Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14490 Replies


by lozen k

The people that lost their loved ones invited both Trump and Harris /Biden team. Biden Harris team never replied and Yes Biden was on another vacation but Kamala was 4 miles away doing nothing . They could have at least responded and declined

No. The family that broke Arlington protocol and had a campaign event at the cemetery, angering many other gold star families claim they invited Biden and Harris. No reason to think they actually did beyond their claim.

So just making sure I understand this

1. Arlington rules forbid using Arlington for partisan campaign purposes

2. Supposedly some family invites trump. 1 is now irrelevant because reasons

3. Arlington employee is slandered and assaulted by trump campaign members trying to enforce 1 but a family invited him so it’s ok and the employee is in the wrong

4. Arlington employee doesn’t press charges cuz she’s scared of trump’s cult. But a family invited trump so clearly she is in the wrong

5. Other gold star families have publicly condemned this but one family invited him so the rules don’t matter

6. MAGA gold star family posts a video but since they invited him the rules don’t matter

7. After the fact they claim they invited biden and Harris which is either a complete lie of convenience to do damage control, or actually true which they rejected out of respect for the rules and for other families


by Luciom k

Us companies and customers pay the tax nominally, who pays in an economic sense depends on a lot of details (that can change in time as well), whose margins get eaten is "complicated".

But yes what I mean is "the total tariffs on item imported from china were a lot higher during Biden years than during Trump years"

So China made less money by selling less ?
Biden is so bad ….

by David Sklansky k

Donald Trump Jr. is now a pitchman for a physical gold selling outfit (Birch Gold). As someone who is is quick to extrapolate on small pieces of information (a useful trait for a gambler if he doesn't take it too far) i will jump to some possible conclusions. One involves the obvious conclusion that the Trump family couldn't be as rich as they say since the financial reward would not be enough to make a big enough dent in the Trump bankroll to the point where

I think you're wrong that this is demeaning by Trump standards. They've been doing similar stiff for a while.

They Came to See Trump. First They Heard...

At a recent campaign speech, one of Donald Trump’s warm-up acts was a precious metals salesman being sued by federal regulators for fraud.

Listening with interest was Jeff Strasser, 57, a former carpenter and truck driver who had traveled more than two hours from Northern Michigan to hear Mr. Trump. Mr. Strasser said he was intrigued by Mr. Spellane’s statement that anyone who stopped by the Fisher Capital booth in the adjoining hall would be eligible for up to $10,000 in free silver.

He came away from the booth thinking a precious metal investment was a slam dunk. “You kind of have to be a fool not to want to do it,” he said, adding “I’m talking about maybe switching my whole 401(k) over to it.”

When regular people start speaking about gold , well maybe we did reach a peak .

by ecriture d'adulte k

No. The family that broke Arlington protocol and had a campaign event at the cemetery, angering many other gold star families claim they invited Biden and Harris. No reason to think they actually did beyond their claim.

You have to admit, disregarding the law, setting up a campaign visit to Arlington, doing it in poor taste, being violent about it, lying about what happened, and then having a 2 week fit defending Trump while not giving a toss about the dead soldier is pretty much the perfect representation of what MAGA is about.

It's fascinating to see how their excuses and lies just glide through conservative social media and media and end up everywhere, like in this thread. The only things that are ever seriously challenged are things that can make Trumpism look bad.

And yes, I know there are probably people itching for a hit of that #bothsidesbad nonsense, because if you can't make Trump look good, then you must by default make the other side look bad. They can take a hike as far as I am concerned. I have seen a Biden speech in settings where the subject was fallen soldiers, and it was truly good, with little in the way of platitudes, empty rhetoric or overly rehearsed lines. It came off as earnest in a way few other American politicians manage, and given his own loss I suspect that it was.

by StoppedRainingMen k

So just making sure I understand this

1. Arlington rules forbid using Arlington for partisan campaign purposes

2. Supposedly some family invites trump. 1 is now irrelevant because reasons

3. Arlington employee is slandered and assaulted by trump campaign members trying to enforce 1 but a family invited him so it’s ok and the employee is in the wrong

4. Arlington employee doesn’t press charges cuz she’s scared of trump’s cult. But a family invited trump so clearly she is in the wrong

5. Other gold sta

you forgot the bullet point where the Trump campaign had pre-cordinated with right wing media to call the event an established memorial ceremony and that biden/harris skipped it.

I will say Trump did a great job with the VA. His words show that he despises the troops tho

by David Sklansky k

Donald Trump Jr. is now a pitchman for a physical gold selling outfit (Birch Gold). As someone who is is quick to extrapolate on small pieces of information (a useful trait for a gambler if he doesn't take it too far) i will jump to some possible conclusions. One involves the obvious conclusion that the Trump family couldn't be as rich as they say since the financial reward would not be enough to make a big enough dent in the Trump bankroll to the point where his father would allow him to demean

LOL at suggesting a celebrity automatically believes in everything he/she get paid to wear, eat, drink, use or talk about in a commercial.

by bahbahmickey k

LOL at suggesting a celebrity automatically believes in everything he/she get paid to wear, eat, drink, use or talk about in a commercial.

I didn't do that. Meanwhile look at what you are suggesting. Namely that Trump Jr. does not think that this is a great place to put your money but doesn't mind misleading thousands of people regarding their financial future just to earn an advertising paycheck. (Similar to what a lot of AM radio celebrities are doing) That may be no big deal if you are hawking a pillow. But if it is persuading a bunch of uninformed buyers to waste a decent chunk of their assets in a semi scam, it is a lot more immoral than anything Hunter Biden ever did.

