Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
The source--guy on youtube lol
I'm confused about Trump's supporters interpretation of Elon Musk. Shouldn't they hate him because he's all about science and tech and electric cars and robots that will steal their jobs? He seems to be the type of guy the Trump base would hate.
I'm confused about Trump's supporters interpretation of Elon Musk. Shouldn't they hate him because he's all about science and tech and electric cars and robots that will steal their jobs? He seems to be the type of guy the Trump base would hate.
Well seeing how the poorest states are in the US , Maga /republicabs just love to vote against their economical interest .
It’s because they apply the double merge range to win the most money in the end in about 2 centuries later ….
We just don’t see it , a testament how amazing smart they truly are .
From today's Atlantic newsletter.
At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
OCTOBER 15, 2024
Is Donald Trump well enough to serve as president? The question is not temperamental or philosophical fitness—he made clear long ago that the answer to both is no—but something more fundamental.
he election is in three weeks, and Pennsylvania is a must-win state for both Trump and Kamala Harris, but during a rally last night in Montgomery County, northwest of Philadelphia, Trump got bored with the event, billed as a “town hall,” and just played music for almost 40 minutes, scowling, smirking, and swaying onstage. Trump is no stranger to surreal moments, yet this was one of the oddest of his political career.
“You’re the one who fights for them,” gushed Kristi Noem, the South Dakota governor and animal-abuse enthusiast, who was supposed to be moderating the event. But it soon became evident that Trump wasn’t in a fighting mode. The event began normally enough, at least by Trump standards, but, after two interruptions for apparent medical emergencies in the audience, Trump lost interest. “Let’s just listen to music. Who the hell wants to hear questions?” he said.
He eventually pivoted for good to a playlist of his favorite songs: “Hallelujah,” “Rich Men North of Richmond,” “Nothing Compares 2 U,” Elvis’s rendition of “Dixie.” At one point, he asked his staff to play Pavarotti and display the immigration chart that he was about to discuss when an assassin tried to kill him this summer.
To watch the event is to see signs of someone having a breakdown. Like Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against Trump in June, when the president’s fumbling performance and struggle to get sentences out made it impossible to believe he was up to the task of serving for four years, Trump’s rally last night would force any reasonable person to conclude that he is not up to the grueling task of leading the world’s greatest nation, handling economic crises, or dealing with foreign adversaries.
Which isn’t to say that some people didn’t try to reason through it. Reporters still seem unsure of how to deal with Trump’s stranger behaviors. Journalists are trained to take information and make sense of it, even amid chaos. The problem is that doing so conjures logic where none exists.
Here’s how The New York Times described the night: “Mr. Trump, a political candidate known for improvisational departures, made a detour. Rather than try to restart the political program, he seemed to decide in the moment that it would be more enjoyable for all concerned—and, it appeared, for himself—to just listen to music instead.” ABC News: “Former President Donald Trump’s town hall in Oaks, Pennsylvania, on Monday evening was interrupted twice by medical emergencies in a very warm Greater Philadelphia Expo Center and Fairgrounds before he cut the program short.” NBC News: “Former President Donald Trump turned a town hall event … into an impromptu listening party Monday night, playing an unlikely selection of tunes for more than 30 minutes after the event was paused for medical emergencies.” The Associated Press: “Donald Trump’s town hall in the Philadelphia suburbs turned into an impromptu concert Monday after the former president was twice interrupted by medical emergencies in the room.”
Trump’s Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, was blunter. “Hope he’s okay,” she posted on X. Her reaction is self-interested, but she’s right that he really may not be okay. A presidential race is exhausting for even a young and vigorous person, which Trump, 78, is not. He has campaigned far less this time around than he did in his prior two runs. In the past few weeks, as the election has neared, he has ramped up his time on the trail, and the wear is showing. His rallies have been so scattershot and rambling that even major outlets that long shied away from questions about Trump’s fitness have had no choice but to address them. In the wee hours of the morning yesterday, he used Truth Social to demand that Harris take a cognitive test. He’s lacing into his own donors at private events. He has been blocked from his usual outlet of playing golf because of security concerns after two assassination attempts.
