Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Luc, try to image if you DIDN'T have to play the balancing act.
The only feasible "fix" is the interstate voting compact, as it doesn't require changing the constitution (which would be impossible, small states will need to ratify a loss in relevance with nothing to gain from it)
I am not sure what you mean with "concern troll for one side", but in a place where almost everyone is grotesquely to the left of the median american voter, and is against trump for the wrong reasons, I have to play the balancing act of defending what makes sense on the right for obvious reasons.
When I talk with maga people I patiently tell them that no the COVID vaccine didn't kill millions of people and that highly skilled immigration makes them richer and so on and on.
If there were people her
I'm going to take up the torch for all lefties and say:
We're fine w/ normal conservative policies, like tax breaks for the billionaire class that hurt the middle class and working poor, create more income inequality and expand the national debt.
Go ahead and deregulate the industries, and pollute our air and water.
Cut some social services that put more homeless people on the streets and are extremely short-sighted to deal w/ the actual societal problems.
Make some more "right to work states", that fk over the working class and make more unsafe work places w/ lower wages.
I'll take the classic neo-con conservative any day (crazy to say that), over Trump and, more importantly, the fascist behind Trump.
Just don't support people who commit coup's and don't support democracy.
We have to at least all agree on democracy, or we're all fkd.
Yes you dislike trump more than, say, you would Rubio. I believe that. I do as well if it isn't clear yet. Just not for the same reasons.
I dislike trump more than iwould Rubio and others because trump is too much to the left on the economics for my tastes.
But Rubio would have the same chances if not better ones (although the map might look a bit different in some places) than Trump.
And it's not some kind of unique maga situation that allows trump to have a chance in this election, it's democrats being terrible.
Fact is for the vast majority of people, and this is not a maga thing, any republican candidate is better than any Democratic candidate, and viceversa.
And it's reasonable for that to be the case.
All the pretense about trump being uniquely bad and that somehow being a moral case where people on the right have to suicide the opportunity to own courts for half a century is just a joke.
And, most importantly, if the candidate was Rubio, or RDS, or Cruz, or any actual rightwing person you can think of, the barrage of insanity against him 24/7 on media would be the same.
It was the same against trump before he "undermined democracy",before he had the chance to do actually anything at all, in 2016. I remember because I was actually buying it at least in part.
But the countless insane narratives (including those about Jan 6 purported trump responsibilities) made it clear to me there is not even an ounce of good faith in all the attacks.
You just do what you think can work to win and that is. Which is ok for me, but don't pretend there is any moral consideration actually underpinning any of your claims, including those about trump being a threat to democracy
What's the number 1 thing a cult does? It claims to be the sole source of the "truth", and everyone else is wrong. Only they are the flag bearers of truth.
It is amazing, with all the information we do have out there now, that you can't just at least google... signs you're in a cult. You're not going to find disinformation for these kinds of searches.
But here we are.
Luciom and other Trump supporters, how do you dismiss the fact that soooo many ex staff, administration officials, and people who h
No previous allies , advisors ,AG , etc of trump (except the pardoned one and convicted) support trump.
No previous presidents or VPs (even trump ex VP) don’t support him …
Simple . Previous Republican didn’t hate Americans , just policies .
That is why bush and Clinton for example could be friends afterwards ….
Trump is just a hater trying to pit Americans against each other .
No wonder putin loves him
I am not sure what you mean with "concern troll for one side", but in a place where almost everyone is grotesquely to the left of the median american voter, and is against trump for the wrong reasons, I have to play the balancing act of defending what makes sense on the right for obvious reasons.
When I talk with maga people I patiently tell them that no the COVID vaccine didn't kill millions of people and that highly skilled immigration makes them richer and so on and on.
It's amazing that you can even type that first clause in the sentence and not realize how disproportionate the issues with both parties are.
If there were people here claiming trump is terrible because he doesn't want to reform social security I would say ye man, you get it.
