Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


by corradosoprano k

Not an argument ofc.
Londinstan, hopefully youre culturally enriched soon!
Keep it easy on these forums, dont want to be locked up over some mean words bruv.

Sieg Heil.

by d2_e4 k

Sieg Heil.

Touch grass.
Your grandparents (assuming your’e native) weep for you
The violent crime rates and r*pe rates (let me guess, those are fake) make you look like an fool.

by corradosoprano k

Touch grass.
Your grandparents (assuming your’e native) weep for you
The violent crime rates and r*pe rates (let me guess, those are fake) make you look like an fool.

Why don't you crawl on back to Stormfront, you racist little scumbag?

Easy to forget how racist your average Euro is.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Easy to forget how racist your average Euro is.

He just said he's voting RFK in the KH thread, so even if he lives in Europe, he's one of yours, I'm afraid. And you're welcome to take him back.

by d2_e4 k

Why don't you crawl on back to Stormfront, you racist little scumbag?

Got it, no argument, just the “le nazi” nonsense.
Sad life you guys live man.
Dont have an ounce of pride for your country or culture, probably because youve amounted to nothing in life and spend your days on this subforum seething 😏🤣🤣.

You seem angry bro. I think you need some counselling, to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some.

by d2_e4 k

You seem angry bro. I think you need some counselling, to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some.

Every accusation is an admission. Keep clicking f5. Stay mad and make sure to have an extra prayer rug for your lover

by d2_e4 k

You seem angry bro. I think you need some counselling, to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some.

Anyone stanning for RFK could probably use some counselling.

by corradosoprano k

Every accusation is an admission. Keep clicking f5. Stay mad and make sure to have an extra prayer rug for your lover

It's going to be quite fun watching all you little cockroaches scurry away when your demented master gets his ass handed to him in November. Enjoy guzzling that orange cock while it lasts.

by Willd k

Anyone stanning for RFK could probably use some counselling.

The scary part is that (going with polls) something like 7-8 million americans (depending on turnout i guess) could vote for him.

by d2_e4 k

It's going to be quite fun watching all you little cockroaches scurry away when your demented master gets his ass handed to him in November. Enjoy guzzling that orange cock while it lasts.

If he loses then it's obv rigged, duh

by d2_e4 k

It's going to be quite fun watching all you little cockroaches scurry away when your demented master gets his ass handed to him in November. Enjoy guzzling that orange cock while it lasts.

If republicans win the senate and obstruct Harris everywhere i don't think MAGA people will go away at all.

In betting markets republicans 51+ in the senate is at like 65-70%.

Depending on who ends up leader of the republicans in the senate, we could have the funny game of the senate refusing to hold hearings for every single person Harris nominates for every single office, starting with all the secretaries

by corradosoprano k

Got it, no argument, just the “le nazi” nonsense.
Sad life you guys live man.
Dont have an ounce of pride for your country or culture, probably because youve amounted to nothing in life and spend your days on this subforum seething 😏🤣🤣.

To be fair this guy definitely seems sane and reasonable

Not sure I see the issue here

by corradosoprano k

What is there to dog whistle about?
I live in europe, you dont know how bad it is, I imagine you’re in a comfy little suburb in some podunk town feeling good about your platitudes, how many illegals/refugees are you currently housing?

London is a great place to live. D2 lives here so nowhere's perfect but even so


Brain melt

by corradosoprano k

Another wapo article using “anonymous sources”
Just like the fake steele dossier.
Just like the russian investigation
Just like every other hoax that the power hungry fascist dems like to use to stay in power because they literally don’t have anything else besides abortion.
And you eat it up because orange man says mean things.
The level of TDS in this country is wild.
And i voted for 3 party last two elections and will during this one too.
Solipcism is a b*tch

U can’t be fascist and communist at the same time bud ….


Trump is pro A.I., and nuclear energy.

That seems virtuous. Right now I associate the word 'virtue' with Trump.

I won’t associate the word virtue with Trump until he admits the results of the 2020 election were legitimate.

by checkraisdraw k

I won’t associate the word virtue with Trump until he admits the results of the 2020 election were legitimate.

I'm sure he's really torn up about this

by d2_e4 k

It's going to be quite fun watching all you little cockroaches scurry away when your demented master gets his ass handed to him in November. Enjoy guzzling that orange cock while it lasts.

aren't you scared to post stuff like this in your country? wont you be locked up? or does it have to be about lefties and immigrants?

by wreckem713 k

aren't you scared to post stuff like this in your country? wont you be locked up? or does it have to be about lefties and immigrants?

Stuff like what? Calling someone a cock roach/sucker is not illegal anywhere as far as I know.

by d2_e4 k

Stuff like what? Calling someone a cock roach/sucker is not illegal anywhere as far as I know.

Ok just wanted to understand the rules