And here's Esquire's take on last night's Trump rally:
Finally, The New York Times Is Getting Real About Trump’s Mental...Status
The playlist session was a glimpse of the private version of Mr. Trump seen more often at Mar-a-Lago, his residence and club in Palm Beach, Fla., than at political events. The former president has been known to take out an iPad that is connected to the speaker system there and play D.J. for his guests.
I mean, “Ave Maria”? “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” segueing into “YMCA,” followed by tunes from Sinead O’Connor, Jeff Buckley, the cast of Cats, Oliver Anthony, Elvis, and Guns N’ Roses? I kept waiting for them to break out the Dog and Cat Report from the late, great WBCN in Boston. Where were Duane Ingalls Glasscock and Danny Schecter, the News Dissector? I had time to muse on these questions because the Republican candidate for president* of the United States stood there like a meat monolith for almost forty minutes, looking off into the distance with nothing behind his eyes. For the first time, I felt a small twinge of sympathy. He’s so very freaking lost now. The problem is that a good chunk of our fellow citizens are out there, lost in the ozone with him.
I mean, what in the unholy f*ck is this, anyway? Strangest goddamn political moment I’ve ever seen. It’s like we were all there in the White House, watching Nixon talk to the pictures on the wall.
I mean, what in the unholy f*ck is this, anyway? Strangest goddamn political moment I’ve ever seen. It’s like we were all there in the White House, watching Nixon talk to the pictures on the wall.
What are you talking about? He paused the question/answer session while paramedics were helping multiple people who were passing out because it was extremely hot in the arena, probably elderly people who love their country so much that they waited on line for hours. You can hear people begging and screaming "please open up the doors", etc. I wonder who was in charge of the A/C there, maybe if was someone who thinks like you about him?
I thought it was incredible when the crowd broke out in patriotic songs while they were waiting for the injured people to be removed, but that's just me (starts at 40 min.).
Why not watch it yourself and tell us what exactly he was saying that was so ****ed up.
Broken YouTube LinkWhat's wrong with closing the event with music?
Here's an earlier piece from Esquire, making it clear what Charles Pierce is alluding to in the NYT:
Getting Real About Trump’s Mental...Status
The damn truth has been lying there on the ground for at least three years, and far too few people picked it up.
Former President Donald J. Trump vividly recounted how the audience at his climactic debate with Vice President Kamala Harris was on his side. Except that there was no audience. The debate was held in an empty hall. No one “went crazy,” as Mr. Trump put it, because no one was there.
Anyone can misremember, of course. But the debate had been just a week earlier and a fairly memorable moment. And it was hardly the only time Mr. Trump has seemed confused, forgetful, incoherent or disconnected from reality lately. In fact, it happens so often these days that it no longer even generates much attention.
Anyone can misremember, of course. But the debate had been just a week earlier and a fairly memorable moment. And it was hardly the only time Mr. Trump has seemed confused, forgetful, incoherent or disconnected from reality lately. In fact, it happens so often these days that it no longer even generates much attention.
With Mr. Biden out, Mr. Trump, at 78, is now the oldest major party nominee for president in history and would be the oldest president ever if he wins and finishes another term at 82. A review of Mr. Trump’s rallies, interviews, statements and social media posts finds signs of change since he first took the political stage in 2015. He has always been discursive and has often been untethered to truth, but with the passage of time his speeches have grown darker, harsher, longer, angrier, less focused, more profane and increasingly fixated on the past.
Okay, Peter Baker. Now we all deserve to read second, third, eighth, fifteenth, and twenty-eighth-day stories on the same subject. We deserve extensive reactions from other Republicans. In short, we need exactly the same amount of coverage that James Comey’s eleventh-hour letter to Congress got in October 2016. We deserve every one of the former president’s* speeches to be covered clearly in the context of this reporting, just as every one of President Biden’s stumbles was covered as a demonstration of his senility. And that is only some of what the country deserves.
