Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14489 Replies


Statement released and signed by 11 gold star family members.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m sure her opinion doesn’t matter cuz TDS or something idk

It matters, but it doesn't help democrats, because then it becomes a race on who has more military families on his side and those skew republican for obvious reasons.

Harris misplayed this

for the 10th time, it literally does not matter what some braindead cultists think if it's against the law

by 72off k

for the 10th time, it literally does not matter what some braindead cultists think if it's against the law

You have TDS

Yes checkraise many of my political preferences are deeply unpopular, which is why it's silly of you to keep calling me a trump fan or maga as I clearly am not

by 72off k

for the 10th time, it literally does not matter what some braindead cultists think if it's against the law

Correct: what matters if stuff against the law happened, is to prove it in court.

DoJ is yours, do your job.

Can't hide behind "employee claims x y happened but doesn't want to sue", if the law was broken using the place in illegal ways you don't need the employee to sue, the government can.

If the gvmnt doesn't sue in what would be a splendid political opportunity for democrats, it means there is no case to be made, ie it's false the law was broken

by StoppedRainingMen k

Trump is a coinflip to win because the electoral college is a deeply broken system and the Republican Party is the only one that can lose the popular vote and win the election anyway

If the winner was adjudicated with the popular vote, candidates, campaigns and platforms would be different for both parties.

I know you guys hate playing by the rules, but the rules are the EC for now and there is nothing inherently broken about it.

Can keep whining that you would prefer different rules though, maybe that will help cope better if you lose

God your life ****ing sucks man. I’m not convinced you aren’t a suicide risk if you ever got perma’d

Get help

by wet work k

Even the rightwing guy who coined the term originally despised trump lol. Because it's just a ripped off meme from the Bush/BDS years 😀

The greatest sufferers of tds are trump supporters. Seeing the walking wounded at his rallys over and over again hopelessly stuck on the idea their god-king is going to make their lives better when the reality is he gives zero Fs about any of them is a pretty decent example why.

What's the number 1 thing a cult does? It claims to be the sole source of the "truth", and everyone else is wrong. Only they are the flag bearers of truth.

It is amazing, with all the information we do have out there now, that you can't just at least google... signs you're in a cult. You're not going to find disinformation for these kinds of searches.

But here we are.

Luciom and other Trump supporters, how do you dismiss the fact that soooo many ex staff, administration officials, and people who have worked w/ Trump at any level, have so many bad things to say about him? It doesn't seem healthy to think that you're going to get good leadership, from someone who is obviously so bad. So bad that even a lot of Trump supports admit this.

When Stephanie Grishman says that he mocks his supporters in private, and calls them basement dwealers... do you just claim she's lying? She wants to sell books? How are these things dismissed or overlooked in your mind.


by Shifty86 k

Statement released and signed by 11 gold star family members.

Seem trump flip flop again .
Before if u get killed or capture in wars you were a loser but not anymore …

Always like that lol .
When he needs something from someone , that person his the best in the world until he got what he wants , then they fire them or call them worst human being ever …

by Luciom k

Yes checkraise many of my political preferences are deeply unpopular, which is why it's silly of you to keep calling me a trump fan or maga as I clearly am not

You just always happen to concern troll for one side, right?

Like this whole thing of “Dems have the DoJ” when you know that’s not how it works. It’s crazy how on certain issues you have very cogent, lucid takes (that I deeply disagree with but at least they are logical) and then will go off the rails to defend the latest Trump controversy.

by Luciom k

If the winner was adjudicated with the popular vote, candidates, campaigns and platforms would be different for both parties.

I know you guys hate playing by the rules, but the rules are the EC for now and there is nothing inherently broken about it.

