Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
my apologies, i honestly have nothing but utmost respect for you and bobo et al, if i didn't i wouldn't bother responding to you guys
i just feel like instead of looking at the heart of some real issues with no clear answers that could be solved in a myriad of ways that warrant discussing you guys instead opt to just dunk on some inane rant by a poster who is surprisingly not on your ignore list
for example, i can disagree with 100% of what bj posts about dei etc (you guys quote responding to him
I get that, but I haven't been going back and forth with BJ.
Admittedly, I have some fun with Playbig, but that's mainly because I find discussions with him to be funny because he is so unhinged and nutty.
...all we're doing is helping the kids of black dentists get into a better college and helping the occasional mid level manager reach upper mid level management
That... seems like a positive result? AA was never intended to comprehensively solve black poverty, and certainly no one expected it would help families who simply can't afford college.
my apologies, i honestly have nothing but utmost respect for you and bobo et al, if i didn't i wouldn't bother responding to you guys
i just feel like instead of looking at the heart of some real issues with no clear answers that could be solved in a myriad of ways that warrant discussing you guys instead opt to just dunk on some inane rant by a poster who is surprisingly not on your ignore list
for example, i can disagree with 100% of what bj posts about dei etc (you guys quote responding to him
I haven't even discussed DEI in this forum that I can recall, so I don't know what the **** you are on about.
At 12:25 the bishop start pleading with Trump to display some Christian values. In a different video you can catch JD desperately trying to catch anyones eye to have a little moment and Trump defiantly glancing around.
Trump said he "wasn't a fan of the service" and that "they could do better"
AA was never intended to comprehensively solve black poverty, and certainly no one expected it would help families who simply can't afford college.
Almost nothing is ever pitched as a comprehensive solution. I think that it is fair to say that proponents hoped that AA plus need blind admissions plus readily accessible school loans would eventually contribute to reducing poverty.
Almost nothing is ever pitched as a comprehensive solution. I think that it is fair to say that proponents hoped that AA plus need blind admissions plus readily accessible school loans would eventually contribute to reducing poverty.
Even so, black poverty has a variety of causes. Poverty going up after AA (assuming this is true) does not imply that AA didn't contribute to reducing poverty. That's kind of a basic logic failure there.
Even so, black poverty has a variety of causes. Poverty going up after AA (assuming this is true) does not imply that AA didn't contribute to reducing poverty. That's kind of a basic logic failure there.
A basic logic failure by who? I didn't purport to draw any conclusions. I simply was responding to your statement that:
AA was never intended to comprehensively solve black poverty
to begin with, if they are a good candidate, then by definition it's not a DEI hire but a normal hire
I would argue that isn't always true because of my example below.
So lets say you have 10 candidates you think are competent and qualified for a job you are trying to fill - you are suggesting that hiring someone outside of who you think are the top 3 best candidates because you are racist/sexist and want someone who fits your race and sex preferences doesn't mean your #4 isn't qualified/competent because you think everyone in your top 10 is qualified/competent.
Which is to say if you choose to hire who you think is the 4th best candidate for a job because your race/sex preference hits on your #4 candidate then that person was hired because of racism/sexism and is still a DEI hire.
mickey, i've done a lot of hiring
you almost never get your 4th best candidate, the top people all have competing offers
there's an entire industry of professional recruiters and head hunters - large companies both hire outside help in these fields as well as having dedicated full time staff members who's sole job is to convince the top choices to take the job offer
this is because it can be so difficult to convince your top candidates to join
this is why you often don't hear back from employers for a week or so after the final interview, it's not because they aren't debating whether or not to hire you, you've already made the cut, they are just seeing if the people they like a little more than you are willing to do the job before they offer it to you
while technically DEI, i have no qualms about the 4th best candidate being given the first offer because they are from an unrepresented background in the sector
and then if that person turns it down you perhaps make an offer to the 7th best candidate for similar reasons before going back to the top and working your way down as you normally would do
the real horror of it is when it's done like a casting call in hollywood, where it's predetermined that the candidate must be from specific backgrounds - so it's not that the 4th best candidate gets the first crack at it, but the 1st, 2nd and 3rd best are never getting an offer in the first place - when the 4th best candidate accepts the job this works fine, but when that person is not the 4th but rather the 27th and the next best option is 39th and so forth, the quality of the person in the position can drop dramatically pretty quickly
this is especially true in fields where the majority of candidates are non-DEI acceptable
take an engineering position that is 85% men for example and you want to hire a woman
well if you're a small firm in a small region where there's only 10 people applying for the position, there's a 20% chance no women apply, and 35% chance only one applies - this means the majority of the time you go to hire someone, there's none or just 1 female option - leaving your hands tied if you're committed to hiring a female
