Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Well here both system (healthcare education ) works fine so I don’t know what US problem is shrug.
And yes here too it’s mostly government spending .
So I guess it goes wrong mainly in the US with very few exceptions in the education area.
I don’t think it’s much about public services since it works fine elsewhere ,seem something else .
That is a flat out lie. Yes our education system is working better but please our healthcare system sucks.
5.5 million CDN's do not have a family doctor and many are on waiting lists that are 5-8 years long
Elective surgeries like knee or hip replacement take years to happen
Ive seen many first hand accounts of people that just cant get cancer treatments and go to the USA if they can afford it
Myself personally am on a waiting list for a gamily doctor or nurse practitioner for two years my neighbor has been waiting 4.5 years along with his wife
I have also heard England is going through similar issues
Well might be true in the red state and I’m sorry for you and your neighbours.
Here we have a good (far from perfect) enough education public system that can form doctors , engineer, etc at a low cost and be able to make a great life out of it shrug .
Same for heathcare and many countries around the world .
I guess Americans just sucks in that field .
Can’t be great in everything i guess .
Like you are great in guns milling and we aren’t .
And it’s fine too .
I never said it was impossible for someone that went to a public school to become a doctor or everyone who goes to a private school is guaranteed a great job. However, studies have shown that private is significantly better than public and I hope you don't think otherwise.
I'm not sure why you brought up guns when we are talking about private vs public education. Was your point to highlight that school shootings happen far more, even when accounting for the larger number of public vs private schools, in public schools?
As with any large policy change a lot could go wrong. However, the most likely scenario is that the number of public schools in this country drops by 80+% over the next 50 years, private schools start buying up all the public schools that are shutting their doors because parents are refusing to send their kids there, our general population is far more educated than they are today and finally far fewer people will be dependent on the gov't.
It all sounds great to everyone, but that last thing I mentioned is very scary for dems and it the reason vouchers won't happen in many dem states.
What were you suggesting could go wrong in a school vouncher system?
If public schools die as a model, and the state finances education for every child but with private providers in competition, other than the obvious massive improvement of the quality of the service (like every time you have competition in any sector), the country also loses a huge constituency hellbent on siphoning public resources for their own personal interest (public teachers unions), that's a terrible outcome for everyone on the left who needs many such people to have a permanent voter base that will vote for the left no matter what all the times.
If public schools die as a model, and the state finances education for every child but with private providers in competition, other than the obvious massive improvement of the quality of the service (like every time you have competition in any sector), the country also loses a huge constituency hellbent on siphoning public resources for their own personal interest (public teachers unions), that's a terrible outcome for everyone on the left who needs many such people to have a permanent voter bas
For Bahbah also
If education is privatized but the govt is still responsible for footing the bill for everyone it's a recipe for gouging the **** out of the govt/tax payers and if the vouchers can be used as credit for the better performing schools that require cash out of pocket for their higher tuition fees then discrepancy to access to good education becomes worse.
There has to be a better solution than going balls deep into full privatization.
That is a flat out lie. Yes our education system is working better but please our healthcare system sucks.
5.5 million CDN's do not have a family doctor and many are on waiting lists that are 5-8 years long
Elective surgeries like knee or hip replacement take years to happen
Ive seen many first hand accounts of people that just cant get cancer treatments and go to the USA if they can afford it
Myself personally am on a waiting list for a gamily doctor or nurse practitioner for two years my neighbo
It’s not a lie …..
Cost are massively lower in Canada and way more Americans
Don’t even have a chance to have healthcare services while we easily still can with private clinic freely btw (you just have to wake up early to take appointments ) , etc …….
To believe here is similar to the U.S. u are brain dead .
For Bahbah also
If education is privatized but the govt is still responsible for footing the bill for everyone it's a recipe for gouging the **** out of the govt/tax payers and if the vouchers can be used as credit for the better performing schools that require cash out of pocket for their higher tuition fees then discrepancy to access to good education becomes worse.
There has to be a better solution than going balls deep into full privatization.
Exactly !
Government footing the bill Without any control , prices will go way higher as usual.
You always see it in public infrastructure for example, they never can respect the original billing .
