Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
As if Trump is capable of writing that ...
Doesn't this tell you a lot though?
Now you can understand how some people can think camela's a better choice for president if they think everything that's posted on twitter comes from twitter.
It is quite a scary insight into the intelligence level of your average Harris voter. That's for sure.
Meanwhile camela promises a Beyonce concert for people who attend her rally and instead they get five minutes of Beyonce talking about her uterus.
What better illustration could you have of what a fraud Harris is. And also how gullible her supporters are.
JD Vance tells CNN dummy Jake Tapper the real reason some ex Trump officials are going after Trump.
He also curb stomps Tapper and CNN over their Russia collusion hoax disinformation.
Idk, watching the whole interview, Vance comes across as one of the biggest tools in the toolbox.
And here Megyn Kelly rips Bill Maher a new one and demolishes his Trump Hitler comparisons.
HOW SAD IT MUST BE -- Believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty.
The Deep state's control over us goes back hundreds of years, not just to the killing of JFK (who was trying to free us from them). The systems been corrupt for a long time and they also control education such as teaching us oil comes from dead dinosaur just so we're slaves to it and pay enormous prices when we shouldn't be because there are oceans of it under the United States alone. We're also taught we "evolved" right here on this planet from a cell that turned into this then turned into that then wanted to walk so it grew legs, then he decided he wanted to see so he grew eyes, then we were monkeys that evolved into humans (but we still have monkeys so what happened, some got left behind then?). Just paraphrasing "evolution" but it's something to that effect. All lies. President Trump is working (with a world wide army/alliance) to free us from their web. Vote for President Trump or they'll be steeling it again in plain sight and won't care because they'll threaten, shut down and prosecute anyone who calls them out on it for "spreading false claims and misinformation about the election".
"She means nothing, she's purely a vessel, we're running against something vicious and much more powerful than them" (Trump referring to cemala and the democrats). He's right, and Elon knows this which is why he abandoned ship and became a republican. Most (smart) people get it. The enemy is the DS, not camela (she's just a puppet).
that's wild bro how is nobody talking about that
I don't get what Playbig has against Sklansky. He's been telling us for months how DS is the enemy from within. I mean, I'm no fan of the guy, but I don't know if I'd go that far.
playbig must be an account run by the deep state to make Trump lose the election
And here Megyn Kelly rips Bill Maher a new one and demolishes his Trump Hitler comparisons.
I like the first clip , Kelly pawning herself lol .
Yes trump inherited a good economy from Obama and why it isn’t the same with Biden getting it from trump ?
Well it actually did lol .
4-8% inflation !
Guess what , creating 8 trillions of debts in a non recessionary economy can do that ….
Clip 2 . She got wreck and her narrative been debunked many times .
Clip 3 , pure bs speculation .
But you find this positive for Republican and trump and she ripped Maher ?
Doesn’t surprise me at all .
The Deep state's control over us goes back hundreds of years, not just to the killing of JFK (who was trying to free us from them). The systems been corrupt for a long time and they also control education such as teaching us oil comes from dead dinosaur just so we're slaves to it and pay enormous prices when we shouldn't be because there are oceans of it under the United States alone. We're also taught we "evolved" right here on this planet from a cell that turned into this then turned into that
Maybe you just are the enemy just not knowing it ….
Maybe you just are the puppet .
This "deep state" doesn't seem like a very formidable foe, what with the quality of operatives we've been seeing from it thus far.
but it exists, plays a big role in society and one every 10-20 conspiracies playbig talk about has more than a seed of truth, but good luck determining which ones.
Evolution is fake news.
The Deep State 😀
Cuomo gets Trump's appeal at last. Took him a while but the penny finally dropped.
what i dont get is where big problems about US democracy today arises because of problems that existed for decades and got worst the past decades ?
mostly poor southern republicans states ?
why that is ?
its republicans politicians down there not democrats.
And they think by voting for crazies idiots like mtg and the like it will get better ?
get real ffs...
problems of republicans ?
they always need someone to blame instead of looking in the mirrors and maybe acknowledge ..fack maybe we got it wrong.
maybe we need unions to have better job and wages.
maybe we need more and better public services
maybe we need some people pay a little more taxes.
nope keep believing people eating gods and cats that creating your problems ...