Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
i dont think referring to someone as a gender they identify is preventing you from practicing your religion. the religious zealots would have a lot better arguments if they admitted that they just pick and choose which things are religious beliefs that they MUST practice out of their storybook on a whim.
i absolutely believe she should be able to be whatever version of bigot she wants to be on her own. but that stops when it infringes on the rights of others. hers dont supersede.
It's forcing you to subscribe to a moral theory that is against your theology.
And there absolutely is no legal right to be called "the right pronouns", so which would the infringement be?
Unless you want to enshrine a right to decide which pronouns are to be used which.. is exactly what you guys are trying to attempt and why it's outrageous to deny this is happening, which you did previously by saying the debate on pronouns is nonsense.
Lol at rights being infringed if I don't agree with gender theory
there's nothing "mistakenly" about what that woman did. she intentionally discriminated against the kid because she's a bigot. and she received a nuisance settlement to gtfo.
i dont know how you can see it as the kid pushing their "horrific ideology" and not the teacher being the one pushing the "horrific ideology" other than you prefer her ideology. you are free to practice your insane invisible sky man thing that hates people different than your ideal in your own home, you shouldn't be preac
school policy to not inform parents’ students of their gender identities
That's actually a quite decent and humane policy.
Many parents are abusive, and issues of gender and sexuality are big targets for them. Countless gay and trans kids have had to hide their true selves from their parents just to maintain a little bit of peace at home. SO MANY trans kids' lives are absolute hell BECAUSE OF their insane parents. I know that many conservatives think "my home is my castle and my word is law inside of it!", but those little people that live there too aren't actually their slaves.
Personally, I strongly think we should greatly weaken the "family unit" as such and stop allowing parents to act as dictators of their breed for 18 years; and kids should be largely socialized in public daycares and schools starting from toddlerhood, but I know we ain't ready for that talk.
meh. i mean, i care about it in the fact that it's a document of historical significance and has some decent ideals. but it was written by and for white slave owners that just happened to be born white and wealthy enough to have a say. the founding fathers weren't any smarter than any other set of property owning white dudes. it should probably be rewritten every 50 years or so rather than doing mental gymnastics to pretend that the old white guys would have thought about people owning rock
Agreed. That's well-said, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.
Rick you don't "add to the deficit", you add to debt (the ever growing pile), and the way you do is by running deficits (ie by spending more than the revenues are in a given year).
As i explained claiming a "LARGE PART" of the increase in debt was caused by trump tax cuts is *objectively false*. A big lie.
Those cuts generated approx 400 billions of deficit in the 3 years of Trump presidency they were operative, per CBO estimates.
Debt total pil grew from approx 19 trillions to approx 28 trillions
False !
Less then half the deficit trump made was in 2020 covid …
Already post it to counter havam lies previously.
meh. i mean, i care about it in the fact that it's a document of historical significance and has some decent ideals. but it was written by and for white slave owners that just happened to be born white and wealthy enough to have a say. the founding fathers weren't any smarter than any other set of property owning white dudes. it should probably be rewritten every 50 years or so rather than doing mental gymnastics to pretend that the old white guys would have thought about people owning rock
You can rewrite it any time you have the sufficient majority to do so, unless you think it would be proper to rewrite it in full every 50 years even with a simple majority, which would be an unmitigated disaster and a recipe for utter failure, you really can't be a 50%+1 away from totalitarianism. Not even banana republics in s america allow a simple majority full rewriting usually
meh. i mean, i care about it in the fact that it's a document of historical significance and has some decent ideals. but it was written by and for white slave owners that just happened to be born white and wealthy enough to have a say. the founding fathers weren't any smarter than any other set of property owning white dudes. it should probably be rewritten every 50 years or so rather than doing mental gymnastics to pretend that the old white guys would have thought about people owning rock
The main thing is people like Trump should not arbitrarily be changing things like the role of the VP in counting electoral votes on the fly based on what he needs at any given moment. That's not pretending like the constitution is perfect.
That's actually a quite decent and humane policy.