Interesting blast from the past.
Here's an earlier piece from Esquire, making it clear what Charles Pierce is alluding to in the NYT:
Getting Real About Trump’s Mental...Status
The damn truth has been lying there on the ground for at least three years, and far too few people picked it up.
Okay, Peter Baker. Now we all deserve to read second, third, eighth, fifteenth, and twenty-eighth-day stories on the same subject. We deserve extensive reactions from other Republicans. In short, we need exactly the same amount of coverage tha
Didn't you know the debate was live streamed and on almost every news station on TV and therefore had an "audience", as he allegedly put it. I didn't catch the part where he said it was a live in studio audience, can you attach a video of him saying that?
dang hopefully the russians don’t ever turn off the ac in the white house, decrepit old man trump might die
What are you talking about? He paused the question/answer session while paramedics were helping multiple people who were passing out because it was extremely hot in the arena, probably elderly people who love their country so much that they waited on line for hours. You can hear people begging and screaming "please open up the doors", etc. I wonder who was in charge of the A/C there, maybe if was someone who thinks like you about him?
I thought it was incredible when the crowd broke out in pat
I see that the speaker at the end is ambiguous, but that's David Graham, not me, that's talking there. I'm reposting from Esquire.
But Graham's point, and a very reasonable one, is that it's what Trump wasn't saying that's "so ****ed up." He seems to have lost the thread and stood and swayed to his soundtrack for 40 minutes before ending the rally. That's not some king of "closing the event with music"; that's making DJing the music a big part of the event.
Here's Michelle Cottle, posting an hour ago in the New York Times:
Has Trump Lost the Plot?
I like a dance party as much as the next gal, but Donald Trump’s weird rally-turned-D.J.-session on Monday night has me more than a little concerned.
I am far from the only one. The former president, who is increasingly steering clear of public events that aren’t guaranteed safe spaces (he canceled yet another TV interview on Tuesday), had arranged for a nice, friendly town hall: Field a few softball questions from fans. Wave, smile, throw out some random asides. Do that weird old-guy hip shake. (I swear I’ve seen my dad do the exact same moves.)
But after three or four questions, things went off the rails. Two attendees dropped from the heat. No one seemed to know what to do. And suddenly Trump announced that the rest of the event would be devoted to enjoying his campaign’s playlist. He stood onstage swaying and smirking, occasionally moving his arms, for just shy of 40 minutes.
It was, gently put, troubling — an extended senior moment from a man who would be, if elected, America’s oldest president. Even Kristie Noem looked unsettled, and she killed her puppy when it acted up.
Voters deserve to know if Trump is slipping cognitively. In addition to backing out of appearances and running a lower-energy campaign than in previous cycles, Trump’s stream-of-consciousness weave is fast degenerating into something at times incomprehensible. (Except for the racist bits. Those still come across.)
I am not a cognitive specialist. I am not here to diagnose the former president. But I can certainly speak to the concerns of regular Americans — how it looks to those of us who have gone through time and heartbreak with loved ones experiencing cognitive troubles, whether temporary or progressive. Among the various possibilities weighing on some of our minds:
At 78, like so many others his age, Trump may have entered a period of permanent cognitive decline. Without a proper medical work-up, it’s impossible to say. But the specter of an irreversible slide is what is seriously freaking out some voters — and should be freaking out Trump’s own team. This is what many Americans were pretty sure was happening with President Biden, even if it manifested differently. It is no more comforting to consider the possibility with Trump, and it shouldn’t be downplayed simply because Trump’s possible senior moments are less spacey and more ragey.
Trump may be suffering a temporary decline because of the stress and grueling schedule of a presidential campaign, possibly combined with two assassination attempts and his ongoing legal dramas. He is auditioning for arguably the most stressful job in the world — one that, as we so often noted with Biden, takes a visible toll even on presidents decades younger.
