Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14563 Replies


by Inso0 k

The forum is definitely a stand-in for the dog she isn't kicking at home.

Just stop.

by microbet k

If you think the "power tripping" comment was about splitting threads, you're wrong. I mean, geez, just your response to jalfrezi about your privilege of seeing notes on posters is part of your power trippiness. And the condescending comments about time-outs and holidays...maybe you can't see it...shrug.

I was responding directly to his question. And the comments about timeouts and holidays are meant to impart a friendliness rather than authoritarianism. I actually care about you guys, and it’s WILD to me how some of you view me and interpret what has always been good faith on my part.

You believe you have the right to verbally abuse someone for their morality or lack thereof, and I am telling you that no one has that right here and verbally abusing someone isn’t as moral a move as you think. Your poor usage of language is your weakness, not a flaw of mine for moderating it.

by microbet k

I think there is something where the Trumpy people are half-heartedly pretending to despise libruls because they know that libruls really despise them.

See, Microbet gets it. I'd join a bowling team with any of you guys.

The internet arguing is just not that serious.

Like, what did I even do to you to catch this stray today? ****ing nothing. You enjoy abusing people just as much as the next person, and you’re totally insensitive to the fact that I am a real person, not a bot moderator overlord out to get you.

by Inso0 k

Do you have a college degree?

If so, and you're in an area with a struggling school district, I encourage you to sign up as a substitute. You can experience this situation in person, and they'll even pay you for your trouble.

Or just ask to be a community observer, if that's still a thing.

It's absolutely wild out there. I guarantee it's unrecognizable from when you were in school, and not in a good way.

For what it's worth, I went to public school in a major metropolitan area in the early 2000s, and multiple teachers were right-wing, hardcore supporters of the Iraq War. My economic teacher showed us a bunch of John Stossel (libertarian-ish media person) videos. The military was allowed to post up in the cafeteria and dupe the youngsters into throwing their lives away for the benefit of Halliburton.

This was one random school, I admit, but my point is that my high school experience was almost the polar opposite of what conservatives were complaining about with regards to public education, even back then, and as such, I struggle even today to accept the claims from the right in this area. (Much like today, the right then was very concerned about "MARXIST INFILTRATION IN OUR SCHOOLS", and I was always like, "damn I WISH that was true..."}

You may well be right that the current situation may be "unrecognizable from when I was in school", but I disagree that that's inherently a bad thing. Would you like to address the points made in my initial post? I genuinely want to know what you think education would look like here with no DoE or related agencies.

also fwiw, and it may be worth nothing, but I think Crossnerd is a fine person and does a good job at the ridiculously unenviable task of moderating a politics discussion forum

I say this despite her banning me any number of times, which were surely all richly deserved. I'm far from the only person that gets tilted on here. Dealing with everybody fairly has gotta be an impossible balancing act.


by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

For what it's worth, I went to public school in a major metropolitan area in the early 2000s, and multiple teachers were right-wing, hardcore supporters of the Iraq War. My economic teacher showed us a bunch of John Stossel (libertarian-ish media person) videos. The military was allowed to post up in the cafeteria and dupe the youngsters into throwing their lives away for the benefit of Halliburton.

This was one random school, I admit, but my point is that my high school experience was almos

I'm in schools 3 days a week. They haven't changed from your description (and similar to in Alberta) except people have their noses in phones and tablets now. It's still filled with conservatives, the military regularly visits to recruit and celebrate signings of students, and nobody is even talking about trans issues or sexuality aside from the kids. Your instincts are correct. The right wing media is, as usual, lying.

edit: oh and apparently that guy too ^^^

by steamraise k

posting lies like this when you have millions of things that he's done that are horrible and actually true is why nobody here takes you seriously in the slightest

Crossnerd is probably an extra-spicy version of my wife. Likely a fierce mama bear IRL and wants everyone to play nicely, but not willing to let the kids give themselves some ultimately harmless bruises from time to time. This translates into reactionary decisions that can kill the vibe on what was otherwise a playful environment. Just a hint of anger and no good outlet.

You guys would definitely make my wife cry every day.

A very nice lady, but not equipped for political forum moderation duties.

by rickroll k

posting lies like this when you have millions of things that he's done that are horrible and actually true is why nobody here takes you seriously in the slightest

Yea it's a lie! Bro confirmed lying

by Inso0 k

Crossnerd is probably an extra-spicy version of my wife.

Bro, you're driving this bus into an extremely weird neighborhood and also showing maybe a little too much of your own ass than you expect.

by microbet k

Trump is a really shitty person. It's mindblowing that apparently that's what an awful lot of people want.

in my heart of hearts, i don't think anyone wants him, or at least a very small portion of his supporters actually like the guy

sportsbetting tends to skew conservative so i'm exposed to a lot of the thoughts of the right (and the poker and blackjack tables tend to regularly get some vocal maga hat wearing idiots who can't wait to tell everyone what the feel)

a very common response is that of housenuts, he's better than the dems in one key issue for them (in housenuts case crypto) and they love how he's anti-woke and dei

nearly all of them say they'd much rather have vance in charge, and even the left would probably agree with that after seeing him perform very well in the debates

it's been mentioned before, but it needs repeating, the democratic party has been engaged in gaslighting the past decade

people want to talk about the immigration problem - they answer there is no problem and you're a racist
people want to talk about the homeless problem - they answer that the solution is to now call them the unhoused
etc etc etc

the problems don't go away, they just become rebranded as "you're an ahole if you think that's a problem" so the end result is a lot of working class folks begin to despise the party which is theoretically the better party for them

because at the end of the day, they no longer care about intangibles like having slightly better social services but are concerned with the fact that they can no longer let their kids play in the park because it's now a homeless encampment or that one of the parents is struggling to find work and can't help but wonder if it's because they are not the right color or gender

those are the people who accept trump with all his warts - because he is the only politician talking about those issues - so while he may be an incompetent buffoon, you'd still rather have the village idiot fix the leak in your roof than to just accept the mayor's version of events that your roof isn't leaking and you're a racist for believing everything in your house gets wet any time it rains

by Crossnerd k

You don’t know me and you really don’t understand me or my heart at all. This much is clear from posts like these.

