Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14482 Replies


by MSchu18 k

greed = profitability... one is a simpleton's characterization, the other is the basis for the free market economy.

I agree that describing corporations as "greedy" is a little silly. Corporations making as much money as possible (within the confines of the law) is hardwired into the current economic system. If we don't want the world to work that way, then the entire economic system has to be rewired from the ground up. Simply yelling at corporations to not be greedy is pointless. You might as well be yelling at a polar bear to be nicer to the seals.

POTUS freezing federal aid almost across the board (Congress controls the purse strings supposedly) is an 8.7 on the Stalin-Hitler dictator scale.

So happy my wife hit 10years of public service and had her loans forgiven last year.

Feel terrible for anyone hoping for their very much earned PSLF.

**** Trump!

by microbet k

POTUS freezing federal aid almost across the board (Congress controls the purse strings supposedly) is an 8.7 on the Stalin-Hitler dictator scale.


Forced austerity is a ****in' crime 😡

by microbet k

POTUS freezing federal aid almost across the board (Congress controls the purse strings supposedly) is an 8.7 on the Stalin-Hitler dictator scale.

I agree that this is super ****ed. It sounds like it is not going to apply to Social Security, but highly alarming nonetheless.

Social Security and Medicare are exempted and there are some other provisions and allowances, but probably thousands of things are up in the air. The Trump administration sure doesn't have any clue about what programs are affected. Hopefully a lot of police, military and prison funding gets held up.

by microbet k

POTUS freezing federal aid almost across the board (Congress controls the purse strings supposedly) is an 8.7 on the Stalin-Hitler dictator scale.

Firing most of the inspector generals without cause and firing all the lawyers in the Justice Department who worked on any of the Trump cases also ranks pretty high on this scale.

by Rococo k

Firing most of the inspector generals without cause and firing all the lawyers in the Justice Department who worked on any of the Trump cases also ranks pretty high on this scale.

It's only day, what? This stuff will pale in comparison to what is coming.

Got the official letter today from our state’s superintendent of education, that schools can’t turn away ICE. I don’t know what the districts are going to do in response to this. Our superintendent is extremely vindictive. He’ll suspend teaching licenses and revoke accreditations in a heartbeat. We are ****ed.

The libs did a lot of deportation so legs to stand on and all, but man, it's just an amazing horror show that people actually support and want cops in military costumes storming elementary schools and dragging children away.

by microbet k

The libs did a lot of deportation so legs to stand on and all, but man, it's just an amazing horror show that people actually support and want cops in military costumes storming elementary schools and dragging children away.

gonna get worse

by Crossnerd k

Got the official letter today from our state’s superintendent of education, that schools can’t turn away ICE. I don’t know what the districts are going to do in response to this. Our superintendent is extremely vindictive. He’ll suspend teaching licenses and revoke accreditations in a heartbeat. We are ****ed.

why ****ed? what's going to happen worst case?

by microbet k

The libs did a lot of deportation so legs to stand on and all, but man, it's just an amazing horror show that people actually support and want cops in military costumes storming elementary schools and dragging children away.

this is the empathy hacking approach which is not going to work anymore.

can't create the conditions for crime to proliferate then appeal to empathy when the state violence necessary to interrupt crimes gets nastier because you refused to act when it was less messy.

rational adults realize that after decades of disregard for the rule of law, the accumulated amount of situations to fix requires swift and merciless actions

by microbet k

The libs did a lot of deportation so legs to stand on and all, but man, it's just an amazing horror show that people actually support and want cops in military costumes storming elementary schools and dragging children away.

It was the secret service that entered the school not ICE or cops. A child had wrote a threatening letter to the President. They investigate all of those

by microbet k

POTUS freezing federal aid almost across the board (Congress controls the purse strings supposedly) is an 8.7 on the Stalin-Hitler dictator scale.

"reducing the scope of the state is very close to be Stalin" roflmao.

it's the literal opposite

by Luciom k

this is the empathy hacking approach which is not going to work anymore.

can't create the conditions for crime to proliferate then appeal to empathy when the state violence necessary to interrupt crimes gets nastier because you refused to act when it was less messy.

rational adults realize that after decades of disregard for the rule of law, the accumulated amount of situations to fix requires swift and merciless actions

by terrorizing elementary school kids?

by Rococo k

I agree that this is super ****ed. It sounds like it is not going to apply to Social Security, but highly alarming nonetheless.

