Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14454 Replies


by MrDavitWilliam k

In my view, if you want to be a firefighter, you need to be able to get me out of a burning building.

what if you're a 400 lb fatso

by StonksGoUp k

Mostly peaceful protestors who were charged politically. Tell me when the people responsible for the 2011 Wisconsin capital attack are held accountable for their crimes. How long were they in the building compared to the J6 protestors?

Ain’t the same thing, yo. Duh.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Ain’t the same thing, yo. Duh.

Former Wisconsin Governor Walker seems to disagree

He does support prosecuting the protestors illegally entering the building however points out that this was a single day event and not a month long illegal occupation which went on in Wisconsin.

by GTO2.0 k


I think you have good points about the negative effect of quota systems, but also feel like youÂ’re making an assumption that everything is balanced in their absence.

Unfortunately, we will never see our country free of racism. However, having racism/DEI as an official gov't policy makes racism worse and gives people a free pass to be racist.

by GTO2.0 k

To use your blue/green example - what happens when the blues are the ones doing most of the hiring and they tend to like other blues the most just cause theyÂ’re used to them. LetÂ’s say if thereÂ’s a blue and green that are the same, the blue manager picks a blue at an 80 percent rate. DonÂ’t we end up with the same problem?

In many countries this would be a major problem, but it will never be a problem in a country as large, free and capitalistic as the USA currently is. That is the beauty of GREED.

Your example just doesn't go far enough down the logic line to come to a real conclusion. You mention that the racist blue manager (and his racist counterparts at other companies) hires blues at a higher rate, but what happens to all of the good greens who aren't hired by them? They get hired at another company that isn't hindered by taking less than the best employees because of race and this company will beat out the racist blue managers company by providing a service or product that is superior based off of having better employees. As the blue favoring companies starts to lose sales they have the option to either go out of business, see sales continue to drop or stop the racist hiring practice.

There are too many greedy people (I say this as a good thing) in the USA for racism to thrive in hiring practices. That doesn't mean there won't be companies that hire based on race - it just means that there will be enough competition to make racism irrelevant in hiring.

by bahbahmickey k

Unfortunately, we will never see our country free of racism. However, having racism/DEI as an official gov't policy makes racism worse and gives people a free pass to be racist.

In many countries this would be a major problem, but it will never be a problem in a country as large, free and capitalistic as the USA currently is. That is the beauty of GREED.

Your example just doesn't go far enough down the logic line to come to a real conclusion. You mention that the racist blue manager (and his rac

Racism has not been a serious issue in the United States since the late 1950s. I've lived in 9 countries and this is the least racist place I have ever seen. Nobody even thought about it until Obama was elected and started spouting his divisive rhetoric.

by StonksGoUp k

Nobody even thought about it until Obama was elected and started spouting his divisive rhetoric.


by StonksGoUp k

Racism has not been a serious issue in the United States since the late 1950s. I've lived in 9 countries and this is the least racist place I have ever seen. Nobody even thought about it until Obama was elected and started spouting his divisive rhetoric.

LOL @ MLK. Took a bullet to the head over something that wasn’t a serious issue for a decade!

by StonksGoUp k

Racism has not been a serious issue in the United States since the late 1950s. I've lived in 9 countries and this is the least racist place I have ever seen. Nobody even thought about it until Obama was elected and started spouting his divisive rhetoric.

I banned you in January for spreading unbelievable garbage.

I can do it again.

by GTO2.0 k


I think you have good points about the negative effect of quota systems, but also feel like you’re making an assumption that everything is balanced in their absence.

To use your blue/green example - what happens when the blues are the ones doing most of the hiring and they tend to like other blues the most just cause they’re used to them. Let’s say if there’s a blue and green that are the same, the blue manager picks a blue at an 80 percent rate. Don’t we end up with the same problem?