Can keep whining that you would prefer different rules though, maybe that will help cope better if you lose

So you think it's fair that a state like CA, with 39 million people, gets 2 EC votes, and the Dakota territories w/ a combined population of 1.6 million people, gets 4 EC votes?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Trump is a coinflip to win because the electoral college is a deeply broken system and the Republican Party is the only one that can lose the popular vote and win the election anyway

EC probably broken. But Dems can also lose popular vote, but win election.

by checkraisdraw k

You just always happen to concern troll for one side, right?

Like this whole thing of “Dems have the DoJ” when you know that’s not how it works. It’s crazy how on certain issues you have very cogent, lucid takes (that I deeply disagree with but at least they are logical) and then will go off the rails to defend the latest Trump controversy.

It will never stop confusing me that people insist on treating lucario like he’s a functioning adult

by housenuts k

EC probably broken. But Dems can also lose popular vote, but win election.

Mathematically impossible but technically speaking, sure

by housenuts k

EC probably broken. But Dems can also lose popular vote, but win election.

Technically, possible... but it's never happened in modern history.

And also, of course it's broke. I mean, the world changes. If we didn't update and adapt to those changes, we'd be driving cars on dirt roads everywhere. At some point you have to build new infrastructure that accounts for your population changes. The EC is part of that.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Mathematically impossible but technically speaking, sure

Dunno what math you are referring to.

by checkraisdraw k

It’s crazy how on certain issues you have very cogent, lucid takes

citation needed

by housenuts k

Dunno what math you are referring to.

The imbalance of blue state electoral votes to the popular votes they get relative to what red states have is impossible for Dems to overcome

by FreakDaddy k

Technically, possible... but it's never happened in modern history.

And also, of course it's broke. I mean, the world changes. If we didn't update and adapt to those changes, we'd be driving cars on dirt roads everywhere. At some point you have to build new infrastructure that accounts for your population changes. The EC is part of that.

So are securities laws, but instead of updating with new technology, still rely on 1933/34 acts and case law from the 40s. Broken system.

by StoppedRainingMen k

The imbalance of blue state electoral votes to the popular votes they get relative to what red states have is impossible for Dems to overcome

Yes, tough for them to overcome, but that's not math.

by housenuts k

So are securities laws, but instead of updating with new technology, still rely on 1933/34 acts and case law from the 40s. Broken system.

Ya... so the argument is? It's broken in lots of places, so don't fix it? ?

by FreakDaddy k

Ya... so the argument is? It's broken in lots of places, so don't fix it? ?

It's broken and should be fixed.

by housenuts k

It's broken and should be fixed.

Ok... great. That seemed more complicated than it needed to be to get there.

Can we at least give N&S Dakota only 2 EC votes?

I'll take small changes to start. 😀

by checkraisdraw k

You just always happen to concern troll for one side, right?

Like this whole thing of “Dems have the DoJ” when you know that’s not how it works. It’s crazy how on certain issues you have very cogent, lucid takes (that I deeply disagree with but at least they are logical) and then will go off the rails to defend the latest Trump controversy.

I am not sure what you mean with "concern troll for one side", but in a place where almost everyone is grotesquely to the left of the median american voter, and is against trump for the wrong reasons, I have to play the balancing act of defending what makes sense on the right for obvious reasons.

When I talk with maga people I patiently tell them that no the COVID vaccine didn't kill millions of people and that highly skilled immigration makes them richer and so on and on.

If there were people here claiming trump is terrible because he doesn't want to reform social security I would say ye man, you get it.

Or because of tariffs. Instead you guys actually often are neutral if not in favour of tariffs and don't want to increase social security minimum age of access to 65 and so on, so what am I supposed to do if not make it clear you are basically a bunch of leftists who would oppose any and all republican candidate no matter what, and all the specific anti trump and anti maga stuff is just an excuse?

And we are among middle aged men, probably whiter than the american population, and probably with higher incomes as well, so we are like the demographic who should skew most to the right off basically all, it's truly deeply disturbing to see this leftist bias in this forum, especially in a gambling one.

The prior would be to find 80%+ people who consider the left totally illegitimate and inimical to their core values.