Trump literally doesn't have any political issues. If it was popular to reform the age of social security, he would absolutely do it. He says he wants to protect Social Security and Medicare because he's pandering. His party is full of people who would love to gut both those things.
Or because of tariffs. Instead you guys actually often are neutral if not in favour of tariffs and don't want to increase social security minimum age of access to 65 and so on, so what am I supposed to do if not make it clear you are basically a bunch of leftists who would oppose any and all republican candidate no matter what, and all the specific anti trump and anti maga stuff is just an excuse?
The Democrats in general are the party that promotes tariffs less and talks about the problems with them. Some tariffs have been enacted in a strategic way at times, not claiming they will improve the wealth of the country but rather as a punitive measure against an authoritarian regime China so that they can't displace our industry by flooding the market with cheap EVs. If they weren't a marxist authoritarian state I would be completely against it because flooding the market with cheap cars is great actually.
From your link (which isn't about median voters rather Harris v trump supporters), 37% of americans are in favor of mass deportations of illegals.
I think less than 10% are in this forum, do you disagree?
Only 62% are in favor of mostly legal abortion, in this forum it's 100% among regulars from what I can tell, and only some random trolls that get blocked quickly at times comes against abortion to write.
61% claim the justice system isn't tough enough in the USA against criminals.
Here it's what, 20% of regulars agreeing?maybe less.
57% of respondents claim they feel discomfort if someone uses they/them pronouns, how many would agree in this forum? It's probably a bannable offense here to answer positively to that lol.
Isn't that a list of dramatic left-skewed attitudes here?
Btw checkraise the Biden admin used tariffs against normal countries as well not only china.
Example, mattresses, insane Biden admin choice
Democrats aren't the party of free trade anymore (if they ever have been)
masterful gambit, sir
Lol this is funny, first RFK sued a lot of states to have his name on the ballot, now he is suing some because they don't remove it after he dropped out
So are securities laws, but instead of updating with new technology, still rely on 1933/34 acts and case law from the 40s. Broken system.
Maybe it’s broken for you but certainly isn’t for the interest of the US government ain’t it ?
You really expect the U.S. to change it trough their goodness of their heart ?
Yes you dislike trump more than, say, you would Rubio. I believe that. I do as well if it isn't clear yet. Just not for the same reasons.
I dislike trump more than iwould Rubio and others because trump is too much to the left on the economics for my tastes.
But Rubio would have the same chances if not better ones (although the map might look a bit different in some places) than Trump.
And it's not some kind of unique maga situation that allows trump to have a chance in this election, it's democrat
I think you've made it clear you prefer policy that benefits the few. I don't think anyone has doubts about that based on what you've said.
How do you reconcile that the Republican party platform as a whole, is unpopular and based on the think tanks, like the Heritage Foundation, that fund/strategize for the Republican party, they have deeply unpopular takes about pretty much every social issue? How is that not a form of authoritarianism?
If you're interested at all, I can show you many polls that they've done over the years, that when you strip away the partisan language from polling questions, America as a whole is 70%+ liberal, whether that be social or economic in nature. Those same polls also show we're not as deeply divided on most issues, as some media platforms would want you to believe.
What are these insane narratives in your view? I think the media downplayed the threat of Trump... and the proof of this is we were caught pretty flat footed in a legit coup attempt. A couple of things removed, and Trump is president again... and maybe for the rest of his life.
The bolded sentence, is projection, my friend. I don't think like that at all, and most people I know don't as well. Values and principles matter. As soon as you start saying they don't, is when you end up w/ authoritarian regimes... which that seems the be your position. Whatever it takes to win. I can tell you genuinely with 100% certainty, that if a Democrat had attempted a coup, and even did half the things Trump has, I would not be voting for them next election.
Princliples matters to me.
Maybe it’s broken for you but certainly isn’t for the interest of the US government ain’t it ?
You really expect the U.S. to change it trough their goodness of their heart ?
Sadly I don't disagree with you.
The US government does what's best for the US government, not what's best for the US people.
Sadly I don't disagree with you.
The US government does what's best for the US government, not what's best for the US people.
