Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14482 Replies


Empathy, conceding mistakes, apologising - all not traits done in 'alpha' Trumpland.

Rest of the world would see this as being a reasonable, decent human, and a good leader.

Just recently, the chucklehead is 3 hours late for his easy ego-boost rally because he's doing the the Rogan podcast. Any apology? No. Gives a F to any of his voters, no... just cares about himself, aways.

Still they vote for him, because 'winning' and owning the libs for the 1-2 years he's alive, before passing on to billionaire puppet Vance 2025, is the only thing they have going for them.

by thethethe k

Empathy, conceding mistakes, apologising - all not traits done in 'alpha' Trumpland.

Rest of the world would see this as being a reasonable, decent human, and a good leader.

Just recently, the chucklehead is 3 hours late for his easy ego-boost rally because he's doing the the Rogan podcast. Any apology? No. Gives a F to any of his voters, no... just cares about himself, aways.

Still they vote for him, because 'winning' and owning the libs for the 1-2 years he's alive, before passing on to billion

Yup and have we heard an apology from Kamala on handling the border? Defunding the police, Putting folks in prison for weed, keeping prisoners in jail so they can fight forest fires, denying a man a right to DNA evidence that would secure his release .........

Politicians never apologize as they think its a sign of weakness

by lozen k

Yup and have we heard an apology from Kamala on handling the border?

Why would she apologize? She succeeded in her task related to the border.

by lozen k

Defunding the police, Putting folks in prison for weed, keeping prisoners in jail so they can fight forest fires, denying a man a right to DNA evidence that would secure his release .........

She didn't do literally any of that.

by lozen k

Politicians never apologize as they think its a sign of weakness

People don't apologize for crap you just make up in your head.

by lozen k

Yup and have we heard an apology from Kamala on handling the border? Defunding the police, Putting folks in prison for weed, keeping prisoners in jail so they can fight forest fires, denying a man a right to DNA evidence that would secure his release .........

Politicians never apologize as they think its a sign of weakness

didnt we have like a two day discussion about how this is false. and yet you keep posting it every time. seems like not caring that you are spouting false talking points takes away most of your credibility..

You say its false I say its true thanks . Though your not calling the others BS

by lozen k

You say its false I say its true thanks . Though your not calling the others BS

but that just means you're making **** up. lol. it's objectively demonstrably false.

the other stuff is equally mostly bullshit, but that part just stood out to me because you had it explained to you multiple times how that statement isn't true.

her job wasn't handling the border. there was no defunding of police. every prosecutor has put someone in prison for weed. and yes, some spokesman for the California AG office did say that one time.

President Trump is already hinting of law enforcement watching over the election and I can definitely assure you he's not referring to the police. There's a multi national interest in shutting down the DS's reign over our power structure. No one saw what happened in Brazil, which was a mirror image of what happened in 2020 but the only difference is all of their citizens saw it in clear site and protested every day in the streets millions at a time for months straight. The DS won control over them and Bolsonoro's been staying with Trump (as a fact). He was the president they stole the election from but it was hidden from you by the fake DSM.

The whole world knows the byden regime was a joke, and the ones who didn't let the DS infiltrate their countries are fighting with Trump (such as Russia and North Korea who Trump is responsible for and others).

There are more reasons to vote the regime out but it goes into more sensitive information that the average person's not even ready for by a light year (especially if they can't even see very clearly that the byden administration is a puppet show).

President Trump is about to speak in Allentown, PA. I'm curious to see what he says about the election fraud that's happening and how they got caught (and all the drop boxes in red areas being set on fire).

Broken YouTube Link

Speaking of election fraud.

Caught on Tape. How the 2020 election was rigged in Georgia. Looks like President Trump was right.

“I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have”

by Playbig2000 k

President Trump is already hinting of law enforcement watching over the election and I can definitely assure you he's not referring to the police. There's a multi national interest in shutting down the DS's reign over our power structure. No one saw what happened in Brazil, which was a mirror image of what happened in 2020 but the only difference is all of their citizens saw it in clear site and protested every day in the streets millions at a time for months straight. The DS won control over th

bro that's crazy can't believe no one's talking about it

by pocket_zeros k

“I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have”

Your taking this small sentence out of context. That's what the fake main stream media, who's controlled by a communist entity does.

There were problems in GA including accusations of fake votes and fraud (as there was everywhere) which required recounts. President Trump was asking the GA SOS for an investigation into it, they were only within 12K votes. He wasn't asking them to create fake votes.

by Playbig2000 k

The Deep state's control over us goes back hundreds of years, not just to the killing of JFK (who was trying to free us from them). The systems been corrupt for a long time and they also control education such as teaching us oil comes from dead dinosaur just so we're slaves to it and pay enormous prices when we shouldn't be because there are oceans of it under the United States alone. We're also taught we "evolved" right here on this planet from a cell that turned into this then turned into that

Bog standard Republican.