If public schools die as a model, and the state finances education for every child but with private providers in competition, other than the obvious massive improvement of the quality of the service (like every time you have competition in any sector), the country also loses a huge constituency hellbent on siphoning public resources for their own personal interest (public teachers unions), that's a terrible outcome for everyone on the left who needs many such people to have a permanent voter bas
i literally grew up on the campus of a boarding school
they are not better
they just have more money, it costs about 80k a year to send your kid to a boarding school today
that is why these schools perform so much better, because it's children of the elites (with a couple scholarship nerds and athletes mixed in) and they are given tremendous resources - but the real thing is they all want to be there and that their parents obviously put a strong emphasis on education and them doing the work
the biggest difference between going to public school and that boarding school for me was that at the public school it was cool to not do your homework but at the private school only losers didn't do their homework and they would soon be expelled anyway
that model only works for the elites, it doesn't work for the general population, you take a school where the majority of kids don't want to do their homework and it's not just a few bad apples which can be expelled but the majority, of which the school depends upon financially then it's just more of the same of what we have today with failing public schools, only they will cost us several multiples more
making everything private won't change anything, we'll still have the elite institutions and then everything else, only now everything else just costs a whole lot more than they used to cost
free public education is a cornerstone of having a functioning middle class
If public schools die as a model, and the state finances education for every child but with private providers in competition, other than the obvious massive improvement of the quality of the service (like every time you have competition in any sector), the country also loses a huge constituency hellbent on siphoning public resources for their own personal interest (public teachers unions), that's a terrible outcome for everyone on the left who needs many such people to have a permanent voter bas
FWIW many public services do sometimes get privatized (water in an example) and it always end up in a **** show on the long run .
Always cheaper earlier and then when they have the monopole they always raises prices to the max and government is stuck with no alternative .
Th thing is monopolies , regardless it’s private or public , is never the best .
But at least when it’s public you can fires them (election days) not with the private sector ….
The though of getting better quality services in the private sector is wrong …
Again private sector are there to make money as cheaply as possible which usually is at the detriments of services qualities to the consumers .
There is no way around this , their main focus is shareholder and profits full stop !
I definitely find it hilarious how the same idiots espousing ‘you lost, get over it’ are the same idiots clinging to every conspiracy theory known to man to why the last 4 years was an illegitimate farce
To that end, I’ll deliver in kind. Seems like it was fun for you for your copium, maybe it’ll be fun for me to make you report every post I make about why you’re bootlicking clowns with a single collective brain cell whose lives will get materially worse for you stanning a guy who doesn’t give a **** whether you live or die while mine gets better cuz tax bracket despite thinking you’re all simps
That is a flat out lie. Yes our education system is working better but please our healthcare system sucks.
5.5 million CDN's do not have a family doctor and many are on waiting lists that are 5-8 years long
Elective surgeries like knee or hip replacement take years to happen
Ive seen many first hand accounts of people that just cant get cancer treatments and go to the USA if they can afford it
Myself personally am on a waiting list for a gamily doctor or nurse practitioner for two years my neighbo
While no one thinks Canada has elite service for everyone all the time, not going bankrupt over a medical emergency is a big deal. You don't know what it is like to be young and broke without medical insurance. Like driving to a job interview hoping some idiot doesn't t-bone you sending you to the hospital. It sucks being between jobs and not being medically covered. Also I'm sure most Americans at least have known people if not been those people themselves that are stuck to a job they hate solely for the medical benefits. Or not bootstraping a business idea because you're worried about medical coverage. Could be argued it actually stifles entrepreneurship in some cases. It sucks when you're broke and have to worry about getting sick strictly due to the financial repercussings.
While no one thinks Canada has elite service for everyone all the time, not going bankrupt over a medical emergency is a big deal. You don't know what it is like to be young and broke without medical insurance. Like driving to a job interview hoping some idiot doesn't t-bone you sending you to the hospital. It sucks being between jobs and not being medically covered. Also I'm sure most Americans at least have known people if not been those people themselves that are stuck to a job they hate sole
This is the actual data on elective surgeries in Canada, like hip replacement surgery according to CIHI data:
In Canada, the recommended maximum wait time for hip replacement surgery is 26 weeks (182 days).
However, actual wait times often exceed this benchmark. Between April and September 2023, only 66% of patients received hip replacements within the recommended 26 weeks, a decrease from 75% in 2019. This indicates that approximately one-third of patients waited longer than 26 weeks for their surgery during that period. Wait times can vary significantly across provinces. For instance, in 2023, Ontario reported that 79% of hip replacement surgeries were completed within the 26-week benchmark, while Prince Edward Island reported only 39%.
While no one thinks Canada has elite service for everyone all the time, not going bankrupt over a medical emergency is a big deal. You don't know what it is like to be young and broke without medical insurance. Like driving to a job interview hoping some idiot doesn't t-bone you sending you to the hospital. It sucks being between jobs and not being medically covered. Also I'm sure most Americans at least have known people if not been those people themselves that are stuck to a job they hate sole
Hey I didn’t say I trade to be in the American Medical system I just said ours sucks bad as well
This is the actual data on elective surgeries in Canada, like hip replacement surgery according to CIHI data:
In Canada, the recommended maximum wait time for hip replacement surgery is 26 weeks (182 days).