Many parents are abusive, and issues of gender and sexuality are big targets for the abusers. Countless gay and trans kids have had to hide their true selves from their parents just to maintain a little bit of peace at home. SO MANY trans kids' lives are absolute hell BECAUSE OF their insane parents. I know that many conservatives think their home is their castle and their word is law inside of it, but those little people that live there too ar
Yes the left hates the family and wants to destroy it to substitute it with the state (that only they can run), that's well known, one of the many existential threats the left poses to human societies.
It's forcing you to subscribe to a moral theory that is against your theology.
And there absolutely is no legal right to be called "the right pronouns", so which would the infringement be?
Unless you want to enshrine a right to decide which pronouns are to be used which.. is exactly what you guys are trying to attempt and why it's outrageous to deny this is happening, which you did previously by saying the debate on pronouns is nonsense.
Lol at rights being infringed if I don't agree with gender th
this is from 2021 and not sure if been overturned, but
“We recognize that misgendering may be disrespectful, discourteous, and insulting, and used as an inartful way to express an ideological disagreement with another person’s expressed gender identity,” reads the 42-page opinion, which was reached unanimously. “But the First Amendment does not protect only speech that inoffensively and artfully articulates a person’s point of view.”
“To not call one by the name one prefers or the pronoun one prefers, is simply rude, insulting, and cruel,” he wrote. "The impact of using inappropriate pronouns is even more offensive and hurtful when it occurs in an environment where one cannot choose the persons with whom one associates.”
Still, Robie ultimately said that criminalizing the use of incorrect pronouns and names was an “unwise” decision, as opposed to establishing a law that would otherwise mandate employers to use proper pronouns, and encouraged the California legislature to find other means by which to achieve the law's goal.
While the justices did strike down pronoun policies, they did not agree that affirming the gender of trans patients in any way invalidates infringes on the rights of others
We're just back to the weird label. If you guys think these are major national issues, keep talking about them. But republicans are already on the worst 30 year popular vote run in history. Normal people are fine without the federal government getting involved with this and non college white extremists are a shrinking demo.
Those are major issues in purple states and you know it.
Normal people aren't fine with radical gender activism, and there are a lot of Latinos that unsurprisingly despise it more than whites do
That's actually a quite decent and humane policy.
Many parents are abusive, and issues of gender and sexuality are big targets for them. Countless gay and trans kids have had to hide their true selves from their parents just to maintain a little bit of peace at home. SO MANY trans kids' lives are absolute hell BECAUSE OF their insane parents. I know that many conservatives think "my home is my castle and my word is law inside of it!", but those little people that live there too aren't actually
interesting read.
this is from 2021 and not sure if been overturned, but
Yes liberals illegally infringe on one of the most important, if not the most important, of human rights (freedom of speech) regularly, and they keep saying they want to do this.
It's an eversive and fully illegal approach to politics, a true disregard for democratic norms, infinitely more dangerous than anything trump has done.
Being on the left is basically incompatible with an actually working democracy. As soon as they can they burn the bridge and violently impose their own ideology with the force of the state and make it illegal to disagree with them
i dont think referring to someone as a gender they identify is preventing you from practicing your religion. the religious zealots would have a lot better arguments if they admitted that they just pick and choose which things are religious beliefs that they MUST practice out of their storybook on a whim.
i absolutely believe she should be able to be whatever version of bigot she wants to be on her own. but that stops when it infringes on the rights of others. hers dont supersede.
Who says they don't?
Yes the left hates the family and wants to destroy it to substitute it with the state (that only they can run), that's well known, one of the many existential threats the left poses to human societies.
Well, I don't "hate the family". I love my own family, for example. I just think that having one's wife expel a child from their womb does not entitle that father to act as dictator of said child.
Let's forget politics and morals for a second and pontificate on potential outcomes. Do me a favor and look at the early parts of biographies of, let's say, 10 of the most prolific or notable serial killers you know. Wanna guess how many of them came from abusive households? The answer is very likely LITERALLY ALL OF THEM. It's uncanny. Practically NONE of them had normal childhoods.
If they had been placed in a relatively humane and inclusive place as a child, the result would inevitably be far, far fewer dead victims.
