Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Indict him (or the manager for his campaign, or whomever is responsible for the criminal atc) for "breaking the law" if it's so obvious that a law was broken..
The DoJ is an arm of the democratic party, you control it, use it
The trump campaign was invited by the families, the familkes laid the ground work and got it approved by the Arlington staff before hand.
The families asked the video and pictures to be taken. Also non of the families saw this happen with the staffer.
I've seen 8 videos from the gold star families.
To make sure we have it clocked correctly:
1. The Harris campaign attempted to create fake controversy and now they find themselves in a PR battle with gold star families.
Ignoring the whole ‘the family said it’s ok so the rules don’t matter’ part I did enjoy how you conveniently chose to ignore the point about the trump campaign aggressively slandering an Arlington worker
Btw, apparently the only reason the Arlington worker didn’t press charges is because she was scared if she did trump supporters would retaliate
Pretty awesome and normal when you get to get away with stuff cuz among your supporters are violent mentally unstable cultists
Pretty awesome how any unproven allegation spewed by people who dislike Trump is taken as truth in this forum
Ignoring the whole ‘the family said it’s ok so the rules don’t matter’ part I did enjoy how you conveniently chose to ignore the point about the trump campaign aggressively slandering an Arlington worker
Posted above.
The families asked the video and pictures to be taken. Also non of the families saw this happen with the staffer.
Pretty awesome how any unproven allegation spewed by people who dislike Trump is taken as truth in this forum
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) these people live completely in their own reality. Just look at their posts in the last few pages. Completely unhinged, after almost a decade of seeing it, I feel sorry for them.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) these people live completely in their own reality. Just look at their posts in the last few pages. Completely unhinged, after almost a decade of seeing it, I feel sorry for them.
Even the rightwing guy who coined the term originally despised trump lol. Because it's just a ripped off meme from the Bush/BDS years 😀
The greatest sufferers of tds are trump supporters. Seeing the walking wounded at his rallys over and over again hopelessly stuck on the idea their god-king is going to make their lives better when the reality is he gives zero Fs about any of them is a pretty decent example why.
Gold star families ripping Kamala is good stuff. What a silly thing to decide to make an issue out of. Pick your battles, like Walz picked his
Pretty awesome how any unproven allegation spewed by people who dislike Trump is taken as truth in this forum
The idea that Trump gets any benefit of the doubt after breaking every norm including trying to steal an election is insane. That’s the real TDS.
I know you love the authoritarian far right and want everyone to be forced to live out your deeply unpopular political ideas though, so I understand why you reflexively defend him
Pretty awesome how any unproven allegation spewed by people who dislike Trump is taken as truth in this forum
MAGA melting in this thread, disputing official information from the Army. Love it.
A statement from the Army’s public affairs office said that the Trump campaign had been made aware that federal law prohibits filming for political purposes in that part of the cemetery, and it criticized the campaign for publicly insulting the official in a statement after the fact.
“Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds,” the statement said.
It continued: “An A.N.C. employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at A.N.C., this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption.”
The official who was pushed filed a report, but declined to press charges. Military officials later said they feared that the employee would face retaliation from Trump supporters if her identity became known as part of any formal investigation.
Pretty awesome how no matter what bad stuff he does over and over again, the cult just kisses his feet.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."
Trump definitely knew his marks, aka the poorly-educated people he said he loves.
The idea that Trump gets any benefit of the doubt after breaking every norm including trying to steal an election is insane. That’s the real TDS.
I know you love the authoritarian far right and want everyone to be forced to live out your deeply unpopular political ideas though, so I understand why you reflexively defend him
You can't both claim that my political ideas align with trump, and claim that they are deeply unpopular, as Trump is a coin flip to win.
At ease Corporal
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) these people live completely in their own reality. Just look at their posts in the last few pages. Completely unhinged, after almost a decade of seeing it, I feel sorry for them.
I would shoot back at you the same with one small caveat ….
Trudeau Derangement Syndrome (TDS) these people live completely in their own reality. Just look at their posts in the last few pages. Completely unhinged, after almost a decade of seeing it, I feel sorry for them.
You can't both claim that my political ideas align with trump, and claim that they are deeply unpopular, as Trump is a coin flip to win.
Again …..
Maga do not vote about policies but vote about the mean trump …
It’s cult -> nothing matters but the worship of the man .
put any other candidate with his policies and he wouldn’t be as popular as trump obv .
If trump wins, purely for the sake of argument, he’ll have done so having gone 3 straight elections getting millions less votes than his opponent
And somehow that means hes clearly popular
You can't both claim that my political ideas align with trump, and claim that they are deeply unpopular, as Trump is a coin flip to win.
Trump is a coin flip to win because he is lying about what he can do and promising the world. He is also lying about being moderate on social issues. He may in fact be personally against a 6 week abortion ban, but he will vote in favor of it. The whole idea that he will "end inflation" and "stop world war 3" is what he's running on. He's also running on "energy independence" when the US is already energy independent. Also most people would not support making the justice department Trump's personal police force or installing all of his lackeys in every level of politics (including the military I presume).
Plus most people that are giving tacit support to Trump just think "oh he's better on the economy, inflation, and immigration" and never get into the particulars of what it is he is going to do. Trump is popular, but his policies insofar as they overlap with your policies are not.
Also having read your posts it seems like you are hoping that there will be some degradation in Western governments so that they can be hugely reduced in their social safety nets. That position is incredibly unpopular.
Trump is a coinflip to win because the electoral college is a deeply broken system and the Republican Party is the only one that can lose the popular vote and win the election anyway

I’m sure her opinion doesn’t matter cuz TDS or something idk