Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
OK, then I'll respond a different way.
I simply cannot "toss the bums out" because a handful of people at best may or may not have benefitted from something here when the other side has blocked us from having affordable healthcare as long as I've been alive. I can't be so incensed with something that really barely affects anyone other than to piss them off when the thing that affects literally everyone won't get addressed. IMO, the republican party excels in this sort hate fueled obfuscation.
millions of illegals is a "handful of people" now? this is the exact refusal to accept reality that dunyain so kindly highlighted has pushed people out of the party
you can disagree with how to handle it, but when you refuse to acknowledge the existence of widespread illegal immigration then there's no ground for you to stand upon and people will flock to the person who may have horrible plans for it, but does acknowledge it
imagine your roof leaks every time it rains, perhaps deciding to just wing it and fix it yourself isn't going to work and could do additional damage, but it's certainly a better option than just telling everyone living in the house that they are imagining the water droplets that fall from the ceiling every time it rains
I’m confused what the point of separate trump threads is if luciom is here
last time a group of americans thought a law was unjust and refused to take part in it, the wealthiest people in the state funded an army to put it down
it happened in my hometown's_Re...
tesla self driving robo militias to bust down the doors?
For the record, Shay's rebellion wasn't "the last time a group of americans thought a law was unjust and refused to take part in it."
for me personally, it came down to kamala campaigning in 2020 for free healthcare and elective surgeries for illegal immigrants who've been detained
millions of illegals is a "handful of people" now? this is the exact refusal to accept reality that dunyain so kindly highlighted has pushed people out of the party
you can disagree with how to handle it, but when you refuse to acknowledge the existence of widespread illegal immigration then there's no ground for you to stand upon and people will flock to the person who may have horrible plans for it, but does acknowledge it
imagine your roof leaks every time it rains, perhaps deciding to just win
Hey hey, your original post was you railing about elective surgeries for those being detained. That's a FAR cry from millions of illegals.
The VAST majority of the people you hate work hard and keep their noses clean. Be careful what you wish for. If they all disappeared tomorrow we'd be scrambling to figure out how to do the work nobody else wants to do.
And if you want that in the name of whatever that's fine. I won't argue that they aren't here illegally. I would argue that it's been that way as long as I've been alive but now the push to get them out is much stronger.
Given all that, the real deep down reason for this up in arms about immigrant push is xenophobia, pure and simple.
bigger you are denying that Biden, unlike Obama, massively increased the problem.
he also took in people "semi-legally" en masse abusing TPS
bigger you are denying that Biden, unlike Obama, massively increased the problem.
he also took in people "semi-legally" en masse abusing TPS
I'm in favor of good solid legislation that allows those that want to come here a way to do it with sufficient checjs and a path to citizenship for those here who have proven to be good citizens. If you want quotas on numbers, fine. I have no issue getting rid of criminals. And, Im not in favor of any president changing the rules on the fly.
The root of the problem is and has always been congress' refusal to tackle the problem.
Looks like doj has started a purge. I can't believe it took this long. Apparently they are asking for documents. Im guessing they'll conveniently disappear. Sieg heil.
I'm in favor of good solid legislation that allows those that want to come here a way to do it with sufficient checjs and a path to citizenship for those here who have proven to be good citizens. If you want quotas on numbers, fine. I have no issue getting rid of criminals. And, Im not in favor of any president changing the rules on the fly.
The root of the problem is and has always been congress' refusal to tackle the problem.
to be clear Biden didn't change the rules. he just abused them (legally). he let a monstrous quantity of completely unfiltered immigrants in from utterly **** holes countries under the excuse that those countries were bad. as if a moral mandate to take in people randomly from bad countries existed.
it was technically legal. congress wrote the law badly allowing too much freedom to the president (if you like me think non-delegatiom is the law, that would be unconstitutional, but the scholars opinion for now is that it is allowed).
but at the end, he basically opened the border for millions of extra people vs what any other previous president including Obama did.
trump will send back most of them (perhaps he would keep in people fleeing from communism, we'll see) . it will be a good thing when Haitians and Guatemalas who were allowed in "just because" are sent home, and only people good for the american economy and society are allowed in.
