Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


by chillrob k

Yeah, I thought of that, but it seems unlikely since this is a vaccine normally given to babies, so he would have had to have been diagnosed with the condition extremely early for that to be the reason.

Infants can indeed be diagnosed with vaccine allergies. Also since it is a live virus vaccine, weakened immune systems are a contra-indication to vaccinations of this type, and there are many conditions which can cause that, including hereditary (such as PIDDs and SCID, etc.).

Pretty damning and equally undefendable imo.

by coordi k

Senator Murphy lays out a timeline of the corruption of this administration just so far

Same with this.

by Rococo k

If anyone wants to see a good example of the weaponization of government, you should read the EO related to the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented HRC in 2016. Here are the highlights:

Sec. 2. Security Clearance Review. (a) The Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, and all other relevant heads of executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall immediately take steps consistent with applicable law to suspend any active security clearances held by individuals at

Amazingly poor governing.

by chillrob k

Yeah, I thought of that, but it seems unlikely since this is a vaccine normally given to babies, so he would have had to have been diagnosed with the condition extremely early for that to be the reason.

Also, there can be other reasons for adults to be unvaccinated. Like this guy who I just saw in a post on reddit:

I live in Texas and not far from the major outbreaks. I’m unvaccinated because they didn’t have that vaccine when I was a child. I never got measles as a child, blood work proves it. I’m 74 years old with some major health issues and very worried. I went to my primary physician to get the MMR vaccine and was told that Medicare won’t pay if I get it at a doctor’s office. They will pay at a pharmacy. Otherwise I will have to pay around $300 for it. So I went to the pharmacy and was told that they are on back order and will take another week or two to get some. I’m self quarantining until then.

I so wish it was as simple as FAFO with vaccines, but it's just not.

by microbet k

I'll be impressed with any conservative or maga here and some of the other people who routinely defend them if their reaction isn't something like "the Trump admin has every right to do this".

i don't think many of them get paid to post on the weekends which is why it is always pretty quiet from the magats here on sat/sun.

by #Thinman k

i don't think many of them get paid to post on the weekends which is why it is always pretty quiet from the magats here on sat/sun.

Only blue anon pays for weekend posters.
MAGA goes out and enjoys life on weekends.

yeah that must be it

...and here you are

by GTO2.0 k

Said it already but the messaging shift to “It’s going to suck for awhile before it gets better” is in full swing now.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I mean just imagine being one of those idiots who voted for Trumpy CUZ ECONOMY or CUZ INFLATION having him get in power and having literal billionaires tell you 'ya I know what we promised, but it's gonna get worse instead' and feeling vindicated

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

by housenuts k

Only blue anon pays for weekend posters.
MAGA goes out and enjoys life on weekends.

spend at least like 4.6 seconds on twitter/facebook and get back to me on that 😆

by bahbahmickey k

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

There's an entire subindustry of conservatives making this point at every place they can find (with the popular members of this group paid by the ownership class to do so). It's called "economic austerity", and it would lead to additional thousands of Americans dying needless and brutal deaths on the streets. That may SOUND bad, but then you learn that there may or may not be long term growth at the end of this period of austerity (which may or may not ever end) that may or may not improve conditions for some theoretical humans somewhere down the line, so... it was worth it!

Edit: aren't you supposed to be some kinda economist, or at least a "financial advisor"? (lol)

" J curves don't exist for the economy " is one of the most insane takes of the left

by Rococo k

If anyone wants to see a good example of the weaponization of government, you should read the EO related to the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented HRC in 2016. Here are the highlights:

this is atrocious but I'm sure many of his voters are still holding deep (weird) resentment towards Hilary from a decade ago and will lap this up

by bahbahmickey k

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

Sure, if you are deep in the cult and absorb all the messaging then you probably heard Musk whisper that there would be some pain that one time in that one interview

If you are a casual normie you just heard that Trump would fix the economy on day 1 repeated on news agencies 50,000 times

this ^ is the LULZ...

by Luciom k

" J curves don't exist for the economy " is one of the most insane takes of the left

Why would anyone look at a handful of objectively destructive policies and say "This economy is about to J curve!"

A guy I talk to that I recently found out is a generational Georgian plantation owner thinks that Argentina laid out the economic model for this ignoring that they blew up their economy for 4% GDP growth (nevermind that inflation is >100%). 1/10th the population, 1/100th our GDP, 4% growth.

Our economy already has 2.5-3% growth baked in. Thats base level of immigration+expansion. BASE LEVEL

Even Trumps secretary of commerce sounds like a ****ing moron explaining how building factories staffed by robots is going to produce millions of jobs. "You wont even have to go college"

Its all so blatantly transparent

by Luciom k

" J curves don't exist for the economy " is one of the most insane takes of the left

oh yeah those damn leftists won't stop claiming that j curves don't exist in economics!!!! They just be walking around talking bout j curves non stop! idiots!

by coordi k

Why would anyone look at a handful of objectively destructive policies and say "This economy is about to J curve!"

A guy I talk to that I recently found out is a generational Georgian plantation owner thinks that Argentina laid out the economic model for this ignoring that they blew up their economy for 4% GDP growth (nevermind that inflation is >100%). 1/10th the population, 1/100th our GDP, 4% growth.

Our economy already has 2.5-3% growth baked in. Thats base level of immigration+expansion. B

Tariffs being ******ed doesn't mean that the American economy doesn't need a j curve for government spending.

It does, because growing 2.5-3% with 6+ deficit close to full employment is not sustainable long term and it's a very shitty grow rate.

You are running deficits that would only being justified in full recessions. For normal growth.

Given immigration you should grow 2% with a balanced budget in good times, because every few years you need a 8-10% deficit

Thats possibly the worst meme I've ever seen. Did you make it yourself BJ?

by Brian James k

The ironic thing is that this image uses the tired trope of screaming communist anytime anyone argues for civil liberties or labor rights. BJ with his regular thoughtful injections of wisdom. Must be hard not to be able to process your thoughts and feelings and default to trolling.

I don't know. I thought it was a pretty accurate representation of your average democrat in 2025.

We know that's what you think. It's the only thing you say.

by jchristo k

We know that's what you think. It's the only thing you say.

That's not true. I do say other stuff. You're just not paying attention.

I post on a variety of topics.

by bahbahmickey k

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

This might actually be correct, I dunno.

What I do know is that no political campaign, left or right, has ever said upfront that it’s gonna suck for a year after you elect us but it’ll be worth it in five.

And I know for damn sure that is not what Trump 2024 campaigned on.

Not totally clear to me how cutting out a bunch of a middle income government jobs is good for the economy. Seems like one of the few avenues of wealth redistribution happening in a time when exponential inequality and stagnant wage growth are core issues. But right its that the oligarchs and corporacracy were being choked by middle class bureaucrats.
