Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14454 Replies


by bahbahmickey k

Did we get all new teachers in the country from the variety that fought hard to keep kids out of school for way too long after covid?

Did you get a new brain?

You should.

1. What is "after covid?"
2. Which teachers fought to keep kids out of school, ever?
3. What defines "too long?"

That was one of the dumbest posts I've seen today, and Luciom is back.

by Gorgonian k

Did you get a new brain?

You should.

1. What is "after covid?"
2. Which teachers fought to keep kids out of school, ever?
3. What defines "too long?"

That was one of the dumbest posts I've seen today, and Luciom is back.

1) after covid wasn't an emergency anymore (= a vax was available)
2) all the demoniac teachers unions which managed to keep schools closed
3) all other first world countries, and private schools attended by richer, more educated families (and so managed better definitionally) , reopened far sooner

We know you know, we don't know why you deny, that a lot of teachers (all democrats affiliated through unions) in the USA acted horribly with obscenely bad repercussion to education and mental health of kids. Monsters, truly.

by Luciom k

1) after covid wasn't an emergency anymore (= a vax was available)
2) all the demoniac teachers unions which managed to keep schools closed
3) all other first world countries, and private schools attended by richer, more educated families (and so managed better definitionally) , reopened far sooner

We know you know, we don't know why you deny, that a lot of teachers (all democrats affiliated through unions) in the USA acted horribly with obscenely bad repercussion to education and mental health of

I wasn't talking to you. My questions are not directed at you so your answers are not relevant. They were directed to the person that made the statement. I could not be less interested in your answers.

But thank you for demonstrating my last point extremely well.

bahbahmickey would you like to respond to my questions?

by Dunyain k

A lot of people understand all of this, and still voted for Trump, because they felt it was preferable to the extreme gaslighting we were getting from the other side.

Maybe you are ok with it, but a lot of people were bothered they were coerced to pretend they believed in so much absurd notions including (but certainly not limited to)

--Covid was likely natural in origin
--There is no immigration issue
--All disparate impact is due to racism
--American is a white supremacist nation
--It is perfectly f

“Since I don’t like your lies, I’ll eat up the lies of the deranged narcissistic sociopath instead and give him my vote. If it all goes to hell because of the idiot we voted for, it’s your fault because your lies were worse than his.”

It’s this intellectually lazy sentiment that Trump exploited in a huge swath of uneducated America. He’s great and getting his dolts to devour the false equivalencies he spews cuz they’re not capable of parsing the nuances that make these equivalencies false. He got his droolers to fear desperate brown people crossing the border in hopes of a better life (even though in 2016 he convinced these same boobs that he was building a wall that Mexico would pay for. Where’s that wall now, idiots??? Huh?? Where? You’re so ****ing dumb.), instead of the orange madman who wants the power of the presidency to punish his enemies for any perceived slight, however minor.

Putting Trump in power was inexcusably stupid. And we’re all going to suffer as a result.

(Well, not me. I’m white and wealthy. Good luck to anyone who doesn’t look like me though. This is what your fellow citizens wanted.)

by Dunyain k

A lot of people understand all of this, and still voted for Trump, because they felt it was preferable to the extreme gaslighting we were getting from the other side.

Maybe you are ok with it, but a lot of people were bothered they were coerced to pretend they believed in so much absurd notions including (but certainly not limited to)

--Covid was likely natural in origin
--There is no immigration issue
--All disparate impact is due to racism
--American is a white supremacist nation
--It is perfectly f

I've been thinking about a reply to this and davit william beat me to it.

Im far less concerned about the issues that need to be debated and sorted out than the solution the right has come up with. Tossing out democracy and installing a narcissistic idiot as king is not the answer.

by biggerboat k

I've been thinking about a reply to this and davit william beat me to it.

Im far less concerned about the issues that need to be debated and sorted out than the solution the right has come up with. Tossing out democracy and installing a narcissistic idiot as king is not the answer.

Voting and getting a 53-47 senate and a 218-215 house isn't "tossing out democracy".




In 2 years americans can decide whether to let republicans have the house again or not, and DEMOCRACY does it's things again.