However, actual wait times often exceed this benchmark. Between April and September 2023, only 66% of patients received hip replacements within the recommended 26 weeks, a decrease from 75% in 2019. This indicates that approximately one-third of patients waited longer than 26 weeks for their s
My stepdad just had to wait 6 months to get an MRI in the states. I'd be surprised if hip replacements wait times in the states vastly outperforms those Canadian stats.
My stepdad just had to wait 6 months to get an MRI in the states. I'd be surprised if hip replacements wait times in the states vastly outperforms those Canadian stats.
Also my dad got a hip replacement through the VA and it took the better part of 2 years but that was because they kept finding other things wrong with him that had to be fixed before they could safely do the hip operation. The VA service was shockingly good. Go figure.
My stepdad just had to wait 6 months to get an MRI in the states. I'd be surprised if hip replacements wait times in the states vastly outperforms those Canadian stats.
Ya, it took me about 9 months total to get an MRI because I had to wait to see my general, then refer to specialist, then wait for MRI. And I have the Ferrari of insurance companies. Our healthcare system is a total joke.
Hip replacements, plastic surgery, things w/ high price tags you can get in quick in the USA... because it's all about the... you know.
I'm sure now that Trump is POTUS, he's going to get the VA humming along smoothly to take good care of all those suckers and losers who had the nerve to get injured serving.
Yeah, apparently veteran benefits are in the crosshairs of the new admin but to be fair it is a huge cost. Doesn't hurt to look but not super stoked with DOGE being the people to do it.
i literally grew up on the campus of a boarding school
they are not better
they just have more money, it costs about 80k a year to send your kid to a boarding school today
that is why these schools perform so much better, because it's children of the elites (with a couple scholarship nerds and athletes mixed in) and they are given tremendous resources - but the real thing is they all want to be there and that their parents obviously put a strong emphasis on education and them doing the work
the bi
A decent public school that gets students from upper middle class (or medium-high middle class at least, top 35%) families will often work just fine. Problem is when it doesn't, because of some particularly terrible teachers, administrators, or very bad quality students.
That's when the difference between public and voucher in competition becomes stark. You can't have "high level" schools for normies not from the elite, that's true, but you can avoid having horrible schools that never get closed and where the horrible teachers and/or administrators stay for life anyway.
At the end students will do what their talents allow them 95%+ of the times, teachers don't matter much if at all unless they are truly terrible, or truly exceptional (that's what data tells us). You can't save stupid people from themselves, and it's very hard to clip the wings of actually intelligent people anyway.
But k12 school isn't much about education at the end, that's a residual margin part of it, we are paying for the kids to be supervised while parents work.
You need that to be available to all, but the state can pay private operators to do so, so that the terrible ones get selected out of supply when parents just change schools. With public schools you don't have that, so the rotten apples stay and infest the rest. And at some point when the school is truly horrible that starts giving actual problems to students.
While no one thinks Canada has elite service for everyone all the time, not going bankrupt over a medical emergency is a big deal. You don't know what it is like to be young and broke without medical insurance. Like driving to a job interview hoping some idiot doesn't t-bone you sending you to the hospital. It sucks being between jobs and not being medically covered. Also I'm sure most Americans at least have known people if not been those people themselves that are stuck to a job they hate sole
Wait a sec, all that you list was supposedly fixed with the magics of Obamacare.
Aside for the COBRA plans that already existed since the 80s to have you covered between jobs, the prohibition to discriminate against previous conditions eliminate fears that by losing your employer sponsored healthcare, when alone you might be denied coverage.
And the subsidies allow you to get coverage almost for free if you stop working and start to boost strap a business accepting low income for a while.
Why are you talking like it was 2005?
This is the actual data on elective surgeries in Canada, like hip replacement surgery according to CIHI data:
In Canada, the recommended maximum wait time for hip replacement surgery is 26 weeks (182 days).
However, actual wait times often exceed this benchmark. Between April and September 2023, only 66% of patients received hip replacements within the recommended 26 weeks, a decrease from 75% in 2019. This indicates that approximately one-third of patients waited longer than 26 weeks for their s
Now try to imagine that it is worse (A lot worse) than canada in the UK, Italy, Spain, and so on.
Social healthcare = rationed healthcare. Private healthcare = some people miss out on healthcare.
Ya, it took me about 9 months total to get an MRI because I had to wait to see my general, then refer to specialist, then wait for MRI. And I have the Ferrari of insurance companies. Our healthcare system is a total joke.
Hip replacements, plastic surgery, things w/ high price tags you can get in quick in the USA... because it's all about the... you know.
Yes because it has both the horrific problems of socialized healthcare AND the problems of private incumbents capturing regulators.
In a normal world you would pay all out of pocket shopping around for the best price/quality except truly catastrophic insurance which would still exist.
It's utterly insane for example that you don't have listed prices for all procedures like you get in a massage parlor. That would be an actual private healthcare system. Treating it like any other service.