It would be easy for an actually civilized society to construct high-quality public places of childcare and school. Shave a couple billion from the hopelessly bloated ledgers of our international military-industrial murder posse, and you're set. As far as I can tell, these institutions I speak of exist, on a mild level, in various nations already.
It's forcing you to subscribe to a moral theory that is against your theology.
And there absolutely is no legal right to be called "the right pronouns", so which would the infringement be?
Unless you want to enshrine a right to decide which pronouns are to be used which.. is exactly what you guys are trying to attempt and why it's outrageous to deny this is happening, which you did previously by saying the debate on pronouns is nonsense.
Lol at rights being infringed if I don't agree with gender th
it's not forcing you to do anything other than call someone by a name. your religious superiority won't be affected in anyway by referring to a female presenting student as susan instead of their other completely made up human name of steve. if my religion believes black people are descendants from a satan-like creature because of their skin color, no one is going to write a million forum posts defending my right to call every black person i see in the work place "devil spawn" and believe that i shouldn't be held accountable by Human Resources.
you just write them about lgbtq people because you also believe in that ideology and applaud discriminating against them.
it's not forcing you to do anything other than call someone by a name. your religious superiority won't be affected in anyway by referring to a female presenting student as susan instead of their other completely made up human name of steve. if my religion believes black people are descendants from a satan-like creature because of their skin color, no one is going to write a million forum posts defending my right to call every black person i see in the work place "devil spawn" and believe that
Forcing you to say something you don't believe in is forcing you.
Btw I do happen to think private discrimination should be always fully legal and the civil right act is deeply unconstitutional.
The school was wrong because it's a public employer and the public shouldn't discriminate but in the private sector all discrimination (against employees, customers, business partners) should always be legal.
It isn't right now but it's not unconstitutional, just a violation of a federal act. So the school violation of the 1a is actually worse legally than a person discriminating against blacks calling them devil spawn would be in the private sector.
Keep in mind though that even in your warped example, "devil spawn" would be an ultrarare specific way to address the person, while using pronouns based on biology would be, and is the way almost all humans always did for almost all human history.
And there is a big difference between criminalizing/pushing normality, and doing the same to made up ultra rare uncommon behavior.
Telling someone that the way things went for basically all human history is now wrong because your ideology says so and you legislated based upon that, is NOT THE SAME as telling someone who behaves very erraticly against common sense widespread norms to fix the **** up and stop doing it.
all republicans in the senate and 98% of those in the house voted in favor so, no, stop making things up.
And ofc trump was happy being able to give cash around, after full bipartisan approval.
Republicans didn't want to send more money, later on, when everything could have been reopened in full (which republican states did), and when the only reason for a bad economy was the fascist approach to covid by democratic led states. And trump wasn't president anymore when that happened.
Nice dream u live in.
That’s December 2020.
He urged lawmakers to make a number of changes to the measure, including bigger direct payments to individuals and families.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of Trump's arch enemies, agreed with his call for $2,000 payments.
President Donald Trump, in a stunning nighttime tweet, called the $900 billion Covid relief bill passed by Congress an unsuitable "disgrace" and urged lawmakers to make changes to the measure, including bigger direct payments to individuals and families.
The video landed like a sonic boom in Washington. His own aides were stunned. Congressional aides were stunned. And the implications for what happens next could be severe. If he refuses to sign the bill, the government will shut down on Dec. 29. The $900 billion in emergency economic aid will be frozen and the race for the two Senate seats in Georgia could also be upended.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., quickly responded to the Twitter post by saying congressional Democrats would enthusiastically return to the Capitol to approve the $2,000 stimulus checks.
“Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks,” she posted on Twitter Tuesday night after Trump’s message. “At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”
Senate Republicans had been the most resistant to the larger checks, and they control the Senate.
Half of what you write is as bad and wrong has baham….
So who’s the liar now since that’s what you inferred toward me ?
Ps: fascist is for the right side not the left btw .
Forcing you to say something you don't believe in is forcing you.
Btw I do happen to think private discrimination should be always fully legal and the civil right act is deeply unconstitutional.
The school was wrong because it's a public employer and the public shouldn't discriminate but in the private sector all discrimination (against employees, customers, business partners) should always be legal.