There has also been a bit of speculation that this is part of some clever scheme to help him avoid tough questions or awkward encounters — or at least keep people focused on something other than his bone-deep dishonesty and scary antidemocratic tendencies. But there have been too many times he has lost the thread of his thoughts altogether for this to be four-dimensional chess.
Unfortunately, we have too much experience watching politicians fall prey to the vagaries of aging. We may never understand what exactly is going on with Trump, because his people are so intent on shielding him — in much the same way that Republicans accused Biden’s people of shielding him. But we know the red flags. Time and chance happen to everyone, regardless of his or her political leanings. To pretend otherwise is to court disaster.
Economic Club of Chicago Interview
Quite a disaster. Who in the campaign thought this would be a good idea?
Some quality answers:
Q: Can you say yes or no whether you have talked to Vladimir Putin since you stopped being president?
TRUMP: I don't comment on that, but I will tell you that, if I did, it's a smart thing.
Reporter: Should Google be broken up?
Trump: Virginia cleaned up its voter rolls and got rid of thousands and thousands of bad votes
Reporter: The question was about Google
(then he goes on to rant how Google is showing bad stories about him)
Trump: You gotta be able to finish a thought because it’s very important. This is big stuff.
Reporter: You’ve gone from the dollar to Macron
Trump: It’s called the weave
Trump showing off his amazing negotiation skills:
Toddler tantrum
You'll never get it. I don't know how you can fall prey to the communist MSM to suggest "Trump lost it" for playing music at an historic gathering that's never ever been seen in our lifetimes of a president running for office. I might of missed it, but when in history has a candidate sold out 80K+ people night after night on a moments notice?
Playing music to celebrate a gathering, and an awakening (for most of us, I've been awake for most my life so I had a pretty big head start) is totally standard. Nothing wrong with that.
You can hear people begging and screaming "please open up the doors", etc. I wonder who was in charge of the A/C there, maybe if was someone who thinks like you about him?
psssst, your orange god was in charge of the A/C there....
instead of demanding it fixed...sounds like he chose to listen to the radio.
Didn't you know the debate was live streamed and on almost every news station on TV and therefore had an "audience", as he allegedly put it. I didn't catch the part where he said it was a live in studio audience, can you attach a video of him saying that?
In this brief clip, he says he was fact checked nine or eleven times (a gross overstatement. I think it was three but they could have called out a lot more. CNN later reported 33 false claims for Trump and 1 for Harris.)
His next sentence is "And the audience was absolutely--they went crazy and and the real--I thought it was--I walked out." Now surely you don't really think he's talking about his TV audience? How would he know? Is ESP now one of his super-powers? He's just confabulating.
That was before trump lost his mind and why would 2024 voters cares about that ?
How does that help them ?
And again says who , ah yes twitter …
Seem it’s wasn’t pure charity -> as expected it from trump ?
But Trump’s generosity only goes so far: Organizers are paying $130,000 to charter the plane, Dolan said.
And again seem it was 1990, before trump went crazy , raping and frauding people .
But maybe you can find something 50 years ago too that would help people in 2024 ?
Ps: if you have to go back 35 years in the past trying to find something positive about trump ~> you have troubles .
End of argument. Paranoia and conspiracy and hysteria can't be reasoned with. The Red Scare lives on.
So you don't see that the MSM favors and covers for the democrats including this current administration and helps push all of their agendas? They helped them in the past couple debates as well, and 60 Minutes was even caught helping Camela by changing her answers. I mean, you sounded like a semi-intelligent poster, but you don't see that? It's in plain sight. It's not a "conspiracy theory" that they're all working on the same team.
“You’re the one who fights for them,” gushed Kristi Noem, the South Dakota governor and animal-abuse enthusiast
That's awesome.
PB, why is Biden "Byden" and Kamala "Camela"?