Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14530 Replies


by Luciom k

Lol now I understand I wasted time talking with you about every topic we discussed.

Well sorry but u just got it all wrong everywhere .
I’m driven by data’s while u are driven by what u think .

U are as bad here with stats as in the covid thread .
And now the economy too

by Montrealcorp k

Slightly ? Lol
Did u read it ?
Obviously not…..

Yes 2016 was a rejection vote of the system and smart people saw how bad an idea it was to put a clown as president .
2020 clearly corrected that ….

But hey i won’t argue with someone who can’t read and can’t provide any data to support his claims .

Do you realize trump got 11 millions more votes in 2020 vs 2016? Talking absolute votes, people who crossed his name on the ballot.

It's not like people who voted in 2016 changed their mind in 2020, almost no one did.

It's that a ton of people who didn't vote in 2016 voted in 2020, many for Trump but even more for Biden.

And most of that increase in turnout was because they were allowed to vote from home with the excuse of covid

by Montrealcorp k

Well sorry but u just got it all wrong everywhere .
I’m driven by data’s while u are driven by what u think .

U are as bad here with stats as in the covid thread .
And now the economy too

Should have followed the COVID rule, correlation between people who think that lockdowns worked and we're a good choice and all other bad memeplex in politics is close to 100%, I forgot that because I was out of political forums /twitter arena for a couple of months.

It's impossible to have a discussion like this, good riddance

Voting from home is good. Places that like small-d democracy have always let you do it. I haven't gone to the polls to vote (in California) for decades.

by Luciom k

Should have followed the COVID rule, correlation between people who think that lockdowns worked and we're a good choice and all other bad memeplex in politics is close to 100%, I forgot that because I was out of political forums /twitter arena for a couple of months.

It's impossible to have a discussion like this, good riddance

I might agree with you on lockdowns, and I've never heard anyone say "memeplex", but I'm sure it's an indicator of terrible freedom hating politics.

by microbet k

Voting from home is good. Places that like small-d democracy have always let you do it. I haven't gone to the polls to vote (in California) for decades.

doesn't matter, the topic was about a purported "society understood!!!" Idea of 2020, as if a ton of people changed their mind about trump because of what he did/said as president.

That's not what happened, not for the people who voted in 2016.

It was entirely about those who didn't vote in 2016 but did in 2020

by microbet k

I might agree with you on lockdowns, but I think 100% of the people who say "memeplex" are awful.

How would you describe the encrusting series of connected bullshits that accompany a belief in violent lockdowns to help public health when an airborne virus appears?

Because it's the same people who want you to be a vegetarian otherwise the "climate crisis", who claim everyone who votes right is an uneducated hillbilly, who want puberty blockers free for any 10y old who feels of the opposite sex and so on and on and on

by Luciom k

doesn't matter, the topic was about a purported "society understood!!!" Idea of 2020, as if a ton of people changed their mind about trump because of what he did/said as president.

That's not what happened, not for the people who voted in 2016.

It was entirely about those who didn't vote in 2016 but did in 2020

Ok. I don't care. A lot of people are dumb and a lot of dumb people kept voting for Trump. But you mentioned voting from home like it was a bad thing. It's not.

by Luciom k

How would you describe the encrusting series of connected bullshits that accompany a belief in violent lockdowns to help public health when an airborne virus appears?

Because it's the same people who want you to be a vegetarian otherwise the "climate crisis", who claim everyone who votes right is an uneducated hillbilly, who want puberty blockers free for any 10y old who feels of the opposite sex and so on and on and on

I'm sure I disagree with you about almost all of that except maybe the lockdowns. I have no word to describe what you're talking about. I was thinking and suggesting that you and a bunch of right-wing freedom hating people were tossing around a word ("memeplex") that I hadn't heard in your right-wing freedom hating bubbles.

by Luciom k

Do you realize trump got 11 millions more votes in 2020 vs 2016? Talking absolute votes, people who crossed his name on the ballot.

It's not like people who voted in 2016 changed their mind in 2020, almost no one did.

It's that a ton of people who didn't vote in 2016 voted in 2020, many for Trump but even more for Biden.

And most of that increase in turnout was because they were allowed to vote from home with the excuse of covid

Trump got beat up more then Romney vs obama !

On % basis trump did worst then Romney for republicans !
Trump got 46.9% of the votes
Romney had 47.1% vs obama
And this was obama 2012 not 2008 !

Yes trump had an increase in votes because guess what ….
The population increase and 2020 election had a massive participation increase for 2020 (highest since 1900 )
Who cares about nominal votes ..
The result ? Biden had an historic high voting for him by a big margin , even 11 millions more vote then 2008 Obama !
Even trump had a higher voting number in 2020 then obama , doesn’t mean anything !
and because the participation of voting was very high , the confidence results are even higher !
Clear beat down of trump in 2020 statistically!

by microbet k

I'm sure I disagree with you about almost all of that except maybe the lockdowns. I have no word to describe what you're talking about. I was thinking and suggesting that you and a bunch of right-wing freedom hating people were tossing around a word ("memeplex") that I hadn't heard in your right-wing freedom hating bubbles.

I mean you agree with a ban on the sale of fossil fuel cars? Really? On animal farming?

by Luciom k

Should have followed the COVID rule, correlation between people who think that lockdowns worked and we're a good choice and all other bad memeplex in politics is close to 100%, I forgot that because I was out of political forums /twitter arena for a couple of months.