There is no king btw.

by Luciom k

Voting and getting a 53-47 senate and a 218-215 house isn't "tossing out democracy".




In 2 years americans can decide whether to let republicans have the house again or not, and DEMOCRACY does it's things again.

There is no king btw.

we'll see

I'm wondering what the oathkeepers and proud boys are up to now that they know they can do anything they want without any repercussions.

by Dunyain k

A lot of people understand all of this, and still voted for Trump, because they felt it was preferable to the extreme gaslighting we were getting from the other side.

Maybe you are ok with it, but a lot of people were bothered they were coerced to pretend they believed in so much absurd notions including (but certainly not limited to)

--Covid was likely natural in origin
--There is no immigration issue
--All disparate impact is due to racism
--American is a white supremacist nation
--It is perfectly f

this 100%

i've spent the last 8 months on the road, mostly visiting old friends from college and my 20s - growing up my friend base was probably 95% liberal (went to an extremely liberal school) these were also people who were fairly active in politics, canvassing for obama, etc

about 1/3 of them have switched party allegiances for the exact things listed above, that they no longer had any faith in the democratic party who refused to acknowledge reality because it conflicted with their identity politics

the other 2/3 stay loyal but are getting extremely frustrated and their response to just about all of it is "it's better than trump"

i think with a very competent person at the helm like vance in 4 years, a lot of those "it's better than trump" people will also make the switch because they finally see a viable alternative to the group which defies reality

for me personally, it came down to kamala campaigning in 2020 for free healthcare and elective surgeries for illegal immigrants who've been detained - just pure madness to give non citizens caught being here illegally more medical freedom and rights than actual citizens - the kind of idiotic virtue signaling nonsense that could only come about by being surrounded by the mega wealthy who have no such concerns in the world and thus want to "help those who need help the most" while ignoring that our actual citizens currently have 220 billion in medical debt (a number that'd be much higher if there weren't bankruptcies)

by Luciom k

Man maybe you don't want to admit it, but Trump whining like a little girl about the elections, and all the "not so smart" attempts at using courts and whatnot, and his incessant focus on that, GAVE YOU GUYS THE SENATE.

If trump had stayed silent Georgia senate races at the end of 2020 wouldn't have gone the same way. Dem won by 1.2 and 2 points in ultra-close races only after Trump suicided the chances by galvanizing leftists and making a few (but very relevant) center-right people too wary of h

Thank you for posting this, for it exposes you for EXACTLY who you are; a win at all costs monster who does not get it at all.

First of all, I am not on a side other than the side that oppposes Trump having power. So don’t lump me in with ANY group unless that group views Trump as utter dogshit who shouldn’t have gotten a single vote. Got it?

I do not give a **** about who had the Senate or whatever. The health of this nation depends on people thinking that the vote matters and is legit. It is way more important to me that the sanctity of the vote be protected than “my side” wins.

If you cannot see how the long term health of the nation is more important than some short term policy gains, you’re even stupider than I had assumed. And I had you pegged as a pretty big ****ing moron.

Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process—and he did.

by rickroll k

this 100%

for me personally, it came down to kamala campaigning in 2020 for free healthcare and elective surgeries for illegal immigrants who've been detained

Trump built a wall and Mexico paid for it, so there is not a problem with illegal immigration.

Right? You rationalized voting for him in 2016 cuz he was gonna build that wall. Now your rationalization is, “He won’t allow illegals to get our $$$$.”

How are there so many illegals if he built a wall to keep them out?

Kamala says she’s gonna give illegals $$$. How do you know she’s not lying? Just like Trump was lying about the wall?

The answer is you don’t, but you WANT to believe the “bad” stuff Harris says and you WANT to believe the “good” stuff Trump says. Get that fixed.

And for the 888th time, I’d have voted for ANY GOP candidate that opposed Biden who wasn’t Trump. But, the GOPtards nominated that ******, so my vote went to Harris. As. It. Should. Have.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Trump built a wall and Mexico paid for it, so there is not a problem with illegal immigration.

Right? You rationalized voting for him in 2016 cuz he was gonna build that wall. Now your rationalization is, “He won’t allow illegals to get our $$$$.”

