Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14454 Replies


by Playbig2000 k

What's wrong with Italians? If someone was a french fascist would that be ok then?

And wtf are you referring to when you say people refuse to be "ruled over" by Trump?. How is Trump ruling over us? Are you saying that what he's doing, which is cleaning out a corrupt system, is bad for us? And if so, how exactly?

No need to acknowledge tho since I don't expect an intelligent answer, trolls usually respond by saying "cuz he's just a stupid orangeman" so I'll save you the embarrassment of looking s

Playbig, given your near perfect batting average of always being wrong, you probably should not ask questions and then try to answer them first for others. You should just speak for yourself.

1. There is nothing wrong with Italians. The French are historically cowards. I prefer no fascists at all.
2. Trump was elected to an office with limited power. He was not anointed king. Most sane republicans and people who voted for him don’t want him to be a king. You, who knows? I predict he won’t root out any corruption in the next four years yet tries to profit from his position personally.
3. You don’t recognize intelligence and don’t recognize intelligent responses to your garbage posts.
4. I don’t think this makes me look bad but it is a waste of my time.

by Luciom k

You don't seem to realize that people that agree with me just won the elections in the USA, to the point that the democrats are calling "president Musk" singlehandedly the cause for this bill failure.

Do you realize my opinion on how democracy should work very closely align with what today is the most powerful man in the USA, Musk? who lives in a fantasyland, the person telling you how one important portion of the american ruling party thinks, or the person thinking i am describing a libertarian

I think the historical evidence of how our political system runs in a manner not remotely indicative of your, or musks, fantasyland version is adequate. If the US system ever changes to your version and things work better, I will admit I was wrong.

by jjjou812 k

Playbig, given your near perfect batting average of always being wrong, you probably should not ask questions and then try to answer them first for others. You should just speak for yourself.

1. There is nothing wrong with Italians. The French are historically cowards. I prefer no fascists at all.
2. Trump was elected to an office with limited power. He was not anointed king. Most sane republicans and people who voted for him don’t want him to be a king. You, who knows? I predict he w

This is pretty funny from you after reading 1.

by jjjou812 k

I think the historical evidence of how our political system runs in a manner not remotely indicative of your, or musks, fantasyland version is adequate. If the US system ever changes to your version and things work better, I will admit I was wrong.

Most Americans suffer from black box fallacy. They have ZERO, and I mean ZERO idea how their government works, and all the things it actually does correct to deliver clean water to your home, lights, power, traffic lights, emergency systems, blocking of terrorist threats, and so on... They overlook all of those things, and focus on the few things they've been told aren't good, because of course they understand it all, and thus understand it's best to just do away w/ all of it because of said bad things they were told by Joe youtuber.

So think about that for a second, and apply it to anything else in the world. Would you want someone destroying something, they don't even understand?

It's so nonsensical.

by weeeez k

This is pretty funny from you after reading 1.

There is something wrong with Italians or I should prefer some fascists to none?

Show me a single acknowledgment by playbig that someone’s counter argument to his posts have any merit. Many intelligent posters here have confronted him for his garbage. All of them are smarter than me.

by jjjou812 k

Playbig, given your near perfect batting average of always being wrong, you probably should not ask questions and then try to answer them first for others. You should just speak for yourself.

1. There is nothing wrong with Italians. The French are historically cowards. I prefer no fascists at all.
2. Trump was elected to an office with limited power. He was not anointed king. Most sane republicans and people who voted for him don’t want him to be a king. You, who knows? I predic

This has nothing to do with what I was originally responding to so to refresh your memory, I was responding to your statement when you said we're being "ruled over by Trump". I asked what exactly you meant by that (without saying babyish, immature things like "he's just an orangeman" or "he's an evil dictator trying to take over the world"). I tried to ascertain exactly why you believe this but just as I suspected, you don't have an intelligent answer.

by jjjou812 k

Show me a single acknowledgment by playbig that someone’s counter argument to his posts have any merit. Many intelligent posters here have confronted him for his garbage. All of them are smarter than me.

So there are smarter trolls out there than you?

I was trying to find out why you think Trump is such a dangerous evil person, who we're being "ruled over" by, that was all.

So either put up or shut up.

by FreakDaddy k

Most Americans suffer from black box fallacy. They have ZERO, and I mean ZERO idea how their government works, and all the things it actually does correct to deliver clean water to your home, lights, power, traffic lights, emergency systems, blocking of terrorist threats, and so on... They overlook all of those things, and focus on the few things they've been told aren't good, because of course they understand it all, and thus understand it's best to just do away w/ all of it because of said bad

Do you realize that a lot of the things you listed aren't done by the federal government ? or are you clueless like the americans you were talking about? and that the things you listed cost a fraction of the budget, which is instead mostly welfare and mandatory insurances in various forms that subsidizes bad choices and punishes good choices in life?

