The inflation caused by china tarriffs when compared to the inflation caused by the dem plan I outlined above during covid is too silly to even compare.
To me the purpose of the interview sounded like Elon was lobbying for a position in his administration to review and lower government spending
Considering one of the first things he did when he took over twitter was to cut a huge % of the workforce I would say he would be great as someone to help lead the federal government.**...
Serendipity lmaooooooooooooo
What does PB have to say about this repeat?
edit: Wait, WHAT?????

Daily show had to **** something up right?
Considering one of the first things he did when he took over twitter was to cut a huge % of the workforce I would say he would be great as someone to help lead the federal government.
You think it takes some kind of skill to cut a huge % of the workforce and have revenue drop by 50%? He was saying last week that current twitter is not sustainable, on the path to failure and blaming others.
bahbah the "dems pressured him to lockdown" is false. Because potus domestically can't lockdown anything. States can lockdown. Democrats locked downs their states a lot more than republican states. It wasn't Trump locking down anything inside the USA. Trump only had power at the border.
The agency of domestic lockdowns in the USA was 100% state (and localities) based. Every lockdown (every business closure, school closure, reduction of opening hours and so on) has a governor or mayor or council to blame for, and none have a president to blame (works for Biden as well).
Some federal mandates (vaccines/masks in federal building) later on can be blamed on Biden sure. But no lockdowns either on Trump, or Biden.
And the deficit is passed by congress, not by the president. Trump unfunded tax cut added some to the deficit, and it passed under partisan lines, so it can be blamed on Trump as well, as he wanted it very much, and fought for it. But that's around 130bln per year, not more than that (per CBO projections when it passed in 2017, they said it would add 1.3 trillions to the deficit in 10 years). So that's half a trillion of deficit during trump presidency you can blame on Trump.
Covid free money passed basically unanimously and bipartisan so it's a disgrace to blame it on only one party. It's evidently a deficit decided by both parties.
You think it takes some kind of skill to cut a huge % of the workforce and have revenue drop by 50%? He was saying last week that current twitter is not sustainable, on the path to failure and blaming others.
Elon is a very smart man. Elon told his customers to go **** themselves live on TV and now he is suing them for not giving him business. I wish I could be smart like Elon.
I mean, I'm being a bit facetious there, dude's made billions so I kinda do wish I could be smart like Elon. Still, he doesn't always say and do the smartest things.
bahbah the "dems pressured him to lockdown" is false. Because potus domestically can't lockdown anything. States can lockdown. Democrats locked downs their states a lot more than republican states. It wasn't Trump locking down anything inside the USA. Trump only had power at the border.
The agency of domestic lockdowns in the USA was 100% state (and localities) based. Every lockdown (every business closure, school closure, reduction of opening hours and so on) has a governor or mayor or council t
You are definitely correct re the lockdowns. Decision making was mostly at the state and local level.
Because of veto power and soft influence, Trump and Biden had more responsibility for federal spending during the pandemic, although Congress obviously had a large role as well.
Trump was already president for 4 years and didn't do any of the stuff you said he's going to do. Do you think he just forgot to do them during his first 4 years or something?
They weren't relevant to him until he lost the 2020 election. Then he tried to have people storm the capitol so he could overturn the election results. He did try to fight the outcome in court but then his lawyers did not once try to present evidence of fraud in over 60 cases, some of which overseen by Trump appointed judges.
Trump did actually try to get the Justice department to join in with his lies about election fraud after November 6, 2020. But amazingly it didn't work because Barr denied that there was any election fraud. So did the head of Homeland Security both appointed by Trump.
So Trump actually tried to have one of his lesser Justice Dept appointees take over. But at that point every appointed Justice Department official told trump they would resign if he started down that road.
So yes Trump did do some of this stuff while he was in office.
You will find differing views of the long-term effects on the deficit (and total gov't debt) of reducing taxes on the wealthy and businesses.
By the way, during his first term there was a pandemic and during that time dems pressured him to shut down parts of the economy (and schools) for far too long and to hand out money. Blaming him for a deficit is beyond silly. Plus cutting taxes has major long-term effects on an economy so measuring the effects of any tax cut (or raise) over less than a 20 year period is a bit silly in itself.