I get the desire to rush to apathy about the government... but we're not in a monarchy. The government is made up of the people, and there is opportunity to change any of those positions you don't think benefit the people. It doesn't matter how many oligarchs are sitting behind the curtain pulling the strings. The responsibility is still upon the people to value good information, and get as informed as possible on the issues. This is the part that doesn't happen, unfortunately. But there are democracies around the world (mostly in Scandinavian countries), where they have put value on these things, and as a result have enacted a lot of policies that benefit a majority of the people.
I get the desire to rush to apathy about the government... but we're not in a monarchy. The government is made up of the people, and there is opportunity to change any of those positions you don't think benefit the people. It doesn't matter how many oligarchs are sitting behind the curtain pulling the strings. The responsibility is still upon the people to value good information, and get as informed as possible on the issues. This is the part that doesn't happen, unfortunately. But there are dem
Yes the people are ******ed

Sadly I don't disagree with you.
The US government does what's best for the US government, not what's best for the US people.
Well it isn’t good for the poorest people but it sure is good for many people at the top chain .
You would see a change when corporations will stop being considered humans with free speech rights permitting them to buy out governments ….
You guys are all wrong. For the most part, the US government is very well-structured and does a lot of good things. Americans tend to be pessimistic about their government despite having tremendous free speech protections, a powerhouse economy, mostly sensible regulations that can be lifted or challenged as needed, decent positions on social issues, a strong social safety net dealing with medicine and retirement, as well as the strongest military in the world.
There are issues of course, but let’s not pretend the government does absolutely nothing whatsoever for people. That’s just a ridiculously pessimistic way of viewing government.
You guys are all wrong. For the most part, the US government is very well-structured and does a lot of good things. Americans tend to be pessimistic about their government despite having tremendous free speech protections, a powerhouse economy, mostly sensible regulations that can be lifted or challenged as needed, decent positions on social issues, a strong social safety net dealing with medicine and retirement, as well as the strongest military in the world.
There are issues of course, but let’
Lol this is funny, first RFK sued a lot of states to have his name on the ballot, now he is suing some because they don't remove it after he dropped out
What's not funny is that this issue is being contested because whether a person who is no longer running is still on the ballot, has a very small but not totally insignificant chance of deciding who is the next president.
You guys are all wrong. For the most part, the US government is very well-structured and does a lot of good things. Americans tend to be pessimistic about their government despite having tremendous free speech protections, a powerhouse economy, mostly sensible regulations that can be lifted or challenged as needed, decent positions on social issues, a strong social safety net dealing with medicine and retirement, as well as the strongest military in the world.
There are issues of course, but let&
+1 Of course there's a ton of things done extremely well. And honestly, the narratives on how bad government does X are absurdly overplayed, and hard to break. There's been many decades of propaganda poured into that talking point. I know w/ a government body, I can get answers because I know the chain of command. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to do the same with various private companies, and get no response or no resolution. But we don't talk about that because there's millions of companies... people don't go, "I got fkd by this company, fk private companies." But it's easy to understand, "I had a bad experience w/ a government agency, government sucks".. because you're pointing the finger at only one body... it's not scattered across millions of horrible experiences.
When apathy wins, democracy dies.
The support for Trump isn't a referendum on Democratic Party policy. Democrats generally support pretty popular policy. Trump's boost is mostly cultural.
You guys are all wrong. For the most part, the US government is very well-structured and does a lot of good things. Americans tend to be pessimistic about their government despite having tremendous free speech protections, a powerhouse economy, mostly sensible regulations that can be lifted or challenged as needed, decent positions on social issues, a strong social safety net dealing with medicine and retirement, as well as the strongest military in the world.
There are issues of course, but let’
We are talking about currency not the government has a whole .
Well I’m certainly not.
What's not funny is that this issue is being contested because whether a person who is no longer running is still on the ballot, has a very small but not totally insignificant chance of deciding who is the next president.
He’s still running, bozo
He wants to be removed from specific states, not every state