I concur that this is likely one of those areas where the headline is a lot more alarming than the reality. But this is the sort of sweeping decision that I anticipated Trump would make and end up with some wild unexpected consequences. Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. I appreciate the effort.

I think my wife might be paid from these funds in a very roundabout way, but it may fall under the Medicare/Medicaid umbrella. She's a counselor of sorts for people who are effectively wards of the state, but I'm pretty sure it's a federal program farmed out to local agencies.

The pay is terrible and emotional impact is high, so I'm not going to lose any sleep if she gets canned due to the budget evaporating. Plenty of opportunity out there.

Just got word our district has been instructed to lock down the schools before allowing ICE agents in to conduct raids and arrest children. The arrests are being posed as reuniting children with their parents to be deported.

The smaller kids are asking if they can be arrested too, and what will happen to their friends. Nobody ****ing knows how to explain this.

by Rococo k

Firing most of the inspector generals without cause and firing all the lawyers in the Justice Department who worked on any of the Trump cases also ranks pretty high on this scale.

Congress at *any time* could have made the DOJ as independent as the Federal reserve from the executive.

it mulled about doing it after Nixon, it didn't.

in 1978 though congress decided to make the DOJ a little more independent than other executive agencies with the "ethics in government act".

that created the independent counsels which POTUS couldn't touch.

in 1999 for whatever reason they let that act expire.

the idea that subscribing to unitary executive theory is hitleresque, is just absurd.

Congress can at any time change that for justice (or anything else not explicitly in the restricted powers of POTUS), the DOJ doesn't even exist within the constitution and it's just one of the many possible ways to organize prosecution at the federal level, and for the time being it's fully legal and in accordance to the spirit and the letter of the constitution for the president to do what he wants with the DOJ and it's employees.

and anything that doesn't violate the very classic liberal American constitution isn't hitleresque in the slightest.

They should do lock downs and not let them in. **** this.

Luciom, stfu already. This isn’t happening to you.

by Crossnerd k

Luciom, stfu already. This isn’t happening to you.


by biggerboat k

by terrorizing elementary school kids?

why would a citizen be terrorized? if the same happened in Italy I would simply tell my kids they are coming to take kids who shouldn't be in the USA because their parents are criminal who abused the system illegally and they should all go back to their original country as the law prescribes.

and why the hell are illegal kids in schools to begin with ( I know why, because of a terrible SCOTUS decision which I hope will be reversed).

Plyler 1982 (5-4 decision) was wrongly decided.

btw there would be no need to terrorize anyone if teachers just took the illegals and brought them to ICE themselves, see what I mean with letting the problem increase then appeal to empathy?

this is all happening because of a refusal to enforce laws.

it's actually a crime to protect and help illegals flee or hide from law enforcement. and that includes kids

by Luciom k

why would a citizen be terrorized? if the same happened in Italy I would simply tell my kids they are coming to take kids who shouldn't be in the USA because their parents are criminal who abused the system illegally and they should all go back to their original country as the law prescribes.

and why the hell are illegal kids in schools to begin with ( I know why, because of a terrible SCOTUS decision which I hope will be reversed).

Plyler 1982 (5-4 decision) was wrongly decided.

btw there would be

I would explain it to you, but you are a hopeless sociopath and unable to generate even the slightest empathy for other human beings.

by Luciom k

why would a citizen be terrorized? if the same happened in Italy I would simply tell my kids they are coming to take kids who shouldn't be in the USA because their parents are criminal who abused the system illegally and they should all go back to their original country as the law prescribes.

and why the hell are illegal kids in schools to begin with ( I know why, because of a terrible SCOTUS decision which I hope will be reversed).

Plyler 1982 (5-4 decision) was wrongly decided.

btw there would be

I’m sending you to the seaside for the day before I ****ing lose it on you.

These are small children and their friends. They have no concept of the legality of their existence. Jesus Christ, dude.