I think we learned enough during this pandemic that the dem promoted economic shutdown and printing of and dolling out of money was a mistake - at least at the level that they were done. I don't see any repub or dem making this mistake again in our lifetimes.
I am not blaming Trump for the deficit. He inherited a massive deficit when he took office. What I am blaming him for is adding seven trillion dollars to the deficit which if i am not mistaken is the most ever by a sitting President in one 4 year term.
Part of it was a result the pandemic but a large part of it was his tax cut bill.
And for the record the first trillion dollar hand out with Trump signing the checks was in 2020. The second was in Biden's first year in office.
LOL at saying dems are doing more to reduce the number of deaths from guns. Dems are the party of "let them riot", no cash bail, defund the police and reduce sentences while repubs are the opposite.
Dems would do more if republicans in congress joined them. They would ban assault rifles which reduce gun deaths. They would mandate 100% background checks which 90%+ Americans want which would reduce gun deaths. I'm guessing they would allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers which would force them to stop marketing guns to criminals who then sell them without background checks which would likely reduce gun deaths.
You can't seriously be saying dems are better for inflation in 2024. Dems fought their asses off to create inflation by printing 3x the normal rate for 2 years post covid, handing out way too much money during (and after) covid, keeping the elevated size of the federal gov't post covid and shutting down the economy. Give them the credit they deserve for the inflation they created.
The inflation caused by china tarriffs when compared to the inflation caused by the dem plan I outlined above during covid is too silly to even compare.
Shutting down the Mexican border during Covid was a significant contribution to inflation as some farms went untended as a result and food wasn't picked. Most of inflation as a result of Covid was experienced internationally as well for many reasons that had nothing to do with expenditures or Covid shutdowns. It more likely was a result of some industries having supply problems (like the car manufacturers who couldn't get chips and so couldn't produce cars)
The point was to show the hypocrisy of the pronoun police refusing to call a company not only by it's preferred name, but it's actual name. And not only that, but explicitly saying they won't call it by it's preferred and actual name. This post is so cringe. Both sides do it and it's embarrassing politics. Rather than attacking the other side, it would be more beneficial for both sides to speak openly about their policies and why it's better for America. Politics is very childish right now.

Rather than attacking the other side, it would be more beneficial for both sides to speak openly about their policies and why it's better for America. Politics is very childish right now.
it's hard to do this when republicans have no policies that are better for america. people aren't going to rallies to hear trump say "MORE TAX CUTS FOR RICH PEOPLE!" or "WE WANT YOU TO PAY MORE FOR IMPORTED STUFF YOU BUY!!" they are there for the bigotry and the attacks.
MAGA dies if they try to discuss policies. even the pronoun stuff you are talking about is just made up in your own head so that maga's can justify their hate.
You are definitely correct re the lockdowns. Decision making was mostly at the state and local level.
Because of veto power and soft influence, Trump and Biden had more responsibility for federal spending during the pandemic, although Congress obviously had a large role as well.
I mean Biden is clearly responsible for the subsequent covid money that passed under partisan lines during his presidency , same as Trump with his tax cuts, but the CARES act passed 96-0 and 419-6 in the senate & the house.
It takes some unsually large amount of bad faith to take the deficit generated by that fully bipartisan act, and by the reduction of fiscal revenue in 2020 caused by the virus & the mostly democratic lockdowns (how much the economy would have tanked with 0 lockdowns , we will never know, but it's 100% certain it would have tanked a lot less) and blame it on Trump.
2020 deficit is in part bipartisan, in part caused directly by every lockdown measure democrats implemented which wasn't absolutely indespensable (and given florida reopened close to everything in setp 2020, ending up with the same mortality rate overall of california, we know for a certainty no lockdown was necessary after the summer).
So 2020 deficit was *caused by democratic party choices more than by republicans*, objectively. Blaming it on trump is obscene, a lie of historic proportions, the kind of massive, bad faith lie with enormous political consequences that is felt as a greater threat to actual democracy than the myriad minibullshit lies trump generates daily.
even the pronoun stuff you are talking about is just made up in your own head so that maga's can justify their hate.
no. it's a waste of time. there was a period of time a few years ago when going to court you had to identify yourself in front of the judge, 'good morning your honour, counsel for the defendant, last name, first initial, i identity as he/him.
you would get scorned by the judge if you didn't provide your gender identity. was ridiculous. thankfully they realized it was ridiculous and got rid of it.
