Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14450 Replies


by metsandfinsfan k

Abc pays trump 16 million to settle defamation suit for saying over and over that Trump was a convicted rapist

Is that $15 million going to go straight from escrow to the chick he raped?

by Land O Lakes k

Is that $15 million going to go straight from escrow to the chick he raped?

Be careful or you can be sued too

Pretty misleading that ABC was “forced” to pay anything.

by Luciom k

Btw just what he did against the protesting truckers alone, just that, puts J Trudeau in the short list of "true domestic enemies of western civilization" and fully disqualifies him and anyone supporting him to be a participant in civil discourse and society. That was pure unlimited fascism of the kind rarely seen in western countries in peace time.

That’a knew thing a socialist fascist ?
You say blm were bad for vast majority to peacefully protesting but locking some cities or Canadian borders a city for 3 week is not ok and is fascist ?
Hell even the Alberta pm ask to stop those protest lol and Kenney certainly want a leftish lol .

Any authoritarian, fascist or dictator regime would not wait wait 3 freakn weeks to do something about it lol….
But Trudeau waited !

by jjjou812 k

Pretty misleading that ABC was “forced” to pay anything.

What would happen if they signed the agreement to pay and then decided to not pay?

The performing party can either sue on the contract or could seek to “void” the contract.

by Playbig2000 k

It's time to update your avatar

Those are the first two acts of the story.

Most have a third act. This is what I predict:

by jjjou812 k

Those are the first two acts of the story.

Most have a third act. This is what I predict:

The only problem with that is mine are real life, yours is just a dream.

by jjjou812 k

Those are the first two acts of the story.

Most have a third act. This is what I predict:

Never going to move on?

by Playbig2000 k

The only problem with that is mine are real life, yours is just a dream.

Two years from now, you'll wish he was in prison. Nah, you're a "creative" thinker and will find a way to blame other people for his failures, lmao.

by jjjou812 k

Those are the first two acts of the story.

It’s a good picture of him.

Trump being inaugurated during a government shutdown he and Leon created for no reason is probably as perfect as can be

President Trump is the one who with the help of Elon Musk sent that horrible DS "woke" bill back to the cutting room floor. He doesn't need to be sworn in to have a major impact on U.S. laws and policy. They tried to sneak in policy regarding our next pandemic, masks and other "equity". They thought everyone would vote on it quick so they can all recess and go home for Christmas. How'd that work out? And the speaker, who I always suspected was a RINO, should step down. Which side is he working for?

nobody even knows what the hell you're talking about half the time

What is a DS bill? Google doesn't tell me. I guess you're talking about the debt ceiling (DC)?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

nobody even knows what the hell you're talking about half the time

What is a DS bill? Google doesn't tell me. I guess you're talking about the debt ceiling (DC)?

I'm pretty sure 99.9% of people know exactly what I was referring to.

As for you, you've added nothing so scroll along now, troll.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

nobody even knows what the hell you're talking about half the time

What is a DS bill? Google doesn't tell me. I guess you're talking about the debt ceiling (DC)?

"DS" for him is "deep state". In this particular case he is vaguely correct, as the bill was not a partisan one predicated on actual policy platforms that see the 2 parties competing in election with different proposals.

Rather the bill included a ton of stuff only "people within the working of government" that answer no one but themselves and the interests that put them in power knew about, and in some sense those people that exist within the state regardless of party affiliation working against the People to further special interests, are what you could call the Deep State.

Wait, I thought the deep state worked against the elected officials. Now they also work for the special interest groups, who also control the elected politicians? And they work against the interest of the People?

by jjjou812 k

Wait, I thought the deep state worked against the elected officials. Now they also work for the special interest groups, who also control the elected politicians? And they work against the interest of the People?

The deep state is all the unelected bureaucrats + all the elected officials who don't wage a total war against unelected bureaucrats as the enemies of the people. Like if you don't consider them the enemy and work against them every time you can you are part of the problem.

So a lot of elected officials are part of, or allies, or anyway enablers, of the deep state. If elected officials syphon money toward obscure bureaucracies (like it was the case with this bill) with vague expense destination, ie if they increase the power of and enable unelected officials, they are feeding the deep state and so they are part of the deep state.

