Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14552 Replies


by biggerboat k

I used to think the president really couldn't affect the economy by himself all that much. I stand corrected.

Well, to be fair, he has the weight and support of the entire US Government behind him on this one

by Gorgonian k

That's a pretty hilarious tweet.

Now do it with genders instead of animals and it gets even funnier.

Finally... awesome refurbishment is awesome.

by biggerboat k

I used to think the president really couldn't affect the economy by himself all that much. I stand corrected.

ever heard of a war...

Fucking imagine being stupid enough to believe trump was gonna be good for the economy

Give it a few months before mass layoffs start to kick in

Luckily I’m told income inequality is a lie and transgender mice must be stopped

by MSchu18 k

Finally... awesome refurbishment is awesome.

Sick post, bro

by campfirewest k

That's a pretty hilarious tweet.

Now do it with genders instead of animals and it gets even funnier.

do you mean genders of mice? like transgender mice?

thats what the tweet is referencing and you are right, its ****in hilarious

Remember his last term when he bragged almost every day about how great the stock market was because of him? Good times.

by biggerboat k

I used to think the president really couldn't affect the economy by himself all that much. I stand corrected.

you can crash the economy when you do a bunch of stupid crap that makes the whole world think the US will collapse.

lol, any other MAGAT opinions outside o BLAHBLABHLABHA and "it's too early to judge the economy..."?

by bahbahmickey k

Agreed. It is super odd that so many people think income inequality is a problem. If your neighbor invents the squatty potty and millions of people around the world decide their lives would be better owning a squatty potty instead of having an extra $25 in their pocket how does that make the world a worse place? Everyone your neighbor touches is better off - he hired people who decided their lives would be better if they worked for him, the customers voted with their wallets their lives are bett

If you are dumb enough to believe that the sole cause of income equality is the innovation of products, sure, but no one is this dumb, right bah bah.

by jalfrezi k

This can’t be real is it ?

by Pokerbros_Player k

naaaa ... don't buy that anymore.
sure, there's the hardcore base (mostly racist to the core) of like 5-10% ... but then there's a bunch of people who actually know better, but got in for a bunch of reasons (always republican, strong borders, less crime, good for the economy, bla bla bla), and now exactly the opposite is happening, plus, he's still a terrible human being (always was)

but they can't/won't get out bc of peer pressure, neighbors, and the reason i mentioned (to admit to themselves how

You’re 5-10% is way to low .
It’s double at least .

by biggerboat k

That's some serious delusion.

Baham doesn’t understand what the economy actually is ….
Once he will know , he will realize how dumb that statement was .
Which is probably never .

Please, please, its too much winning. We can't take it anymore!

by Montrealcorp k

This can’t be real is it ?

quick search says it is.
5 years old tho.
still awesome.

by campfirewest k

That's a pretty hilarious tweet.

Now do it with genders instead of animals and it gets even funnier.

You Might have a point with gender .
But the most hilarious is that it apply to everything trump says while for democrats it’s only about gender .

There must be a limit at which his own party turns on him, or is this too much scienfiction?
How much money is the limit?

by weeeez k

quick search says it is.
5 years old tho.
still awesome.

Ah ok !
Surely he got better and merits to be nominated after 5 years .
We’re good ….

by MSchu18 k

ever heard of a war...

But trump is a peaceful man isn’t he ?
All his life he made great deals , is the best !
No war will happen .

by Montrealcorp k

You’re 5-10% is way to low .
It’s double at least .

possibly, yeah
but then there's still another 20-30% rest, that's a big number of people all just lying to themselves ... at what point will it be too much???

i am always dumbstruck (in the truest meaning of the word) when watching an interview with some random maga moron who actually beliefs that a tariff is paid by another country, or some immigrants were eating the dogs, stuff like that.

by coordi k

Elon Musk has enough wealth to feed the world for the next ~10 years yet his neighbor might be starving

and you guys want that person who might be starving to starve worse

Elon has received enough Government subsidy to feed the entire world for a whole year and hes calling people collecting 350$ a month parasites and you think that isn't a problem?

I agree that dems have fought to give elon and many other green energy guys an insane amount of money. I hope trump, or anyone else, ends these insane subsidies.

by jchristo k

Super odd that you think this example has anything to do with inequality? Again, this is something that EVERYONE agrees is an issue. What happens when no one has an extra $25 to consume the squatty potty? The system starts to lose efficiency and breaks. We can remove any moral aspects of the conversation and still determine that an economically polar world ends up as a return to feudalism. This is a systemic issue that needs to be figured out.

I used someone inventing a product (which millions of people voted with their pocketbooks) because it is the best example of how to get super rich. Nearly all wealth created in this country is a result of someone improving the lives of other people.

If nobody things their life would be better with a squatty potty as opposed to $25 then the inventor needs to lower the price or come up with another product that does enrich other peoples' lives.

In your extreme scenario where we return to feudalism you forgot that to create wealth in this country you almost have to improve other people's lives. If you have a product or service that makes other peoples' lives worse you aren't going to get rich.

by Brokenstars k

I don't think your very specific example makes the world a worse place at all. Your example is completely fine and not something I have an issue with--nor do I really think anyone would take issue with it really. Problems only start to arise when said neighbor specifically tries to maximize profits to the extreme by doing x, y, or z at the detriment of others. There are many examples of x, y, and z and a common one might just be pollution.

Now, I don't necessarily really think it is "neighbor's"

I agree that rich people are selfish and may do x, y or z to make their lives better. However, I'd add the middle class and the poor are doing the same. Selfishness and greed are massive net positives in the US today.

by biggerboat k

Remember his last term when he bragged almost every day about how great the stock market was because of him? Good times.

Stupid then. Stupid now.

by jjjou812 k

If you are dumb enough to believe that the sole cause of income equality is the innovation of products, sure, but no one is this dumb, right bah bah.

I never said product innovation is the sole cause of income inequality. I just gave one of the biggest reasons for it.