Rick you don't "add to the deficit", you add to debt (the ever growing pile), and the way you do is by running deficits (ie by spending more than the revenues are in a given year).
As i explained claiming a "LARGE PART" of the increase in debt was caused by trump tax cuts is *objectively false*. A big lie.
Those cuts generated approx 400 billions of deficit in the 3 years of Trump presidency they were operative, per CBO estimates.
Debt total pil grew from approx 19 trillions to approx 28 trillions during Trump presidency. Approx 2.5 trillions of those 9 trillions of increase were the structural deficit (600 bln per year) inherited from the Obama administration.
400 bln were caused by Trump tax cuts.
The rest is the massive lack of revenue in 2020 + the trillions passed in a bipartisan way by congress to deal with lockdowns aftermaths.
In fact, up to march 2020, the debt grew exactly the same as it did during the last years of the Obama administration, in the high single digit hundreds of billions.
Trump tax cut weren't as big as you want to claim. Objectively.
it's hard to do this when republicans have no policies that are better for america. people aren't going to rallies to hear trump say "MORE TAX CUTS FOR RICH PEOPLE!" or "WE WANT YOU TO PAY MORE FOR IMPORTED STUFF YOU BUY!!" they are there for the bigotry and the attacks.
MAGA dies if they try to discuss policies. even the pronoun stuff you are talking about is just made up in your own head so that maga's can justify their hate.
Sure, no company or college ever sent emails to all employees telling them to put the pronouns in their signature.
Even the NYT wrote about it ffs, why do you guys LIE EVERY SINGLE TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING?
And rightwing people want to discuss policies all the times. We want a public debate on how disastrous climate regulations are for the quality of life of the average joe. We have that debate constantly, we claim it's a folly to regulate as much as the left wants "for the climate". And people quickly move from "i love the environment i want to do my part" to "hmmm weeellll let's wait a sec.... i don't want to pay more for it", at least moderates and independents often do.
Which is why on the topic of climate regulation , the left never produces a number. the amount of $$ you are actually stealing from normal households pockets, per year, with your regulations. How much everything that uses energy (which is... almost everything) costs more because of regulations "for the climate".
Which is why newsom just got on video simply denying electricity costs more in California because of green regulations. You guys simply deny it , alternative reality.
People on the right are desperate to discuss policies, you guys aren't.
They have policies, but many are horrific ones.
Like taxing people more, to forfeit the debt incurred by people who chose redicolous majors, so colleges can keep teaching "fat studies" and racist and sexist made up bullshit at taxpayer expense, to generate more marxists with no chance to ever work a normal useful job fruitfully, which then become democrats voters for life for a lack of other options.
They could fight to allow student debt to be discharged in bankruptcy, which would be the sane way to deal with it, but they won't because if that happens, then you also have to stop lending to bad prospects, and gender studies becomes an option that no one can pick.
So they want to keep lending taxpayers money to buy courses in marxism, and then forfeit those loans.
I mean Biden is clearly responsible for the subsequent covid money that passed under partisan lines during his presidency , same as Trump with his tax cuts, but the CARES act passed 96-0 and 419-6 in the senate & the house.
It takes some unsually large amount of bad faith to take the deficit generated by that fully bipartisan act, and by the reduction of fiscal revenue in 2020 caused by the virus & the mostly democratic lockdowns (how much the economy would have tanked with 0 lockdowns , we will
Trump went against republicans (that didn’t want to send money) and proudly said he was even better than democrats since his number in cash was higher in giving checks away then the democrats …..
no. it's a waste of time. there was a period of time a few years ago when going to court you had to identify yourself in front of the judge, 'good morning your honour, counsel for the defendant, last name, first initial, i identity as he/him.
you would get scorned by the judge if you didn't provide your gender identity. was ridiculous. thankfully they realized it was ridiculous and got rid of it.
sure. that definitely happened. lol.