Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
First of all, that was said directly by a FEMA official on camers.
Second, and most impotant, you fail to see the bigger picture. Illegal aliens who come into the country illegally are being given priority over legal citizens while being housed in free luxury apartments. If you're OK with that, that's your choice, but don't try to say these things are all made up.
On Wednesday US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had said the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema), which he oversees, was short on cash for the rest of hurricane season.
Trump and his allies expressed outrage that the agency had spent over $640m (£487m) on housing migrants.
But officials pointed out that this funding, authorised by Congress, was part of an entirely different programme run by Fema unconnected to disaster relief.
On Wednesday US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had said the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema), which he oversees, was short on cash for the rest of hurricane season.
Trump and his allies expressed outrage that the agency had spent over $640m (£487m) on housing migrants.
But officials pointed out that this funding, authorised by Congress, was part of an entirely different programme run by Fema unconnected to disaster relief.
Well it seems they have endless piles of cash for illegal immigrants but not enough for Americans , Billions for Ukraine but not enough for Americans, 100's of millions for Israel's defense system but none for Americans
My wife was talking to her mother yesterday. She told her mother that we were applying for fema assistance. Her mother replied that fema didn't have any money left because they gave it all to immigrants.
This is the danger of the right. People actually believe what gets circulated.
Shame on you playbig, brianjames and all the rest of you. Deplorable is too nice of a word.
Yeah, the people telling us immigration is a huge problem must be livid another eating dogs style made up story is dominating the news pushing moderates and liberals towards the side of immigration concerns are just a made up excuse for racism.
Just kidding, obviously only the right gets to use excuses to justify their positions.
Well it seems they have endless piles of cash for illegal immigrants but not enough for Americans , Billions for Ukraine but not enough for Americans, 100's of millions for Israel's defense system but none for Americans
They had $2.5 Trillion for Americans, at least wealthy Americans, ie Trump's tax cuts.
keep in mind that "luxury" to PB means getting new curtains on his single-wide.
First of all, that was said directly by a FEMA official on camers.
Second, and most impotant, you fail to see the bigger picture. Illegal aliens who come into the country illegally are being given priority over legal citizens while being housed in free luxury apartments. If you're OK with that, that's your choice, but don't try to say these things are all made up.
Rumor: FEMA does not have enough money to provide disaster assistance for Helene.
FEMA has enough money right now for immediate response and recovery needs. If you were affected by Helene, do not hesitate to apply for disaster assistance as there is a variety of help available for different needs.
October 3, 2024
As for illegals being prioritized it's complicated and you should be more laser focused on what exactly you are talking about. It's clearly possible that happens in some states but you might think it happens a lot to illegals while it is happening to "not-technically-illegals" (for ex "asylum seekers") which is disgusting and atrocious and morally horrific anyway but opens you up to criticizism.
What you should be saying if you believe it is that as long has any native as an unfulfilled need and the government (federal state or local) gives even a dollar to a non citizen for any reason, that's a moral crime, a moral horror and that should be illegal under all circumstances and people who disagree are enemies of native americans.
Be precise in what your claims are or you become like the left which makes up stuff all the time
Yeah, lying Marxist or blood thirsty, authoritarian fascist are your only two choices.
They had $2.5 Trillion for Americans, at least wealthy Americans, ie Trump's tax cuts.
Another Lie Trumps tax cuts according to the IRS themselves benefitted middle class americans
A careful analysis of the IRS tax data, one that includes the effects of tax credits and other reforms to the tax code, shows that filers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $15,000 to $50,000 enjoyed an average tax cut of 16 percent to 26 percent in 2018, the first year Republicans' Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect and the most recent year for which data is available.
Filers who earned $50,000 to $100,000 received a tax break of about 15 percent to 17 percent, and those earning $100,000 to $500,000 in adjusted gross income saw their personal income taxes cut by around 11 percent to 13 percent.
By comparison, no income group with an AGI of at least $500,000 received an average tax cut exceeding 9 percent, and the average tax cut for brackets starting at $1 million was less than 6 percent. (For more detailed data, see my table published here.)