How are there so many illegals if he built a wall to keep them out?

i make a nuanced point discussing what i've personally witnessed and you invent some absurd strawman to respond to

these kind of strawmen are only pushing more people away from you and you look like a fool posting like this

by rickroll k

our actual citizens currently have 220 billion in medical debt

And you voted for the leopard eats your face party.

by rickroll k

i make a nuanced point discussing what i've personally witnessed and you invent some absurd strawman to respond to

these kind of strawmen are only pushing more people away from you and you look like a fool posting like this

OK. Enjoy Trump.

nice ninja edit dw

trump is a horrible president and even worse of a person, i despise him

but i'd rather roll the dice on a self serving buffoon than someone who prioritizes the needs of non citizens over our own - that alone should be a disqualification of leadership - it's an abhorrent policy that 30 years ago if any democratic presidential candidate stated as their platform they'd have been quietly walked out back and shot in the head by the dnc but today they are made vp and handed the keys to the kingdom because they fit the right profile of "we wanted a female minority"

Are we back to comparing a certain orange dude to Hitler for the next four years?

by biggerboat k

And you voted for the leopard eats your face party.

again, for the last time, i have never voted for trump nor would i ever vote for him

my own party is such a cult that any internal dissent gets insta labeled as someone who must be the enemy

by corpus vile k

Are we back to comparing a certain orange dude to Hitler for the next four years?

Just pointing out that the maga "well, NOW it's a democracy because it wasn't stolen" folks are just tossing around the word because it's convenient right now.

And, yeah.

by biggerboat k

Just pointing out that the maga "well, NOW it's a democracy because it wasn't stolen" folks are just tossing around the word because it's convenient right now.

And, yeah.

...I had to put up with four years of that eight years ago. :(

by rickroll k

again, for the last time, i have never voted for trump nor would i ever vote for him

my own party is such a cult that any internal dissent gets insta labeled as someone who must be the enemy

OK, then I'll respond a different way.

I simply cannot "toss the bums out" because a handful of people at best may or may not have benefitted from something here when the other side has blocked us from having affordable healthcare as long as I've been alive. I can't be so incensed with something that really barely affects anyone other than to piss them off when the thing that affects literally everyone won't get addressed. IMO, the republican party excels in this sort hate fueled obfuscation.

by corpus vile k

...I had to put up with four years of that eight years ago. :(

yeah, we gave him another chance. Although he's an idiot, he's learned a few things.

by rickroll k

nice ninja edit dw

trump is a horrible president and even worse of a person, i despise him

but i'd rather roll the dice on a self serving buffoon than someone who prioritizes the needs of non citizens over our own - that alone should be a disqualification of leadership - it's an abhorrent policy that 30 years ago if any democratic presidential candidate stated as their platform they'd have been quietly walked out back and shot in the head by the dnc but today they are made vp and handed the keys t

The difference is that if a “normal” political (Harris) doesn’t get their way, they follow the rules and norms that have been set out over that past 200+ years. If Trump doesn’t get his way, he will do ANYTHING to get his way (like Luciom).

We can survive bad policy (using tax $$ to cut off the ***** of trans illegals), but we cannot survive a monster like Trump running roughshod over our norms and institutions.

by rickroll k

nice ninja edit dw

trump is a horrible president and even worse of a person, i despise him

but i'd rather roll the dice on a self serving buffoon than someone who prioritizes the needs of non citizens over our own - that alone should be a disqualification of leadership - it's an abhorrent policy that 30 years ago if any democratic presidential candidate stated as their platform they'd have been quietly walked out back and shot in the head by the dnc but today they are made vp and handed the keys t

For citizenship. It should be completely illegal to the point of exile to ever do that.

It's incredible even to discuss it

by biggerboat k

OK, then I'll respond a different way.

I simply cannot "toss the bums out" because a handful of people at best may or may not have benefitted from something here when the other side has blocked us from having affordable healthcare as long as I've been alive. I can't be so incensed with something that really barely affects anyone other than to piss them off when the thing that affects literally everyone won't get addressed. IMO, the republican party excels in this sort hate fueled obfuscation.

Can you walk me through how exactly the federal government is preventing democrat controlled states for doing healthcare like France does?