(except for the bolded - most do not consider Sklansky the enemy, or at least not THE enemy.)

by Playbig2000 k

Your taking this small sentence out of context. That's what the fake main stream media, who's controlled by a communist entity does.

There were problems in GA including accusations of fake votes and fraud (as there was everywhere) which required recounts. President Trump was asking the GA SOS for an investigation into it. And because they were only within 12K votes. He wasn't asking them to create fake votes like your suggesting.

bro that's a really great point hope it holds up in court

by Playbig2000 k

Your taking this small sentence out of context. That's what the fake main stream media, who's controlled by a communist entity does.

There were problems in GA including accusations of fake votes and fraud (as there was everywhere) which required recounts. President Trump was asking the GA SOS for an investigation into it, they were only within 12K votes. He wasn't asking them to create fake votes.

Inventing an accusation and then saying you want them to find 11,780 votes to offset it doesn't magically make the request less illegal.

That's like me me accusing someone of stealing my stereo and telling someone to go into a house and get a stereo for me.

by pocket_zeros k

Inventing an accusation and then saying you want them to find 11,780 votes to offset it doesn't magically make the request less illegal.

That's like me me accusing someone of stealing my stereo and telling someone to go into a house and get a stereo for me.

"finding votes" is a little more gray-area than "then make up those votes!".

I understand it might look like a request for fraud but it isn't an outright, explicit request for fraud.

If after your stereo is stolen you tell a friend "then find me a stereo!" it doesn't necessarily and automatically imply you are asking your friend to illicitly find you a new stereo.

And remember than for something to be a crime you have to prove it beyond reasonable doubt, that's the legal standard.

by Luciom k

"finding votes" is a little more gray-area than "then make up those votes!".

I understand it might look like a request for fraud but it isn't an outright, explicit request for fraud.

If after your stereo is stolen you tell a friend "then find me a stereo!" it doesn't necessarily and automatically imply you are asking your friend to illicitly find you a new stereo.

It does if all the stereos are accounted for and there are no spare stereos. So either baby jesus is gonna have to do one of his tricks and turn a dictaphone into a stereo, or your friend is gonna have to go and jack someone for theirs.

by Luciom k

"finding votes" is a little more gray-area than "then make up those votes!".

I understand it might look like a request for fraud but it isn't an outright, explicit request for fraud.

If after your stereo is stolen you tell a friend "then find me a stereo!" it doesn't necessarily and automatically imply you are asking your friend to illicitly find you a new stereo.

And remember than for something to be a crime you have to prove it beyond reasonable doubt, that's the legal standard.

Yeah, no. Their job is to count votes. Telling them to "find votes" when they're already going to count all the votes as part of their well-defined role in an election is a conspiracy to commit election fraud.

Find the votes is super clear. There were a lot of very weak claims about the election with Russian bots and even the Jan 6th isn't very strong, but that phone call to Georgia was a rock solid election theft attempt.

It's just about time to update the thread title.

Convicted felon Trump is much more up-to-date, I agree.

by Gorgonian k

Convicted felon Trump is much more up-to-date, I agree.

I'm sure he will fix that glitch soon after taking office

by pocket_zeros k

Yeah, no. Their job is to count votes. Telling them to "find votes" when they're already going to count all the votes as part of their well-defined role in an election is a conspiracy to commit election fraud.

If only we had a way to determine if some gray area actions were criminal or not, that would make things easier. Imagine having procedures in place to officially consider someone a potential criminal given enough proof exists to start proceedings, then a way to lay out all the proof clearly, explaining that, with a chance for the accused to defend himself, and people making a decision after that.

Unfortunately we don't have anything of the sort so we are here with you arguing something is clearly criminal, me saying no it's actually not so obvious, 4 years after the facts. Because some prosecutor banged some state attorney or something

by wreckem713 k

I'm sure he will fix that glitch soon after taking office

The president has no power over courts in New York state (and thanks god he doesn't have any)

Will Trump try to get rid of the 22nd to run for a third term?

by Luciom k

If only we had a way to determine if some gray area actions were criminal or not, that would make things easier. Imagine having procedures in place to officially consider someone a potential criminal given enough proof exists to start proceedings, then a way to lay out all the proof clearly, explaining that, with a chance for the accused to defend himself, and people making a decision after that.

Unfortunately we don't have anything of the sort so we are here with you arguing something is clearl

Here's a good way to tell for yourself - imagine the POTUS from the other political party doing the same thing and then deciding whether or not it was criminal.