That means most middle-income and working-class earners enjoyed a tax cut that was at least double the size of tax cuts received by households earning $1 million or more.
What's more, IRS data shows earners in higher income brackets contributed a bigger slice of the total income tax revenue pie following the passage of the tax reform law than they had in the previous year.
Another Lie Trumps tax cuts according to the IRS themselves benefitted middle class americans
I would rather have 5% tax cut on a 1 million wage then a 20% tax cut on a 15k wage …
I’m not sure how it works but sounds like 5% tax cut on 1 million is like a little more then 3X a 15K wage right ?
Government debt is represented by the amount of dollars not by % on X wages .
PZ isn’t lying.
Yup, if you were in the top 1% you git an extra 50k on average. If you made 60k or less you got 500 bucks. This was part pf the reason it was the most unpopular tax cut ever.
Only midwits use the size over X years in nominal dollars, and not the size yearly as a % of gdp
lol This is innumerate even by your standards. Yeah the smArtZ totes looks at his individual tax cut in terms of % of GDP and not dollars. Shocker the right keeps losing college educated voters with arguments like this.
lol This is innumerate even by your standards. Yeah the smArtZ totes looks at his individual tax cut in terms of % of GDP and not dollars. Shocker the right keeps losing college educated voters with arguments like this.
You mentioned the entire size (alleged over 10 years, but i think you might even know that's not how you can count them, because the counterfactual economy without the cut isn't the same), what a "2.5 trillion tax cut looks like", and that is only used by 1) bad faith people who know better (like you) 2) low IQ low information people who have been told that's "a big number".
Exactly like playbig says "200 billions for Ukraine!!!!!" from the rooftops.
0.7-1% of gdp / year is the size.
And it is not politically easy to revert them, because they are actually popular ($500 for poor people is a freaking lot of money, 40% of adults according to official stats don't have even that for an emergency), which is why the democrats had the power to cancel that cut but didn't.
Yes 40% of ppl more or less approve of them while 50% disapprove, but the approving people vote every election, talk politics regularly and donate, the disapproving people often don't vote.
But you want to claim they are unpopular, because Trump did that, even if it's obvious that among regular voters they are popular. Especially in purple states which is the only thing that matter for federal decisions and elections.
I said they were the most unpopular tax cuts ever because they were. Unhinged ranting about low IQs or whatever the hell else you wrote doesn’t change that.
They were unpopular probably because of a mix of Trump being unpopular and most people not even noticing they got a cut.
You mentioned the entire size (alleged over 10 years, but i think you might even know that's not how you can count them, because the counterfactual economy without the cut isn't the same), what a "2.5 trillion tax cut looks like", and that is only used by 1) bad faith people who know better (like you) 2) low IQ low information people who have been told that's "a big number".
Exactly like playbig says "200 billions for Ukraine!!!!!" from the rooftops.
0.7-1% of gdp / year is the size.
And it is not
The problem isn’t the tax cuts .
The problem is promoting trump tax cut to be fair and be equally or more profitable for the middle class and the poor than the people at the top.
And it was massively more profitable for the top while they needed the less, again .
Another Lie Trumps tax cuts according to the IRS themselves benefitted middle class americans
Quoting a Heartland OpEd to refute a fact is like asking a fictional character like Harry Potter for advice on the Middle East conflict.
President Trump is speaking in Buler, PA and Elon Musk will be speaking shortly. This is an epic historic event
Broken YouTube LinkMy wife was talking to her mother yesterday. She told her mother that we were applying for fema assistance. Her mother replied that fema didn't have any money left because they gave it all to immigrants.
This is the danger of the right. People actually believe what gets circulated.
Shame on you playbig, brianjames and all the rest of you. Deplorable is too nice of a word.
This is exactly what I said to him multiple times and he continues lying. They also lied and said that 750 is the only assistance available. Same thing happened in Hawaii. These people are reaching lefties during the pandemic talking about social assistance levels of deranged.