Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Not all dems... but corporations aren't stupid of course. They've been paying off both sides for generations. You empower one side, and then pay off the other just enough to create opposition to significant and impactful change.
And unfortunately, we need to settle for crumbs, or nothing at all until enough people stop blaming their fellow Americans, and start blaming the real culprits for the working classes problems.
other recent Republicans advocated for and/or passed policies that are just as authoritarian in nature as Trump has. PATRIOT Act, anyone?
while i don't disagree with the rest of your statement that he's not unique but just a more vocal element of government, the notion that the patriot act was a republican thing simply because a republican happened to be president is silly
it had wide support, easily passing both house and senate and obama renewed it twice during his tenure
I think most people would agree with that. It doesn't mean that he's not functioning a lot like him currently, or using a similar playbook. But I don't personally think he will likely ever be the same. The problem is, it's nazi adjacent, and many of the cult followers would follow that same path if given the opportunity. That's my personal biggest concern.
that's fair
I don't want to imply that Trump doesn't have authoritarian impulses, or that he wouldn't be a dictator if it were handed to him freely, etc. I just think we're always losing focus on the evil of the Republican Party itself and placing it all on one single orange Cheeto.
One of the ways Trump is authoritarian minded is through his overt love for many of the world's biggest despots and tyrants. He and Kim Jong Un were peas in a pod, and he is a big fan of Rodrigo Duterte's extreme crack down on drugs.
Not all dems... but corporations aren't stupid of course. They've been paying off both sides for generations. You empower one side, and then pay off the other just enough to create opposition to significant and impactful change.
And unfortunately, we need to settle for crumbs, or nothing at all until enough people stop blaming their fellow Americans, and start blaming the real culprits for the working classes problems.
Regardless of whether or not the anti-worker and pro-corporate bootstrap ideas are manufactured by a small class that benefits from them, the ideas are there and common among the USA population.
while i don't disagree with the rest of your statement that he's not unique but just a more vocal element of government, the notion that the patriot act was a republican thing simply because a republican happened to be president is silly
it had wide support, easily passing both house and senate and obama renewed it twice during his tenure
Many Dems supported the PATRIOT Act and Congressional Dems played a big role in passing it, absolutely. It WAS a Republican policy, though. It was introduced by Jim Sensenbrenner, R-WI. Republicans voted YES 211-3, while Democrats voted YES 145-62. PNAC was a big thing at the time, and they loved policy like this, and as far as I remember they were mostly or all Republicans. If one replaces W. with some normal Democrat, the PATRIOT Act may never have happened.
Obama oversaw a massive increase of NSA's power to surveil American citizens. He has some authoritarian impulses as well.
I should have added to the get away with it post:
Supporting trans people helps many many thousands of vulnerable people who are commonly the victims of violence and suicide? Doesn't matter, a couple athletes got away with it.
A little insight into how Diaper Donnie thinks:
He says he's now considering sanctions and tariffs on Russia. He probably isn't, it's a posture in response to the public perception that he's a Putinist jerk, but then again he does want both Russia and Ukraine to do what he says and get him those peace headlines he promised himself. The Donald is very much a babyish 'Everyone do what I say or I'll spew on the carpet' type person.
YOUR PARTY THAT YOU VOTE FOR is obsessed. Why? Do you claim the press, Hollywood, and politicians AREN'T obsessed???
During the last presidential election cycle, I heard no democratic politicians say anything about trans people. I heard Republicans talking about them constantly.
He's just fos. I'm in a blue area and have had a couple different jobs where I enter a lot of people's homes and if someone just leaves news radio or tv on all the time it's virtually a lock that it's conservative. I won't say there has never been an exception for certain, but there may have never been one.
During the last presidential election cycle, I heard no democratic politicians say anything about trans people. I heard Republicans talking about them constantly.
That will be because Democrats looked at the private polling and knew it wouldn't play well for them to mention it (Brinton, Thomas, Levine, etc.), for the same reason that Republicans knew it would play well against the Democrats. It is fairly normal for one party to have something it doesn't want to talk about, which the other party therefore keeps bringing up.
