Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


by d2_e4 k

The way I can tell you made this up and it isn't a direct quote is it's actually coherent. He would have had at least half a dozen incomplete sentences veering off into tangents about sharks getting electrocuted and hydrogen explosions or whatnot.

Oh, and lyin' Joe Biden. Can't forget about him.

by Gorgonian k

To be fair, I'm inclined to believe Vanessa's own sister on this one, even if it means agreeing with Mark Meadows. It's just that none of that has anything to do with Trump saying he wants generals like Hitler's, which was what was being discussed here, and what dunce cap up there was trying to prove was "totally fabriacated" by pasting a bunch of tweets about the Vanessa Guillen story.

Well, when the whole premise of the story is based around a proven lie and the first half of the story leads with that lie then I'm calling bullshit on all of it until proven otherwise. The author of the story is a serial liar by the way. This is the same guy that lied to get the US into the war with Iraq. So without verifiable proof I wouldn't believe a word he writes about anything.

Jeffrey Goldberg
Goldberg, then a staff writer at the New Yorker, was one of the most influential proponents of the invasion of Iraq outside of the government. His work was entered into the Congressional Record during the debate on the authorization to use military force in fall 2002. In the New Yorker, Goldberg wrote that “there is no disagreement that Iraq, if unchecked, will have [nuclear weapons] soon.” And of course, everyone knew it already had “stocks of biological and chemical weapons.”

In October 2002, Goldberg argued, “The administration is planning today to launch what many people would undoubtedly call a short-sighted and inexcusable act of aggression. In five years, however, I believe that the coming invasion of Iraq will be remembered as an act of profound morality.” You may recall that October 2007 came and went without a lot of celebration of this profound morality.

Jeffrey Goldberg is now the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic.

by d2_e4 k

Lol what was the prompt?

pretend you're donald trump and write a statement denying you called someone the n-word because you don't even think they are black

the output it gave originally said It's fake news, 100%

I changed it to It's a deepfake, 100%

everything else was untouched

by d2_e4 k

The way I can tell you made this up and it isn't a direct quote is it's actually coherent. He would have had at least half a dozen incomplete sentences veering off into tangents about sharks getting electrocuted and hydrogen explosions or whatnot.

by housenuts k

I didn't make it up. Chatgpt did.

You forgot to tell Chatgpt to use the Weave font.

When the chatbots learn to weave, we'll have reached true artificial general intelligence, then it's only a matter of time before we're woven out of existence...

by Brian James k

Well, when the whole premise of the story is based around a proven lie and the first half of the story leads with that lie

Good grief. Actually illiterate. It's not the whole premise of the story nor the first half of the story. It's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY.

The denials you posted were about Trump saying he wasn't going to pay for Vanessa Guillen's funeral because "it doesn't cost that much to bury a Mexican."

That is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY (and likely not true, yes) from the story about a retired four star general saying Trump told him he needed generals like Hitler had.

I don't know how you tie your shoes.

by Gorgonian k

Good grief. Actually illiterate. It's not the whole premise of the story nor the first half of the story. It's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY.

The denials you posted were about Trump saying he wasn't going to pay for Vanessa Guillen's funeral because "it doesn't cost that much to bury a Mexican."

That is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY (and likely not true, yes) from the story about a retired four star general saying Trump told him he needed generals like Hitler had.

I don't know how you tie your shoes.

It's in the same story/ article.

I doubt you even know what shoes are.

Here, see how he ties it into the other stuff. He sets up one set of lies to lead into and reinforce more lies.

The personal qualities displayed by Trump in his reaction to the cost of the Guillén funeral—contempt, rage, parsimony, racism—hardly surprised his inner circle. Trump has frequently voiced his disdain for those who serve in the military and for their devotion to duty, honor, and sacrifice. Former generals who have worked for Trump say that the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience. As his presidency drew to a close, and in the years since, he has become more and more interested in the advantages of dictatorship, and the absolute control over the military that he believes it would deliver. “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two people who heard him say this. “People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.” (“This is absolutely false,” Pfeiffer wrote in an email. “President Trump never said this.”)

by Brian James k

It's in the same story/ article.

I doubt you even know what shoes are.