Like social security existing is punishment for anyone who is otherwise decent at investing (which simply means saving enough and accepting short term risk for massive long term success), and reward for the people who are SO TERRIBLE they wouldn't save enough and/or would squander their saving either in allin bets on random stuff or in too-risk-averse investments that can't give enough rewards.

The role of the federal government currently is mainly to punish, make bleed, beat on the head the best people in society at decision making to reward the people who are worst at decision making and "save them from themselves". It's distopic, horrific

by jjjou812 k

There is something wrong with Italians or I should prefer some fascists to none?

Show me a single acknowledgment by playbig that someone’s counter argument to his posts have any merit. Many intelligent posters here have confronted him for his garbage. All of them are smarter than me.

I have no idea wtf you talking about.
I'm not a fan of italians but I'm not lumping them all together as fascists, nor do I say all americans are racists.
Also don't get the bit about cowards, are you implying you need courage to be a fascist?

by weeeez k

I have no idea wtf you talking about.
I'm not a fan of italians but I'm not lumping them all together as fascists, nor do I say all americans are racists.
Also don't get the bit about cowards, are you implying you need courage to be a fascist?


by Luciom k


You hate pretty much the entire world and you're surprised that someone else can not be fond of some country/culture?

by Playbig2000 k

This has nothing to do with what I was originally responding to so to refresh your memory, I was responding to your statement when you said we're being "ruled over by Trump". I asked what exactly you meant by that (without saying babyish, immature things like "he's just an orangeman" or "he's an evil dictator trying to take over the world"). I tried to ascertain exactly why you believe this but just as I suspected, you don't have an intelligent answer.

So there are smarter trolls out there than

Learn to read. Thanks for once again proving my point.

by jjjou812 k

Learn to read. Thanks for once again proving my point.

Lol I proved your point? You're the one who just proved mine !

So just like I thought, instead of intelligently explaining why you feel Trump is such a danger to society, you went off in like 5 unrelated directions.

I give up !


aides moi quelqun sil vous plaît !!!!!!!!

by Playbig2000 k

Lol I proved your point? You're the one who just proved mine !

So just like I thought, instead of intelligently explaining why you feel Trump is such a danger to society, you went off in like 5 unrelated directions.

I give up !


aides moi quelqun sil vous plaît !!!!!!!!

We’ve been exposing it to you like the last 2 years .
You believe trump only lied once in the last couple years .
what’s the point trying to explain anything to you really …

It’s a religion for you , it’s like trying to explain to you god doesn’t exist without evidences and u uses stuff as evidences that actually aren’t evidences .
So it’s a dead endgame .

by Luciom k

Do you realize that a lot of the things you listed aren't done by the federal government ? or are you clueless like the americans you were talking about? and that the things you listed cost a fraction of the budget, which is instead mostly welfare and mandatory insurances in various forms that subsidizes bad choices and punishes good choices in life?

Like social security existing is punishment for anyone who is otherwise decent at investing (which simply means saving enough and accepting short te

You made a dishonest statement... a couple of the things I listed have become privatized at the end of delivery, but government is involved in all the things I listed.

You have extremely ignorant takes on just about everything, that's why I said I wasn't interested in your opinion anymore. But I get it.. when I was a naive teen I shared some of your perspectives. It mostly boils down to...

... If only...

If only people did everything correct. If only people wanted to take the time to invest. If only people had better diets and self-control. If only food companies didn't maximize sales by overloading food w/ sugars and salts... if only...

You don't think your ideas out completely, and dilute yourself into thinking you understand them.

If only the government didn't have social security, and allowed the people who want to invest their own money to get better returns... except you don't think through this part...

... before social security existed, FIFTY PERFECT of the elderly lived on the streets in poverty. That poverty leads to increase taxpayer burden to police, medically treat, and house those people. It creates more unsafe environments, and also spreads more disease. All of that adds up to cost people more in the long run.

But you stop at level 1 thinking.... in pretty much everything I've read of yours. Meritocracy has its limits when you're dealing w/ human nature and sharing a planet w/ others. It's important in some things, but not all.

You don't even understand why Elon Musk running the government is a horrible idea. Elon is a narcissist with a ketamine addiction and arrested development. He sees himself as a techno savior, that ONLY IF the stupid government would get out of his way, he could go on with saving the world and employing his technologies onto the world as he sees fit. He's using MAGA and Trump to destroy the people who have told him that some of the things he wants to do would kill people, or harm the planet. He doesn't care about any of that...

What's worse is this is a guy who is notoriously bad to his worker base... and that's someone that MAGA thinks will help the working class? lol

Your world view is so simplistic and flawed that you bow to the billionaire class, thinking your goals are the same as theirs. I'm not even sure that's level 1 thinking.

by Montrealcorp k

We’ve been exposing it to you like the last 2 years .
You believe trump only lied once in the last couple years .
what’s the point trying to explain anything to you really …

It’s a religion for you , it’s like trying to explain to you god doesn’t exist without evidences and u uses stuff as evidences that actually aren’t evidences .
So it’s a dead endgame .