I should have added to the get away with it post:
Supporting trans people helps many many thousands of vulnerable people who are commonly the victims of violence and suicide? Doesn't matter, a couple athletes got away with it.
Well with your argument its fair to say its only a few trans people that commit suicide or experience violence .
During the last presidential election cycle, I heard no democratic politicians say anything about trans people. I heard Republicans talking about them constantly.
Because the majority of folks believe that biological men should not compete against women and no child has the right to make life altering decisions especially if the parents are not involved
Weak men compete against women
Weak minds think its OK
I never mentioned Hitler. I mentioned nazis. Maga behaviour is incredibly similar to 1930s nazis.
Not to Nazis but one thing I found striking is reading some of the accounts of laid off government employee Trumper cultists. One said something like “I agree with pretty much everything he’s doing but I’m hard working, good at my job, essential and not at all government waste; I wish someone would tell Trump of my situation so he can get me my job back”! Reminds me a lot of those stories you hear about Stalin’s son going out to the store and people telling him how someone must have made a mistake and their husband/son/daughter is a loyal revolutionary and was mistakenly sent to the gulag….someone just needs to let Stalin know so he can fix it. Pure unthinking cultism.
Not to Nazis but one thing I found striking is reading some of the accounts of laid off government employee Trumper cultists. One said something like “I agree with pretty much everything he’s doing but I’m hard working, good at my job, essential and not at all government waste; I wish someone would tell Trump of my situation so he can get me my job back”! Reminds me a lot of those stories you hear about Stalin’s son going out to the store and people telling him ho
This is why he pardons cult figures from his fringe supporters
This idea that if you pray enough god will answer your prayers
Its not Trump, its an error in the system!
Not to Nazis but one thing I found striking is reading some of the accounts of laid off government employee Trumper cultists. One said something like “I agree with pretty much everything he’s doing but I’m hard working, good at my job, essential and not at all government waste; I wish someone would tell Trump of my situation so he can get me my job back”! Reminds me a lot of those stories you hear about Stalin’s son going out to the store and people telling him how someone must have made a mis
It's those damn face eating leopards again.
Not to Nazis but one thing I found striking is reading some of the accounts of laid off government employee Trumper cultists. One said something like “I agree with pretty much everything he’s doing but I’m hard working, good at my job, essential and not at all government waste; I wish someone would tell Trump of my situation so he can get me my job back”! Reminds me a lot of those stories you hear about Stalin’s son going out to the store and people telling him ho
lol yeah
Only maga/republican working for government are hard working and not wasteful ressources .
Many Dems supported the PATRIOT Act and Congressional Dems played a big role in passing it, absolutely. It WAS a Republican policy, though. It was introduced by Jim Sensenbrenner, R-WI. Republicans voted YES 211-3, while Democrats voted YES 145-62. PNAC was a big thing at the time, and they loved policy like this, and as far as I remember they were mostly or all Republicans. If one replaces W. with some normal Democrat, the PATRIOT Act may never have happened.
Obama oversaw a massive increas
Any democrats that don’t think Snowden should be pardon are as worst as those supporting the patriot act.
That will be because Democrats looked at the private polling and knew it wouldn't play well for them to mention it (Brinton, Thomas, Levine, etc.), for the same reason that Republicans knew it would play well against the Democrats. It is fairly normal for one party to have something it doesn't want to talk about, which the other party therefore keeps bringing up.
All likely true.
But the opposite of what others seem to be claiming on here, which is that it's the Democrats who are obsessed with trans issues and talking about them constantly. That is what is obviously not true.
russian agent not acting agent like. perhaps he's a double agent?
Any democrats that don’t think Snowden should be pardon are as worst as those supporting the patriot act.
8% for pardon in Trump's first 100 days
russian agent not acting agent like. perhaps he's a double agent?
I’ve been considering cooking more at home for about 6 years