or say you're in a larger market and there's 20 applicants, 4% of the time there'll still be no female candidates, another 13% of the time only 1 will apply and you'll rarely get more than 3 females applying
and as one could guess, the odds that that female candidate applies is actually the best candidate is again 15% as that's the natural rate of females in that field
so whenever companies engage in these practices, they are going to be severely handcuffed in terms of acquiring good talent
it's even worse for large companies
let's say it's a large firm doing entry level hiring where they're not too picky and just pulling 25 new entry level employees at a college career fair and there's 100 candidates
well, if they want to have a 50/50 balance as most firms strive to have, then they often won't be able to do so as 16% of the time they won't even get 12 female candidates
in a 10k sim the largest turnout is 28 of 100 candidates being female, so even when the turnout is at its absolute highest, when given a quota system, nearly half of the women are going to get offers compared to one out of 6 men
quite often nearly every female, if not all will get an offer
y is the pool of candidates, x is the amount of female candidates assuming it's a male dominated field where 85% of men

as a former tech worker, i've witnessed this first hand, where every female who is mildly competent gets offers and promotions up the wazoo whereas a lot of men are stuck in the rat race
this can have a very disenfranchising effect of the 85% of the working population who see the inequality in action and must self censor because anyone speaking out about get labeled as a misogynist or racist
and this can have real life consequences, fellow progressive liberal who's often called an evil right wing fascist because like me he speaks out against this stuff absolutely nails it
his entire monologue is right on point, but this right here highlights the disease within, the only priority we should have in running essential services like a fire department should be ability to put out fires, not whatever this is

First Space Force now we are getting Stargate
i think a better way to describe why dei sucks is going back the 85% green engineers or 15% blue engineers issue (changing it for sake of how it sounds)
let's simplify it and make some assumptions
100 applicants with 85/15 split
30 positions can be filled with 50/50 split
it's a dream job so all applicants will accept the position if offered
so all the greens who are given offers are going to likely be in the top quintile in their field (and 100% going to be within the top quartile) whereas the blues will be of a typical distribution of talent
thus the 15 greens who are hired are all going to be rock stars whereas a small percentage of the blues will be rock stars
this then continues down the line, there's going to be 6 who are promoted after a year and again they want a 50/50 split, the three greens who get promoted are likely going to be the best 3 options for the promotion whereas it's statistically improbable that any of the blues would be
the end result is not only are more deserving candidates losing out but the organization itself suffers
but on a much greater importance, in terms of cultural impact, it just sets a really bad tone where the greens feel like they need to overcome insurmountable odds and be the best to attain the same level as a blue who just happened to have showed up
or another way to look at it, what if nba teams had dei requirements to play a representative amount of asians, latinos, indians, and whites
can you imagine how much of a disaster that would be
or this
Actually, it's more comparable to when the NFL thought black athletes were not smart or disciplined enough to be quarterback and we would be denied seeing players like Jackson, Mahomes, Daniels and Hurts playing the position.
And when the UK football establishment thought that black players were too ill disciplined to excel at the game, except that for a while now most of England's best players have been of Caribbean or African descent (the same is true of France).
But I'm sure a knowledgeable professional football bettor such as rickroll knows this.
or another way to look at it, what if nba teams had dei requirements to play a representative amount of asians, latinos, indians, and whites
can you imagine how much of a disaster that would be
or this
In my view, if you want to be a firefighter, you need to be able to get me out of a burning building.
I think you have good points about the negative effect of quota systems, but also feel like you’re making an assumption that everything is balanced in their absence.
To use your blue/green example - what happens when the blues are the ones doing most of the hiring and they tend to like other blues the most just cause they’re used to them. Let’s say if there’s a blue and green that are the same, the blue manager picks a blue at an 80 percent rate. Don’t we end up with the same problem?
I get the anti-dei argument. I really do. I trumpeted it for most of my life. But I've come around on the issue.
I was a "victim" of this sort of thing way way back in the 70s believe it or not. It wasn't even veiled in my case. My district manager told me flat out that I was the most qualified but they wanted a female in the role. So, yeah.
But the problem is we are still an extremely racist and mysoginistic society and without guardrails in place, even guardrails that don't work all the time, we will certainly fall back to the unspoken racism this country seems to excel at.
Trump asking for an apology from the bishop suggesting we have mercy for immigrant families. Silly bishop. Mercy is reserved for trumpers now.
Make high drug prices great again!
something something leopard face
The largest police union in the US, which endorsed Donald Trump during his campaign, said Trump’s decision to pardon more than 1,500 people convicted over the January 6 insurrection “sends a dangerous message”, in a statement on Tuesday.
something something leopard face
Mostly peaceful protestors who were charged politically. Tell me when the people responsible for the 2011 Wisconsin capital attack are held accountable for their crimes. How long were they in the building compared to the J6 protestors?