100% agree, you're not wrong, there's very good reason why we put a quota system in place because the talented and deserving greens were getting marginalized for this exact reason

so i'm with the core concept of it all, but it it's swung so far in the opposite direction that it hasn't created equality but rather just flipped the dynamic to favoring another side instead (and to a far larger degree than was ever seen before)

you notice the detractors have nothing of substance to say on this matter other than imply racism with black athletes lol

a prime example with with that ast fire chief promo video shows only 5% of firefighters are women as if that's a problem - it's not a problem, if a women wants to be a firefighter and can perform the role assigned to her then fine, but if she's going to be subbing in for one of the people who'd normally be carrying victims out of fires and tries to hand wave away that inability with "you shouldn't have been in that fire in the first place you silly goose so that's on you" then that's a disaster that should have never been allowed to happen - i'm there are many roles within the department that don't require the strength to carry people out of fires and female firefighters unable to physically do that should be funneled into those positions instead

by King Spew k

I banned you in January for spread unbelievable garbage.

I can do it again.

But you won't.

May I ask what the unbelievable garbage he spread was? This is why I don't block any of the idiots as I always enjoy a good laugh

by rickroll k

so i'm with the core concept of it all, but it it's swung so far in the opposite direction that it hasn't created equality but rather just flipped the dynamic to favoring another side instead (and to a far larger degree than was ever seen before)

you notice the detractors have nothing of substance to say on this matter other than imply racism with black athletes lol

What’s your basis for the position that it has flipped over to a “far larger degree then was ever seen before”?

I’m on board with you that DEI programs can be too heavy handed, that it’s certainly possible they are over emphasized for pure signaling reasons, and that there are some fields (firefighters and athletes) where it just shouldn’t play a significant factor at all in comparison to the actual physical/intellectual capabilities the role requires.

But why do you think that the worm has turned on these so quickly and recently when the harms they are intended to address are systemic things that have been around for basically all of human civilization?

Also - I’d point out that your position is more reasonable than the viewpoint of the people who are currently in power and pushing to kill DEI entirely which is that it’s just pure racism and evil. So if you think there is a place at all for DEI type stuff then the current GOP stance probably doesn’t align with that.

by StonksGoUp k

Racism has not been a serious issue in the United States since the late 1950s. I've lived in 9 countries and this is the least racist place I have ever seen. Nobody even thought about it until Obama was elected and started spouting his divisive rhetoric.

"Nobody" = none of the people I know even if they do all happen to be white and right wing.

by King Spew k

I banned you in January for spreading unbelievable garbage.

I can do it again.

What is the name of his other account?

by Trolly McTrollson k

Rick's argument was that black poverty has increased, therefore AA was a failure. That's just obviously not a logical conclusion since poverty arises from many different causes.

OK. I was confused because you were replying to me, not rick.

by GTO2.0 k

What’s your basis for the position that it has flipped over to a “far larger degree then was ever seen before”?

I’m on board with you that DEI programs can be too heavy handed, that it’s certainly possible they are over emphasized for pure signaling reasons, and that there are some fields (firefighters and athletes) where it just shouldn’t play a significant factor at all in comparison to the actual physical/intellectual capabilities the role requires.

But why do you think that the worm has turne

just look at the lafd, the chief and asst chief are both women when only 5% of the work force are women - if they were white men in a field of 95% women then we'd be able to call it for what it is, that the statistical probability of those two being the best candidates for the position are close to zero - but they don't even try to pretend as if they were the best candidates, they are extremely on the nose with pushing diversity as paramount for them, being the most prominent aspect featured in their lafd official bios

we're taking one of the most important essential services for the 3rd wealthiest city in the world and just tossing common sense out the window because we're more interested in promoting previously marginalized groups than providing essential services - which is just insanity

and i think we can all suspect had the chief been straight or the asst chief not been black, then they would have been passed over for another female who checked extra diversity boxes

la is in wildfire country, this is a regular and known event, the fact that they were not only unprepared but also literally had no plan of action ready for when this highly repetitive event occurs is criminal imo - this is literally no different than if you go to the hospital for surgery and they just throw some med school guy in the room and tell him to figure it out as he goes along