It’s a huge scam / grift and sklansky is calling it out as he clearly sees it.

He’s saying it’s BIZARRE that a billionaire ex president is selling gold to people.

Additionally the implications that gold is going to go up means trumps presidency would go down or he expects to lose

It’s another Trump cash grab.

david, it's a matter of old money vs new money - his grandfather was a successful restauranteur but alas that's well off not wealthy

his father is in many ways self made and vast majority of the wealth generation happening after wwii

trump may have inherited his wealth, but he's still newish on the grand scale of nyc, his father was not even born there

so while i would agree that no old money would ever in a million years agree to "tarnish themselves" with advertisements etc, he is not old money and thus doesn't have such hangups, ie when you see "rich people tv personalities" it's always new money - look at the shark tank, all new money - that's not a coincidence, in fact, since most money is not new, without such culutral differences driving that, it'd be an incredibly unlikely coincidence but since old money would never dream of whoring themselves out on tv then it makes sense

also, the very nature of his businesses ties up vast majority of the assets into illiquid real estate

when his father died, an inheritance valued of about 250-300 million was divided amongst his surviving children, however, there was less than 2 million dollars in liquid cash - really emphasizing just how "cash poor" such businesses are and in many cases, it makes more sense to take out a line of credit in order have funds available than to sell a property

i often mix them up as one, but in either fire and fury or fear (perhaps in both) there's a bunch of situations where trump is being advised to do something that'll personally cost him 500k or something and the person pushing that decision is usually like "c'mon you're a billionaire this costs you nothing" and some other advisor who is more intimate with his finances will say something like "no he doesn't have that kind of cash laying around and to do this he'd need to take out a line of credit"

so it's definitely a combo of the man probably has <5 million in liquidity at any given moment so a doing a licensing deal where he gets 500k just for letting them slap his name on something then he's only going to see upside there

combined with being new money he isn't as repulsed by whoring himself out like old money would be then it all makes a bit more sense

It's shocking to me that anyone would find it surprising that the brains behind "Trump Steaks" and "Trump Vodka" would also lend it's name to "Trump Gold".

by David Sklansky k

I didn't do that. Meanwhile look at what you are suggesting. Namely that Trump Jr. does not think that this is a great place to put your money but doesn't mind misleading thousands of people regarding their financial future just to earn an advertising paycheck. (Similar to what a lot of AM radio celebrities are doing) That may be no big deal if you are hawking a pillow. But if it is persuading a bunch of uninformed buyers to waste a decent chunk of their assets in a semi scam, it is a lot more i

I think it's an open question whether he even considered whether this would be good for customers. They started a scam for profit college that pressured people to spend on worthless courses.

I don't understand why we are considering it immoral to separate low IQ people from their money in activities they participate in voluntarily, in a gambling forum

by Luciom k

I don't understand why we are considering it immoral to separate low IQ people from their money in activities they participate in voluntarily, in a gambling forum

So you're an advocate of bum hunting?

by Luciom k

I don't understand why we are considering it immoral to separate low IQ people from their money in activities they participate in voluntarily, in a gambling forum

Yes fraud should be legal .
Trump wet dream .

by Tom Ames k

So you're an advocate of bum hunting?

I am an advocate of always using all existing rules to your fullest advantage yes of course, I am not a samurai.

Which doesn't mean that when writing rules I don't think of ecosystem effects which means that I am ok with a room making bum hunting impossible, but if they don't I will bumhunt, how is this even controversial?

by rickroll k

david, it's a matter of old money vs new money - his grandfather was a successful restauranteur but alas that's well off not wealthy

his father is in many ways self made and vast majority of the wealth generation happening after wwii

trump may have inherited his wealth, but he's still newish on the grand scale of nyc, his father was not even born there

so while i would agree that no old money would ever in a million years agree to "tarnish themselves" with advertisements etc, he is not old money an

by Luciom k

I am an advocate of always using all existing rules to your fullest advantage yes of course, I am not a samurai.

Which doesn't mean that when writing rules I don't think of ecosystem effects which means that I am ok with a room making bum hunting impossible, but if they don't I will bumhunt, how is this even controversial?

I just wanted a better read on your character. Thanks!

by kre8tive k

you're confused

i never said that's all he and his siblings got

i just said that's what the estate was "valued at" upon his death

the goal was to emphasize what small amount of the total assets were in physical cash and your post further clarifies indeed just how low a percentage that is

by rickroll k

it's a matter of old money vs new money.
trump may have inherited his wealth, but he's still newish on the grand scale of nyc, his father was not even born there

Fred Trump, the father of the orange colored nyc conman, was born in NYC (the Bronx).

he was also a nazi. or was is kkk. i forget

by iwasbanned k

Fred Trump, the father of the orange colored nyc conman, was born in NYC (the Bronx).

As far as we know. I bet it was really easy to buy some fake papers/bribe the right people back then.

by iwasbanned k

Fred Trump, the father of the orange colored nyc conman, was born in NYC (the Bronx).

indeed, but point still stands, his dad arrived in the city just a few months before he was born and it's also very possible for reasons of immigration that they just said he was born there and bribed someone on entry

his grandfather split his time between germany and seattle/alaska

at the very least, his dad was conceived in germany

anyway, still new money