Did you know that stories and articles are different things?

by Gorgonian k

Did you know that stories and articles are different things?


Captain pedantic is back on the case.

He's coming out rn

by Playbig2000 k

President Donald J. Trump will be holding a Believers and Ballots Faith Town Hall in Georgia today at 3pm Eastern

Eugh clicked through a bit, Evangelical preachers make my skin crawl. Look like demonic lizard people.

by Brian James k


Captain pedantic is back on the case.

Right. Just being a pedant when one story affects the other in exactly ZERO ways.

by Gorgonian k

Right. Just being a pedant when one story affects the other in exactly ZERO ways.

Normaly when people refer to a story in a newspaper or magazine they are referring to a particular article.

However I forgot that in your case I'm not dealing with a normal rational person.

if Trump gets back into power, he is going to reward the federal judge who dismissed
the Mar-a-Lago case against him Aileen Cannon with the top job as Attorney General

by Brian James k

Normaly when people refer to a story in a newspaper or magazine they are referring to a particular article.

However I forgot that in your case I'm not dealing with a normal rational person.

It isn't relevant what people do. It's relevant that they aren't connected. Disproving one thing doesn't disprove the other. I have absolutely no idea how this is hard to understand.

Well, for most.

by Gorgonian k

It isn't relevant what people do. It's relevant that they aren't connected. Disproving one thing doesn't disprove the other. I have absolutely no idea how this is hard to understand.

Well, for most.

They were connected though. I showed you how he tied the "stories" together in the article. He specifically used the lies of the first one to reinforce the lies of the second one.

by steamraise k

if Trump gets back into power, he is going to reward the federal judge who dismissed
the Mar-a-Lago case against him Aileen Cannon with the top job as Attorney General

i didn't watch the video. i know absolutely nothing about this. but want to bet on it?

if trump wins, i'll take the no side.

if kamala wins, no action.

up to 1k

by Playbig2000 k

He's coming out rn

Dude, we all know that you get an erection every time you see Trump on TV. The rest of us honestly don't give a flying **** what he's doing and just hope that after he loses we never have to see his fat demented orange face ever again.

by Brian James k

They were connected though. I showed you how he tied the "stories" together in the article. He specifically used the lies of the first one to reinforce the lies of the second one.

The weave?

Hopefully more and more ppl are jumping ship and coming over the the party of common sense, and the party of freedom.

Anyone still considering voting for camela at this point are beyond being able to be convinced if they can't see it by now that the party they're programmed to endorse and vote for, who's having a last minute "Trump's a nazi" campaign but they're the ones who are acting like nazi's by:

1) weaponizing and controlling the media to fit their agendas
2) censoring free speech through all their platforms
3) forcing biotechnology upon us through mandatory vaccine policies (how'd that work out? the White Hat alliance and union forces are beating the DS slowly but surely)
4) Raiding the homes of political rivals (weaponizing the justice system)
5) installed camela as a candidate without having anyone vote for her in a primary (if the right tried to do this the left would of never let them move forward with their choice)
6) blaming russia for everything and claiming they're a big enemy when they're actually one of the biggest enemies of the DS who took over the democratic party
7) opened up the boarders but the part that no one wants to talk about is they've been flying in cargo plane loads (that are converted into passenger planes) of illegals directly from their country to cities all over the country. That one tid bit alone should have anyone ask themselves why on earth would a gov't do this (wake up sheep seriously)

I can probably go on for an hour but I have more important things to do

President Trump will be starting his rally in Duluth, GA (listen to his words, then make your decision who you'd rather have in the white house. Even if your think his skin color looks funny).

Broken YouTube Link

Too moronic; didn't read.

by Gorgonian k

Can't wait to see what video just got leaked.

Well there are indeed rumors of a new leak involving trump. If true it's far worse than something he said. And it's on video.

by Playbig2000 k

No, the current administration is who's been sending cities into financial crises by over stuffing them with illegal immigrants, but that's ok since you're on their side, right?

They're coming here largely to work for conservative biz owners. No one wants to work at their gross/low paying meat-packing plants etc so they start bringing in migrants to fill the jobs. Then clowns like you run around calling them illegals. Look inward for the solution to your grievances and complaints.