It isn't right now but it's not unconstitutional, just a violation of a federal act. So the school
none of what we are talking about is criminalizing. that continues to be conflated.
this started with
Ya that's fine. But if you get it wrong at first it shouldn't be a capital offense. Everyone is so soft and sensitive these days.
and the response was that this above is made up. no one is getting in trouble for mistakenly misgendering people.. and then you started with your example of a woman going out of her way to intentionally discriminate against lgbtq children as the hero of your story.. lol
i truly hope the republicans continue to go hard in the paint on trans issues. like i said previously you might have a small window into normie land with the idea on sports, but you guys cant help yourselves from being ****ing weird as seen in the olympics that you even lose most people on that. we all suffer from being significantly too online, but this is not the winning wedge issue you think it is. live and let live is much stronger than whatever crazy whackjob stuff this is.
it's not forcing you to do anything other than call someone by a name. your religious superiority won't be affected in anyway by referring to a female presenting student as susan instead of their other completely made up human name of steve. if my religion believes black people are descendants from a satan-like creature because of their skin color, no one is going to write a million forum posts defending my right to call every black person i see in the work place "devil spawn" and believe that
If following bland corporate HR guidelines is against your religion, you might be an extremist.
Resident MAGA chuds, or Chudisimo in the case of Luciom: bOtH sIdEs SuCk tHe SaMe
Also resident MAGA chuds: I’m going to make a thread to discuss the merits of white nationalism
none of what we are talking about is criminalizing. that continues to be conflated.
this started with
and the response was that this above is made up. no one is getting in trouble for mistakenly misgendering people.. and then you started with your example of a woman going out of her way to intentionally discriminate against lgbtq children as the hero of your story.. lol
i truly hope the republicans continue to go hard in the paint of trans issues. like i said previously you might have a s
The attempt is at criminalizing. You can't yet in the USA but where people like you can, they criminalize it, like in Canada and the UK.
The fact that the best constitution in the world, and decent (for now) judges protect Americans from the fury of your Marxism isn't a reason to behave like nothing is happening and your lot isn't trying to destroy the very fabric of civil society to push horrific anti human ideologies (this doesn't stop with gender theory non sense, it's much bigger) based in the worst parts of Marxist thought.
Sure man, the weird guys are those who want to call a spade a spade, and who want parents to always be informed about their minor children situation (a thing you overlooked, but that polls heavily pro republican in purple states), not those who clap their hands at the Olympic games starting ceremony or keep adding random letters to the LGB+ list
Resident MAGA chuds, or Chudisimo in the case of Luciom: bOtH sIdEs SuCk tHe SaMe
Also resident MAGA chuds: I’m going to make a thread to discuss the merits of white nationalism
Hm no I repeatedly stated the left sucks a lot more please stop inventing things I didn't say.
And actually some republicans are fine for me, like de Santis
Trump was already president for 4 years and didn't do any of the stuff you said he's going to do. Do you think he just forgot to do them during his first 4 years or something?
You will find differing views of the long-term effects on the deficit (and total gov't debt) of reducing taxes on the wealthy and businesses.
By the way, during his first term there was a pandemic and during that time dems pressured him to shut down parts of the economy (and schools) for far too long and to hand out money.
Well at least you got your weekly pay for this crap …
Cya next week .
The attempt is at criminalizing. You can't yet in the USA but where people like you can, they criminalize it, like in Canada and the UK.
The fact that the best constitution in the world, and decent (for now) judges protect Americans from the fury of your Marxism isn't a reason to behave like nothing is happening and your lot isn't trying to destroy the very fabric of civil society to push horrific anti human ideologies (this doesn't stop with gender theory non sense, it's much bigger) based in th
i just always imagine this is the exact post of someone previously fighting desegregation. just insert the different terms in and you've got a carbon copy.. lol.
the forcing schools to out kids is just a cruel new version of satanic panic. lol. if your child feels safer confiding in their teacher about that then that's your failings as a parent. but i get it, much like the new idaho law about a similar subject, it's really to protect familial/clergy child abuse and molestation.