It's impossible to have a discussion like this, good riddance

Like it was demonstrated to you .
Alberta showed how lockdown was necessary in summer 2021 .
If u can’t acknowledge that , just proved even more my point how illiterate votes for trump and think climate changes is an hoax ….

by Montrealcorp k

Slightly ? Lol
Did u read it ?
Obviously not…..

Yes 2016 was a rejection vote of the system and smart people saw how bad an idea it was to put a clown as president .
2020 clearly corrected that ….

Yeah, that was one of the biggest changes during Trump. Biden and Clinton won college grads by 10+ and Biden even won college educated white men by double digits. Pretty huge shift as these demos Obama lost or barely won and W Bush crushed.


You think governments should decide where people live? How is that not socialist in your world?

by Luciom k

I mean you agree with a ban on the sale of fossil fuel cars? Really? On animal farming?

No, but I believe in science (that global warming is a thing), in concept of the tragedy of the commons, and don't think people have an unlimited right to put whatever they feel like in the atmosphere that everyone on Earth shares.

by Luciom k

How would you describe the encrusting series of connected bullshits that accompany a belief in violent lockdowns to help public health when an airborne virus appears?

Because it's the same people who want you to be a vegetarian otherwise the "climate crisis", who claim everyone who votes right is an uneducated hillbilly, who want puberty blockers free for any 10y old who feels of the opposite sex and so on and on and on

trump locked down the entire country/sealed the border. True story 😀

by microbet k

Speaking of Mussolini, you're Italian right? How do you feel about Mussolini?

You should have asked about Berlusconi.

by Luciom k

What explains the fact that more people move away from Dem controlled states toward republican controlled states than viceversa, if republicans are so terrible at governing?

When you see people voting with their feet that's quite meaningful

That isn't happening nearly as much as you probably think. In fact, in the aggregate, I don't recall seeing evidence that it is happening at all. If it is, I am fairly certain that the impact is very modest.

I remember hearing predictions during the pandemic of a permanent exodus from New York City. And guess what? Everybody is back, especially young people. Given the dramatic rise in remote work, it is somewhat surprising how little redistribution of population out of urban areas there has been.

by Luciom k

Do you understand that the data you are copy pasting is telling you that a majority of college educated people voted trump in 2016 lol? And that in 2020 that % declined slightly, but it was still 46-47%?and it's still the majority of college educated whites? And males of all races?

You are just describing party politics in the United States. Among college educated voters, a sizeable percentage will vote Republican and a sizeable percentage will vote Democrat no matter what. It is true that Trump approached the floor for a Republican candidate among college educated voters, especially in 2020, and especially among women.

And microbet is correct that Trump does best in rural areas and worst in urban areas. That's partly a Republican thing, but it is especially true of Trump.

On a different topic, do you remain committed to the idea that Trump didn't urge anyone to violate the law?

It's men too. A lot of men are just really ****ing stupid. They see some big fat idiot at wrestlemania and they vote for him. Idiocracy for real.

They're afraid someone will think they're gay if they don't vote for the guy who pretends to be a tough guy.

Idiocracy for real....

...just like not voting for the only person who can keep him out of office.

by Luciom k

It was entirely about those who didn't vote in 2016 but did in 2020

Generally speaking, is high turnout a healthy or unhealthy feature for a democracy?

I ask because Republicans often seem to insinuate that a win is more dubious if it can be reasonably attributed to high turnout.

That position is, to put it gently, counterintuitive.

by lozen k

Trump had nothing to do with this. It was one of the codefendants that dug up this information on the DA and brought it up. This case could proceed and all it would take is for the DA to step aside

Does the fact that she hired the man that did noy have any experience in this type of case have an effect on how they try the case ? Nope . The question is did she break state law by giving the job to her boyfriend and than paying him over $600,000 which he than used to take her on a vacation or two le

I wasn't talking about the DA issue. I thought that just came up within the last few weeks.

by microbet k


You think governments should decide where people live? How is that not socialist in your world?

Governments are legal entities that own assets. The owners of the assets should decide how the assets are used.

As i tried to tell you when we discussed border, "public land" in the USA doesn't mean "land owned by every human being", rather it means land owned by the constituents of the public entity.

Not sure why you hate property rights or why you think a county park in the USA is co-owned by brasilians, chinese and indian people, but it isn't.

by Rococo k

Generally speaking, is high turnout a healthy or unhealthy feature for a democracy?

I ask because Republicans often seem to insinuate that a win is more dubious if it can be reasonably attributed to high turnout.

That position is, to put it gently, counterintuitive.

If turnout is stable it's healthy for democracy both if it is high and if it is low. Severe changes in turnout are bad for democracy both if it's about significant increases or significant decreases.

For ex it's bad for american democracy to have much lower turnout in midterms. Something similar happens in the EU with european elections having much lower turnout that national elections (and it's very rare for them to be held at the same time).

Why? because it's like having different elections even if it's the same population. Median voter theorem keeps working, but the median voter shifts much more than it would be with stable turnout.

So election outcomes become unpredictable, and parties can't properly build a political offer shaped around median voters (and moving it in time, with median voter opinion), because the median voter is shifting much more than it would only because of changes in opinion.

In general (representative) democracy is working well when the elected body is a fair representations of the various ideas held by the voting public.