congress isn't REFUSING to tackle the problem btw. Congress can't find 60 senators agreeing on any compromise, because what is proper for republicans isn't proper for democrats and viceversa.
you like many/most Americans would agree to a republican leaning compromise. but you probably haven't followed how crazy pro open -border democrat senators (with very few exceptions, not enough to pass the filibuster, like Fetterman) are.
you might hate the filibuster. many Americans do. from outside, I love it. I think it's one of the pillars of your democratic system. 50 senators + a VP shouldn't be allowed to change the country too much. a qualified majority for major changes is a very very good idea.
it can mean no change happens. sometimes that can feel bad. it is bad. but the alternative is worse
Looks like DOJ has now begun targeting the Jan 6 committee
Off we go
I would like to post a non-traditional view of Trump rooted in biology and herd psychology.
I believe that the human herd is getting the signal that a significant involuntary population reduction event is imminent.
I would ask you ..... would you want the responsibility of sorting the world's population into surviving and non-surviving subgroups when the non-surviving group is going to be massive ??
For most conscientious people, the answer is a resounding no. Look at the images of Lincoln before and after he took office. He aged a LOT during the Civil War. It was an immense personal burden to himself to lead through so much bloodshed and death.
This is where someone with a personal like Trump comes into play. He's not an accident of nature. We have evolved from billions of years of evolution through creatures that have known famine and population reduction. Our survival has depended upon having people with diverse traits, including the willingness among a subset of us to decide who lives and who dies in the situations where that must happen.
Trump didn't create the system. He didn't a human nature which is competitive in mate selection and in which money determines who is fit to raise children. So the competition to accumulate more and more money is an expression of our nature. At the same time, that personal survival and dominance motivation becomes malignant with respect to the species population as a whole.
Looking at Trump's actions .... tariffs are meant to ensure that the US has the self reliance in advance of global supply failure. Border control and citizenship is a means of deciding who is in and who is out. Agression with respect to foreign territory such as Greenland and the Panama Canal is another means of expressing dominance in a world in which a lot of people aren't going to make it.
I don't like Trump. But I don't blame him for being who he is. He didn't choose his DNA and upbringing any more than I did mine. He serves a purpose which I find ugly and brutal, but also natural. Nature is both beautiful and brutal at the same time. I wish i didn't have to live through an era that calls for his traits. But I don't get to choose.
I would prefer an alpha like FDR, but the path to someone like that gaining prominence in the either political party in the USA today is pretty close to zero.
As they said in Game of Thrones, I wish you all good fortune in the wars to come.
I don't like Trump. But I don't blame him for being who he is. He didn't choose his DNA and upbringing any more than I did mine. He serves a purpose which I find ugly and brutal, but also natural. Nature is both beautiful and brutal at the same time. I wish i didn't have to live through an era that calls for his traits. But I don't get to choose.
Are you asserting that one's genetics and upbringing hardwires people to be lifelong pieces of shiit and they have zero ability to ever change and that's just the way it is?
That's weak af.
Are you asserting that one's genetics and upbringing hardwires people to be lifelong pieces of shiit and they have zero ability to ever change and that's just the way it is?
That's weak af.
Fatalism doesn't require any amount of courage.
And it's rather contradictory to be so fatalistic while continuously referring to traits linked to survival/success.
Trump didn't avoid the draft by taking a principled stance and declaring as a conscientious objector, he avoided it by a cowardly act of deception. He's a literal embodiment of the romanticized meme about easy times creating weak men and weak men creating tough times...
A C/O-1 has a lot more backbone than an individual that obtains a fraudulent medical exception.
Are you asserting that one's genetics and upbringing hardwires people to be lifelong pieces of shiit and they have zero ability to ever change and that's just the way it is?
That's weak af.
I don't have a belief system that sorts behavior into good vs bad, virtuous vs evil. I simply see a world of cause and effect and a Darwinian exercise in survival of the fittest.
Our primate cousins betray and deceive each other when it suits their interests. Does that make a chimpanzee a "piece of ****" ?