And I had nothing to do with splitting the threads.

cn, i'm not advocating for bans here at all, i just want you to acknowledge that if luciom engaged in any of the namecalling that's happened here from several posters today, he would assuredly have been given a week off


Most of that **** is people who don't know what the **** they are talking about and are addicted to outrage media. All the conservatives and most of the libruls imagine a place like SF is entirely a homeless encampment and every store is robbed every day because they see the same shots of the Tenderlion and some video that could be from anywhere and anytime over and over. If you actually go around SF, it's almost uniformly very nice with lots of kids playing at the parks and that's why people pay millions of dollars to live there, not because they want to live in a hellhole just to spite conservatives.

And there are lots of things just like that.

Or maybe they know better and it's just gaslighting.

by Inso0 k

See, Microbet gets it. I'd join a bowling team with any of you guys.

The internet arguing is just not that serious.

would absolutely love to do a 2p2 politics bowling league

by rickroll k

cn, i'm not advocating for bans here at all, i just want you to acknowledge that if luciom engaged in any of the namecalling that's happened here from several posters today, he would assuredly have been given a week off

I don't think he should be banned either, but he's just immensely authoritarian and routinely advocates for things like millions of people being rounded up and shot. Anyone posting like he's ok is just as mind boggling as people loving the big orange idiot in Washington.

by rickroll k

cn, i'm not advocating for bans here at all, i just want you to acknowledge that if luciom engaged in any of the namecalling that's happened here from several posters today, he would assuredly have been given a week off

Someone is gonna have to tell me which way to power trip today I guess

Here, take my mod panel

by rickroll k

it's been mentioned before, but it needs repeating, the democratic party has been engaged in gaslighting the past decade

people want to talk about the immigration problem - they answer there is no problem and you're a racist
people want to talk about the homeless problem - they answer that the solution is to now call them the unhoused
etc etc etc

lolololol what is this Candlyand fantasy nonsense? Ehe Democrats pushed a border bill that had everything GOP legislators wanted, they just helped pass Trump's Laken Riley Act. They could hardly be more compliant with hardline rightwing immigration policy.

by Inso0 k

Crossnerd is probably an extra-spicy version of my wife. Likely a fierce mama bear IRL and wants everyone to play nicely, but not willing to let the kids give themselves some ultimately harmless bruises from time to time.

damn I missed that bit the first time around

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

For what it's worth, I went to public school in a major metropolitan area in the early 2000s, and multiple teachers were right-wing, hardcore supporters of the Iraq War. My economic teacher showed us a bunch of John Stossel (libertarian-ish media person) videos. The military was allowed to post up in the cafeteria and dupe the youngsters into throwing their lives away for the benefit of Halliburton.

This was one random school, I admit, but my point is that my high school experience was almos

my nieces and nephews are all asked to give their pronouns on the first day of school, their doctors ask whether they are boys or girls during routine checkups

my sister and bro in law who both teach at a boarding school and teach biology are required to give their pronouns, ask the students their pronouns, memorize them and whenever sex comes up (happens a lot in hs bio) they need to preface that they are discussing biological sex and not gender

i'm currently staying with some good friends for a month and helping watch their kids - the 10 year old daughter who doesn't have a shred of masculinity goes by they/them and when asked about it when their teacher brought this concept up, her and 4 other girls in the class (so like 1/3 of them) all decided they were non-binary

kids are really impressionistic - just look how they blindly follow the kooky and insane religious beliefs of their parents despite that nothing about any religion holds up to any critical thinking

this is not a normal thing, this is culturally driven from the schools

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

also fwiw, and it may be worth nothing, but I think Crossnerd is a fine person and does a good job at the ridiculously unenviable task of moderating a politics discussion forum

I say this despite her banning me any number of times, which were surely all richly deserved. I'm far from the only person that gets tilted on here. Dealing with everybody fairly has gotta be an impossible balancing act.


this, although i disagree with a lot of your decisions and often give you very hard time i have nothing but love for you cn

You mean impressionable, not impressionistic

Edit- what’s the source for the graphs, out of curiosity?

by rickroll k

this, although i disagree with a lot of your decisions and often give you very hard time i have nothing but love for you cn

That’s really nice of you to say, I know I make you mad pretty frequently lol. Thanks, friend 😀

by microbet k


Most of that **** is people who don't know what the **** they are talking about and are addicted to outrage media. All the conservatives and most of the libruls imagine a place like SF is entirely a homeless encampment and every store is robbed every day because they see the same shots of the Tenderlion and some video that could be from anywhere and anytime over and over. If you actually go around SF, it's almost uniformly very nice with lots of kids playing at the parks and that's why peop

i've lived in sf

i suspect you are the one who should take your own advice on this

by rickroll k

i've lived in sf

i suspect you are the one who should take your own advice on this

I lived in the Bay Area for at least 15 years. My kids both live in the Bay Area now. Some of my closest friends live there - including in SF. Until recently I worked for a company in SF (remote, but I was there often enough). I go to SF all the time...last time was when I helped one of my kids move into a new place at the beginning of the school year.