Like an appropriation for 10 billion dollars sent for "farm aid" without a specific sacrosant list of the exact way it should be spent, is a way to empower the deep state. No unelected official should ever have any power to spend a single dollar in any way that isn't strictly dictated by an act of congress in an uncontroversial way. That's the idea.

The deep state idea is the idea you send billions to bureaucrats and they do "the good for the people". They never do and use that money to encroach themselves more inside the state.

Of course you might prefer a world in which billions, or tens of billions, are sent to executive arms to be spent by unelected officials as they please, but some people don't.

The TOTALITY of the power at all levels, no exception, should reside in people who DIRECTLY respond to voters, with the constitutional exception of the judiciary.

Not a single rule, not a single dollar destination, nothing ever should be DECIDED by someone who isn't voted by the people or at least confirmed by the senate. not a word in any ruling in society. Not a dollar spent. Bureaucrats should merely humbly execute the will of their masters (the people, through congress) and never ever decide anythign at all about anything.

I can’t think of a dumber concept than everyone in government who makes a decision about money must be an elected official. We waste enough time and money on elections on the top of the pyramid decision makers.

Your deep state beliefs are as moronic as Playbigs. This amorphous group of people you blame for everything now encompasses elected officials, lifetime bureaucrats and political opponents of the preferred leaders.. it’s just anyone in government that disagrees with you. It’s definitely a logic you share with Trump.

by jjjou812 k

I can’t think of a dumber concept than everyone in government who makes a decision about money must be an elected official. We waste enough time and money on elections on the top of the pyramid decision makers.

Your deep state beliefs are as moronic as Playbigs. This amorphous group of people you blame for everything now encompasses elected officials, lifetime bureaucrats and political opponents of the preferred leaders.. it’s just anyone in government that disagrees with you.

You can't think.

If elected officials propose to (say) increase social security payments, you can agree or disagree but that's normal actual politics as it is supposed to be all the times, not the deep state.

If congress wants to cut taxes to some sector of the economy, or increase them for some sectors of the economy, the same applies.

If instead congress appropriates X money to be sent to unelected people to allocate vaguely to "help farmers" without details of how exactly to spend that money , that's the deep state enabling in action.

Which you agree with because you think it's "dumb" if congress has to list EXACTLY where the money goes to. I think it's unconstitutional if they don't (no delegation doctrine).

You want decision making to be obscured and diffused so no one can be blamed personally and individually for decisions that go bad, or that people disagree with. So that nothing changes drastically ever because you love the status quo, which represents your political priorities.

I want every single decision to be able to be connected causally with specific individuals which the people can vote away, or reward, depending how much they agree with the decisions taken.

by Luciom k

I want every single decision to be able to be connected causally with specific individuals which the people can vote away, or reward, depending how much they agree with the decisions taken.

332 million people can’t be governed this way and refuse to be ruled over by Trump or little Italian fascists. You live in a fantasyland but don’t seem able to recognize that other people in other countries want no part of your fantasyland.

by jjjou812 k

332 million people can’t be governed this way and refuse to be ruled over by Trump or little Italian fascists. You live in a fantasyland but don’t seem able to recognize that other people in other countries want no part of your fantasyland.

What's wrong with Italians? If someone was a french fascist would that be ok then?

And wtf are you referring to when you say people refuse to be "ruled over" by Trump?. How is Trump ruling over us? Are you saying that what he's doing, which is cleaning out a corrupt system, is bad for us? And if so, how exactly?

No need to acknowledge tho since I don't expect an intelligent answer, trolls usually respond by saying "cuz he's just a stupid orangeman" so I'll save you the embarrassment of looking so bad ; )

by jjjou812 k

332 million people can’t be governed this way and refuse to be ruled over by Trump or little Italian fascists. You live in a fantasyland but don’t seem able to recognize that other people in other countries want no part of your fantasyland.

You don't seem to realize that people that agree with me just won the elections in the USA, to the point that the democrats are calling "president Musk" singlehandedly the cause for this bill failure.

Do you realize my opinion on how democracy should work very closely align with what today is the most powerful man in the USA, Musk? who lives in a fantasyland, the person telling you how one important portion of the american ruling party thinks, or the person thinking i am describing a libertarian 0.1% ideology?