Einstein didn't believe that people had free will. He didn't give himself credit for his discoveries because he didn't consider it a choice or a developed skill. He considered it innate.
So, when you imply that Trump is a "piece of ****" ..... I would ask you, why have those traits survived billions of years of genetics editing ? And more importantly, I would ask the question ..... if the world were facing a situation in which the population was destined to shrink involuntarily, how would you decide who lived and who died, understanding full well that you're probably not going to get a sufficient number of volunteers to join the non-surviving subgroup ?
This isn't trolling. I am asking a serious question.
For me, the demand for someone like Trump is far scarier than Trump himself. He's not the only one with his traits. Like the LA Dodgers, nature creates a strong bench. There are more people like him waiting in the wings.
One of the problems we have in understanding what's going in the world is that most people have been brainswashed from birth by their parents about "right and wrong". We are completely dependent upon our parents for survival and they indoctrinate us into seeing the world through a lens of right and wrong. Even if we reject our parents views about their definition of right and wrong ..... we still maintain a view that we are right and they are wrong ...... we don't let go of the "right vs wrong" framing.
So when you look at someone like Trump ..... you say to yourself, I am good and he is bad and forego the entire exercise of asking WHY those traits exist.
There is no good and bad. Just preferences and cause and effect.
ok nut^2 I do understand the deterministic approach to a good degree, but you haven't provided any element to argue in favor of your thesis: why should the world be close to an event that greatly diminishes it's population?
even the "worst pandemic in a century" failed to reduce world population lol. we get better every day at growing more food with the same land and we don't qmixmize that only because extremely evil leftist forced regulate us against it.
but even within the horrific rules imposed by the leftist devil's we are still able not only to feed everyone, but to have obesity as one of the primary problems not only in the first world, but also in plenty of middle income countries.
we swing in food like humanity never ever did in it's history.
so again what's going to significantly reduce world population soon?
Fatalism doesn't require any amount of courage.
And it's rather contradictory to be so fatalistic while continuously referring to traits linked to survival/success.
Trump didn't avoid the draft by taking a principled stance and declaring as a conscientious objector, he avoided it by a cowardly act of deception. He's a literal embodiment of the romanticized meme about easy times creating weak men and weak men creating tough times...
A C/O-1 has a lot more backbone than an individual that obtains a f
There's a difference between fatalism and being non-judgmental and analytical.
I have a very strong preference for a progressive alternative to Trump. A modern day version of FDR.
Right now, both political parties in the US are dominated by neoliberal economic policy which yields a malignant concentration of wealth that threatens the stability of the working class and creates the demand for someone to BREAK the paradigm.
If we wanted a do over to avoid the German starvation which led to the Nazi's, Holocaust and WW 2, we can see that the thing we would do differently is change the Versailles agreement. Letting people starve and expecting them to gracefully roll over and die was a mistake for those who wanted to avoid WW2. We learned a hard lesson and the Marshall Plan was more compassionate and effective.
Homelessness went up by a record 18% in the US in 2024 under the Biden / Harris leadership. Did either of them mention it ? No. Did either of them suggest policy to reverse the trend of capitalists buying up American residential real estate and gouging the maximum rent from the US working class ? No.
The people in the US are getting a similar feeling to the Germans of the 1920's. That they are living in a system which is indifferent to their survival. And they are correct.
Since Democrats have thoroughly blockade an FDR analog like Bernie Sanders from leading their party, the USA no longer has a democratic pathway to an FDR. The Democratic party is an oxymoron. Kamala was not nominated by the voters and had no history of broad popular support with voters. She was nominated by elites because of fealty to the elite. And nature only provides us with two path's to relieving the problem of malignant wealth concentration .... progressive legislation and violent fascism. Nature bats 1.000. There is no other way.
That's cause and effect. There is no judgement about right and wrong. It's just a cogent explanation of survival forces at work.
nut nut homeless went up in the USA during the Biden admin exclusively because of immigrants.
there weren't more american homeless in 2024 than in 2020.
Biden let in millions extra of random poor people and some of them ended up sleeping rough as expected.