i also worked in tech for many years, a heavily male dominated industry

it makes sense, i didn't know any girls growing up who were building websites for fun or coding games on their ti-82 or just having lan parties in the computer lab - whereas those were all things i did and were done by many of my male friends to at least some degree

so i've lived this exact experience and seen it play out countless times

i'm also very personally biased and i'm concerned about mentioning this simply because i feel like some people will misconstrue this statement and weaponize it against me

i left the industry to travel the world back in 2016 and focused on dfs and sportsbetting for income, having travelled the globe for a decade and now settled down in usa#1 again, i now wish to go back to the reduced stress of working for the man and all that entails but with the industry reeling right now with massive layoffs and hiring freezes, it's an uphill battle, every job i apply for where it gives you a count of applications is usually north of 500 applicants - so when they have that many candidates for a single role, they can afford to pass over the person who has not been working in the field since since 2016

i feel like i need to emphasize that i'm not struggling, i'm doing fine doing what i do now and not posting from a homeless shelter but rather that i miss building awesome software with awesome people and would like to go back to that

and it's hard to shake the notion that "perhaps if i were a woman or another race I'd already have an offer" or more appropriately, perhaps if they didn't care about the race and gender of the applicant i'd at least be given a fair shake - i had these same exact feelings when i was applying to college as well

i'd just prefer to know i was failing at things due to my own inabilities rather than being marginalized in order to promote other groups, and that's a terrible feeling that sticks with you, i could very well be failing all on my own without outside forces impacting me, i could indeed be in the bottom quintile and just oblivious to that, but due to these dynamics, i'll never be able to know for sure and over time that builds resentment

Wow a guy thinks other countries are more racist than the US let's ban him.

by Luckbox Inc k

Wow a guy thinks other countries are more racist than the US let's ban him.

smh. C'mon now.

by King Spew k

I banned you in January for spreading unbelievable garbage.

I can do it again.

Was that January of 2020? I haven't been on this forum in 5 years and wandered here today bc my new years resolution was to start playing poker again. I need some new hobbies and can afford to do $5/10 now

by biggerboat k

smh. C'mon now.

No I'm serious thinking that there are other places more racist than the US should not be allowed here.

by Luckbox Inc k

No I'm serious thinking that there are other places more racist than the US should not be allowed here.

Why do you think that? I definitely think there are other places more racist than the US. Are there people here that don't think that?

Any chance this is real? Would be amazing

I'm a little surprised today's reactions to the J6 pardons hasn't had any discussion, unless I missed it. Probably says something about where things are now - hard to shock anyone at this point, I guess.

[URL=""]"F--k it: Release 'em all": Why Trump embraced broad Jan. 6 pardons

How it happened: Eight days before the inauguration, Vice President-to-be JD Vance — channeling what he believed to be Trump's thinking — said on "Fox News Sunday" that Jan. 6 convicts who assaulted police ought not get clemency: "If you committed violence that day, obviously you shouldn't be pardoned."

Trump vacillated during an internal debate over targeted clemency vs. a blanket decision according to two insiders.

But as Trump's team wrestled with the issue, and planned a shock-and-awe batch of executive orders Day 1, "Trump just said: 'F -k it: Release 'em all,'" an adviser familiar with the discussions said.

Biden's guilty of some shitty pardons on his way out, but I'd say this has one-upped his shittiness.

"We'll take a look at everything" - dude, you already pardoned them. Too late.

And then there was the hilarious parade of Republicans who wouldn't comment because they "didn't see it", or they're "looking at the future, not the past", and Speaker Mike Johnson who did have something to say - "The president’s made his decision. I don’t second-guess those … We believe in redemption. We believe in second chances." Ah yes, the party of second chances. That's great to hear.

by housenuts k

what if you're a 400 lb fatso

I doubt a 400lb fatso would qualify as a firefighter badum-tish! I'm here all week! 😃
