Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


Oh look. He's giving the Nazi salute. That proves he's Hitler.

by Brian James k

Ah yeah, the old "it's been reported that someone heard him say it so it must be true" nonsense.

Probably a made up load of garbage in other words.

Maybe there are tons of un-vetted hangers-on around like last time and the Ds slipped someone in--they're probably just waiting for things to get good and lathered up before dropping the hammer. There have been so many scammers&thieves around trump already I can't imagine it's too hard to work their way in. Dude is an easy target.

I hope it's Kid Rock 😀

by Brian James k

Oh look. He's giving the Nazi salute. That proves he's Hitler.

Norman Rockwell famously painted authoritarian billionaire presidential candidates.

Holy ****

by checkraisdraw k

Norman Rockwell famously painted authoritarian billionaire presidential candidates.

Oh really. Which ones?

Funny his wikipedia page doesn't mention that.

by Brian James k

What a load of totally biased garbage. Full of hearsay and unsubstantiated claims from a bunch of Trump hating whackjobs.

Not unexpected from The Atlantic of course.

you mean like full of hearsay and unsubstantiated claims from a bunch of immigrants and democrats hating whackjobs with :

"they eat the dogs, they eat the cats "?

by Brian James k

Oh look. He's giving the Nazi salute. That proves he's Hitler.

by Brian James k

What a load of totally biased garbage. Full of hearsay and unsubstantiated claims from a bunch of Trump hating whackjobs.

Not unexpected from The Atlantic of course.

Well well.

The Atlantic story confirmed to be a load of garbage and pack of lies, just as I said.

Hey captain illiterate, the first 3 of those have nothing to do with the generals story.

Actually the 4th one is the same now that I expanded. None of those are about the statement about generals, they are about the story that Trump refused to pay for a Vanessa Guillen's funeral because she was Mexican. Like you can actually read where it says that in the tweets. Notice nobody here was repeating that story.


BJ, can you write a short paragraph explaining why that reporter being a lying scumbag (if he is in fact one) is a bad thing?

Then, write another paragraph explaining why everything you just said doesn't apply to Trump or the right in general.

mark meadows is the guy that wrote that book where he lied throughout it right? and then when he was under oath had to admit the whole thing was a lie. and now the book publisher is suing him because they dont want to look like they were in on all his lies..

i'm glad he has clarified the situation for us in a way that is totally not self serving.

To be fair, I'm inclined to believe Vanessa's own sister on this one, even if it means agreeing with Mark Meadows. It's just that none of that has anything to do with Trump saying he wants generals like Hitler's, which was what was being discussed here, and what dunce cap up there was trying to prove was "totally fabriacated" by pasting a bunch of tweets about the Vanessa Guillen story.

Donald Trump's Save America PAC once boasted having over $200 million
in the bank, the group is now completely out of cash while being $3 million in debt.

President Donald J. Trump will be holding a Believers and Ballots Faith Town Hall in Georgia today at 3pm Eastern

Broken YouTube Link

by Playbig2000 k

President Donald J. Trump will be holding a Believers and Ballots Faith Town Hall in Georgia today at 3pm Eastern

Why do you feel the need keep us apprised of all of demented orange's public appearances? Do you think anyone here gives a ****?

Trump Sending Cities Into Financial Crises By Not Paying His Rally Bills

How are they not making him pay up front?

by steamraise k

Trump Sending Cities Into Financial Crises By Not Paying His Rally Bills

No, the current administration is who's been sending cities into financial crises by over stuffing them with illegal immigrants, but that's ok since you're on their side, right?

Can't wait to see what video just got leaked.

Trump calling Kamala the n-word probably

by checkraisdraw k

Trump calling Kamala the n-word probably

unlikely, since he doesn't think she's black

by housenuts k

unlikely, since he doesn't think she's black

This would be a fair (and amusing) point if Trump actually cared what her true race/ethnicity was when coming up w/ slurs.

I want to address the latest ridiculous claim that I used an offensive word in reference to someone. Let me be very clear: I never said it. It's a deepfake, 100%. I don't even think the person in question is Black, so why would I use a word like that? It’s totally absurd. This is just another attempt by the mainstream media and my political opponents to distract from the great things we’re doing for America. I’ve always said I’m the least racist person anywhere in the world. We’re focused on making America great again, and that’s what we’re going to keep doing!

by housenuts k

I want to address the latest ridiculous claim that I used an offensive word in reference to someone. Let me be very clear: I never said it. It's a deepfake, 100%. I don't even think the person in question is Black, so why would I use a word like that? It’s totally absurd. This is just another attempt by the mainstream media and my political opponents to distract from the great things we’re doing for America. I’ve always said I’m the least racist person anywhere in the wor

The way I can tell you made this up and it isn't a direct quote is it's actually coherent. He would have had at least half a dozen incomplete sentences veering off into tangents about sharks getting electrocuted and hydrogen explosions or whatnot.

by d2_e4 k

The way I can tell you made this up and it isn't a direct quote is it's actually coherent. He would have had at least half a dozen incomplete sentences veering off into tangents about sharks getting electrocuted and hydrogen explosions or whatnot.

I didn't make it up. Chatgpt did.

by housenuts k

I didn't make it up. Chatgpt did.

Lol what was the prompt?