So Trump supposedly lied about crime not going up during his debate, but that was later proved correct because the numbers were flawed.

Trump also supposedly lied when he said no legal citizens will be deported. So if an illegal mother and father come to the U.S. and have a baby, then they're forced to go back home, is the baby supposed to stay in the states all alone just because he's "legal"?

These aren't proofs he lied, but I was asking your friend why President Trump is such a danger to society and how he's "ruling over" us. To compredne enfin ?

What's up plybig with adding french one liners to your posts recently?
Is there another meme I missed?

by Montrealcorp k

We’ve been exposing it to you like the last 2 years .
You believe trump only lied once in the last couple years .
what’s the point trying to explain anything to you really …

It’s a religion for you , it’s like trying to explain to you god doesn’t exist without evidences and u uses stuff as evidences that actually aren’t evidences .
So it’s a dead endgame .

Correct. The ******s are now in charge, and they’re so stupid that they don’t even understand what they don’t understand.

Look at the numbers below…..Republicans are results-oriented idiots. Being poker players, we understand (at least the winning players do) that such an approach is stupid.

If they don’t like the results, it was rigged. If they do like the results, it was fair. They are stupid ****ing children. The stupid ****ing children are now flying the plane. What could go wrong?

If you think 2020 was rigged and 2024 wasn’t, you are an irredeemably stupid mother****er.

MrDavitWilliam is arrive.

by Playbig2000 k

So there are smarter trolls out there than you?

It's hilarious that you think anyone who disagrees with you is trolling you.

"Oh, so you don't think the carnivore diet cures cancer even after some random on YouTube said it did for him? You're a troll."

"Oh, so you think Trump was a bad president despite thousands chanting to hang the vice president saying otherwise? You're a troll."

by Playbig2000 k

So Trump supposedly lied about crime not going up during his debate, but that was later proved correct because the numbers were flawed.

Trump also supposedly lied when he said no legal citizens will be deported. So if an illegal mother and father come to the U.S. and have a baby, then they're forced to go back home, is the baby supposed to stay in the states all alone just because he's "legal"?

These aren't proofs he lied, but I was asking your friend why President Trump is such a danger to socie

Close enough .
Tu comprends enfin ?

by Montrealcorp k

Close enough .
Tu comprends enfin ?


by Playbig2000 k

Lol I proved your point? You're the one who just proved mine !

So just like I thought, instead of intelligently explaining why you feel Trump is such a danger to society, you went off in like 5 unrelated directions.

I give up !


aides moi quelqun sil vous plaît !!!!!!!!

Playbig, when you read things, you read in chronological order for it to make sense. That’s why I answered your questions following your post containing them and did not respond to your erroneous statement that I said Trump was a danger to society because I didn’t say it nor had you yet erroneously claim I did. You see, things you say in your posts are not attributable to me.

I could answer that Trump as president is too incompetent to ever effectively run anything as complex as our government. He has no ability to be a leader to the world or simply be a reliable ally, good neighbor, or a reliable trade partner. He has very little character or admirable personal traits. He is a loser who only cares about himself. He is Luciom with money, a trust fund baby. So even if I did not say it, yes, I believe Trump being the president is dangerous.

by jjjou812 k

Playbig, when you read things, you read in chronological order for it to make sense. That’s why I answered your questions following your post containing them and did not respond to your erroneous statement that I said Trump was a danger to society because I didn’t say it nor had you yet erroneously claim I did. You see, things you say in your posts are not attributable to me.

I could answer that Trump as president is too incompetent to ever effectively run anything as complex as our governm

You're saying things that aren't true.

He's been a leader in Business his whole life.

He's proved this from 2016 to 2020.

"He's a loser who only cares about himself" you couldn't help yourself, so I won't respond to this.

His father gave him a loan which he invested into his business to become as big as he is today. He loaned him only one million but he's worth billions. Looks like he knows what he's doing.

You're belief that "Trump being the president is dangerous" is unfounded.

You must be so happy to express your unfounded admiration again for Trump in this forum.

A leader in bankruptcy protection and business failures.

And yes, he proved his incompetence in his first term in office.

Van Jones finally admitting that Trump is smarter than all of them.

Van Jones: "Donald Trump is not an idiot. Donald Trump Let me just be very clear. Donald Trump is smarter than me. You and all critics. This dude is a phenomenon. He is the most powerful human on earth and in our lifetime. And we're still saying, Well, how is this Guy [doing it]? We look like idiots?"

Cillizza: "You're totally right.

by Playbig2000 k

You're saying things that aren't true.

He's been a leader in Business his whole life.

He's proved this from 2016 to 2020.

"He's a loser who only cares about himself" you couldn't help yourself, so I won't respond to this.

His father gave him a loan which he invested into his business to become as big as he is today. He loaned him only one million but he's worth billions. Looks like he knows what he's doing.

You're belief that "Trump being the president is dangerous" is unfounded.

You realise even if it was 1$, starting your career with a pretty much infinite line of credit is a massive boost and isn't exactly what we call self made.
