Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
BJ even if the signing author is someone else, RFK is spamming that book as something like the bible 2.0 and he helped financing it's writings so if the cover comes out being a photo of a kid who died of something else while the book claims it's a death from vaccines, RFK has the clout to intervene and fix it, but he didn't
Except that the book didn't make that claim, which you would know if you actually read the thing. It amazes me that people make these unsubstantiated statements about the content of a book that they haven't even read..
Funny video of a cat attacking Donald Trump.
President Trump will be holding another rally in Butler, PA on Saturday, the same town where he was almost assassinated, and he'll be having a special guest with him, Elon Musk (two powerful elites fighting the bad elites). I'm not sure if Elon will be speaking but I would bet that he will.
What Elon is saying is absolutely true. They're trying to literally take control of not only our country but many countries around the world in a one world communist gov't.

It's mind boggling the infinite lies coming from the right. Not your garden variety political spin either. Just blatant lies and conspiracy theories.
It's mind boggling the infinite lies coming from the right. Not your garden variety political spin either. Just blatant lies and conspiracy theories.
What's controversial with claiming that democratic party intentions to give citizenship to as much people as possible as fast as possible are predicated on them thinking those people will vote democrat more than the american population?
Elon says he's going to unveil a 90k robotaxi that will generate owners 30k a year picking up strangers while they sleep. Or just borrow 900k, buy 10, sleep all day, pay it back in 3 years and and make 300k a year. A Powerful elite you can trust and not at all a lying scammer. I miss the days when republicans would at least pretend to have some business and finance knowledge.
It's mind boggling the infinite lies coming from the right. Not your garden variety political spin either. Just blatant lies and conspiracy theories.
They have no choice. When people are allowed to vote Republicans lose elections, hence why they do everything in their power to make it as difficult as possible, ie fight against mail-in ballots and same-day voter registration, limit early voting days, sites, and ballot drop-off locations, send law enforcement into low-income areas to 'verify' voter rolls, ie voter intimidation. Basically every underhanded trick in the book.
Ironic coming from a poster who just blatantly lied in another thread that Trump would never donate a penny to anyone in need.
Your guy is a conman, and not even a smart conman. Maybe some money in his empire got to charities. No clue. But if it did it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart because he hasn't one. Tax write-off maybe.
Your guy is a conman, and not even a smart conman. Maybe some money in his empire got to charities. No clue. But if it did it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart because he hasn't one. Tax write-off maybe.
Maybe you should read the link I provided responding to your lie, before you spew more lies.
They have no choice. When people are allowed to vote Republicans lose elections, hence why they do everything in their power to make it as difficult as possible, ie fight against mail-in ballots and same-day voter registration, limit early voting days, sites, and ballot drop-off locations, send law enforcement into low-income areas to 'verify' voter rolls, ie voter intimidation. Basically every underhanded trick in the book.
Trying to secure elections and limit fraud is an underhanded trick.
No. It's called trying to prevent cheating.
Here's a new one - How lucky that Trump's bibles seem to be the only one to meet the silly requirements...
Bids opened Monday for a contract to supply the state Department of Education with 55,000 Bibles. According to the bid documents, vendors must meet certain specifications: Bibles must be the King James Version; must contain the Old and New Testaments; must include copies of the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; and must be bound in leather or leather-like material.
bj...please don't leave in 32 days
lil' can go any time
Right, because limiting early voting days and the number of voting sites is to prevent cheating.
Voting sites should be fixed with population like in normal countries, but early voting is absolutely not an obvious choice to even have except when there is no alternative (overseas voters, and you want the votes to arrive soon to count them all together with the rest after the polls close ok election day), because things can happen before election day.
Many normal countries don't have early voting
in canada, well in quebec specifically , early voting is vastly accepted and promoted for many : old people, handicap peoples,etc.
basically all that would render the voting day a bit complicated due to a the slow flow of voting and the lack of transport utilities i suppose.
the demands would probably be too high for the same day for those that need special transports accommodations.
in canada, well in quebec specifically , early voting is vastly accepted and promoted for many : old people, handicap peoples,etc.
basically all that would render the voting day a bit complicated due to a the slow flow of voting and the lack of transport utilities i suppose.
the demands would probably be too high for the same day for those that need special transports accommodations.
Well in France you only vote the day of the election, and turnover is higher than in Quebec even if the population is older
Bibles in schools? US on it's way back to the dark ages I guess.
My wife was talking to her mother yesterday. She told her mother that we were applying for fema assistance. Her mother replied that fema didn't have any money left because they gave it all to immigrants.
This is the danger of the right. People actually believe what gets circulated.
Shame on you playbig, brianjames and all the rest of you. Deplorable is too nice of a word.
My wife was talking to her mother yesterday. She told her mother that we were applying for fema assistance. Her mother replied that fema didn't have any money left because they gave it all to immigrants.
This is the danger of the right. People actually believe what gets circulated.
Shame on you playbig, brianjames and all the rest of you. Deplorable is too nice of a word.
First of all, that was said directly by a FEMA official on camers.
Second, and most impotant, you fail to see the bigger picture. Illegal aliens who come into the country illegally are being given priority over legal citizens while being housed in free luxury apartments. If you're OK with that, that's your choice, but don't try to say these things are all made up.